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Author Archive

8 Sep, 2013

Inside America’s Dark History of Chemical Warfare | Alternet

September 5, 2013 – As the Obama administration presses ahead with its mission to punish the Syrian government for its alleged gassing of civilians in suburban Damascus, the particulars of the attack remain unclear. All too clear, though, is the role of the United States as a supplier, supporter and even employer of a wide […]


7 Sep, 2013

It’s Official: India, China, Indonesia, Russia, S. Africa, Brazil, all oppose attack on Syria


Leaders of the world’s most populous countries, India, China, Indonesia,  S. Africa, Brazil, plus Russia, all oppose an attack on Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin made clear at his post G20-summit conference. He also went out of his way to specifically note that Indonesia was the world’s largest Muslim-majority country. The following is the full […]


7 Sep, 2013

Zubin Mehta conferred India’s Tagore Award for Cultural Harmony 2013


Ministry of Culture, 06-September, 2013 – President of India Mr Pranab Mukherjee here today conferred the Tagore Award for Cultural Harmony, 2013 on Maestro Zubin Mehta. The award ceremony was held at the Rashtrapati Bhawan. The award carries an amount of Rs. 1 Crore, a citation in a scroll, a plaque as well as an […]


7 Sep, 2013

Shanghai’s visa-free policy lifts tourism

By Wang Zhenghua

Shanghai, (China Daily) 2013-09-06 – Shanghai authorities said the city’s policy allowing citizens from 45 nations to stay up to 72 hours in the city without a visa has noticeably boosted tourism. But business insiders said a lot more can be done to bring more transit passengers to the city amid an overall drop in […]


7 Sep, 2013

Obesity, Malnutrition Pose Twin Threats to Asia-Pacific’s Food Future: ADB Study


5 September 2013 (ADB media release) – Asia and the Pacific’s drive for food security has focused too narrowly on quantity, with a surge in obesity and still high levels of malnutrition in some countries highlighting the need for a new approach, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) study (Click here to download free). […]


7 Sep, 2013

In Statement at G20, India Cites Root Causes of Global Financial Instability


Prime Minister’s Office, 05-September, 2013 – Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh’s address at the St. Petersburg G-20 Summit offered a comprehensive wrap-up of the root causes of global financial instability, and identified the key actions that need to be taken to fix it. The full text of his comments, reproduced below, offer some unique […]


7 Sep, 2013

No Country Allowed To Take Law Into Its Own Hands: UN-Arab League Envoy


United Nations, Sep 6 2013, (UN News Centre) – The Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States today stressed that he and other senior diplomats were working “extremely hard” bring Syrian and other concerned parties together for a conference to find a political path out of the crisis in […]


7 Sep, 2013

UN Chief Warns Of ‘Tragic Consequences’ Of Military Action in Syria


United Nations, Sep 6 2013 (UN News Centre) – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged leaders at the Group of 20 (G20) summit in St. Petersburg to explore ways to avoid further militarization of the conflict in Syria and to revitalize the search for a political settlement, warning that “tragic consequences” could follow military action. Mr. […]


6 Sep, 2013

6 Major Players Who Turned Syrian Crisis Into a Proxy War Nightmare – Alternet


What started out as a civil uprising against years of repression, poverty and government corruption turned into a regional proxy war that is now engulfing the entire Middle East, with the nonviolent section of the opposition withering under the weight of civil war. Refugees have poured into Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Jordan, and Lebanon has […]


6 Sep, 2013

Obama versus the world – pravda.ru

Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize-winner, states that what is at stake is universal values because “I didn’t set a red line. The world did” in his words. Let us then examine the opinion polls and draw a conclusion as to whether Barack Obama is in synchrony with the world, or whether he stands pitifully alone, […]


6 Sep, 2013

9 Ways America Has Fueled the Bloody Civil War in Syria – Alternet

September 4, 2013 – President Obama’s threats against Syria are framed by the carefully crafted image of a responsible superpower reluctantly drawn into a horrific conflict caused by others. But the reality is very different. For more than two years, U.S. policy has quietly fueled the escalation of the conflict in Syria and undermined every […]


