9 Oct, 2011
Plenty in Murdoch’s pockets despite missing bonus millions – SMH
The earnings of the News Corp executives are extreme examples of the types of remuneration that have angered investors around the globe. If any part of News Corp’s move from Adelaide to Delaware in 2004 was a desire to avoid scrutiny, rather than just reflecting that the centre of gravity of its business is now a long way from Australia, that certainly does not seem to be working out.
Just like Boston’s Bancroft family, which controlled Dow Jones and The Wall Street Journal before News Corp devoured them, Rupert Murdoch is now wrestling with the problem of having been too successful.
His global colossus has outgrown its family origins, and now operates in a world that demands greater transparency from those spending other people’s money.
via Plenty in Murdoch’s pockets despite missing bonus millions.
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