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Author Archive

7 Mar, 2014

AIPAC, the Kremlin of U.S. Jewry – Gideon Levy | Haaretz

Like at similar conventions held in Romania by Nicolae Ceausescu, all they do is praise the great leader. Welcome to Bucharest in Washington, to the Kremlin of American Jewry, behold the yearly AIPAC conference. Only here can Netanyahu use his old tricks and gimmicks and be met with a full auditorium on its feet. “I […]


6 Mar, 2014

Chris Hedges: Suffering? Well, You Deserve It – Truthdig

OXFORD, England—The morning after my Feb. 20 debate at the Oxford Union, I walked from my hotel along Oxford’s narrow cobblestone streets, past its storied colleges with resplendent lawns and Gothic stone spires, to meet Avner Offer, an economic historian and Chichele Professor Emeritus of Economic History. Offer, the author of “The Challenge of Affluence: […]


6 Mar, 2014

PressTV – US denies senior Israeli officials entrance visas

The United States has refused to issue entrance visas to senior Israeli officers and agents, according to an Israeli newspaper. Israeli newspaper Maariv revealed on Tuesday that senior Israeli security personnel, including Mossad and Shabak officers, have been denied an entrance visa to the US. According to the report, in the past 12 months there […]


6 Mar, 2014

Europe sets new standards to monitor bankers’ pay and risk profiles


Brussels, 4 March 2014, European Commission Press release – The European Commission has today adopted Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on criteria to identify categories of staff whose professional activities have a material impact on an institution’s risk profile (so-called ‘material risk takers’). These standards identify risk takers in banks and investment firms. This matters because […]


6 Mar, 2014

FREE Download: IPK reports record global tourism in 2013, more to come in 2014


Berlin; March 5, 2014 (IPK International media release) – Spirits were upbeat in most global tourism destinations in 2013. Great numbers of new jobs were created and figures on pending tourism investments are high. Hence, again in 2013, tourism has proven to be one of the main growth drivers in an otherwise somewhat languishing world […]


6 Mar, 2014

First EU survey shows shocking level of violence, harassment directed at women


Vienna / Brussels, 05/03/2014 – A new report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) presents results from the world’s biggest-ever survey on violence against women, revealing the extent of abuse suffered by women at home, work, in public and online. As well as demonstrating the wide prevalence of violence against adult women, […]


5 Mar, 2014

Transition: Ram Kohli, the man who shook up PATA


Mr Ram Kohli, Chairman & Founder of Creative Travel India, passed away in the early hours of March 4, after suffering two major cardiac arrests from non-related procedures at a hospital. He is to be cremated on Wednesday March 5. In a message to their friends and colleagues worldwide, his sons Rajeev and Rohit said: […]


5 Mar, 2014

Singapore topples Tokyo as world’s most expensive city | CTV News

SINGAPORE (AFP) – The soaring cost of cars and utilities as well as a strong currency have made Singapore the world’s most expensive city, toppling Tokyo from the top spot, according to a survey Tuesday. Tokyo’s weakening yen saw it slide to sixth place, the position previously occupied by Singapore, in the 2014 Worldwide Cost […]


5 Mar, 2014

Malaysia Looking At Singapore’s Model To Promote National Unity, Religious Harmony


SINGAPORE, March 4 (NNN-Bernama) — Minister in the Malaysia’s Prime Minister’s Department Joseph Kurup says Malaysia is looking at Singapore’s model to further promote national unity and religious harmony among its citizens. “Overall, our national unity and religious harmony is quite good. Every religious festivity such as Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Christmas, Pesta Keamatan […]


5 Mar, 2014

Logging, tax avoidance top 2013 corrupt activities in Laos


Vientiane, March 3, 2014 (Vientiane Times) – Logging and tax avoidance issues involved in by state officials topped corruption cases in 2013, officials in charge of anti-corruption announced. Director General of the Government Inspection and Anti-corruption Authority (GIACA)’s External Relations Department, Mr Xaykham Ounmixay, revealed the findings at a meeting last week. Over the past […]


5 Mar, 2014

New rules to make Chinese low-cost airlines more competitive

By Zhao Lei

Beijing, (China Daily) 2014-03-03 – Guidelines to enhance the development of low-cost airlines have been unveiled, in a move expected to provide a boost to the nation’s aviation sector. The guidelines will adjust the cap on budget airline fleets, encourage more rapid expansion and make it easier to set up low-cost carriers, the Civil Aviation […]


5 Mar, 2014

Travel fraudsters swindled UK holidaymakers out of £7m in 2013, and it’s getting worse – The Independent

The Internet and travel were made for each other, enabling millions of individuals to access flights, accommodation and holiday packages. But online tricksters are swindling at least £7 million a year from unwary travellers, according to a new report from National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB). Nearly 5,000 cases of holiday booking fraud were reported in […]


