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13 Oct, 2015

Now Kashmiri writer Ghulam Nabi Khayal returns Sahitya Akademi award – The Hindu

Noted Kashmiri writer and poet Ghulam Nabi Khayal has joined the bandwagon of authors returning their Sahitya Akademi awards, saying the minorities in the country today feel “unsafe and threatened”.

“I have decided to return the award. The minorities in the country are feeling unsafe and threatened. They feel their future is bleak,” Khayal said today. Khayal, who won the prestigious honour for his book Gashik Minaar (Luminaries) in 1975, said he would soon return the cash prize and copper plaque to the Akademi.

“The government has failed in fulfilling its duty of protecting the minorities as enshrined in the Constitution of the country,” he said.

Read the rest: Now Kashmiri writer Ghulam Nabi Khayal returns Sahitya Akademi award – The Hindu