28 Jun, 2016
This country is no longer safe for immigrants – The Independent
Much of liberal Britain woke up this morning (or went to bed) believing they’d encountered a different side to the country. That 17 million odd people voted to leave the EU was an indication of racism and xenophobia, it was immediately decided that this was anti-migrant vote. The shock and surprise was palpable. There’s a petition circulating on social media calling for a second referendum and jokes about London leaving the UK. Yet this collective howl has been a long time coming. Data published by the Guardian newspaper from a British Social Attitudes survey in 2014 found that increasing numbers of Brits admitted racial prejudice. These attitudes haven’t developed in a vacuum.
Read the rest: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/brexit-eu-referendum-result-this-country-is-no-longer-safe-for-immigrants-a7102591.html
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