5 Mar, 2014

New Zealand’s Maori king snubs Prince William | GulfNews.com

Wellington: New Zealand’s Maori king has refused to meet Prince William during a royal tour next month, with his office saying on Tuesday he is “not a carnival act” for visiting dignitaries. Prime Minister John Key expressed disappointment at the snub, which would have involved Prince William visiting King Tuheitia during his April 7-16 trip […]


4 Mar, 2014

UN Human Rights Council Says Global Demand for Change is Hitting the Streets


United Nations, (UN News Centre) Mar 3 2014 – Noting that more and more people around the world were taking to the streets to lay claim to their rights, United Nations officials opened the latest session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva today with calls for the protection of members of civil society who […]


4 Mar, 2014

UN Marks First World Wildlife Day with Call to End Poaching, Environmental Crime


United Nations, (UN News Centre) Mar 3 2014 — Senior United Nations officials are sounding the alarm that nature is under threat, marking today’s first ever World Wildlife Day with calls to protect biological diversity and halt environmental crimes. “Wildlife remains integral to our future through its essential role in science, technology and recreation, as […]


4 Mar, 2014

Unity Amidst Volatility: Thais-Help-Thais in full swing at “Thai Tour Thai” Travel Fair

BANGKOK – Domestic travel is expected to be a major beneficiary of the Thai political unrest, especially during the upcoming school holiday months of April-May. More than 900 companies from all around the country exhibited at the “Thai Thiew Thai” (Thai Tour Thai) travel fair organised between Feb 27 – Mar 2 at the Queen […]


4 Mar, 2014

Close the EU to Israeli settlement products | Veterans News Now

In July 2013, the European Commission adopted guidelines announcing that the EU would no longer fund Israeli entities in the occupied Palestinian territories. A few years earlier, the European Court of Justice clarified that settlement products are not entitled to preferential treatment under the EU-Israel Association Agreement. These settlement products, however, often continue to be […]


4 Mar, 2014

Int’l Court of Justice orders Australia to cease spying on East Timor – Sydney Morning Herald

Australia has been ordered to cease spying on East Timor and its legal advisers, in a landmark decision by the International Court of Justice relating to a bitter dispute between the two countries over $40 billion of oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea. The court also ruled that the Australian government must seal […]


3 Mar, 2014

Palestine PM invites more Indonesian tourists

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Shamsi

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 03 March 2014 (02 Jumaada al-Awwal 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ ISLAMIC TOURISM CENTRE – GATEWAY TO MALAYSIA, THE MUSLIM-FRIENDLY DESTINATION The Islamic Tourism Centre in […]


3 Mar, 2014

25 years after fall of the Wall, ITB Berlin fails to heed the lessons of history

This year marks 25 years since the fall of the Berlin wall, one of the most historic events in world history and a major conduit for the travel & tourism boom that followed. The anniversary would have been a great occasion to take stock of how the stupendous changes in global history have impacted on […]


3 Mar, 2014

FREE Download: India publishes National Transport Development Report to 2032


New Delhi, (2 March 2014) Press Information Bureau — The High Level National Transport Development Policy Committee (NTDPC), chaired by Dr. Rakesh Mohan, former Deputy Governor, RBI, emphasises the need for modernisation and expansion of all segments of the transport system. The Report is to be presented to the Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh on March […]


2 Mar, 2014

Multi-billion dollar corruption threat looms over climate change funds, Transparency International warns


28 February 2014, Transparency International Secretariat – Funds set up to manage the global response to climate change must act now to prevent the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals from disrupting the flow of billions of dollars set aside to address the issue, global anti-corruption coalition Transparency International warned today. Climate change will […]


2 Mar, 2014

In Pictures: The Great Bangkok Bounceback Begins

BANGKOK – Six weeks of anti-government protests that severely crippled businesses in the central business district have now come to an end. All the protest stages erected at three major inner-city  intersections have  been dismantled, allowing normal traffic flow to resume and all the offices, shopping complexes, department stores, hotels and dozens of small and […]


2 Mar, 2014

Australian Immigration Minister has 66 spin doctors – Sydney Morning Herald

The Immigration Department employs a 66-strong team of spin doctors, dwarfing the 39 media and communications staff employed by Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the ministers on his frontbench. Last August, immigration employed 72 media staff, but the 66 officers who now work in the department’s media unit are supported by a further 33 personnel […]


2 Mar, 2014

Breaking the Australian government’s silence on stopping the boats – Sydney Morning Herald

Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison banged the “stop the boats” drum long and loud in opposition. So it seemed baffling, even outrageous, when they fell suddenly silent in government. But on the other side of the wall of silence, on the high seas and on Indonesian soil, they have been stopping the boats. When they […]


