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20 Oct, 2013

Buddhist-Muslim Forum on Peace & Sustainability to be held in KL, Nov 1


Two leading social activists and thinkers from Thailand and Malaysia are to be amongst main speakers at an International Buddhist-Muslim Forum on Peace And Sustainability to be organised in Kuala Lumpur on 01 November 2013. The forum is being organised by the Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (IKIM), the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) […]


20 Oct, 2013

Pakistan says 400 civilians killed by U.S. drone strikes – The Independent

Over two thousand people living in Pakistan have been killed by drone strikes in the past decade, according to a UN human rights investigator calling for America to release death toll figures. Of the 2,200 dead, 400 were civilians and an additional 200 victims were deemed “probable non-combatants Ben Emmerson, UN special rapporteur on human […]


20 Oct, 2013

TSA air marshal caught taking photos under skirts — RT USA

A federal air marshal was arrested after being accused of snapping cellphone photographs underneath women’s skirts and dresses as they boarded a flight in Nashville, TN on Thursday. The 28-year-old marshal, Adam Joseph Bartsch, of Rockville, MD was charged with disorderly conduct by police. He admitted to the crime, and has been relieved of his […]


20 Oct, 2013

Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism – The Electronic Intifada

When the Zionist movement appeared in Eastern Europe in the 1880s, it found it very difficult to persuade the leading rabbis and secular Jewish thinkers of the day to support it. The leading rabbis saw the political history in the Bible and the idea of Jewish sovereignty on the land of Israel as very marginal […]


19 Oct, 2013

Chinese rating agency cuts U.S. credit rating, cites lingering insolvency fears


BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) — Dagong Global Credit Rating Co. Ltd., a Chinese credit rating agency, on Thursday downgraded the local and foreign currency credit ratings of the United States to A- from A, maintaining a negative outlook. The decision came shortly after the U.S. Congress approved the resolution to end the partial government shutdown […]


19 Oct, 2013

China plans films to highlight culture, lifestyle of all its minorities


Beijing, (Xinhua), October 14, 2013 – Chinese government will produce at least one film for each of its 55 ethnic minorities, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission announced on Sunday. At a ceremony, names of four proposed films featuring Mongol, Dong and Manchu minorities were unveiled. These films will showcase the culture and life of the […]


19 Oct, 2013

More Chinese students returning home after studying abroad


Shanghai, 2013-10-17 (China Daily) – Facing a stagnant economic situation overseas, more Chinese students are returning home after studying overseas, a trend that looks likely to continue in coming years, a report released this week says. The report on the situation in 2013, conducted by the Chinese international education service provider EIC, said 22 percent […]


19 Oct, 2013

UN issues report on role of women in conflict prevention, building peace & security

United Nations, (UN News Centre) – Oct 18 2013 – The United Nations Security Council and senior UN officials today issued a strong call on the international community to strengthen its commitment to ensuring that women play a more prominent role in conflict prevention, resolution and in post-war peacebuilding. Unanimously adopting a new resolution this […]


19 Oct, 2013

Thai Central Bank Chief tells US to take same medicine IMF prescribed to Asia in 1997

By Gary Schwarz

Beijing, 2013-10-17 (China Daily) – Before and after last weekend’s annual World Bank/IMF meeting, financial leaders from across the globe presented their views on the world economy at Harvard University. What did their views have in common? And what do they imply for China? All the financial leaders voiced concern over the failure to lift […]


19 Oct, 2013

Confucian wisdom opens new chapter in China-ASEAN ties


BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) — “Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.” The ancient Chinese philosophy championed by Confucius has had far-reaching influence on the values of the Chinese people. In the contacts and exchanges with ASEAN countries, China’s policy of seeking good-neighborliness, concord and win-win cooperation has perfectly conveyed its diplomatic concept. At this crucial […]


19 Oct, 2013

Xinhua News Analysis: Risks linger despite U.S. debt resolution


BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) — The U.S. decision on Thursday to once again lift its debt limit has been welcomed but risks remain, according to to Chinese financial experts. The U.S. congress passed a deal to lift the U.S. government’s borrowing limit, in an effort to pull the country from the brink of a debt […]


19 Oct, 2013

Resolution on child brides: India has let down its girl children – Hindustan Times

Most children have at some point of time played ‘house’, designating roles of husband and wife to dolls, making them cook invisible food in miniature utensils, often adding a baby doll to the family. Now replace these dolls with real children, and it is not a cute game anymore. It is the ugly face of […]


19 Oct, 2013

UK Employers should raise low-paid workers’ wages to tackle ‘in-work poverty’ – The Independent

