20 Sep, 2013
Gathering saffron storm and a confused Congress – Arab News
Interestingly, in the excited debate in the run up to Modi’s anointment and ever since, few in what Amit Baruah calls the Television India appear troubled by the troubling past of their hero. It’s understandable considering Television India is in the pocket of the Corporate India, which is indebted to the man who grants them acres of land and attendant freebies with a wave of his hand.
Ditto the aspirational, middle class India that celebrates death — deservedly of course—for four rapists in the infamous Delhi case but shrugs off the killing of Ishrat Jahan and rapes and murders in the Vibrant Gujarat.
Neither is outraged by the idea of Modi leading the nation of the Mahatma and Buddha. Of course, there are solitary voices like those of Amartya Sen and Amitav Ghosh, who are appalled by the idea of a tainted man leading the great democracy. But who cares what a couple of liberal, non-resident Indians think anyway!
Read the rest: Gathering saffron storm and a confused Congress – Arab News
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