1 Mar, 2014

Expert condemns ‘appalling’ DrinkWise campaign – Sydney Morning Herald

A public health expert has condemned as “appalling” a new series of online advertisements, funded by alcohol industry body DrinkWise Australia, that try to instruct young Australians “how to drink properly”. Professor Mike Daube, the director of the Public Health Advocacy Institute and the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth, said the campaign […]


1 Mar, 2014

Mayday: How Qantas went from national icon to corporate tragedy

It is a story of senior executives who felt like jilted lovers, prematurely leaving the airline with Avgas still in their veins, and still wanting to prove they had what it took to run an airline as complex as Qantas. It is also the saga of the rise of a major challenger to Qantas’ once […]


1 Mar, 2014

One in three UK strippers ‘are students paying for their education’ – The Independent

Nearly a third of women working in strip clubs are students, often from middle-class families, says a new study. And some started stripping even before starting their courses to help pay for the “high cost of education”, according to the study published in the British Journal of Sociology of Education. “The core reasons for entry […]


1 Mar, 2014

From the Protocols of the Tycoons of Zion – Haaretz

Why, and for what, are they paid in the neighborhood of a million shekels a month? Is it for their amazing, incomparable talent? Do we support them with salaries and cushion them with bonuses because they toil especially hard? They take it because it’s given to them, and those who give are also happy take […]


28 Feb, 2014

Yahoo webcam users’ ‘intimate’ images intercepted by British spies, Snowden files reveal – The Independent

British agents spied on millions of people through their webcams using a program likened to the surveillance system in George Orwell’s 1984, according to leaked secret documents. The surveillance agency GCHQ used a hacking program codenamed Optic Nerve to view British citizens in their homes as they used the Yahoo! webcam chat system, the classified […]


28 Feb, 2014

Hindu nationalists are gaining power in India – and silencing enemies – The Independent

Hindus don’t have a reputation for religious extremism, but over the past 25 years an increasingly aggressive movement has grown and started flexing its muscles. The list of authors who have faced ruinous lawsuits, had books banned or lives threatened in India is growing alarmingly long. (Not all of the bans relate to Hindu groups; […]


26 Feb, 2014

Israeli Arab teacher strip-searched before boarding plane with her Jewish students | Haaretz

She stood in the middle of Eilat Airport’s small departures hall, and her eyes said it all. An impressive, well-dressed woman with an assertive face, only her burning eyes betrayed the insult she felt. “I’m so ashamed,” she said, and the tears began to fall. But shame is the last thing Ezies Elias Shehadeh should […]


26 Feb, 2014

Denmark set to lose millions following halal slaughter ban | Arab News

Denmark is likely to lose millions of dollars in trade and tourism revenues following its ban Monday on slaughtering animals in accordance with Islamic standards. Halal (Islamically slaughtered) beef and poultry products are imported in large quantities by Saudi Arabia and neighboring Gulf countries. In fact, around 55 percent of Danish exports to the Kingdom […]


26 Feb, 2014

‘Never forget the spirit of 1986 EDSA People Power’ | Manila Bulletin

Manila (PNA) – Vice President Jejomar C. Binay yesterday called on the Filipino people to remain vigilant in making sure that the spirit of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution is never forgotten. Speaking to reporters after leading the wreath-laying ceremonies at the People Power Monument in Quezon City in commemoration of the 28th anniversary […]


26 Feb, 2014

Asia Times Online: Israeli activists shed light on what really happens at the checkpoints

The case of a seven-year-old Palestinian boy who, fresh from surgery, collapsed through exhaustion at a checkpoint due to a processing delay has highlighted the hardships facing sick Gazans returning from treatment in Israel. Omar’s family had managed to obtain the necessary permits that allowed him to cross the Erez checkpoint to Jerusalem, through the […]


26 Feb, 2014

Jan 2014 Airport Stats Released: LCCs, Phuket Prove Saviours for Thai Aviation Sector

BANGKOK – International passenger movements at Bangkok’s secondary airport at Don Muang as well as at Phuket airport reported increases in January 2014 over January 2013, helping to offset a 4.3% decline in international passenger movements at Thailand’s main gateway airport, Suvarnabhumi. Don Muang now serves Air Asia, Thai Air Asia, Nok Air and a […]


26 Feb, 2014

Crisis-hit Thai tour & travel agents told to upgrade in preparation for upturn

Bangkok – Thailand’s inbound tour operators have been urged to upgrade their own products and services and update themselves with improvements in other Thai travel products and services in preparation for a post-political crisis business upturn. Committee members of the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) told the wider membership at that monthly February meeting, […]


