2 Jan, 2012
The Secret for Success in 2012 – ‘The Power of One’
Madison, WI (PRWEB) December 31, 2011 — “Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right,” so says Oprah Winfrey. But the facts speak otherwise. Here’s what the Opinion Corp. of Princeton, NJ, learned: On average, about 45 percent of Americans set New Year’s Resolutions; about 8 percent accomplish them.
With that in mind, the Project Management Professionals (PMPs) at Cheetah Learning (http://www.CheetahLearning.com) have a suggestion: Why not try something different this year?
“Instead of a long list of resolutions that get tucked away in a filing cabinet or eaten by the dog, how about focusing on just one?” recommends Michelle LaBrosse, CEO and founder of Cheetah Learning, thus emphasizing, “The one resolution that can make the biggest difference in your life and have the most impact.”
LaBrosse admits that she looks at New Year’s resolutions with her Project Management hat on. “Think of your one resolution as a project,” LaBrosse says, “and treat it like one throughout the year.”
Here are some tips from LaBrosse:
Make Your Resolution Actionable – “Many people make their goals and resolutions too broad. Every good project manager knows that plans need milestones, and they need to be measurable. Break your resolution down into the 12 months of the year, and develop a milestone for each month.”
Inspire Yourself – “What inspires you? Some people like motivational quotes and others like photos or images that remind them of their goal. Use whatever inspires you, and make sure that you can tap into that inspiration every day.”
Aim High – “Little goals can be accomplished in a day. It’s the big ones that take not only our perseverance, but also our passion. The Power of One gives you the room and permission to choose a large goal that’s going to have a lot of impact.”
Cultivate an Attitude of Success – “In any biography that you read of someone successful, you will always find that one consistent thread: They believed in themselves and had an attitude of success.”
Practice Random Acts of Kindness – “It’s easy in a high-tech world to feel disconnected and to feel like everything is too big for one person to have an impact. If there’s ever a moment when your goal feels too big or you feel too small, just do one simple act of kindness, and you will quickly be reminded of The Power of One.”
Here’s a quote from Mother Teresa that LaBrosse offers as inspiration: “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
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