10 May, 2014
Japanese women’s group launches bid to deny sex to pro-war men | The Japan Times
A women’s group has started a campaign vowing to swear off sex with any man who is pro-war, to protest Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s push to reinterpret the pacifist Constitution.
The campaign was launched a week ago, on Constitution Day, on a website that encourages women to pledge “not to have sex with men who love war.”
The group, Senso Rabu na Otoko towa Ecchi Shinai Onna no Kai, which roughly means Group of Women Who Don’t Have Sex With Men Who Love War, says it’s against any attempts to clear the path for Japan to engage in war-related activities.
Read the rest: Women’s group launches bid to deny sex to men who are pro-war | The Japan Times.
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