25 Feb, 2014

Job vacancy trends reveal growing North-South divide in EU labour market


Brussels, 24 February 2014, European Commission Press release – Vacancy trends in the European labour market indicate a widening gap in job opportunities between Northern and Southern countries. The latest issue of the European Vacancy Monitor (EVM) reveals a shortage of labour supply in countries such as Austria, Denmark Sweden, Estonia and Latvia, while competition […]


25 Feb, 2014

Amazing search engine graphics chart Chinese Spring Festival migrant movements


Beijing, (People’s Daily Online) February 20, 2014 – On January 26, 2014, search engine giant Baidu launched “Baidu Migration”, an online map tracking the movement of Chinese people migrating to other parts of the country for the Spring Festival. This map uses location-based technology to track its 200 million registered users. The data is gathered […]


24 Feb, 2014

Call for entries: World Trade Organisation 2014 Essay Award for Young Economists


Geneva, 24 Feb 2014 – The WTO invites young economists to submit papers for the 2014 WTO Essay Award for Young Economists by 1 June 2014. The Award aims to promote high-quality research on trade policy and international trade co-operation among young economists and to reinforce the relationship between the WTO and the academic community. […]


24 Feb, 2014

China plans tax refunds to lure overseas tourists


Beijjing, (China Daily) 2014-02-22 – Overseas tourists may be able to claim tax refunds at shopping malls in Beijing as the city strives to boost inbound tourism. Local authorities are working on a plan, according to the Beijing Tourism Development Commission. Zhou Zhengyu, head of the commission, said at a news conference on Friday that […]


24 Feb, 2014

FREE Download Exec Summary: German Convention Board Study of MICE industry megatrends to 2030


Frankfurt, 24 Feb 2014 – GCB media release – The German Convention Bureau has released the findings from “Meetings and Conventions 2030: A study of megatrends shaping our industry.” According to Matthias Schultze, Managing Director of the German Convention Bureau: “The meetings industry is an economic driver for nations all over the world. As an […]


24 Feb, 2014

London Jews Host Islam Awareness Week

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Shamsi

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 24 February 2014 (24 Rabee’ al-Thaani 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story ============ ISLAMIC TOURISM CENTRE – GATEWAY TO MALAYSIA, THE MUSLIM-FRIENDLY DESTINATION The Islamic Tourism Centre in […]


24 Feb, 2014

Report: 50 soccer fields of forest lost every minute of every day for 12 years


WASHINGTON, February 20, 2014—The World Resources Institute (WRI), Google, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and a group of more than 40 partners on Thursday launched the Global Forest Watch (GFW), a dynamic online forest monitoring and alert system that empowers people everywhere to better manage forests. For the first time, Global Forest Watch unites […]


24 Feb, 2014

The five attributes Google seeks in its job applicants – Sydney Morning Herald

Last June, in an interview with Adam Bryant of The New York Times, Laszlo Bock, the senior vice president of people operations for Google – ie, the guy in charge of hiring for one of the world’s most successful companies – noted that Google had determined that academic results weren’t very important. ‘‘[Grade point averages] […]


24 Feb, 2014

Judith Butler cancels Jewish Museum talk over Israel controversy | Haaretz

Literary theorist Judith Butler pulled out of a talk she was scheduled to give at New York’s Jewish Museum amid protests over her support for boycotting Israel. Butler, who teaches comparative literature and critical theory at the University of California, Berkeley, was set to speak at an event on March 6 about the writer Franz […]


24 Feb, 2014

Yes to a boycott – Yossi Sarid | Haaretz

You be the judge of me, before they come to put me on trial: If I oppose, with all my heart and soul, the settlements that jeopardize our peace and well-being, then why should I support their businesses of my own free will? Isn’t it bad enough that my legally paid taxes are now going […]


23 Feb, 2014

Everest climbers to face tighter controls after brawl with Sherpas – The Independent

Nepal is to enforce tighter controls on Mount Everest to ensure the world’s highest peak is safe for climbers, officials said on Friday. The announcement comes after three Europeans abandoned their ascent to the 8,850 metre (29,035-foot) summit in the peak climbing season last April, after a brawl with around 100 Sherpas sparked safety concerns. […]


22 Feb, 2014

Modi’s rise a defeat for freedom in India – DAWN.COM

In voting Modi to power, the bargain India’s citizenry and corporate world would probably be making — with what consequences in the long term no one can quite predict — is the privileging of economic growth and “good governance” over intellectual freedom and the long-standing secular consensus of a Hindu-majority but multi-faith country (often denounced […]


22 Feb, 2014

Asia Times Online: Egypt back to her old ways

LONDON – A catchy new tune is circulating in Egyptian social media pages. The song, which gives a symbolic description of current events, is sung by an artist who is known for his strong leanings towards the revolution of January 25, 2011. Yasser Elmanawahly stayed true to his ideals even when they clashed with those […]


22 Feb, 2014

Bhutanese Prince to Thailand: Some Gross National Happiness May Help

Imtiaz Muqbil

BANGKOK – Bhutan’s Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck has indicated his support for a suggestion that Thailand may find it useful to apply the principles of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness (GNH) national development philosophy as a way out of its present political impasse. The Prince was addressing a media gathering at an event marking the 25th […]


22 Feb, 2014

NSA’s Fake War On Terror | TheSleuthJournal

NSA spying is longstanding. It’s ongoing abroad and at home. It has nothing to do with national security. It’s unrelated to uncovering terrorist plots. Homegrown ones virtually don’t exist. Alleged ones are hatched. They’re fake. Claiming dozens were foiled in time is false. Read the rest: NSA’s Fake War On Terror | TheSleuthJournal.