Employers should increase the wages of their low-paid workers to tackle the scourge of “in-work poverty” in Britain, the Government’s watchdog on poverty recommended today. In its first “state of the nation” report, the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission proposed cuts in perks for well-off pensioners, such as free TV licences and winter fuel […]


19 Oct, 2013

Extent of spy agencies’ surveillance to be investigated by parliamentary body – Guardian

The extent and scale of mass surveillance undertaken by Britain’s spy agencies is to be scrutinised in a major inquiry to be formally launched on Thursday. Parliament’s intelligence and security committee (ISC), the body tasked with overseeing the work of GCHQ, MI5 and MI6, will say the investigation is a response to concern raised by […]


19 Oct, 2013

Russia to Spend $63Bln on Arctic Development – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, October 18 (RIA Novosti) – Russia plans to spend 2 trillion rubles ($63 billion) by 2020 on a strategic program to develop the Arctic, a senior government official said Friday. Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyayev said the draft program for economic and social projects in the Arctic could be submitted to the Cabinet by […]


19 Oct, 2013

Radiation levels soar in Fukushima N-plant well water – Jiji Press

Jiji Press — Oct 18 – Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Friday reported a surge in the levels of radioactive materials in water from an observation well at its Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan. The firm said that 400,000 becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting substances such as strontium were detected […]


18 Oct, 2013

Safeguard economy by reversing present form of globalisation – Hindustan Times

Why should the world watch with increasing trepidation, the impending default of the United States’ debt payments? If a global economic meltdown worse than in 2008 stares at us, we should be asking some serious questions about the form of globalisation that has made us so vulnerable. And what is common between this and the […]


18 Oct, 2013

UN rapporteur Christof Heyns condemns use of drone strikes – theguardian.com

Deploying drone strikes as a form of global policing undermines international security and will encourage more states and terrorist groups to acquire unmanned weapons, a UN report has warned. The study has been submitted to UN general assembly by Christof Heyns, a South African law professor who is the organisation’s special rapporteur on extra-judicial, summary […]


17 Oct, 2013

Danish Operator Wins Innovation Award for Coach-Cycle Road Tour Concept


Kortrijk (IRU media release) 17 Oct 2013 – The IRU Coach Tourism Innovation Award 2013 was attributed to the Danish family-owned coach company Papuga A/S, for its “Let’s Cycle Together” concept, which allows cycling enthusiasts – clubs, companies, individuals – to tour Europe by coach  with their bicycles, revealing a market potential that can attract […]


17 Oct, 2013

European MPs support ITU push to create a universal mobile phone charger


Geneva, 17 October 2013 (ITU media release) – Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have embraced an opportunity to mandate the use of universal charging solutions for mobile phones. An amendment to the Radio Equipment Directive of the European Parliament will require radio equipment – and in particular, mobile phones – to be compatible with a […]


17 Oct, 2013

Multinationals, economists and media they control will continue to lead people astray

By OP Rana

Beijing, 2013-10-15, (China Daily) – This world of ours is flush with ideas, ideas that generate in the minds of ordinary people as well those who occupy the opulent interiors of glitzy edifices. One would imagine that the ideas engendered by all the minds would combine to chart the course of the world. But if […]


17 Oct, 2013

Chinese Mainland-Taiwan individual travelers surge


BEIJING, 2013-10-16, (Xinhua) — Individual tourists from the mainland to Taiwan outnumbered those on package tours during the recent seven-day holiday, said a mainland spokeswoman on Wednesday. About 23,600 independent tourists from the mainland visited Taiwan from Oct 1 to 7, up 144.25 percent over the same holiday last year, said Fan Liqing, spokeswoman with […]


17 Oct, 2013

Advancing the internationalization of the renminbi

By Bob Gay

Beijing, 2013-10-16, (China Daily) – The European Central Bank’s announcement of a new $350 billion swap agreement with the People’s Bank of China on Oct 10 comes at a curious time. Namely, we suspect that the current dysfunction in Washington may have accelerated the ECB’s discussions on the matter and may have tipped the scales […]


17 Oct, 2013

The fatality of America’s debt addiction

By Prof Lu Feng, Peking University

Beijing, 2013-10-16, (China Daily) – The stalemate between US President Barack Obama’s administration and Republican- majority House of Representatives over raising America’s debt ceiling has partly shut down the federal government since Oct 1. On Oct 10, Obama rejected Republicans’ offer of increasing the debt ceiling for six weeks, aiming to push the negotiations’ deadline […]


17 Oct, 2013

China Plans Nationwide, Lifelong Health Care System


Beijing, 2013-10-16 (China Daily) – According to guidelines issued by the State Council on Monday, the country will strive to set up a national health service system, spanning cradle to grave, and lift the value of the sector to more than 8 trillion yuan ($1.31 trillion) by 2020. To facilitate the plan’s fulfillment, the government […]


