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8 Mar, 2012

Australia Launches First App to Promote Inter-Cultural Harmony Day March 21


07 March 2012 — For the first time, Australians will be able to download and use a free Harmony Day smartphone application the Minister for Multicultural Affairs Senator Kate Lundy said today. Harmony Day has become a significant event on March 21 each year, celebrating the different cultures that make Australia a great place to live.

Announcing the release, which is compatible with both Apple and Android technology, Senator Lundy said the new application would help people find out about the Harmony Day campaign, watch the latest videos and scroll through the image gallery on their smartphone or tablet.

‘With the release of this innovative new application, more people than ever have the opportunity to take part in Harmony Day celebrations,’ Senator Lundy said. ‘The app will allow people to download a twibbon, make a twitter comment about Harmony Day photos or share their own images.

‘Studies have shown that per capita, Australia has some of the highest smartphone usage in the world and the consumer base is only growing. I am proud that this year for the first time we are able to deliver Harmony Day directly into the hands of Australians.

‘I acknowledge the contribution of Unisys who developed the smartphone application and I thank them for their strong support of Harmony Day. I encourage everyone to download the smartphone application, support Harmony Day and celebrate Australia’s wonderful cultural diversity.’

To download the Harmony Day smartphone application, visit App Downloads