30 Sep, 2011
Tony Blair: Time to go? – Opinion – Al Jazeera English
There is always something for Tony in what Tony does, and nowadays he’s trying to renew his tenure as the International Quartet’s point man on Palestine. The Quartet, composed of the US, EU, UN and Russia, is supposedly responsible for making pace between Israel and the Palestinians.
If I remember correctly, Blair negotiated his salary with Condi Rice at the State Department in 2007 when he was first appointed to the post. And he has one particular asset there.
For all practical purpose, Tony has been the public face of Dennis Ross, Israel’s man at the White House. Ross has been a behind-the-scenes architect of the Obama administration’s policy shift over the last year, leading to Washington’s veto of the UN Security Council draft resolution on the illegality of Israeli settlements, and Obama’s Zionist speech, at the UN last week.
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