7 Mar, 2015
Balinese welcome boycott by ”Ugly Australians” – Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney The Twitter campaign for Australians to #BoycottBali over the very sad case of convicted drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran brought with it an immediate and expected backlash by Indonesians.
“Australia can #boycottbali all they want,” tweeted @pandji, “that only means no more stupid drunks on board of Indonesian airlines.” And this from @radixhidayat: “Yes, Aussies, please #boycottbali. We’ll keep the paradise island, you’ll keep the continent of dangerous animals.”
While I’m not sure that the feral partygoers would ever boycott Bali, having little concern for international politics or anything other than a raging good time, the reaction of some Indonesians to the prospect of fewer drunken Australians was understandably gleeful.
Read the rest: Balinese welcome boycott by ‘Boganaires’ – bogans with money.
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