7 Oct, 2013
European Day of Languages: How to say “I Like You” in 24 Languages
Brussels, European Commission Press release – How do you say ‘I like you’ in 24 languages? This very useful information is brought to you by the European Commission on the occasion of the European Day of Languages (EDL) which was marked on 26 September 2013.
It’s the minimum you’ll need to know if you’re planning to attend an international EDL dating event, where multilingualism is the language of love. Cosmopolitan Berlin and Prague are both hosting speak-dating evenings for linguistically adventurous types: and even if you’re not, at least you will now be able say ‘I like you’ in 24 EU official languages. There are also hundreds of other language-related events taking place across Europe, from a multilingual rap concert in Zagreb to a ‘Think German’ career fair in Glasgow and a stroll down Language Street in Bratislava. As well 47 European countries, other parts of the world including Canada, French Polynesia and the United Arab Emirates, are also holding events to celebrate the day. The Commission and Council of Europe support the European Day of Languages and you can find out about events here: http://edl.ecml.at/ & http://bit.ly/18UBpxo.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said: “The European Day of Languages is the day when we celebrate Europe’s linguistic diversity and the benefits of language learning. We stand for both because linguistic diversity is a fundamental part of our European cultural identity – and the ability to speak different languages is a passport to a world of opportunities. There are events taking place all over Europe, in classrooms, community centres, cultural institutes, restaurants and outdoors, so do see what’s happening near you and join the celebration.”
“The European Day of Languages is for everybody! More than ever language and communication represent central aspects of our society. Language learning offers a way of opening our minds to new perspectives and cultures,” added Ólöf Ólafsdóttir, Director of Democratic Citizenship and Participation at the Council of Europe.
The Commission is co-organising two special conferences to mark the EDL: today, in Vilnius, 400 participants will take part in a debate on ‘Unity in diversity – languages for mobility, jobs and active citizenship’. It will focus on the importance of languages for mobility and employment propspects, as well as the need more multilingual digital content and support for less taught or spoken languages. The event is organised with the Institute for the Lithuanian Language, the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language and Vilnius University.
Erasmus+, the EU’s new education, training and youth programme for 2014-2020, will provide support for language learning across all of its main action lines. The new programme, envisaged to have a budget of nearly € 15 billion (+40% compared with existing EU mobility schemes), will provide grants for more than 4 million people to gain international experience and skills through study, training or volunteering opportunities abroad. On-line courses will be offered to students, apprentices and other beneficiaries wishing to strengthen their language skills prior to going abroad. Actions to boost cooperation for innovation and good practices, as well as support for policy reform, will also receive language funding.
National agencies responsible for running Erasmus+ in the Member States will be encouraged to award the European Language Label to innovative language projects.
The European Day of Languages was first organised by the Council of Europe in 2001 as part of the European Year of Languages. The European Commission and the European Centre of Modern Languages take an active part in organising language-related events on and around the day.
The aim of the European Day of Languages is to raise awareness of the languages used in Europe, promote cultural and linguistic diversity and encourage life-long language learning. Earlier this year, the Council of Europe and the Commission signed a partnership agreement to strengthen cooperation in promoting ICT tools for language teaching and testing, and assessment of language competences.
In the European Union there are 24 official languages, about 60 regional and minority languages, and more than 175 migrant languages. There are between 6 000 and 7 000 languages in the world, of which most are spoken in Asia and Africa. At least half of the world’s population are bilingual or plurilingual, i.e. they speak or understand two or more languages.
How to say ‘I like you’ in 24 EU official languages
Bulgarian – Харесвам те
Croatian – Sviđaš mi se
Czech – Líbíš se mi
Danish – Jeg kan godt lide dig
Dutch – Ik vind jou leuk
English – I like you
Estonian – Sa meeldid mulle
Finish – Tykkään sinusta
French – Tu me plais
German – Ich mag dich
Greek – Μου αρέσεις
Hungarian – Tetszel nekem
Irish – Is maith liom thú
Italian – Mi piaci
Latvian – Tu man patīc!
Lithuanian – Tu man patinki
Maltese – Togħġobni
Polish – Podobasz mi się
Portuguese – Gosto de ti
Romanian – Îmi placi
Slovak – Páčiš sa mi
Slovenian – Všeč si mi
Spanish – Me gustas
Swedish – Jag gillar dig
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