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10 Oct, 2014

Dozens of anti-Muslim attacks in Australia – Sydney Morning Herald

There have been at least 30 attacks on Muslims – mainly against women wearing the hijab – in the three weeks since the police anti-terror raids and threats by Islamic State put relations between the Islamic community and mainstream Australia on edge.

Muslim community leaders are compiling a register of religiously motivated incidents, which includes reports of physical and verbal assaults, threats of violence against senior clerics and damage to mosques.

They claim “mistrust” with police had led to the real rate of anti-Islamic episodes going unreported and the threat of segregation for women wearing the niqab into Parliament had licensed a new wave of people willing to vent against Muslim women in public in recent days.

Muslim groups have begun arranging escorts for women to go shopping.

Read the rest: Dozens of anti-Muslim attacks as Islamic leaders warn of community fear.