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Author Archive

27 Jul, 2014

Turkish business world backs boycott of Israeli goods – The Daily Star

ISTANBUL: Turkish entrepreneurs are backing a boycott of Israeli goods in response to Israel’s recent military attack on Gaza which killed 815 Palestinians by Friday’s count. A worldwide boycott can affect the Israeli economy, entrepreneurs from the Anatolian Businesspersons’ Association and Istanbul Commodity Exchange told Anadolu Agency Friday. Municipalities from many regions of Turkey have […]


27 Jul, 2014

What if 800 Israelis had died and only 35 Palestinians? – Robert Fisk – The Independent

We don’t care so much about the Palestinians, do we? We care neither about Israeli culpability, which is far greater because of the larger number of civilians the Israeli army have killed. Nor, for that matter, Hamas’s capability. Of course, God forbid that the figures should have been the other way round. If 800 Israelis […]


26 Jul, 2014

Muslim hoteliers boycott US products to protest against Israeli strikes in Gaza – Hindustan Times

Muslims in Mumbai are protesting Israel’s military operation in Gaza and look who’s feeling the heat — Foreign food and drink companies such as PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Nestle and Kraft. Hotels in Muslim-dominated Bhendi Bazaar area, for instance, such as the Shalimar Hotel, have put up a list of brands that won’t be served. Other eateries […]


26 Jul, 2014

Gallup poll shows low support among young Americans for Israel – Haaretz

A Gallup poll shows support among Americans for Israel during the Gaza Strip conflict is divided, and is low among younger Americans. The poll posted on the pollster’s website Thursday showed a statistical dead heat between those who believe Israel’s actions against Hamas are justified, 42 percent, and those who believe they are unjustified, 39 […]


26 Jul, 2014

Thailand’s tourism comeback party in pictures: From protests to parades in six months

Bangkok – The Thai tourism industry pulled off a grand comeback party on July 25, designed to show the world that the kingdom is back to normal, safe and ready to receive visitors again. Blessed with a 35 million baht budget and the benevolence of the gods who kept the skies rain-free, more than 900 […]


26 Jul, 2014

When the guns are roaring, Israelis must speak out – Haaretz

These are difficult days for Israel. Its soldiers are fighting in Gaza and rockets are being fired at its cities. Alongside impressive displays of solidarity, ugly expressions of violence, incitement and the muzzling of critics are going on. But now is precisely the time we can’t afford to keep silent. We must not countenance the […]


25 Jul, 2014

Growing number of elderly working Britons driving down wages — RT UK

Britain’s more mature citizens who choose to delay their retirement because they fear running out of funds are driving UK wages down, the Bank of England (BOE) claims. The BOE’s comments follow a warning issued by the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) that Britain’s elderly will have to delay their retirement to help lower the […]


25 Jul, 2014

U.S. businesses set to face heat as Gaza conflict sparks cola wars – Haaretz

Businesses in Turkey and India are spurning Coca-Cola in response to the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, according to several news sources. Social media activists are also making calls to boycott consumer companies that do business with Israel in general and Coca-Cola, which has had a bottling plant in Israel since the 1960s, […]


25 Jul, 2014

Why We Called for a Boycott of the White House Iftar | Huffington Post

By Amani Al-Khatahtbeh As the media relations specialist of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, I wrote up the statement last week declaring our boycott of all 2014 government iftars and calling on community leaders to do the same. The statement made ADC the first American organization to formally boycott this year’s events. ADC has historically engaged […]


25 Jul, 2014

India’s missed opportunity on Gaza – The Hindu

There is reason to believe that greater diplomatic activism by India on the Israel-Palestine issue would be welcomed by the emerging powers as well as the global south, which is looking for new leaders on the global stage. This is especially true at a time when the international system is mutating from the unipolarity of […]


24 Jul, 2014

The culture of intolerance breeding in India – Hindustan Times

BJP leader K Laxman questioning Sania Mirza’s eligibility to be Telangana’s brand ambassador has again brought to fore the culture of intolerance breeding in present-day India. Forget rating Laxman’s barb of ‘Pakistan’s daughter-in-law’ on the scale of absurdity, his posturing makes it clear that the ugly face of identity politics still has takers. Laxman backed […]


24 Jul, 2014

Israeli academic calls for campaign of rape | GulfNews.com

Dubai: An Israeli academic and former intelligence officer in the regime’s military has called for the use of rape as a deterrent against Palestinian resistance fighters. Mordechai Kedar, a fluent Arabic speaker and lecturer on Arabic literature at Bar Ilan University, said in a radio interview earlier this month that the nature of Arab culture […]


24 Jul, 2014

¥80 million budget to translate Japanese books into English to aid PR drive – The Japan Times

The government will allocate ¥80 million to translate Japanese books into English as part of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s campaign to boost the country’s image in foreign countries, officials said on Wednesday. Read the rest: ¥80 million earmarked to translate Japanese books into English to aid PR drive | The Japan Times.