17 Oct, 2013

Tepco’s toxic water failures pitiful: NRA | The Japan Times

Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s efforts to keep radioactive water at its stricken Fukushima No. 1 power station from spilling into the sea have been ineffective, according to the Nuclear Regulation Authority. “Our conclusion is that little effect has been seen” in Tepco’s measures, NRA Commissioner Toyoshi Fuketa said at an NRA panel meeting Tuesday, citing […]


17 Oct, 2013

S. Korea introduces ‘Gangnam Style’ tourist police force – The Independent

South Korea today introduced their new “tourist police force” as handpicked officers dressed in uniforms created by one of the costume designers behind popstar Psy’s image were showcased in a ‘Gangnam style’ launch. One hundred young officers, chosen for their specific linguistic abilities, formed the first batch of police tasked with assisting tourists who feel […]


16 Oct, 2013

PLOS Medicine: The 2003 Iraq War and Avoidable Death Toll

Salman Rawaf In 2003, the war in Iraq attracted worldwide interest as the systematic failure of coalition and Iraqi politicians to stabilise the country [15],[16] led to atrocities by the military and sectarian insurgents against innocent civilians. During this conflict, mortality surveys were conducted to assess the impact of the invasion and subsequent terrors. However, […]


16 Oct, 2013

“America suffers from a culture of violence”: Ron Paul’s farewell address to Congress

America now suffers from a culture of violence. It’s easy to reject the initiation of violence against one’s neighbor but it’s ironic that the people arbitrarily and freely anoint government officials with monopoly power to initiate violence against the American people—practically at will. Because it’s the government that initiates force, most people accept it as […]


16 Oct, 2013

FREE Download: UNCTAD Report says New Policies Needed to Navigate New Dynamics of Global Economy


United Nations, Oct 14 2013 (UN News Centre) – Countries must adopt new economic policies to adjust to structural changes in the world economy sparked by the onset of the global financial crisis five years ago, according to a new United Nations report. The Trade and Development Report 2013 (click here to download free) notes […]


16 Oct, 2013

Angry India berates IMF for global economic surveillance failures, downturn projections


Ministry of Finance, 13-October, 2013 – Indian Finance Minister Mr P.Chidambaram has blasted the International Monetary Fund for its failure to identify risks and provide clear warnings about global macroeconomic turbulence. He has also demanded a detailed advance-warning study of the upcoming impact on the global economies of the rollback of the “quantitative easing” policies, […]


16 Oct, 2013

Developing World Faces Breast Cancer Surge, Study Suggests


October 15, 2013, CHALFONT ST. GILES, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Rising breast cancer incidence and mortality represent a significant and growing threat for the developing world, according to a new global study commissioned by GE Healthcare. Explained report co-author Bengt Jönsson, Professor in Health Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics: “Breast cancer is on the rise across […]


16 Oct, 2013

Internet giants plan to track users even more

While public unease with the National Security Agency’s surveillance efforts continues to grow, there are new signs indicating that technology companies are also upgrading their efforts to track what you’re doing on the Internet. According to a new report by Wired, companies like Microsoft and Google are developing increasingly sophisticated means of collecting consumer data […]


16 Oct, 2013

Shutdown of US govt: Dress rehearsal for privatization of federal state? — RT

The fiscal ceiling having now been reached, possibly with a deadline, the government is being pressured by its Wall Street handlers – who control decision-making in the US Congress – to curtail and downsize social programs, as well as initiate the transfer of public assets and institutions into the hands of private corporations. There is […]


16 Oct, 2013

Central banks getting ready for financial Armageddon — RT Business

If the US debt-ceiling debate goes past the eleventh hour, and the default of the world’s largest economy becomes a reality, leading central banks around the world are gearing up to minimize losses and keep the world economy functioning. If US lawmakers don’t reach a budget consensus and raise the debt ceiling by Thursday October […]


16 Oct, 2013

Malay fund managers move servers to Russia amid ‘dodge NSA’ tech-trend — RT News

Private telecom providers, businesses and governments are increasingly compelled to move or reinforce web operations following disclosures of the NSA’s mass internet surveillance programs made by whistleblower Edward Snowden. Brazil is set to vote on the creation of a cyber-security system to thwart National Security Agency espionage of Brazilian government systems. US surveillance led by […]


16 Oct, 2013

Alibaba to transform China’s ‘e-conomy – China Daily

Alibaba Group’s plans to revolutionize China’s retail industry, investing $16 billion in logistics and support by 2020, will open up China’s vast interior and bring access to hundreds of millions of potential new customers. With an extra $15 billion or so in its pocket from a likely IPO, Alibaba and partners such as delivery service […]


