11 Jul, 2018
The “Circle of Economists” Issues Declaration for More Peaceful Dialog in the World
In terms of technology, migration, environment, identity and geostrategy, the world has undergone many metamorphoses over time. But now these changes are mutually reinforcing each other to create a disruption with the past, leading to abandonment of global governance for resolving conflicts.
The Cercle considers it urgent:
(+) To launch a Multilateral Alliance of countries to maintain a global dialog. Also, the World Trade Organization system should be made more effective – especially its Dispute Settlement Body — and guarantee the participation of emerging countries.
(+) Rebuild Europe around its founding values with those who share them while preserving its economic and financial basis. Also, monitor aide for those losing from globalization and revise and reinforce European competition policy, especially in the technology sector.
(+) Establish a strategy for welcoming asylum seekers, creating dedicated places for them in Europe but also on the African continent, with the latter co-managed by Europe and Africa. Massive investments should be made to integrate asylum seekers in the labor market, and a European asylum process should be created within a group of volunteering countries.
(+) Initiate a 10-year Euro-African infrastructure financing plan involving water, energy and training, and provide the African continent with the structures needed to manage significant financial flows. Also, ensure trade and tariff protection for African agriculture.
(+) Re-create social cohesion in France through diversity and social mobility policies.
Founded in Paris in 1992, the Cercle brings together 30 economists who are experts in a wide variety of fields. It aims to create a public debate, through publications and events such as Les Rencontres Économiques in Aix, Singapore, Dakar and Casablanca.
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