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18 Aug, 2014

′Don′t forget the trauma of people in Gaza′ – DW.DE

Nada Doumani is a spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Now the ceasefire is holding, but one has to remember that when hostilities stop it does not mean that things are all right. One has to remember that Gaza already was in a very difficult situation. The population is alienated and there is a very poor infrastructure in terms of basic services like water, electricity, access to medical services. This was already very fragile before the latest conflict. Now you have to imagine that you have some 400,000 people displaced; you have more than 16,000 either destroyed totally or partially damaged; you have more than 80 percent of homes without electricity. Medical staff is exhausted. The hostilities have stopped but there is a lot to do. There was already a lot to do before and now things have worsened with the latest conflict.

Read the rest: ′Don′t forget the trauma of people in Gaza′ | World | DW.DE | 16.08.2014.