16 Oct, 2013

Time to cool down nationwide English mania – People’s Daily Online

There are benefits to this nationwide mania for English learning. An overall escalation of English proficiency broadens the horizon of Chinese people, enabling them to have an insight into the rest of the world. However, learning English has already become “too much of a good thing.” English education and training has become institutionalized, forcing Chinese […]


16 Oct, 2013

European ‘shadow state’ faces growing resistance – DW.DE

Which cruel ruler is continually forcing new rounds of austerity measures on the Greeks? And which dark power managed to break the resistance of Cypriots in just a few days? The answer is not Germany. It is the eurozone’s shadow state. It sounds like something from science fiction or fantasy, the Star Wars saga or […]


16 Oct, 2013

US dollar’s ‘exorbitant privilege’ at risk – DW.DE

Since the end of World War II, international investors have looked at the US dollar as a safe bet, reassured by the full faith and credit of Uncle Sam. In hard times, they parked their money in US Treasury bills to ride out the storm. But these days, Washington is not looking as reliable as […]


16 Oct, 2013

Asia Times Online: The birth of the ‘de-Americanized’ world

This is it. China has had enough. The (diplomatic) gloves are off. It’s time to build a “de-Americanized” world. It’s time for a “new international reserve currency” to replace the US dollar. It’s all here, in a Xinhua editorial, straight from the dragon’s mouth. And the year is only 2013. Fasten your seat belts – […]


16 Oct, 2013

Asia Times Online: Mining your information for big brother

Big Bro is watching you. Inside your mobile phone and hidden behind your web browser are little known software products marketed by contractors to the government that can follow you around anywhere. No longer the wide-eyed fantasies of conspiracy theorists, these technologies are routinely installed in all of our data devices by companies that sell […]


15 Oct, 2013

Son of slain Sikh will challenge Paul Ryan for Wisconsin seat – CSMonitor.com

MILWAUKEE: The son of a slain Sikh temple president plans to challenge US Rep. Paul Ryan in next year’s congressional election, in a Wisconsin district where support for the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee has been strong but slipping. Amar Kaleka, 35, told The Associated Press he’ll file paperwork Wednesday to form an exploratory congressional […]


15 Oct, 2013

Truthdiggers of the Week: Editors and Reporters of The Guardian

Since 2009, investigations by The Guardian have sent shock waves through the halls of power across the world. Like others devoted to the principles of their profession, I suspect its editors and reporters would demur at the suggestion that they’re engaged in anything more than journalism. In a strictly technical sense, they’d be right. But […]


15 Oct, 2013

The Folly of Empire – Chris Hedges – Truthdig

The last days of empire are carnivals of folly. We are in the midst of our own, plunging forward as our leaders court willful economic and environmental self-destruction. Sumer and Rome went down like this. So did the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires. Men and women of stunning mediocrity and depravity led the monarchies of Europe […]


15 Oct, 2013

Gambling Industry Salivates at Prospects of Online Boom


SARASOTA, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)-October 09, 2013 – As OBJ Enterprises (OTCBB: OBJE) works to expand its share of the $13 billion global electronic games industry, a new generation of gaming consoles and mobile technologies is poised to spark a dramatic rise in game revenues in the next year. This week, CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer […]


15 Oct, 2013

ILO Chief Tells IMF-World Bank How to Avoid the Risk of a Slow-Growth Trap


Geneva, (ILO Media release) – Jobs are central both for the economic recovery and the long-term development of the global economy,  ILO Director-General Guy Ryder said in a statement to the International Monetary and Financial Committee and Development Committee of the IMF-World Bank on 11 October 2013. The following is the full text of his statement: […]


15 Oct, 2013

New Association Set Up to Tap Opportunities for Gap-Year Students in U.S.


Portland, Oregon (PRWEB) October 15, 2013 – Gap year programs, long a staple of education systems in Europe and Australia, have grown substantially in popularity in the United States during the past six years. In response to this trend, a team of leading education and gap year experts have joined together to support a new […]


14 Oct, 2013

First phase of Haram Mosque expansion opens for Hajj

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 14 October 2013 (09 Dhul Ḥijjah 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ Wishing all readers a blessed and peaceful Eid Ul Adha. MAJOR UPCOMING TRAVEL & TOURISM […]


14 Oct, 2013

Workshop on Ancient Indian Wisdom: Values for Living the Vision of Oneness


A two-day workshop on this topic will be held by Neema Majmudar and Surya Tahora between 30 November‐1 December 2013 at the Indus restaurant, Bangkok. Introduction Today’s world is fraught with challenges in multiple areas of life. The success of any individual depends upon the skill with which one is able to navigate one’s life […]


