2 Jun, 2016
Now Available: An Unrivalled hiSTORY of Asia-Pacific Travel & Tourism
Bangkok – Travel Impact Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil, the Asia-Pacific Travel & Tourism industry’s leading journalist-cum-historian, has curated 36 years of reports, notes, research and interviews into an unrivalled collection of Travel & Tourism hiSTORY.
Now available for public presentation via lectures, university courses and/or keynote speeches, this authoritative and compelling collection of STORIES is designed to help the present generation of industry students, public and private sector executives better understand the rich and varied hiSTORY of arguably the world’s most successful and rapidly-growing industry.
(+) How did this phenomenal growth come about?
(+) Who made it possible?
(+) What challenges did they face?
(+) What lessons can be learned in planning the future?
The current generation of tourism ministers, bureaucrats, academics and executives knows little or nothing about its hiSTORY. Neither do the growing number of incoming expatriates. Ironically, travel & tourism survives on marketing national and regional hiSTORY and heritage but does not know much about its own.
An excessive focus on “The Future” leads to a shameful disregard and disrespect for the past.
The most important part of this hiSTORY strives to recognise the role of the gutsy, determined PEOPLE who built and shaped it. With a generational transition taking place, it is critical to enshrine the contributions of the hundreds of great men and women of vision, distinction and integrity who fought formidable odds to make today’s success possible.
While the founding fathers/mothers have every reason to be proud of their achievements, not everything has turned out the way they would have liked. True, travel & tourism has become too big to fail. But it is in danger of becoming a victim of its own success. It has also become a threat-sensitive and fragile industry.
If the current generation is keen to shape a better future, it needs to learn the lessons of hiSTORY.
With these unmatched presentations, Imtiaz Muqbil will make that possible.
No travel & tourism academic or journalist possesses such a vast treasure trove of insight, hindsight and foresight. No-one can tell these stories with passion and fervor, warts and all.
Here is a sample of the content:
(+) Landmark national and regional marketing campaigns that raised the image and profile of Asia-Pacific destinations;
(+) Critical infrastructure that facilitated growth;
(+) Role of international and regional groupings such as ASEAN, UNWTO, PATA, GMS, APEC, etc
(+) Responses to crises such as the AIDS pandemic, tsunami, terrorism, geopolitical conflict, political upheavals, the 1997 Asian economic crises;
(+) Great hotels and their role in image-building.
And much, more more…
This history collection is available for public presentation in various formats:
(+) A series of detailed, interactive lectures which can be delivered over a week. Good for universities and educational institutions;
(+) Executive Management briefs of one-day duration. Good for corporate meetings and executives, especially expatriates.
(+) As keynote speeches at industry conferences. Good for events seeking some relief from “futurists” and “thought-leaders.”
(+) As motivational, inspiring talks that hail the best of Asia-Pacific heritage and culture. Good for any institution or organisation to celebrate the remarkable achievements of the people who made it possible.
Interested? Email me: imtiaz@travel-impact-newswire.com
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