6 Sep, 2013

It’s Official: Israeli Lobby in U.S. Backs Attack on Syria to Protect Israel


The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the lobby group that is often cited as the power which controls the U.S. Congress, has issued a statement calling on America’s elected representatives to approve an attack on Syria. In a statement on September 3, AIPAC claimed that it is in order to protect American national security interests […]


6 Sep, 2013

Economic Cost of U.S. Military Strike on Syria: More Than US$36,000 an Hour


5 September 2013 (National Priorities Project) – As federal lawmakers and the American people grapple with the possibility of U.S. military intervention in Syria, National Priorities Project (NPP) announces the release of a new interactive tool tracking the Cost of National Security. The site features counters displaying the real-time running cost of U.S. military programs, […]


6 Sep, 2013

Pew Survey: U.S. Public, Especially Women, Overwhelmingly Against Strike on Syria


Washington DC, (Pew Research Centre), 3 September 2013 – President Obama faces an uphill battle in making the case for U.S. military action in Syria. By a 48% to 29% margin, more Americans oppose than support conducting military airstrikes against Syria in response to reports that the Syrian government used chemical weapons. The new national […]


5 Sep, 2013

No decent human being can ignore conflict that will shape the future of humanity

Prof Mazin Qumsiyeh

31 August, 2013 – It is not difficult to understand the power-game being played in Syria and no decent human being should stand on the sideline in a conflict that will shape the future of our humanity. The global intifada (uprising) is spreading and it is rejecting war and hegemony and now even President Obama […]


5 Sep, 2013

Kairos Palestine statement condemns Syria warmongering: Remember the tragedy of Iraq


Once again, the drums of war are sounding in our region. Once again, the US is leading the campaign for this war, this time on Syria. And once again, the US and some European and Arab countries are justifying it in the name of democracy, human rights, and humanity itself. We have heard all this […]


5 Sep, 2013

The stupidity of porn-watching UK MPs should worry us – The Independent

More than 300,000 attempts were made to access porn websites at the Houses of Parliament in the past 12 months. That’s an average of 820 times a day. That’s a lot of busy wankers. As John McCain proved this week – caught playing poker on his iPhone during the three-hour hearing of the Senate committee […]


5 Sep, 2013

Bombardment of Syria clichés shows no sign of stopping – Robert Fisk, The Independent

Missiles maybe. But the bombardment of clichés is real enough – and low enough quality not to do anyone any harm except for the gentlemen who utter them. Really, who writes this stuff for Kerry? There was “armchair isolationism”. Why an armchair? And who was the target of the weird reference to post-First World War […]


5 Sep, 2013

China’s prosperity brings diabetes epidemic – The Independent

Diabetes in China may have reached “ alert level”, health researchers have warned, with nearly 12 per cent of adults, or 114 million people, suffering from the disease – and the majority of them unaware of their condition. The Journal of the American Medical Association has just published results of the most comprehensive survey for […]


5 Sep, 2013

Volume of flights over UK leaves air thick with greenhouse gas – The Independent

The ozone pollution caused by flights over the UK is among the lowest of any country in the world – but only because the sheer volume of flights to and from the country have already left the atmosphere so thick with the greenhouse gas that it has become relatively much more difficult to generate more […]


5 Sep, 2013

China: US planned military action against Syria runs grave risks


BEIJING, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) — The U.S. military action against Syria loomed larger as President Barack Obama on Tuesday secured the key backing of House leaders in his push for military action in Syria. Though the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has, in a draft authorization for the use of military force in Syria, set a […]


5 Sep, 2013

U.S. expected to launch cyber attacks against Syria: report


WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 (Xinhua) — The United States is certain to launch cyber attacks on Syria if it goes ahead with its military action to punish Damascus for the alleged chemical weapons use, a report said Wednesday. U.S. cyber experts believe that the U.S. government could use computer viruses to destroy Syrian defenses and equipment […]


5 Sep, 2013

US ignoring logic as it beats war drums

Global Times

September 04, 2013 – Once again, Washington has effortlessly beaten down Russian President Vladimir Putin in the arena of public opinion. In recent days, media from the US and Europe have chimed in with official accounts from the US and France, claiming that it was Syrian government troops who used chemical weapons. Some media even […]


5 Sep, 2013

National Security Concerns Do Not Justify Curbing Press Freedoms In UK, Say UN Experts