14 Oct, 2013

Pakistan PM announces Rs.200M fund for Trust to help victims of Church bombing


PESHAWAR, October 10 (APP): Pakistan Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Thursday announced allocation of Rs.200 million fund for a Trust to be set up by Christian community to rehabilitate victims of devastating suicide bomb blasts at All Saints Church on September 22 which claimed 83 precious lives and injured 140 persons. The announcement was made […]


14 Oct, 2013

Mums develop their nose for business – Sydney Morning Herald

More women with successful careers are starting their own business or working for themselves from home after having children. The ”female” economy is fast growing and one that the big banks are keen to reach. Women have spent a lot of time and effort building their careers, says Larke Riemer, director of women’s markets at […]


14 Oct, 2013

Italian Minister Denies Hebron Visit ‘In Solidarity With Jewish Settlers’


BETHLEHEM, Palestine, Oct 12 (NNN-MA’AN) – Italian Minister of Tourism and Culture Massimo Bray has denied allegations of acting in “solidarity” with Israeli settlers after meeting with a leader of the illegal Jewish settler community in the Old City of Hebron on Tuesday. A statement released by the Italian consulate denied these “specious” allegations, highlighting […]


13 Oct, 2013

CNTA survey: Most Chinese want National Day Golden Week abolished


Beijing, 2013-10-12 – (China Daily) – Zhang Ji usually plays badminton with his colleagues on Saturdays at the Beijing University of Technology stadium. But not this week, because they have to work according to a revised holiday schedule. “This Saturday has become a working day because of the week-long National Day holiday,” said Zhang, who […]


13 Oct, 2013

Poll finds majority unhappy with China’s public holiday rules


Shanghai, (Shanghai Daily) October 12, 2013 – Most Chinese are unhappy with the country’s public holiday arrangements which feature long breaks at the cost of working extra days, according to a nation-wide poll. The national holiday coordinating office, which is affiliated to the National Tourism Administration, opened a poll at news portals on Thursday. Voting […]


13 Oct, 2013

Snowden: US spying program making people less safe – Arab News

MOSCOW: The former National Security Agency systems analyst, Edward Snowden, said that the mass surveillance programs used by the United States to tap into phone and internet connections around the world are making people less safe. In short video clips posted by the WikiLeaks website on Friday, Snowden said that the NSA’s mass surveillance, which […]


13 Oct, 2013

PressTV – Pentagon admits to holding phony arrival ceremonies for soldiers’ remains

The Department of Defense unit charged with recovering servicemembers’ remains abroad has been holding phony “arrival ceremonies” for seven years, with an honor guard carrying flag-draped coffins off of a cargo plane as though they held the remains returning that day from old battlefields. The Pentagon acknowledged Wednesday that no honored dead were in fact […]


13 Oct, 2013

U.S. restaurant workers’ stolen wages in the spotlight – Al Jazeera English

In September 2012, about 20 restaurant workers protested in front of the popular David’s Cafe in Miami Beach, a restaurant owned by their former employer, Adrian Gonzalez. They give you cheques, three or four, you go to the bank and there is no money. The bank says that is a crime so you go to […]


13 Oct, 2013

European Parliamentarians urge end to impunity of CIA rendition and secret detentions


Brussels, European Parliament Plenary Session Press release – Citizens’ rights / Fundamental rights − 10-10-2013 – The climate of impunity surrounding EU member states’ complicity in the CIA’s secret “rendition” and detention programmes has allowed violations of fundamental rights to continue unchecked, as revealed by mass surveillance programmes run by the US and some EU […]


13 Oct, 2013

Europe’s 10-point Reform Agenda for Maximum Impact on Growth and Jobs


Brussels, 11 October 2013, European Commission – Once the EU’s 2014-2020 budget is confirmed by the European Parliament and EU member states, Cohesion Policy will invest € 325 billion in Europe’s regions and cities to deliver the EU-wide goals of growth and jobs, as well as tackling climate change and energy dependence. This will in […]


13 Oct, 2013

Asia Times Online: Homeland Security set for next Wall St collapse

Reports are that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in a massive, covert military buildup. An article in the Associated Press in February confirmed an open purchase order by DHS for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. According to an op-ed in Forbes, that’s enough to sustain an Iraq-sized war for over 20 years. […]


13 Oct, 2013

Yitzhak Rabin memorial rally draws thousands – Haaretz

Thousands of people gathered Saturday night for a rally marking 18 years to the assassination of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. The rally, which was scheduled to commence at 8 P.M., took place at Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square, where the prime minister was assassinated on November 4, 1995 by right-wing extremist Yigal Amir. The site, […]


