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6 Dec, 2013

American fast-food workers to strike again – Sydney Morning Herald

Washington: The United States was facing a wave of strikes by its fast-food workers on Thursday, a day after Barack Obama warned that inequality in the country had reached to the point that it posed “a fundamental threat to the American dream”.

Low-paid workers in McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and other fast-food outlets in 100 cities across the US were due to start rolling strikes in protest at the low level of the country’s $US7.25 ($8) an hour federal minimum wage.

The strikes are the latest part of a publicity campaign for higher wages among those working in so-called “McJobs”. Fast-food restaurants are seen as a pressure point that highlights the question of income inequality.

Last week, during the annual Black Friday Thanksgiving shopping day, US labour organisers said workers staged walkouts and protests at 1500 Walmart stores, calling for the company to raise wages and improve conditions.

Read the rest: American fast-food workers to strike again.