United Nations, Sep 4 2013 (UN News Centre) – Two United Nations independent experts today called on the United Kingdom to ensure journalists can perform investigative work without fear of intimidation, and stressed that national security concerns do not justify curtailing press freedom. “The protection of national security secrets must never be used as an […]


5 Sep, 2013

In St. Petersburg, UN Chief says: “People everywhere are worried about the future”


United Nations, Sep 4 2013 (UN News Centre) – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today emphasized the need for global cooperation, particularly towards accelerating progress on agreed goals in education, poverty eradication and sustainable development, as leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) prepare to meet in the Russian city of St. Petersburg to discuss pressing global […]


5 Sep, 2013

Use Courts, Not Cruise Missiles to Settle Syria Crisis: Women Nobel Peace Laureates


(Ottawa) September 4, 2013 – One the eve of the G20 meeting in Russia, the six Nobel peace laureates of the Nobel Women’s Initiative today called upon the US and its allies to use the international legal system in place of military intervention to respond to any use of chemical weapons in Syria. In a […]


5 Sep, 2013

Pepe Escobar: US Again Ready to Go To War For Israel

Nobel Peace Prize winner and prospective bomber Barack Obama has already implied – via hardcore hedging of the “I have decided that the United States should take military action” kind – that he’s bent on attacking Syria no matter what Congress says. Obama’s self-inflicted “red line” is a mutant virus; from “a shot across the […]


4 Sep, 2013

An Unprecedented Gathering Deep in the Amazon Jungle


PUERTO HUAMÁN, Peru (ILO News) – 06 August 2013 – “Palo Duro” (Hard stick) is an almost unbreakable tree that grows in north-eastern Peru, in the Amazon region close to the Colombian border. It is also the symbol of the Maijunas, a community that has struggled since the time of the Spanish conquest to reclaim […]


4 Sep, 2013

AmEx Survey Finds More Business Travelers Balancing Work and Play While On the Road


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE) — September 03, 2013  – Business travelers are taking to the skies just as much as in previous years, but they are increasingly taking time out for themselves, according to new research released today by American Express Global Business Travel.1 The survey, which analyzed the habits of business travelers in the United […]


4 Sep, 2013

Asia-Pacific on the road to middle-class employment


GENEVA, 30 August 2013 (ILO News) –Strong economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region over two decades has helped lift millions of people out of poverty, with middle class jobs now accounting for nearly two-fifths of all employment in the region. However, there’s also been an increase in inequality. According to a recently published ILO working […]


4 Sep, 2013

Married or single, Japan is a desolate country | The Japan Times

“The past century is a history of sexual distortion,” social psychologist Hiroyoshi Ishikawa told Time Magazine in 1983. “A small portion of young people in Japan are sexually very, very active,” he added, “while the vast majority are sexually repressed.” What would he say if he surveyed the scene today? Probably that not much has […]


4 Sep, 2013

Russia warns citizens against visiting countries that extradite to the US — RT

With Russian citizens being arrested abroad and being subsequently extradited to the United States become more frequent, the Russian Foreign Ministry has issued a warning advising travelers to carefully choose their destinations. “The incidents in which Russian citizens are detained in various countries of the world upon request of US law enforcers who seek to […]


4 Sep, 2013

Full border passport checks hit illegal migrant screening and drugs seizures – The Guardian

The home secretary’s drive to ensure that full passport checks are carried out at Britain’s borders has only been achieved at the expense of less rigorous screening for illegal migrants and fewer seizures of some types of drugs and weapons, says Whitehall’s spending watchdog. The National Audit Office reveals today that a “culture of fear” […]


3 Sep, 2013

India Launches Gandhi Heritage Portal to Spread Message of Non-Violence


Ministry of Culture, 02-September, 2013 – Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh here today dedicated the Gandhi Heritage Portal to the nation. The Minister of Culture Mrs. Chandresh Kumari Katoch, Communications & IT Minister Mr Kapil Sibal, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovations Dr. Sam Pitroda, Mr Narayan Desai, Mr Kartikeya […]


3 Sep, 2013

Peace Tourism CEO Urges Collective Industry Voice to Avert Wider Syrian Conflict

The Founder and President of the International Institute for Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) has called on the travel & tourism industry to raise its collective voice in averting yet another conflict, this time in Syria. In a special message to the industry at the request of Travel Impact Newswire, Mr Louis d’Amore said it is […]


