11 Apr, 2014
Indigenous Leaders Targeted in Battle to Protect Forests – Inter Press Service
WASHINGTON, Apr 9 2014 (IPS) – Indigenous leaders are warning of increased violence in the fight to save their dwindling forests and ecosystems from extractive companies.
Indigenous representatives and environmental activists from Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas met over the weekend here to commemorate those leading community fights against extractive industries. The conference, called Chico Vive, honoured Chico Mendes, a Brazilian rubber-tapper killed in 1988 for fighting to save the Amazon. The gathering also recognised leaders who are continuing that legacy today.
“His struggle, to which he gave his life, did not end with his death – on the contrary,” John Knox, the United Nations independent expert on human rights and the environment, said at the conference. “But it continues to claim the lives of others who fight for human rights and environmental protection.”
Read the rest: Indigenous Leaders Targeted in Battle to Protect Forests – Inter Press Service.
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