20 Feb, 2016
6 Habits Of A Happy, Solid Couple – Sydney Morning Herald
The beginning of any relationship is more often than not completely exhilarating. It’s a time when your partner can do no wrong and all of the things that once bothered you seem to float away because YOU ARE IN LOVE! And that’s all that matters.
But as we know, eventually life gets back to normal. You become more comfortable with each other (AKA you’re not afraid to ask them to pick up the wet towel off the floor) and the everyday pressures of money, stress and work can get in the way of your once bright and rosy relationship.
But according to psychologist Jacqui Manning, there are a number of things we can learn from the couples who manage to get through these tougher times.
Read the rest: 6 Habits Of A Happy, Solid Couple
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