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24 Dec, 2014

Islamic organizations in Poso help to secure churches | The Jakarta Post

The Poso chapter of Nahdlatul Ulama’s young wing, Barisan Ansor Serbaguna (Banser NU), says it is ready to help police and military personnel ensure peace and safety for Christians in Poso, Central Sulawesi, who will conduct religious ceremonies for Christmas.

“We will help secure Christmas celebrations in Poso but we can manage to secure only 12 churches due to our limited number of personnel,” Banser Poso head Ibrahim told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.

He said the participation of Banser personnel in helping to secure churches in Poso was also aimed at informing the public there was no longer inter-religious conflict in the regency such as that seen in 1998-2001. All parties should no longer consider Poso a conflict zone, he further said.

Read the rest: Islamic organizations in Poso help to secure churches | The Jakarta Post.