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12 Jan, 2013

PressTV – US national security set for de-Israelization?


In truth, the CIA has been gutted and turned over to foreign control, other agencies crippled and the Department of Homeland Security and, to a lesser extent, the FBI, have become little more than Mossad “front” organizations.

The most controversial appointment since the Israel lobby took control of America’s government, some say 1967, some use dates as late as 1972, has been the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense by President Obama.

Despite the fact that Hagel is a Republican and will be the first enlisted combat veteran ever to serve as “Sec Def.,” something the military has prayed for, at the behest of the Israel lobby, their Neocon acolytes and specific criminal elements within the world financial community, a massive effort to attack and discredit Hagel has taken on steam.

via PressTV – US national security set for de-Israelization?.