12 Oct, 2013

China’s wealthy shift focus to investment: Survey

By Lyu Chang

Beijing, 2013-10-10 (China Daily) – China’s top entrepreneurs, who have achieved extraordinary business success in the past decades, are moving away from their core businesses to become more involved in investment, a ranking of the wealthiest investors in the world’s second-largest economy showed on Wednesday. “It is a clear trend that many entrepreneurs are shifting […]


12 Oct, 2013

Reserve at least 3% jobs for disabled: Apex court – Indian Express

A marathon legal struggle for a level playing field brought something to cheer about for at least 4 crore people with disabilities in India as the Supreme Court Tuesday ruled in favour of a minimum 3 percent reservation for them in all central and state government jobs. This, the court said, would “ensure proper implementation […]


12 Oct, 2013

Tokyo Metro government to extend hours of arts, sports facilities | The Japan Times

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will move up or extend business hours at its arts and sports facilities this fall and winter to accommodate more diverse lifestyles. “I believe the efforts will lead to increased consumption and revitalize the economy by supporting people’s various lifestyles, with working hours not limited to 9 to 5 anymore,” Gov. […]


12 Oct, 2013

Big data has made privacy obsolete – The Japan Times

LONDON – Watching the legal system deal with the Internet is like watching somebody trying to drive a car by looking only in the rear-view mirror. The results are amusing and predictable but not really interesting. On the other hand, watching the efforts of regulators — whether British ones such as Ofcom, or multinational, like […]


12 Oct, 2013

Are invisible forces orchestrating Myanmar’s anti-Muslim violence? – Al Jazeera

Myanmar’s president made his first trip to the violence-hit town of Thandwe last week, days after a 94-year-old Muslim woman was slain by Buddhists in a nearby village. Spurred on by an unrelated argument between a Muslim political leader and a Buddhist taxi driver two days prior, a mob approached her home in a nearby […]


12 Oct, 2013

Bali Hotel occupancy drops during APEC Summit | The Jakarta Post

The average occupancy rate of hotels in Bali, especially in Nusa Dua and the surrounding areas, has dropped quite significantly following the closure of Ngurah Rai International Airport during the ongoing APEC Summit. Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, chairman of the Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI), told Bali Daily on Saturday that the average […]


12 Oct, 2013

Indian Haj Centenarians completing a lifelong dream – Arab News

Believe it or not, at a time when younger people are becoming victims of even minor infections, three Indian pilgrims above the age of 100 have arrived in the Kingdom to perform Haj, and they are in perfect shape. Ismail from the north Indian state of Haryana, who has seen all of 107 summers, is […]


12 Oct, 2013

Congestion makes Chinese wonder whether national holidays are a time for leisure or stress


2013-10-08 – (China Daily) – National holidays provide rare opportunities for the general public to travel and get a well-deserved rest, both physically and mentally, from their daily work routine. However, problems exposed by travel arrangements involving hundreds of millions of people, from overburdened tourist accommodation facilities at major scenic spots and poor services to […]


12 Oct, 2013

Meeting report: Hindu Economic Forum Explores Sustainable Ways to Strengthen Economy

Report issued by the organisers of the World Hindu Economic Forum

BANGKOK – The second meet of WHEF was held at Bangkok on 10th and 11th August 2013. Dr. Olarn Chaipravat, Former Deputy Prime Minister and the President of Thailand Trade Representative, inaugurated the conference. In his inaugural address, he emphasized that Thailand is re-shaping its future by improving its economy and growth and invited WHEF […]


12 Oct, 2013

Combating the Hazards of Waste: New Strategies to Fight Health, Environmental Risks


Vienna, 7 October 2013 (UNEP media release) – Some 3.5 billion people, or half of the world’s population, are without access to crucial waste management services, posing significant environmental and health hazards and harming economies.This staggering statistic is the baseline for a new document released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United […]


12 Oct, 2013

We Lost 10 Years to the “War on Terror,” It’s Time We Admit It

When you look at the entirety of events over the last twelve years — 9/11, the wars, our degenerating politics, broken government, and economic catastrophes — the picture is bleak. We’ve watched our country sputter and fail at home and abroad, and the truth is undeniable: We haven’t learned from, admitted, or understood our mistakes, […]


12 Oct, 2013

India-Indonesia Strategic Partnership Pact to Boost Intra-Asian Travel


Indian Prime Minister’s Office, 11-October, 2013 – India and Indonesia are to step up travel & tourism exchanges, cultural and educational links as part of Strategic Partnership Agreement discussed during Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s official visit to Indonesia from 10 to 12 October 2013. The increased trade, investment and other contacts between Asia’s […]


12 Oct, 2013

Converting to Islam: British women on prayer, peace and prejudice

Around 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year – and most of them are women. Five of them talk about prejudice, peace and praying in car parks Read the rest: Converting to Islam: British women on prayer, peace and prejudice | World news | The Guardian.