24 Jul, 2014

Southeast Asia’s biggest exodus peaks – The Jakarta Post

The largest exodus in Southeast Asia began this week with millions of Indonesians traveling home, packing the roads, railroads, sea-lanes and the sky on various modes of transportation. In Cirebon, West Java, thousands of people on motorcycles began swarming the Java north coast highway (Pantura) at high speed on Wednesday, still several days before Idul […]


24 Jul, 2014

Chris Hedges: The Palestinians’ Right to Self-Defense – Truthdig

If Israel insists, as the Bosnian Serbs did in Sarajevo, on using the weapons of industrial warfare against a helpless civilian population then that population has an inherent right to self-defense under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The international community will have to either act to immediately halt Israeli attacks and lift the […]


24 Jul, 2014

Jewish Voice for Peace Executive Director Calls on World to Act Against Israel

Action Alert call by Rebecca Vilkomerson

Action Alert The glimmer of hope I have in these dark days is you – our community of members, supporters, and allies standing up all over the world.  In the police van with Maia Ettinger, daughter and grand-daughter of Holocaust survivors. The time to act is now. Dear Supporter, Yesterday, I was part of a […]


24 Jul, 2014

‘Witch Hunt’: Fired MSNBC Contributor Speaks Out on Suppression of Israel-Palestine Debate | Alternet

July 22, 2014 – MSNBC contributor Rula Jebreal’s on-air protest of the network’s slanted coverage of Israel’s ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip has brought media suppression of the Israel-Palestine debate into sharp focus. Punished for her act of dissent with the cancellation of all future appearances and the termination of her contract, Jebreal spoke […]


24 Jul, 2014

Chinese wealthy spending more-on property


Beijing, July 23, 2014 (China Daily) — After a slight dip in the Luxury Consumer Price Index last year, it rose by 4 percent in 2014, according to a Hurun Research Institute report released on Tuesday. The LCPI was also 1.7 percent higher than China’s overall CPI released by the National Bureau of Statistics in […]


24 Jul, 2014

We are Israeli reservists. We refuse to serve. – The Washington Post

Whenever the Israeli army drafts the reserves — which are made up of ex-soldiers — there are dissenters, resisters, and AWOLers among the troops called to war. Now that Israel has sent troops to Gaza again and reserves are being summoned to service, dozens are refusing to take part. We are more than 50 Israelis […]


23 Jul, 2014

MH17 & MH370: Can you spot the difference?

The campaign of vilification against Russian President Vladimir Putin over the fatal downing of MH17 has the same ring-tone as that against former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in the lead-up to the 2003 attack on Iraq. That attack, based on the totally fraudulent claim that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, triggered a conflict that […]


23 Jul, 2014

Massacre in Gaza – Richard Falk – Al Jazeera English

As with earlier massive Israeli military operations carried out against the people of Gaza 2008-2009, and 2012, the defenceless Gazan population is again being cruelly victimised. If an adversary of the West was behaving as Israel has since July 8, it would be branded an aggressor whose leaders would likely be held accountable before the […]


22 Jul, 2014

Global Trades Union: Palestinians must have an independent state

International Trade Union Confederation statement

Geneva, 22 July 2014, ITUC media release: With over 500 people in Gaza killed, 80% of them women and children, in a massive escalation of Israel’s assault, an immediate ceasefire and return to the 2012 truce agreement is absolutely urgent. Over 80,000 persons have been forced to flee their homes, with many seeking shelter in […]


22 Jul, 2014

4 Ways America Is Complicit In Israel’s War Crimes – Alex Kane, Alternet

July 21, 2014 | America’s unstinting support for Israel is a key reason why the assault on Gaza continues unabated. As the death toll climbs to over 500 Palestinians, mostly civilians, there is no immediate end in sight. There is little reason for Israel to stop when it can count on the backing of the […]


22 Jul, 2014

High-Level NSA Whistleblower: Blackmail Is a Huge Part of Mass Surveillance

According to James Bamford, author of two authoritative books on the agency, “The NSA’s operation is eerily similar to the FBI’s operations under J. Edgar Hoover in the 1960s where the bureau used wiretapping to discover vulnerabilities, such as sexual activity, to ‘neutralize’ their targets.” The ACLU’s Jameel Jaffer has warned that a president might […]


