25 Nov, 2013
Police guarantee safety for Aussie tourists – Jakarta Post
Amid tensions in the relationship between Indonesia and Australia over phone-tapping revelations, National Police chief Gen. Sutarman guaranteed the safety of all Australian tourists visiting Indonesia. Sutarman also stressed that the police would protect Australian assets in the country.
“The safety of Australian tourists in Bali should be guaranteed. That’s our responsibility,” Sutarman told journalists during his visit to Bali Police headquarters in Denpasar on Friday.
Sutarman also gave his assurances that the Indonesian police were protecting all Australian assets in Indonesia. “The Indonesian police also have the responsibility to guard the embassy and consulate general offices. People are not allowed to take action themselves. We guarantee security. If needed, the Indonesian police will demand support from the Indonesian military,” Sutarman said.
Read the rest: Police guarantee safety for Aussie tourists | The Jakarta Post.
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