16 Jan, 2013
More Americans killed in gun deaths than in terrorist attacks – CNN.com Blogs
It has now been one month since the grieving families of Newtown, Connecticut put their children on the school bus, only to have them never return. Teachers, of course, were victims too – but all of the lives lost in that American school massacre are just a small fraction of the total number of gun deaths in the United States.
In fact, the number of Americans killed in guns deaths is far larger than the number of those killed in terrorist attacks around the world every year.In 2010, 13,186 people died in terrorist attacks worldwide; in that same year, in America alone, 31,672 people lost their lives in gun-related deaths, according to numbers complied by Tom Diaz – until recently, a senior analyst at the Violence Policy Center.
Read the rest: More Americans killed in gun deaths than in terrorist attacks – Amanpour – CNN.com Blogs.
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