22 Jul, 2014

BRICS bank beginning of the end of Western hegemony – The Hindu

It is too early to say whether these mechanisms will challenge the role of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) or the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which have been the bedrock of the Bretton Woods system under U.S. hegemony. But they at least serve as a reminder that the […]


21 Jul, 2014

Bethlehem Christians join the Ramadan fast in interfaith solidarity

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Shamsi

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 21 July 2014 (23 Ramadan 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story. ============ EID UL FITR MUBARAK TO ALL MY READERS Islamic Travel Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil […]


21 Jul, 2014

Israel: America’s Frankenstein Monster – Alternet

There’s more to the history of the modern State of Israel than its fraught relationship with the United States. Israel’s roots extend back to 19th-century European Zionism, and before that deep into the peripatetic story of the Jewish people. But in the decades since Israel was born out of the global guilt and shame of […]


21 Jul, 2014

Confucius Institutes blossom across Latin American countries

By Sun Xiaochen

(China Daily) 2014-07-20 – Thanks to the growing ties between China and Latin American countries in recent years, demand for Chinese-language learning and cultural exchanges has surged in the region, as shown by the expansion of the Confucius Institute. The Confucius Institute, a nonprofit public agency affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education, has built […]


21 Jul, 2014

No accountability as U.S. govt adds thousands to ‘opaque’ terrorist watch-list – Yahoo News

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (AP) — The U.S. government is rapidly expanding the number of names it accepts for inclusion on its terrorist watch list, with more than 1.5 million added in the last five years, according to numbers divulged by the government in a civil lawsuit. About 99 percent of the names submitted are accepted, leading […]


20 Jul, 2014

Exposed: How Israeli students manipulate global opinion via social media

Raich said students played a similar role during 2012’s Pillar of Defence operation – another Israeli military action against Hamas in Gaza. According to the university’s figures, 1600 students volunteered to spread social media messages to an audience of 21 million people in 62 countries and in 31 languages. The Prime Minister’s office, the Minister […]


20 Jul, 2014

World’s richest man calls for a three-day working week – FT.com

We’ve got it all wrong, says Carlos Slim, the Mexican telecoms tycoon and world’s second-richest man: we should be working only three days a week. Attending a business conference in Paraguay, Mr Slim said it was time for a “radical overhaul” of people’s working lives. Instead of being able to retire at 50 or 60, […]


19 Jul, 2014

A father who lost his children in Gaza calls for end to the bloodshed — theguardian.com

Nothing is impossible but we need to act before it becomes irreversible. Palestinians and Israelis have been angry for a long time but we need to ask what our anger has achieved? It has brought destruction and injustice to ourselves and to others. When the war ends, and I hope it happens soon, all will […]


19 Jul, 2014

How language changes views of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Self-defence. Occupation. Apartheid. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is as much a struggle over language as it is a battle over land. Military might has always relied on an effective propaganda campaign to distinguish aggressor from victim. When Alice asks Humpty Dumpty whether words can mean so many different things he answers, ‘‘the question is … which […]


19 Jul, 2014

Lawrence Weschler: Israel Has Been Bitten by a Bat – Truthdig

It is quite simply massively self-serving delusion that Israelis (and their enablers and abettors here in America, among whom incidentally I count a steadily declining number of American Jews) refuse to recognize that fact. The backbone of Zionist AIPAC-like electoral strength in the U.S. today is rooted among Protestant evangelicals and other instrumentalist neocons, and […]


19 Jul, 2014

West’s Fight against Russian Exports: From Visa Denial to War – RIA Novosti

The recent scandal with the denial of British visas to more than half of the Russian delegation to FIA (Farnborough International Airshow) was characterized by the Russian foreign ministry as “clearly unfriendly.” Representatives of the Russian companies hit by the denial – Rostekhnologii and United Aviation Corporation (OAK) – have also voiced suspicions that the […]


19 Jul, 2014

Egyptian political groups support Palestinian resistance – Ahram Online

Revolutionary Socialist and prominent labour activist Haitham Moamadeen accused the Egyptian proposal of only being concerned with “protecting Israel’s security.” According to head of Egypt Freedom Party Amr Hamzawy, instead of holding talks with Israel – which he says “has never stopped from carrying out attacks on Palestinians” – the priority should be the immediate […]


19 Jul, 2014

Thailand Rolls Out Recovery MICE Packages in Top Hotels

TCEB media release

Bangkok – The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) would like to share the following announcement and special promotions with all our associates, industry partners, meeting planners and organizers. It is important for all of us to work together at this time as Thailand recovers from the impact of political events on our industry along […]