3 Sep, 2013

World Water Week Highlights Its Role as a Source of Life and Death


United Nations, Sep 2 2013 (UN News Centre) – Now is the time for accelerated, energized and concerted action on water and sanitation, Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson today urged, calling for renewed cooperation on water management and access to adequate sanitation for the more than 2.5 billion people around the world without it. In a […]


3 Sep, 2013

China: Unilateral military action will only make Syrian situation worse


Beijing, (Xinhua) September 02, 2013 – Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Monday that China was seriously concerned about any unilateral military action against Syria. At a regular press briefing, Hong said, “China is firmly opposed to the use of chemical weapons by any party in Syria and expresses serious concern about preparations by relevant […]


3 Sep, 2013

China Set to Bolster Ties with Central Asia

By Yao Peisheng (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-09-02 – President Xi Jinping’s upcoming state visits to Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan from Sept 3 to 13 is another major diplomatic move by China’s new leadership that has great significance. First, the trip will help enhance mutual trust between China and the four Central Asian countries. Over the past 20-plus years since […]


3 Sep, 2013

Syria: A 12 Point Case Against Military Intervention

Prof Chandra Muzaffar

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2 September 2013 – The House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States of America should reject any form of US military intervention in Syria. Rejection would be a clear statement against war. It would be a lucid message on behalf of peace. There are at least 12 reasons why […]


3 Sep, 2013

West pushing Syria toward total doom, by O.P. Rana, China Daily


2013-09-02 – The inevitable is about to happen. Well, it is almost certain to happen. Syrians face imminent bombing by Western forces led by the United States. They face more deaths and destruction, ironically, for suffering what many believe is a chemical weapon attack and seeing more than 100,000 of their compatriots perish and a […]


2 Sep, 2013

11-Volume Encyclopedia of Hinduism Launched in U.S.


Columbia, South Carolina – In an historic moment marking the spiritual and cultural history of India, the international edition of the Encyclopedia of Hinduism was launched on Aug 25, 2013 in a ceremony hosted by the University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA. A project of India Heritage Research Foundation, founded, guided, inspired and led by […]


2 Sep, 2013

UNWTO helps unlock millions in aid funds for developing countries, island states

Livingstone, Zambia – The UN World Tourism Organization is stepping up efforts to help its numerous developing-country members unlock millions of dollars worth of aid funds being disbursed annually by governments, international finance institutions and other donors via the UN system and other multilateral trade and economic groups. The move will deliver a valuable membership […]


2 Sep, 2013

Pakistani student beats world record for academic excellence

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 02 September 2013 (26 Shawwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story. ============ Great Opportunity for Muslim Entrepreneurs: Attend the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Kuala Lumpur, 11-12 October […]


1 Sep, 2013

UK is the ‘addiction capital of Europe’ report claims – The Independent

The UK is the “addiction capital of Europe”, with some of its highest rates of opiate addiction and dependence on alcohol, a major new report warns. Alcohol and drug abuse costs the UK £21 billion and £15 billion respectively, and the crisis of increasing addiction is fuelling the breakdown of society, according to the think-tank […]


1 Sep, 2013

Lawsuit alleges Boy Scouts of America in denial over “pedophiles in its ranks”


SEATTLE, Aug. 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Attorneys for sex-abuse victims on Thursday filed a civil lawsuit against the Boy Scouts of America, alleging that America’s largest youth-serving organization was negligent and failed to protect youth in its care, resulting in the sexual assaults of 12 boys from Washington state. Most of the alleged incidents took […]


1 Sep, 2013

Crisis shadows US amid imperial downturn

By Norman Birnbaum

August 28, 2013, (Global Times) – The histories of empires are as different as the cultural, economic, material and political conditions they inherited, reshaped, and passed on. The US began in anti-imperial revolt and defined itself as a republic devoid of imperial ambitions. Since 1945 the US insisted that it was a great power of […]


1 Sep, 2013

Israel main beneficiary of US attack on Syria: Kevin Barrett

The moment this event happened the Israelis began pointing the finger at Assad and saying that they knew exactly what happened and today we got this report from Kerry and if you actually read his report, all of the details are classified, the sources are classified and all the report suggests that the sources pointing […]


