31 Oct, 2014
Impatience creeps in, aspiring India stressed and dissatisfied – Hindustan Times
Sort through the noise and fury that characterise modern Indian politics and three things emerge.
First, the Congress-led UPA government was a bastion of old-style, slow-moving government. Many of its constituents were either corrupt or condoned corruption — for whatever reason: Patronage, personal profit or the cost of coalition.
Second, as recently available statistics reveal, the UPA got some things right.
Stubbornly high levels of malnutrition fell, fewer mothers died, more Indians climbed out of poverty than ever before and fewer went to bed hungry. But the government could not deliver what these millions with improving lives wanted — education and jobs to meet soaring aspirations. The first half of its 10-year reign witnessed unprecedented economic growth, which tailed off during a scandal- and hubris-ridden second term.
Read the rest: Impatience creeps in, aspiring India stressed and dissatisfied – Hindustan Times.
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