19 Jul, 2014

With Israeli Ambassador Keeping an Eye, Obama Humiliates Muslim Guests at White House Ramadan Event – Alternet

July 17, 2014 | At the annual White House Iftar dinner commemorating the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, President Barack Obama endorsed Israel’s ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip and defended government spying on Muslim-Americans. Alongside dozens of Muslim-American community activists and Muslim diplomats, the White House welcomed Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer, an […]


18 Jul, 2014

Gaza: This shameful injustice will only end if the cost of it rises – The Guardian

For the third time in five years, the world’s fourth largest military power has launched a full-scale armed onslaught on one of its most deprived and overcrowded territories. Since Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip began, just over a week ago, more than 200 Palestinians have been killed. Nearly 80% of the dead are civilians, […]


18 Jul, 2014

Coup, curfew see Thai visitor arrivals take a 24% hit in June

BANGKOK – Visitor arrivals to Thailand plunged 24% to a low of 1.55 million in June 2014, the worst decline of all months so far this year, thanks to the May 22 military coup and the brief period of night-time curfew that followed. Even Phuket was affected, with arrivals by first point of entry falling […]


17 Jul, 2014

Having a Facebook Account Is to Beg to Be Manipulated | Alternet

The average Facebook user sees only 20 percent of the 1,500 stories per day that could have shown up in their news feed. The posts you receive are determined by algorithms whose bottom line is Facebook’s bottom line. The company is constantly adjusting all kinds of dials, quietly looking for the optimal mix to make […]


17 Jul, 2014

What America can do to earn the trust of China

By Greg Cusack

(People’s Daily Online), July 16, 2014 – I am not an “expert” on China. Rather, I am just a reasonably informed elder citizen who is deeply concerned for the welfare of future generations. It is my earnest prayer that China and the United States will successfully find ways to surmount current tensions and old resentments […]


17 Jul, 2014

After World Cup, more Chinese set to travel to Brazil

By Su Zhou

BEIJING, July 16 (Xinhuanet) — Charmed by the recently ended World Cup and the coming Olympic Games in 2016 in Brazil, more Chinese tourists are interested in visiting the South American nation. According to the Brazilian embassy in Beijing, more than 5,000 Chinese tourists traveled to Brazil during the World Cup. “The real total is […]


17 Jul, 2014

Two Jakarta International School staffers held for assaulting child – The Jakarta Post

Two Jakarta International School (JIS) teaching staff were declared suspects on Thursday for the alleged sexual assault of a kindergarten pupil. Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Rikwanto confirmed that Canadian Neil Bantleman and Indonesian Ferdinand Tjiong were now suspects after analyzing the result of a medical examination from the hospital and the case reconstruction and […]


17 Jul, 2014

How “acting suspiciously” will become a huge problem for the travel industry

By Julia Harumi Mass

What does an 86-year-old art photographer have in common with a young man with a video game habit? Not just a proclivity for perfectly innocuous hobbies, unfortunately. These days, engaging in either activity can get the FBI on your case. Today, the ACLU and our partners at Advancing Justice–Asian Law Caucus and Bingham McCutchen are […]


17 Jul, 2014

Israeli calls for Palestinian blood ring at fever pitch

by David Sheen, The Electronic Intifada

July 15, 2014 – Concerned humanists may have hoped that when a group of Jewish Israelis confessed to kidnapping and killing Muhammad Abu Khudair, a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem — forcing him to drink gasoline and torching him to death from inside his body — that top Israeli legislators and rabbis would have been horrified […]


17 Jul, 2014

Sydney businesses targeting Ramadan revenues, says expert

It is one of the holiest times of the year for Muslims around the world, and for some it is also one of the busiest. In between the feasting and fasting, there is a great deal of buying, selling and, importantly, giving occuring around Australia during the month of Ramadan. Sales of halal meat skyrockets, […]


17 Jul, 2014

Living in Gaza as the bombs fall – a personal story

by Omar Ghraieb The last two nights have been terrible. So many explosions have occurred close by that there is now a constant ringing in my ears. But I can’t complain too much, especially when entire families around me are being killed. We have become refugees in our own country. Many families have left their […]


17 Jul, 2014

Find freedom: How to take a year off to travel – Sydney Morning Herald

The first piece of advice for anyone considering taking a gap year, or a sabbatical, or whatever you want to call it, is the simplest: do it. Take a year out of your life to devote to travel. Sure, it might set you back a little in your financial plans. It might halt your career […]


