4 Nov, 2021
Power of History Lecture II: How Visit Thailand Year 1987 Revolutionised Global Tourism
2022 has been declared yet another “Visit Thailand Year”. But how much is known today about the original Visit Thailand Year 1987, the record-breaking marketing extravaganza which raised the Thai and entire global tourism industry to a whole new level?
Not much at all.
As Thailand Bureau Chief for the then leading travel trade publication TTG Asia in the 1980s, Imtiaz Muqbil covered the origins, planning and execution of Visit Thailand Year 1987 at the coalface.
In this landmark lecture, the second in his “Power of History” series, he will revisit that iconic event and offer some unique insights on how the lessons learnt can again help Thailand take the lead in defining the future of global tourism.
In the emerging “New Normal”, hindsight will be far more important than foresight.
The lecture is free of charge, but BY INVITATION ONLY. Pls check out the flyers below for registration details.
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