22 Feb, 2014

Small-scale fish farmers not benefitting from big-scale fish profits, UN reports


21 February 2014, Bergen/Rome (Food and Agriculture Organisation media release) – The booming world fish trade is generating more wealth than ever before, but countries must help small-scale fishers and fish farmers benefit too, FAO said today. Global fishery production from wild capture fisheries and aquaculture is expected to set a new record in 2013 […]


22 Feb, 2014

How China Can Cause The Death Of The Dollar And The U.S. Financial System

The death of the dollar is coming, and it will probably be China that pulls the trigger. What you are about to read is understood by only a very small fraction of all Americans. Right now, the U.S. dollar is the de facto reserve currency of the planet. Most global trade is conducted in U.S. […]


21 Feb, 2014

European Data Protection Chief: Enforcing EU law essential for rebuilding trust with US


Brussels, 21 February 2014, EDPS Press release -The strict enforcement of existing European data protection laws is an essential element for restoring trust between the EU and the USA said the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) today. Peter Hustinx, EDPS, said: “The rights of EU citizens to the protection of their privacy and personal information […]


21 Feb, 2014

Malaysian Airports Offering Airline Incentives for Flights to Emerging Destinations

Tan Sri Bashir, Managing Director, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad

Kuching – In the Hollywood movie, The Terminal, starring Tom Hanks, the comfort and beauty of JFK International Airport is not enough to satisfy the Krakozhian traveler Viktor Navorski who needs to get into New York city to fulfill his mission. Airports are ultimately only the gateway and not the destination. Kuching is preparing to […]


21 Feb, 2014

Routes Asia 2014: Boosting air links the first step towards reimaging Kuching

Dato’ Rashid Khan, Chief Executive Officer, Sarawak Tourism Board

The reimaging of Kuching as a destination was part of the 5 Year Tourism Industry Transformation Program which began in 2010 with one thought in mind – to improve the visitor experience in a very niche market that is to position Sarawak as a home of adventure with elements of culture and nature. Sarawak, which […]


21 Feb, 2014

Netanyahu has turned me into an ‘anti-Semite’ – Roy Isacowitz – Haaretz

I’ve spent the last couple of days battling to come to terms with the fact that I’m an anti-Semite. It’s not an easy thing to accept for someone who has been Jewish since birth, has lived in Israel for over 40 years and who likes to believe that he doesn’t have a racist bone in […]


20 Feb, 2014

Visa-free Japan dominates Thailand Travel Fair 2014

BANGKOK- A strong 64-company Japanese presence at this year’s Thailand International Travel Fair has provided ample proof that ease of access is the primary driver of travel & tourism. Japan waived visa requirements for Thai visitors last year, triggering a 74% surge in Thai arrivals to 450,000 in 2013, according to Kazuhiro Ito, Executive Director […]


20 Feb, 2014

Economic impact of political unrest: Thai Airways passengers down 9% in Jan

Bangkok – In another strong indicator of the economic impact of the ongoing Thai political unrest, Thai Airways international has reported a 9.4% decline in total passengers carried in January 2014 over January 2013. The figures, released today, tallied almost entirely with the total visitor arrivals reported earlier this week by the Ministry of Tourism […]


20 Feb, 2014

Idyllic tourism islands facing backlash for aiding corporate secrecy, corruption, money-laundering


19 February 2014, (Transparency International media release ) – Have you ever wondered why the Cayman Islands has more registered companies, 93,000, than people, 54,000? It might be because it can take as little as 24 hours to set up a company and you don’t even have to tell anyone outside the government who the […]


20 Feb, 2014

Snowden Documents Reveal Surveillance, Pressure Tactics Aimed at WikiLeaks and Supporters – The Intercept


Top-secret documents from the National Security Agency and its British counterpart reveal for the first time how the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom targeted WikiLeaks and other activist groups with tactics ranging from covert surveillance to prosecution. The efforts – detailed in documents provided previously by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden – […]