1 Sep, 2013

Dangers Of Traveling While Female – Alternet

By Tara Isabella Burton If being a woman traveler has taught me anything, it is that the freedom to have an adventure, to have the adventures one chooses, is illusory. It is a privilege denied me, but it is a privilege all the same: the assumption that I have the right to impose myself, my […]


1 Sep, 2013

China issues White Paper on economic, trade cooperation with Africa


BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) — The Chinese government on Thursday issued a white paper on China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation, underlining latest achievements of the mutually-beneficial cooperation between China and African countries. The white paper, released by the Information Office of China’s State Council, introduces facts of trade development, investment expansion, agricultural cooperation, infrastructure construction […]


1 Sep, 2013

Arab-American Group Rejects U.S. Military Action Against Syria


Washington, DC | www.adc.org | August 30, 2012 — The following is the full text of a statement issued by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) about the potential U.S. attack on Syria. Open statement The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee calls on the Obama Administration to exercise restraint, and not use military action against Syria. As a […]


1 Sep, 2013

Int’l Food Workers Union: Martin Luther King’s Dream Still a Pipe-dream


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The following is a statement issued by the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW) regarding the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington: “The UFCW is proud to stand with our brothers and sisters from across the country to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. […]


1 Sep, 2013

In First Meeting, Latin American, Asian NTOs Swap Ideas to Boost Inter-Regional Travel

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe – Travel & tourism linkages between Asia and Latin America are set to gain momentum as a result of the first high-level meeting between their senior tourism officials on the sidelines of the 20th UNWTO General Assembly on 27 August 2013. The meeting, jointly promoted by the UNWTO and the Ibero-American General […]


31 Aug, 2013

Now, fashion accessories designed to prevent rape – Times of India

AHMEDABAD: As nationwide protests are ramping up after gang rapes, some grassroots innovators from remote villages of the country are quietly coming up with anti-rape gadgets, unique accessories and innovative clothing to deter assaults. These innovators, mostly women, have designed the futuristic innovations in such a way that women can wear them as fashion accessories. […]


30 Aug, 2013

British Sikhs to oppose any Modi visit to UK – Hindustan Times

British Sikhs have expressed opposition to any proposed visit by Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi to the UK. The Sikh Federation UK has joined Muslim groups like the Council of Indian Muslims UK CIM-UK in their boycott following an invitation for Modi to visit Britain by some Indian groups of the country’s two main political […]


30 Aug, 2013

China Makes it Easier for Foreign Visitors to Extend Stay

By CAO YIN (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-08-30 – Foreigners’ original visas will remain valid when they intend to extend their stay in China starting in September, Beijing’s exit-entry administration said on Thursday. Currently, if foreign nationals want to prolong their stays in the country, their original visas, whether expired or not, must be canceled, according to the administration under the […]


29 Aug, 2013

Forum stresses career benefits of study abroad The Japan Times

Japanese students should buck the stay-at-home trend and instead study overseas to gain skills to survive in an ever more globalized and competitive world, experts and former international students said at a recent forum on overseas study in Tokyo. Those skills include not only languages but also social skills like knowing how to work with […]


29 Aug, 2013

China package tour sales from Japan down 75% – Japan Times

People who bought or reserved China-bound package tours for the April to September period at four major Japanese travel agencies fell to one-fourth of the previous year’s level amid soured bilateral ties and concerns over air pollution on the continent, the agencies’ data showed Tuesday. As of late July, 6,302 people had bought or reserved […]


29 Aug, 2013

Pacific bluefin tuna stocks at record lows – The Japan Times

One of Japan’s favorite foods is about to become harder to get and more expensive. Consumers may soon discover just how rapidly Pacific bluefin tuna stocks are being depleted. A survey in July found that the Pacific bluefin stock of over 3 years old has fallen to near record lows. In response, Japan has proposed […]


29 Aug, 2013

ASEAN’s loss: Cambodia fails to win 2015 UNWTO General Assembly

Livingstone, Zambia — A well-oiled and –financed lobbying campaign by Colombian tourism authorities saw the South American country edge out Cambodia in the bid to host the 2015 biennial General Assembly of the UN World Tourism Organisation. The outcome miffed the Cambodians who noted that Colombia had already hosted the General Assembly in 2007 and […]