17 Jul, 2014

New Australian security laws bid to gag media over spy leaks – theguardian.com

Australian journalists could face prosecution and jail for reporting Snowden-style revelations about certain spy operations, in an “outrageous” expansion of the government’s national security powers, leading criminal lawyers have warned. A bill presented to parliament on Wednesday by the attorney general, George Brandis, would expand the powers of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (Asio), including […]


16 Jul, 2014

Israel dehumanises its own society each time it pummels Gaza – Hindustan Times

The world has been looking on aghast while Israel bombs Palestinian civilians in Gaza in the name of fighting the militant group Hamas. Two tragic incidents — the killing of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank and the retaliatory abduction and burning of a Palestinian youth in East Jerusalem — have triggered events that […]


16 Jul, 2014

Rio recognizes Japanese football fans who picked up post-match litter – The Japan News

RIO DE JANEIRO—The environmental bureau of the State of Rio de Janeiro recently gave a certificate of commendation to Japanese Consul General Yasushi Takase in Rio de Janeiro, recognizing the Japanese supporters who collected litter at stadiums after World Cup matches in which the Japanese team played. In the award ceremony, the director general of […]


16 Jul, 2014

Australian government covers up CBA bank scandal

Following a damning report on losses of life savings by customers of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)—one of the country’s big four banks—the Abbott government is working closely with the management to protect the bank. At the same time, it is trying to push through new financial advice regulations that will lead to even […]


16 Jul, 2014

Not In Our Name: The Jewish duty to stand with the people of Gaza | Mondoweiss

“Justice, always justice, shalt thou pursue,” my family says each year, quoting the prophet Micah as we bring a match to the third Hanukkah candle, adhering to a tradition in which each night’s light is dedicated to a different virtue in Judaism. In the wake of over 150 reported deaths in Operation Protective Edge, I […]


16 Jul, 2014

Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet – The Intercept

The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, “amplif[y]” sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be “extremist.” The capabilities, detailed in documents provided by NSA […]


15 Jul, 2014

A Palestinian Saved My Life – NYTimes.com

It’s hard for me to oppose an Israeli strike on Gaza while Hamas continues to intentionally fire rockets at civilians. On the other hand, it’s easy to see things that way from where I sit. If I imagine living in destitute conditions for years, without even having a country to call my own, I might […]


15 Jul, 2014

Former Israeli soldier: I’ve seen how shockingly we treat Palestinians – The Independent

The politicians that send us to perform these tasks don’t even pretend to promise hope for a better future. Just further use of force and violence. Our doubts about logic and justice don’t even interest us anymore, as our red moral lines are constantly moving in the face of our reality – much like mine […]


15 Jul, 2014

Putin to Hindustan Times: BRICS nations need to cut dependence on US$

In the modern world the factor of common borders does not play a defining role. On the contrary, global processes encourage us to join efforts as challenges and problems become shared. In the BRICS case we see a whole set of coinciding strategic interests. First, this is the common intention to reform the international monetary […]


15 Jul, 2014

Modi anti-visa pressure came from multiple U.S. sources – The Hindu

Lobbying by U.S. lawmakers, concern over extra-judicial deaths in Gujarat and the tenth anniversary of the 2002 anti-Muslim riots in the state combined into a multi-year wave of pressure against any possibility of the White House revising its decision to deny Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi an entry visa, according to U.S. State Department cables […]


15 Jul, 2014

Extremism thrives when America is absent, or the other way around? – The Hindu

In her autobiographical work, based on her tenure as U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton makes a startling statement while explaining the need for U.S. intervention around the world, despite the “dangers” to American lives. “While we can and must work to reduce the danger,” writes Ms. Clinton, “the only way to eliminate risk entirely […]


15 Jul, 2014

Poison pen: Attempt to rewrite India’s history is dangerous – Hindustan Times

Apart from trying to erase from official record, any evidence pertaining to the role of the RSS or its members, both active and former then, in Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination, the current efforts are a clear attempt by the RSS/BJP to advance its ideological political project of converting the secular-democratic character of the Indian Republic into […]


15 Jul, 2014

Colonialism never ended in Palestine – The Daily Star

Israeli behavior provides the best window we have into the mindset of the Western colonial powers a century ago, when foreigners with superior military equipment and an equally grand sense of their own national superiority killed, occupied, jailed, slaughtered, and exiled Arabs at will, treating them more like animals than human beings. What we are […]


15 Jul, 2014

Jewish passenger thrown off U.S. flight after argument with Palestinian

…a commenter on the website Gothamist, who identified herself as the passenger who confronted Rosenberg, said that Rosenberg “was the only person yelling and actually said a Palestinian on the flight was a ‘danger to her’. She was removed from that flight for making a scene, refusing to sit in her seat and not complying […]