19 Feb, 2014

Thai Princess to Inaugurate Awards for Outstanding Teachers in Southeast Asia


BANGKOK, 19 February 2014 (NNT) – Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn yesterday evening (Feb 18) graced an international reception held in honor of the visiting permanent secretaries of education from 11 Southeast Asian countries, at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel in Bangkok. The top education officials in the region are in Bangkok for a meeting to […]


19 Feb, 2014

Sydney Airport 20-year Master Plan Approved


Canberra, Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Media Release, 18 February 2014 – Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss announced that he has approved Sydney Airport’s 2014 Master Plan.  Sydney Airport submitted the plan to the Deputy Prime Minister in December 2013. Mr Truss said the Master Plan […]


19 Feb, 2014

Gallup Polls: More Americans Now View Afghanistan War as a Mistake

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ -February 19, 2014 – Gallup Polls – For the first time since the U.S. initially became involved in Afghanistan in 2001, Americans are as likely to say U.S. military involvement there was a mistake as to say it was not. Gallup first asked Americans about U.S. intervention in Afghanistan in November 2001, just […]


19 Feb, 2014

Gallup Polls: Majority of Afghans Suffering in 2013

by Mohamed Younis

WASHINGTON, D.C. February 19, 2014, (Gallup Polls) — As Afghans prepare to elect a new president and international forces start to withdraw, their hopes for the future are as grim as ever. The majority of Afghans (55%) rate their lives poorly enough to be considered “suffering,” the highest percentage Gallup has measured in the world […]


19 Feb, 2014

Pulitzer-winning NYT journalist to speak on how the “American Dream” is unravelling


Atlanta, Georgia (PRWEB) February 18, 2014 – Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and best-selling author Hedrick Smith will visit Georgia State University on Wednesday, March 12 to discuss how America has moved from an era of middle class prosperity and power to an unequal economy that is unraveling the “American Dream” for millions of middle-class families. […]


18 Feb, 2014

Alcohol trade ‘must act on UK drink problem’ or face government action – The Independent

The UK drinks industry has been ordered by the Home Office to produce plans to tackle the sale and promotion of cheap super-strength beers and cider by the summer or face government action. Crime Prevention minister Norman Baker said that some alcohol producers and sellers have tried to ignore the Home Office’s demands for a […]


18 Feb, 2014

Loneliness twice as unhealthy as obesity for older people, study finds | theguardian.com

Loneliness can be twice as unhealthy as obesity, according to researchers who found that feelings of isolation can have a devastating impact on older people. The scientists tracked more than 2,000 people aged 50 and over and found that the loneliest were nearly twice as likely to die during the six-year study than the least […]


18 Feb, 2014

Unemployment Rises to Top Problem in the U.S. – Gallup Polls

by Rebecca Riffkin

WASHINGTON, D.C. February 17, 2014 (Gallup Polls) — Americans have a new No. 1 problem. Nearly one in four Americans mention jobs and unemployment as the most important problem facing the country, up from 16% in January. The government and politicians had topped the list since the government shutdown in October. Prior to last fall, […]


18 Feb, 2014

Australian Police post warning about online romance scams


Canberra, 17-02-2014 – (ACBPS media release) – The Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS) is warning the Australian community about the risks associated with online romance scams. Each year hundreds of thousands of Australians visit online dating and social websites hoping to find love. Unfortunately it is has also become a target for scammers. […]


18 Feb, 2014

The new Brand USA: Our Sinister Dual State – Chris Hedges – Truthdig

We live in what the German political scientist Ernst Fraenkel called “the dual state.” Totalitarian states are always dual states. In the dual state civil liberties are abolished in the name of national security. The political sphere becomes a vacuum “as far as the law is concerned,” Fraenkel wrote. There is no legal check on […]


18 Feb, 2014

Value of Design and Creativity On Show at First Singapore Design Week, 10-16 March


Singapore, Feb 17, 2014 – (ACN Newswire) – The inaugural Singapore Design Week (SDW) from 10 to 16 March 2014 will bring together a collection of over 50 local and international design activities at the National Design Centre and other venues. Organised by the DesignSingapore Council and supported by design associations and partners, the SDW […]


17 Feb, 2014

Nigeria Plans Major Investment in Airport Development

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Shamsi

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 17 February 2014 (17 Rabee’ al-Thaani 1435). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ ISLAMIC TOURISM CENTRE – GATEWAY TO MALAYSIA, THE MUSLIM-FRIENDLY DESTINATION The Islamic Tourism Centre in Malaysia […]


17 Feb, 2014

January 2014 Thai tourism stats show impact of political unrest

BANGKOK – Visitor arrival figures for January 2014 released earlier today confirm the extent of the damage being caused by the ongoing political unrest in Thailand. The total arrivals of 2,319,821 were virtually the same as 2,318,447 in January 2013, meaning that a growth level of probably more than 20% that may otherwise have materialised […]


