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19 Sep, 2013

Revealed: Extensive Koch Links to New Right-Wing $250 Million Mega Fund

Freedom Partners (FP) — a funding group previously unheard of before it shared exclusive and highly selective details about itself with Politico last week — has extensive hidden connections to Koch Industries and to charities connected to Charles Koch, according to new research by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD).

Politico reporters Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei were given an advance copy of FP’s first tax filing, which detailed grants and other spending by the group from late 2011 through the months leading up to the 2012 election.

Some of the grants (listed below) were staggeringly large. For example, FP made a $115 million grant to the 501(c)(4) “Center to Protect Patient Rights” (CPPR), another Koch-connected outfit whose misleading name suggests it is concerned about healthcare, but which actually exists to launder funds to other right-wing dark money groups, some of which then spent funds on election ads.

Read the rest: Revealed: Extensive Koch Links to New Right-Wing $250 Million Mega Fund.