15 Jul, 2014

Debris cleanup at Fukushima reactor may have contaminated rice crops | The Japan Times

Debris cleanup work by Tokyo Electric Power Co. at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant may have led to the contamination of rice crops in nearby areas, agriculture ministry officials said Monday. Radioactive cesium exceeding the government limit of 100 becquerels per kilogram was detected in rice crops from Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture, last year, including […]


15 Jul, 2014

‘Money is not the only thing affecting people’s happiness’ – The Independent

* Treating someone for depression or anxiety disorders costs on average £650. The success rate is 50 per cent. If they then come off Employment Support Allowance as a result, the saving to the taxpayer is £650 a month. So, a single outlay of £650 can save £650 a month. * People with mental health […]


15 Jul, 2014

How work-life balance can boost productivity | Entrepreneur.com

Entrepreneurs are naturally hard workers. It’s what makes them successful in the first place. But founders have a tendency to overextend themselves, and when they model this behavior for their employees, they create a perfect storm of stress and burnout among their team. I remember working overtime and weekends for one job. I had less […]


15 Jul, 2014

Weapons supply to Israel makes U.S. taxpayers complict in the Gaza carnage – Jewish Voice for Peace

Safa' Abdel Rahman-Madi, a Palestinian mother of three

The following letter of appeal was circulated by Jewish Voice for Peace. Dear Supporter, My name is Safa’, I am a mom of three little girls, Zeena, Yasmeen, and Leena. I live in Ramallah but am originally from Gaza. I wrote this letter Sunday night, after a long and bloody day – one of many. […]


15 Jul, 2014

Has CNN officially become Israeli State TV?

Since the initial disappearance of three Israelis feared kidnapped when hitchhiking in occupied Palestinian territory almost three weeks ago, Israel unleashed a wide-scale campaign of arrests and raids that resulted in ten Palestinian deaths and over 500 arbitrarily arrested Palestinians, and the destruction of property in countless homes. Yesterday, the news broke that the bodies […]


15 Jul, 2014

BRICS Development bank will help end U.S. dominance of global finance

By Chen Weihua (China Daily)

Washington DC,  2014-07-11 – The BRICS countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, are expected to pursue a development bank during a summit in Brazil next week. This is in addition to the idea of an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank that is being mooted by countries in the region. World Bank President Jim Yong […]


15 Jul, 2014

Ceaseless conflict in West Asia – The Hindu

Anew dance of death has started in Gaza after Israel began ceaseless rounds of air strikes, following rocket attacks by the Palestinian Hamas. The complete disproportionality of force in response to Hamas’ strikes can be measured in numbers. Over 500 missile strikes by Hamas have not resulted in a single Israeli death. But in sharp […]


14 Jul, 2014

How “mad, sad and glad sessions” helped Air NZ become Australasia’s most profitable airline

Norris, who was parachuted into the chief executive role after serving on its board, ­initially focused on the thousands of staff. He ran a series of two-day sessions with 800 employees at a time, explaining the tough external environment meant change was needed and laying out a strategy for the future. But first, he gave […]


14 Jul, 2014

Chris Hedges: Israel Is Captive to Its ‘Destructive Process’ – Truthdig

The Palestinians over the past few decades have endured a similar “destructive process.” They have gradually been stripped of basic civil liberties, robbed of assets including much of their land and often their homes, have suffered from mounting restrictions on their physical movements, been blocked from trading and business, especially the selling of produce, and […]


14 Jul, 2014

Eighty jobs to go at ABC News and Australia Network – Sydney Morning Herald

About 80 jobs at the ABC will go following the federal government’s decision to axe the Australia Network international broadcasting service. The vast majority of the jobs will be lost in Melbourne, where the ABC’s Asia Pacific News Centre (APNC) is based. Staff working across TV and radio will be affected, including journalists, producers, technical […]


14 Jul, 2014

Tourism Malaysia Promotions Back to Normal In China

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Shamsi

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 14 July 2014 (16 Ramadan 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ RAMADAN MUBARAK TO ALL MY READERS Islamic Travel Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil and Assistant Editor […]


13 Jul, 2014

Israelis with popcorn seen ‘cheering as missiles strike Palestinians’ – The Independent

An image that appears to show a group of Israelis on a hilltop cheering and applauding as they watch the deadly aerial bombardment of Gaza has caused international outrage after it was shared by thousands on Twitter. Taken by the Middle East correspondent for a Danish newspaper, the picture shows rows of people sitting on […]