17 Feb, 2014

Aust PM ‘frustrated’ at slow progress in anti-spying talks with Indonesia – Sydney Morning Herald

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has expressed frustration at the lack of progress on negotiations for a new joint code of conduct with Indonesia amid new spying claims. Jakarta demanded the code following revelations last year that Australia spied on Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and members of his inner circle. Indonesia wants the code finalised […]


17 Feb, 2014

LOT Polish Airlines Allows Passengers To Use PEDs In Flight


Feb. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — LOT Polish Airlines is allowing passengers to use their personal electronic devices (PED) on board LOT’s aircraft in flight mode beginning Feb. 17, 2014. Passengers may keep these devices switched on throughout the journey including take-offs and landings.  They may use all the functions on their phones, tablets, MP3 players […]


17 Feb, 2014

Cambodia to Host its First PATA Travel Mart


February 17, 2014, Bangkok (PATA media release) — The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) will hold the 37th PATA Travel Mart 2014, September 17-19 at Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Centre, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the “Kingdom of Wonder.” The Mart is being hosted by the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia. PTM 2014 will offer delegates […]


17 Feb, 2014

Chinese left stranded as Canada scraps investor visa program


BEIJING, Feb. 16 (Xinhuanet) — Uncertainty looms for thousands of mainland Chinese as Canada has scrapped its decades long investor visa program. Many say they had been hoping to school their young children in Canada but are now being forced to make new plans. An Li and her family had been waiting for five years […]


17 Feb, 2014

Philippines mulls 4-day school week proposal | Manila Bulletin

Manila, Philippines — Some lawmakers expressed support yesterday for a proposed four-day school week to help ease the massive traffic jams that are expected when work on 15 road and other construction projects in Metro Manila start this month. The Department of Education (DepEd) said it would form a panel to study the proposal of […]


17 Feb, 2014

EU report projects nearly 5 million jobs in €63 billion app sector by 2018


Brussels, 13 February 2014, European Commission Press release – The EU’s app sector has gone from zero to digital superhero in less than five years. By 2018 it could employ 4.8 million people and contribute €63 billion to the EU economy according to a report presented in Brussels today. The study, carried out by GIGAOM […]


17 Feb, 2014

TAT to maintain arrivals and revenue targets, revise strategic plan


Bangkok, (Royal Thai Government official media release) – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) will not adjust projected figures and revenue target for 2014, but instead revise its strategic plan. It is expected that tourists will gain back their confidence during the third and fourth quarters, particularly those from China, Japan, and Russia. On February […]


17 Feb, 2014

Thai police told to retake Bangkok protest sites this week


BANGKOK, Feb 16 (MCOT Online News) – Thailand’s police have been instructed to reclaim the five major capital protest sites occupied by protesters of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) and its allies this week. Caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung, as director of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order (CMPO),said Sunday on live television that he had ordered […]


16 Feb, 2014

Israel bars 70 Gaza patients over ‘Palestine’ logo – Ahram Online

The Israeli authorities have blocked 70 patients from Gaza from entering Israel to receive medical treatment because their transfer documents were marked “State of Palestine”, officials told AFP on Wednesday. Until recently, official stationery has used the term “Palestinian territories”. But the logo was changed in mid-December, a year after the Palestinians won recognition as […]


16 Feb, 2014

China mulls rules to regulate Internet finance


BEIJING, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) — China’s securities regulator said on Friday that it would work with other agencies to issue a set of rules to govern the burgeoning Internet finance industry. Despite being “generally supportive” of Internet finance, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) said the nascent sector still needs proper regulation and guidance. “Internet […]


14 Feb, 2014

As trust fades, Europe proposes “more transparent, accountable, inclusive” Internet governance


Brussels, 12 February 2014, European Commission Press release – In the wake of large-scale Internet surveillance and reduced trust in the internet, the European Commission today proposes a key reform to the way the Internet is managed and run. The proposal calls for more transparent, accountable and inclusive governance. Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes said: “The […]


14 Feb, 2014

Malaysia, Indonesia Team Up for First Joint Seminar on Islamic Tourism

Malaysia and Indonesia are to hold the first joint seminar on promoting Islamic tourism, one of the most promising future trends in travel, especially within the Asia-Pacific region. To be held 17-18 February in Kuala Lumpur, the seminar is the result of cooperation between the Islamic Tourism Centre (Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Malaysia), Ministry […]


13 Feb, 2014

Why it’s easy to ‘ban’ books in India – Hindustan Times

If any more proof was needed of the nation’s inexorable move towards a Right led by anti-intellectuals virulently opposed to Hinduism’s most admirable characteristic, its openness to a multiplicity of interpretations, Penguin India has supplied it by agreeing to pulp copies of Wendy Doniger’s The Hindus: An Alternative History. According to these severely intellectually-challenged right […]


