22 Jul, 2015
New app to help non-drinkers find alcohol-free friends and colleagues
By Kristina Sperkova
I am so proud and excited about the fact that we in IOGT International have just built a partnership with SoberGrid – the Number One Sober App that was officially launched just a few hours ago. We believe in the App and in the people behind it. We know it will provide a powerful platform to make lives a little happier, and the world a little better. I am convinced that if we want to shape our world and have more alcohol-free places to be able to live up to our full potential, we need to organise ourselves.
IOGT International has many Member Organizations around the world. And we keep growing, which means that more and more people have the chance to experience alcohol-free company, friendships, leisure time, fun and all the other benefits. Now, thanks to SoberGrid the whole virtual space has opened. I see new contacts, new sources of motivation and support and new friends from all around the world – just a click away. And I can see a bigger visibility for the majority of people around the world who choose to enjoy life free from alcohol.
Read the rest: Get On The Grid — Kristina’s Blog
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