7 Oct, 2013
Ending injustice only way to fight terrorism – Arab News
In the aftermath of the (Nairobi) attacks, the media, old and new, have provided round-the-clock coverage. The Nairobi event received special attention because it lasted for three days and also because many of the victims were Westerners. As their identities became known interviews were conducted with their distraught relatives. Heartbreaking stories were told of young people and families with promising futures whose lives were ended abruptly and brutally.
Political analysts and journalists have discussed the attacks in detail: Who were the attackers? What were their objectives? What were their links with the fountainhead of global terror — Al-Qaeda? How can we stop them?
In this rush to detail, a more fundamental and vital set of questions is ignored: Why do these attacks occur at all? Why is there global terror? And, why are the most powerful nations not able to suppress it?
The questions call for an understanding of the origins of terror.
Read the rest: Ending injustice only way to fight terrorism | Arab News
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