13 Jul, 2014

UK bars Russian delegates from Farnborough Airshow – The Independent

The Russian embassy in London has reacted angrily after a number of its delegates were barred from attending this year’s Farnborough International Airshow. According to a spokesman for the British Government, representatives from Russia were not given visas to enable them to travel to this year’s Airshow because of the “Russian government’s actions in the […]


13 Jul, 2014

The World We’ve Constructed Is Far Beyond George Orwell’s Worst Nightmare | Alternet

By John Pilger July 11, 2014 | The other night, I saw George Orwell’s 1984 performed on the London stage. Although crying out for a contemporary interpretation, Orwell’s warning about the future was presented as a period piece: remote, unthreatening, almost reassuring. It was as if Edward Snowden had revealed nothing, Big Brother was not […]


13 Jul, 2014

Poverty and abuse in Cambodia’s ‘virginity trade’ – The Independent

Danet* is fourteen, and lives in a house built on wooden stilts, with no walls, and only tarpaulin for shelter. There are eleven of them who live in the family home, next to a mosquito-infested pond in a poor, rural community in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She loves to read fairy tales but she frowns a […]


12 Jul, 2014

Modi drops Press delegation for BRICS meet – The Hindu

With Prime Minister Narendra Modi deciding to not take the media along with him to Brazil for the BRICS Summit mid-July, it could be curtains down for the well-established practice of Premiers travelling with a large contingent from the Fourth Estate. Only representatives of the government media and wire services are likely to accompany the […]


12 Jul, 2014

US defence agency develops world’s first self-guiding bullet – The Independent

A US military agency has conducted its first successful tests of guided bullets which can track a target regardless of external factors or even where the sniper rifle is aimed. The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an arm of the Department of Defence, is developing a smart .50-calibre bullet which can not only compensate […]


12 Jul, 2014

Why I’m on the brink of burning my Israeli passport – The Independent

She is young. She is pretty. She is a university graduate and a computer engineer. She is also an Israeli Parliamentarian – and the reason why I am on the brink of burning my Israeli passport. Because behind that wide-eyed innocent face lurks the Angel of Death. Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party […]


12 Jul, 2014

Lotte Hotel refuses to hold party by Japanese embassy

In the latest sign of tension between South Korea and Japan, the luxury Lotte Hotel in Seoul has refused to hold a reception by the Japanese embassy to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. Hotel officials said the party, which was scheduled for Friday night and which is usually […]


11 Jul, 2014

Interfaith Alliance: Why an Orthodox rabbi is fasting this Ramadan | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

A few hours into the 10th day of Ramadan, Rabbi Natan Levy was swapping fasting tips with a Muslim fellow passenger aboard the London Northern train line. Specifically, they were debating the merits of having a very large meal before sunrise — a technique adopted by many observant Muslims who are trying to cope with […]


10 Jul, 2014

What’s the U.S. Govt Doing Targeting Civil Rights Leaders? – ACLU

The NSA and FBI are targeting prominent American Muslims, including civil rights activists, academics, and a former government official, we learned in a troubling report released last night. Their emails have been stored, their movements have been monitored, and their relationships have been tracked. No detail has proved too remote for the prying eyes of […]


10 Jul, 2014

U.N. to Confront U.S. on Persistent Racial Discrimination – ACLU

Imagine receiving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for serving as a go-between in the sale of two small $5 bags of marijuana. That’s exactly what happened to Fate Vincent Winslow, an African American homeless man who says that he accepted the offer of an undercover police officer for a $5 commission in […]


10 Jul, 2014

Gays join Sikhs, Christians, Jews in protesting U.S. surveillance of Muslim-Americans

Four gay, lesbian and transgender rights groups have signed up on a letter of protest sent by a coalition of 44 civil rights, human rights, privacy rights, and faith-based organizations to U.S. President Barack Obama seeking accountability and full disclosure over the U.S. government’s continued discriminatory surveillance of American Muslims. Agreeing that discrimination on the […]


10 Jul, 2014

Rich Chinese travellers set sights on overseas game hunting


Beijing, (China Daily) – 2014-07-09 – The number of Chinese going abroad for trophy hunting has grown tenfold in the past five years, as wealthy Chinese travelers increasingly seek out wild and exotic experiences. Scott Lupien, CEO of 52 Safari International Hunting Club, a leading outbound hunting company based in Beijing, said that few people […]