13 Feb, 2014

Pakistan to host ‘India Show’ in Lahore from February 14


NEW DELHI, TNN | Feb 12, 2014: Exploring ‘business’ route to improve relations between the two countries, Pakistan will host three-day ‘India Show’ in Lahore beginning February 14. It may just be a coincidence that this mega business show of ‘made-in-India’ goods in Pakistan will begin on the Valentine’s Day, but the occasion will indeed […]


13 Feb, 2014

Skin-whitening creams reveal dark side of beauty – DAWN.COM

SKIN-whitening cosmetics are a multi-billion dollar industry pushing the idea that beauty equates with white skin and that lightening dark skin is both achievable and preferable. The cosmetics industry has traditionally relied on convincing people that they are incomplete without a particular product. Yet, unlike make-up or fake tan, skin-whitening creams base beauty on a […]


13 Feb, 2014

FREE Download: Report shows social-economic gains from free movement of EU citizens


Brussels, 11 February 2014, European Commission Press release – EU citizens go to other EU countries mainly for job opportunities and are on average younger and more likely to be working. This is confirmed by a new, independent study on the impact of the right to move freely within the EU which was published today. […]


13 Feb, 2014

S.African Parliamentary Committee Adopts Boycott Of Israel Resolution


Feb 10, 2014 (BDS South Africa media release) –  The Palestine solidarity human rights organization, BDS South Africa, welcomes the resolutions and recommendations of South Africa’s Parliamentary Portfolio Committee’s recent conference in support of the people of Palestine, Cuba and Western Sahara. BDS South Africa particularly welcomes the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee’s conference resolution in support […]


13 Feb, 2014

Maori Tourism CEO clears the air over suspended PATA Indigenous Tourism Conf

BANGKOK – The chief executive of New Zealand Maori Tourism has stepped in to dispel speculation about the reasons for the abrupt suspension of an April conference on Indigenous Tourism that was scheduled to be held in Rotorua in cooperation with the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA). In a statement emailed to this editor, Mrs […]


13 Feb, 2014

Valentine’s Day Special: Sound Relationships Require Sound Finances


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– February 10, 2014 — Just in time for Valentine’s Day, MetLife has released a top 10 list of financial tips designed to assist couples in achieving their financial goals. Given the significant role that financial matters play in couples’ lives—with the average couple discussing money 20 times a year—the tips provide a […]


12 Feb, 2014

‘The day we fight back’: 6,000 websites protest surveillance – RT News

More than 6,000 websites, including Reddit, Tumblr, Mozilla, are taking part in an online protest against government surveillance. The action marks two years since website blackouts against SOPA and PIPA and commemorates Aaron Swartz’s death. The February 11 online protest, going by the title ‘The Day We Fight Back’, is supposed to see around 6, […]


12 Feb, 2014

Palestine Plans Airport in West Bank, Seaport and Railway in Gaza


BETHLEHEM, Feb 11 (NNN-Ma’an) — The Palestinian Authority Ministry of Transport has been working with Egypt to prepare plans for an airport in the occupied West Bank and a seaport and railway line in the Gaza Strip, a minister said. Nabil Dmeidi, minister of transport and chairman of Palestinian Airlines, told Ma’an that the transport […]


12 Feb, 2014

All BJP wants to do is advance RSS’ vision of a Hindu Rashtra – Hindustan Times

The RSS/BJP campaign pitch reminds us of the popular Hindi song with which my generation grew up — ‘Kahin pe nigahein, kahin pe nishana’ (looking in one direction, while the target is another). Its public campaign is ostensibly pitched on the issues of development and prosperity. The real target, however, remains advancing the RSS’ vision […]


12 Feb, 2014

UN meeting to forge new quality standards for booming spice and herb sector


11 February 2014, Kochi, India/Rome (Food & Agriculture Organisation media release) – An international effort has been launched to develop quality standards for key products of the multi-billion dollar spice and herb trade. The sector has been enjoying rapid growth for several decades on the back of burgeoning demand from the booming economies of Asia […]


12 Feb, 2014

Most foreign students in UK do not feel welcome: Survey – The Independent

The majority of international students studying in the UK feel unwelcome in the country with a significant number saying they would not recommend to their friends that they come here to attend university, says a survey published on Monday. A study of the attitudes of 3,100 international students by the National Union of Students revealed […]


12 Feb, 2014

Airports join push for liberalised EU-ASEAN aviation pact


February 12, 2014, Hong Kong, (Airports Council International media release) –  As the 1st EU-ASEAN Aviation Summit kicked off yesterday in Singapore, airports on both sides were quick to herald the benefits of opening aviation markets between Europe and ASEAN countries. The airport trade bodies, ACI Asia-Pacific and ACI Europe expressed strong hopes that the […]