12 Oct, 2013

Pope signals start of new war on Vatican corruption – The Independent

In a clear sign that he wants to be seen to be tackling endemic corruption at the Vatican, Pope Francis welcomed the Church’s highest-ranking whistleblower to a special audience today. The Pontiff last night met Monsignor Carlo Maria Vigano, the Holy See’s ambassador to the US, whose letters provided the most explosive evidence to emerge […]


12 Oct, 2013

Editors on the NSA files: ‘What the Guardian is doing is important for democracy’

On Thursday the Daily Mail described the Guardian as ‘The paper that helps Britain’s enemies’. We showed that article to many of the world’s leading editors. This is what they said: Read the rest: Editors on the NSA files: ‘What the Guardian is doing is important for democracy’ | World news | The Guardian.


12 Oct, 2013

Skype under investigation in Luxembourg over link to NSA – theguardian.com

Skype is being investigated by Luxembourg’s data protection commissioner over concerns about its secret involvement with the US National Security Agency (NSA) spy programme Prism, the Guardian has learned. The Microsoft-owned internet chat company could potentially face criminal and administrative sanctions, including a ban on passing users’ communications covertly to the US signals intelliigence agency. […]


12 Oct, 2013

The Devastating Impacts of IMF-World Bank “Economic Medicine”

As the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund hold their annual meeting in Washington 11-13th October 2013 it is necessary to take a look at the state of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). |1| The history of economic development is strewn with attempts to correct the “mistakes” of development policy. The preferred method is […]


12 Oct, 2013

PressTV – US continues to gag, murder 9/11 truth-seekers

Is the US government using assault, intimidation, even murder – and killing free speech worldwide – to cover up the insider crimes of September 11th, 2001? One of the leading scientists challenging the US government’s version of 9/11, Dr. Crockett Grabbe, has gone on the record charging 9/11 cover-up forces with a series of murders […]


11 Oct, 2013

Five of the Most Common Social Media Marketing Mishaps


IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Social media has become one of the most important marketing platforms for any business, either Web-based or not. In order to reach a wider audience and encourage content sharing, Internet marketers need to dedicate a fair amount of their efforts to marketing on social media sites. It takes time […]


11 Oct, 2013

India Post Launches ‘Instant Cash’ International Money Transfer Service


Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, 11-October, 2013 – India Post (= Department of Posts) has signed an agreement with Wall Street Exchange (a company of the Emirates Post Group of UAE) for launch of an International Electronic Money Transfer service through ‘Instant Cash’ product of the Emirates Post Group. The service was launched here […]


11 Oct, 2013

Indian Finance Minister Cites “Defining Challenge”: How to build a competent and ethical State


Ministry of Finance, 11-October, 2013 – The following is the full text of a speech by Mr.P.Chidambaram, Union Finance Minister, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace on Recapturing India’s Growth Momentum. Dr. Perkovich, Vice President for Studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for the invitation to speak […]


11 Oct, 2013

China Flags Setting Up Infrastructure Funding Bank to Boost Links with ASEAN


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang put forward a seven-point proposal on further broadening and deepening cooperation between his country and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The China-ASEAN relations have grown to maturity and the bilateral cooperation has got on the fast track, Li said at the 16th […]


11 Oct, 2013

Reform R&D tax systems to boost innovation and help young firms, OECD Report


Paris, (OECD media release) 10/10/2013 – Most OECD governments use tax incentives to encourage businesses to invest in research and development (R&D)  to boost innovation and drive economic growth. Others, like China, India and South Africa, are doing the same. But reforming these incentives would give countries a better return on their investment and support […]


11 Oct, 2013

Chinese Metaphysics Expert Offers Global Feng Shui Consulting


Singapore (PRWEB) October 10, 2013 – Award winning expert in Chinese Metaphysics disciplines, Kevin Foong, now offers consulting on a global basis. The founder of Kevin Foong Consulting Group, he now offers consulting in markets such as Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom. Foong’s consultancy firm focuses on the teaching of Feng […]


11 Oct, 2013

UN global survey explains why so many people with disabilities die in disasters


GENEVA, 10 October 2013, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)  – The results of the first-ever UN global survey of persons living with disabilities on how they cope with disasters, illustrates why they die, or are injured, in disproportionate numbers in disasters. An estimated 15% of the world’s population lives with some form […]


11 Oct, 2013

Indian PM: India-Myanmar-Thailand Highway Making Progress, Completion Expected by 2016


Brunei Darussalam, 10-October, 2013 – Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh has said that Tamu-Kalewa-Kalemyo sector of the India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway is nearing completion, and that India will work with its partner countries to ensure that the project is completed by 2016. In his Opening Statement at the 11th India-ASEAN Summit here, Dr Singh also […]