10 Jul, 2014

Inside a Goldman Sachs trader’s twilight zone – Sydney Morning Herald

“Let’s be very clear,” Salem testified, “I was one of the most sought-after investment professionals in the mortgage industry.” Goldman Sachs, he claimed, was punishing him for his 2007 “self-evaluation” form, later made public by a US Senate investigation, in which he boasted of having manipulated the market for subprime mortgage bonds so that he […]


9 Jul, 2014

Another Glenn Greenwald Scoop: The Muslim-American Leaders the FBI and NSA Have Been Spying On

The individuals appear on an NSA spreadsheet in the Snowden archives called “FISA recap”—short for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Under that law, the Justice Department must convince a judge with the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that there is probable cause to believe that American targets are not only agents of an international terrorist […]


9 Jul, 2014

Thai Tourism Expenditure Stats Show Europeans are Cheapest Charlies

BANGKOK – With the Thai tourism industry set to shift its KPI targets to expenditure over arrivals, an analysis of the newly released visitor expenditure figures for 2013 shows that Europeans are by far the lowest spenders per person per day. The figures will come as a shock to the system, especially because they show […]


9 Jul, 2014

How to reduce overwork-related deaths – The Japan Times

In its latest session the Diet enacted a law that requires the central government to take measures to prevent deaths resulting from overwork, including suicides. These problems have long been a serious issue in Japanese society, and the legislation won unanimous support of all the parties in both chambers. But the law fails to set […]


9 Jul, 2014

Carrefour exits India, in talks to sell its 5 wholesale stores – Hindustan Times

French retail giant Carrefour on Tuesday said it will exit its India business and has initiated talks with Reliance Retail and Bharti Enterprises to sell its assets in the country. Carrefour, the world’s second largest retailer, operates five cash-and-carry wholesale stores in India, and has invested around `300 crore in the country. “Carrefour announced its […]


9 Jul, 2014

Junk food gets encoded in DNA of future children, scientists discover — RT News

The next time you wolf down that Big Mac with large fries consider you may be affecting more than your own waistline. Scientists now say an unhealthy diet can be encoded into DNA, which is passed down to future generations. By now, most people have heard various negative things about a Western diet: it is […]


9 Jul, 2014

Russian companies ‘de-dollarize’, switch to yuan, other Asian currencies — RT Business

Russia will start settling more contracts in Asian currencies, especially the yuan, in order to lessen its dependence on the dollar market, and because of Western-led sanctions that could freeze funds at any moment. “Over the last few weeks there has been a significant interest in the market from large Russian corporations to start using […]


9 Jul, 2014

France lashes out against US$, calls for ‘rebalancing’ of world currencies — RT Business

The French government wants to break the monopoly the dollar has on international transactions after the country’s largest bank, BNP Paribas, was slapped with a record $9 billion fine and a 1-year dollar trading ban. Michel Sapin, the French finance minister, called for a “rebalancing” of the currencies used for global payments, saying the BNP […]


9 Jul, 2014

Muslims break the fast in the churches of Bandung – The Jakarta Post

Hundreds of Muslims from grassroots and marginalized communities joined breaking of the fast events held recently at two separate churches in Bandung, West Java, as a part of efforts to create a forum for interfaith dialogue. Running for 14 years, the program was initiated by the Puan Amal Hayati Foundation. Led by former first lady […]


8 Jul, 2014

Putin to Russian diplomats: “Potential for global conflict is growing”

On July 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in a conference of Russian Federation ambassadors and permanent representatives on protecting Russia’s national interests and strengthening the foundations and principles of international relations. Also taking part in the conference were the heads of the Government, both chambers of the Federal Assembly, ministries and agencies involved […]


8 Jul, 2014

Free time is good for boosting economy – Korea Times

Seoul – Free time is not a waste of time. Economists have pointed out that constructive use of it helps boost domestic consumption, on top of enhancing the productivity of workers. With export-led economic growth showing limitations, the government is encouraging leisure pursuits to enhance the growth vitality of the economy from the long-term perspective […]


8 Jul, 2014

Thailand unveils post-crisis tourism marketing agenda

Bangkok – In what could be a global first, the Tourism Authority of Thailand has veered away from fixing tourism targets in terms of arrival numbers and shifted to expenditure stats. It has also dropped the short-lived marketing campaign slogan “It Begins with the People” and replaced it with “Amazing Thailand – Happiness Within.” And […]


8 Jul, 2014

Wealth of seven richest Australians exceeds that of 1.73 million households – SMH

The wealth of the seven richest people in Australia is greater than the nation’s bottom 1.73 million households combined, and policies in the federal government’s budget will only make that gap grow larger, the Australia Institute has warned. Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows the bottom 20 per cent of households own roughly $54 billion […]
