23 Dec, 2013
Spying: A paradox of democracy | The Jakarta Post
Rather than advancing freedom and equality, inescapable surveillance enforces a form of authoritarianism that undermines both. It degrades the ability of members of society to challenge and organize against government and corporate injustices. The loss of cultural freedom stifles individual creativity and the unfettered community interaction necessary to keep power in check and to advance as an evolving society.
Reading this book, one realizes that the US government has initiated a double standard in its attempts to define democracy through the spying policy. Instead of creating national safety by means of mass surveillance, the constant monitoring of people while they shop, ride in elevators, tour museums, stand in line at banks, use ATMs or merely walk down street has the opposite effect.
Surveillance does not make people safer. Resisting by declaring allegiance to all who dare to defend their rights and freedoms by exercising them are the custodians of democracy.
Read the rest: Spying: A paradox of democracy | The Jakarta Post.
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