11 Oct, 2013

UN Marks World Mental Health Day By Focusing On Well-Being Of Ageing Populations


United Nations, 10 October 2013 (UN News Centre) – Citizens over 60 years of age must have access to social and health services to ensure their physical and mental well-being, the United Nations said today, marking World Mental Health Day. “We can all benefit from the warmth and wisdom of older generations. But while many people look forward […]


11 Oct, 2013

Time Management: Pew Research Finds Parents’ Time with Kids More Rewarding Than Paid Work

by Wendy Wang

October 8, 2013 -(Pew Research Centre) There’s no tougher job than being a parent, or so the saying goes. This sentiment seems to be confirmed by a new Pew Research Center analysis of government time use data. Parents find caring for their children to be much more exhausting than the work they do for pay. […]


10 Oct, 2013

Indigenous Peoples “Must be Represented in Climate Change Deals on Future of Global Forests”

REDD+ Safeguards Working Group Media Release

Indigenous peoples should have a permanent representative in a partnership of 75 countries that aims to decrease the global carbon footprint through reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Asia- and Australia-based members of the REDD+ Safeguards Working Group (R-SWG), a North-South coalition of civil society and indigenous peoples’ organizations, today issued the call […]


10 Oct, 2013

US$200 million ADB loan to Upgrade Major Highway in China’s Inner Mongolia


Asian Development Bank, 10 Oct 2013 – A major highway and rural roads in a remote northern area of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be upgraded to support increased movement of goods and people, through a $200 million loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). A $200 million loan will upgrade a major […]


10 Oct, 2013

All Anti-Terrorism Measures Must Observe International Law, UN meeting hears


United Nations (08 Oct 2013) Department of Public Information – As the UN 68th General Assembly, Sixth Committee (Legal) continued its debate on measures to eliminate international terrorism, delegates insisted that all courses of action must remain within the framework of international law. Rejecting unilateral acts against States and the use of force under the […]


10 Oct, 2013

Shanghai free trade zone heralds new strategy of reform and opening-up

By Zhang Monan

Shanghai, 2013-10-08 (China Daily) – The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, which was officially launched on Sept 29, is another strategic move in China’s latest round of efforts to boost its process of opening-up through further reform. Since China embarked on the voyage of reform and opening-up more than 30 years ago, every decade […]


10 Oct, 2013

China calls on US to stay solvent, ensure safety of massive Chinese assets

By Gao Chiangxin in Hong Kong and Wei Tian in Shanghai

(China Daily), October 08, 2013 – In its first response to the US government shutdown by a senior official, China asked the United States to solve the political impasse and stay solvent to ensure the safety of massive Chinese assets. Vice-Minister of Finance Zhu Guangyao said on Monday that China, the US’s biggest creditor, is […]


10 Oct, 2013

Chinese Golden Week overcrowding dampens holidaymaker spirit


(Xinhua) October 08, 2013 – The National Day holiday which ends on Monday is just the latest chance to witness the characteristic overcrowding of Chinese holidays. While the world-famous tourist spots such as the Forbidden City, Great Wall, West Lake of Hangzhou and Nanjing Road in Shanghai were predictably packed with tourists, other places have […]


10 Oct, 2013

Business Travel Coalition Survey: More Airline Transparency Needed on Ancillary Service Fees


October 7, 2013 – Business Travel Coalition (BTC) on October 4, 2013 initiated a survey of travel industry participants from around the world with respect to the highly anticipated U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rulemaking regarding the disclosure of airline ancillary fees. The survey will remain open until DOT publishes its rulemaking with final survey […]


10 Oct, 2013

Xinhua analysis: Global economy grows in low gear, entering another transition


WASHINGTON, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) — The International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday lowered its forecast for global economic growth, saying the world economy has entered another transition with a set of challenges that call for new reform efforts. The Washington-based global lender cut its growth forecast for the world economy to 2.9 percent this year, […]


10 Oct, 2013

Chinese anti-corruption drive cools holiday gift market


NANJING, 2013-10-04, (Xinhua) – Holiday season used to be boom time for gift companies in China, but the country’s frugality campaign is meaning many of them will have a hard time surviving this time around. In the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou, where people swarm during Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holiday to buy […]


10 Oct, 2013

Emerging Asian economies expected to remain resilient, says new OECD Economic Outlook


Brunei Darussalam, 8 October 2013 – The economic outlook for Emerging Asia (Southeast Asia, China and India) remains robust over the medium term, anchored by the steady rise in domestic demand, according to a new report from the OECD Development Centre. GDP growth in Emerging Asia is projected to moderate gradually but stay resilient over […]
