15 Apr, 2014
Global Drug Survey 2014: UK has the most delusional drinkers – The Independent
The UK has the most delusional drinkers, drug-takers and ‘reckless youths’ than any other country in the world, according to a survey. One in three dependent drinkers in the UK thinks they consume less than the average amount – a figure that decreases to a quarter when considered globally. Worryingly, one third of people in the high-risk group did not realise that they were endangering themselves.
Worldwide, 45 per cent of people were unaware of their country’s drinking guidelines. But despite being the most deluded, drinkers in the UK are also amongst the most educated about limits – with 80 per cent being aware of national guidelines.
The results of the tenth annual Global Drug Survey, which questioned 80,000 people across the world, also showed that alcohol was the drug that caused the most people to be sent to A&E, with global percentages ranging from 1 to 0.7 per cent.
via Global Drug Survey 2014: UK has the most delusional drinkers – Home News – UK – The Independent.
Click here for full details of the Drug Survey 2014 findings.
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