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29 Aug, 2011

An imperfect triumph in Libya – Washington Post

With Moammar Gaddafi still at large and an uncertain future ahead for the Libyan people, one hesitates to make categorical judgments about the Obama administration’s recent intervention. A few things, however, can be said.

The toppling of Gaddafi’s 42-year dictatorship is a big victory for the ongoing pan-Arab revolution. The political map of the Middle East is being torn up after four decades of stultifying, soul-draining dictatorship. Of the best-known dynasties — Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, the Assads in Syria, the Husseins in Jordan, the Saudi royal family — four have fallen. Of those that remain, some may be wise and nimble enough to respond to popular demands. Those who don’t will ultimately fall.

via An imperfect triumph in Libya – The Washington Post.