27 Jun, 2016
First Int’l Conference on Domestic Violence and Batterer Intervention to be held July 10
Portsmouth NH (PRWEB), June 25, 2016 – The first Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (ADVIP) international conference will be held July 10, 2016 at the Portsmouth Sheraton Hotel, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in conjunction with the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Conference.
In the aftermath of several highly-publicized incidents involving musicians and sports celebrities, there has been a great deal of media attention on the problem of domestic violence. There has also been a lot of discussion among policy makers, victim advocates and mental health professionals about ways to better address this problem.
A key area of intervention has been with the individuals who perpetrate domestic violence against their partners. But social science research has found traditional perpetrator programs, also known as batterer intervention programs, or BIPs, to be only minimally effective in reducing rates of physical and emotional abuse between intimate partners.
There is now a growing consensus that if BIPs are to become more effective, they will need to draw on the best, most current social science research, and dedicate themselves more fully to evidence-based practice, which the American Psychological Association defines as “the integration of the best available research with clinical expertise in the context of patient characteristics, culture, and preferences.”
Currently, the most accurate, up-to-date research on domestic violence can be found at: http://www.domesticviolenceresearch.org. Professional trainings based on this research, including continuing educations courses, are available at http://www.domesticviolencetrainings.org.
Founded in 2013, the Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs, or ADVIP, is an international organization with members in 17 countries. Members include mental health professionals, batterer intervention providers and others who provide direct services to perpetrators, whether voluntary or mandated by the courts; as well as scholars who conduct research on domestic violence intervention.
ADVIP is dedicated to the advancement of evidence-based practices in the treatment of partner-abusive individuals and their families. The organization eschews rigid theoretical formulations, and is based on the principle that by working together we can more effectively reduce domestic violence in our communities.
The ADVIP website, at http://www.domesticviolenceintervention.net, is available to anyone, allowing access to the most current research on the characteristics and effectiveness of intervention programs, as well a list of providers and researchers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and countries throughout the world. Members can:
- Read postings with news on promising programs, pertinent research, and trainings
- Connect with other members through the blog pages and online discussion group, to exchange news and information on intervention and policy, and share their views and experiences on best practices
- Enjoy substantial discounts on ADVIP trainings and scholarly journal subscriptions
Registration is now open for the conference, which offers Continuing Education credit for professionals. For information and registration visit the ADVIP website at http://www.domesticviolenceintervention.net/advip-2016-conference.
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