29 Aug, 2013

Getting People Moving: EC launches initiative to promote physical activity in Europe


Brussels, 28 August 2013, European Commission Press release – The European Commission adopted today an initiative on health-enhancing physical activity which is the first ever proposal for a Council Recommendation on sport. Sport and physical activity help people to stay physically and mentally fit by combating excessive weight and obesity and preventing related health conditions. […]


29 Aug, 2013

Global hotels group chief blasts OTAs for raking in US$25 billion in commissions

Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe – The International Hotels & Restaurants Association has blasted the US$25 billion in commissions that it says are being raked in by the Online Travel Agencies and called for closer action in cooperation with the global national tourism organisations to do something about it. The comment by IH&RA President Casimir Platzer at […]


29 Aug, 2013

Rifai Re-elected by Acclamation to Head UNWTO, Pledges Reform via Consensus

Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe — UN World Tourism Organisation Secretary-General Dr Taleb Rifai, 64, was re-elected to serve another four-year term covering the period 2014-17. Nominated unanimously by the Executive Council and re-elected by acclamation, he received a standing ovation and a nearly one-minute round of applause at the General Assembly on August 28. In a […]


29 Aug, 2013

In Landmark Lecture, UN Chief Criticises Surveillance, Tells Global Leaders to “Listen to the People”


United Nations, Aug 28 2013 (UN News Centre) – Development, peace and security, and human rights are interdependent, mutually reinforcing dimensions of freedom, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today said at the historic Leiden University in the Netherlands, lauding “the voices and the activism of ordinary people who stand up and speak out.” “Fear is often the […]


28 Aug, 2013

‘End-Game’ Memo Shows How Banksters Ripped Apart Financial Regulation – Truthdig

A 1997 memo retrieved from the filing cabinet of investigative reporter Greg Palast shows the involvement of Lawrence Summers—Obama’s current favorite for chairman of the Federal Reserve—in a successful plan to help big bank CEOs “rip apart financial regulation across the planet. ”In the memo, future Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner reminds “his boss to call […]


28 Aug, 2013

America Is No-Vacation Nation – Alternet

August 23, 2013  – America is the only developed nation that doesn’t legally guarantee any paid vacation time for its workers. In a recent study, The Centre for Economic and Policy Research, found that in the absence of government standards, almost one in four Americans have no paid vacation (23%) and no paid holidays (23%) […]


28 Aug, 2013

Samsung Opens Registration for First Annual Global Developers Conference


SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–26 Aug 2013 – Samsung Electronics Co. today announced that registration for its first annual Samsung Developers Conference has officially opened. The event, to be held at San Francisco’s St. Francis Hotel, from October 27-29, will feature insight into new tools to help developers create exciting, innovative applications and services across Samsung […]


28 Aug, 2013

Ecosystem-Based Approaches Key to Tackling Challenge of African Food Security


Nairobi, 23 August 2013 (UNEP media release) – As Africa faces food security challenges worsening in the face of climate change, almost 800 delegates from across the continent backed Ecosystems-Based Adaptation Approaches as a key tool in ensuring adequate food for all at the end of a two-day meeting at the UN Environment Programme headquarters […]


28 Aug, 2013

China joins international efforts to end offshore tax evasion


OECD – Paris, 27 August 2013 – China signed the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters at a ceremony today at the OECD. All G20 countries have now fulfilled the commitment they made at the Cannes G20 Summit to sign the Convention and move towards automatic exchange of information as the new, […]


28 Aug, 2013

Zambia, Zimbabwe launch borderless two-nations, one-convention concept

Livingstone/Victoria Falls – In an unprecedented show of cooperation, two landlocked African countries divided by a border which runs through one of the world’s most spectacular natural heritage sites set aside their border formalities in order to facilitate what became arguably the world’s first borderless travel & tourism convention. Between 24-29 August, delegates attending the […]


26 Aug, 2013

Indian MPs may be “inflating air travel bills” – Times of India

The stink of forged airline tickets being used to defraud the government is spreading to Parliament. Ever since TOI on Thursday exposed the widespread scandal in LTC (leave travel concession) claims, where officials of the central government and public sector units have been submitting forged or inflated airline travel bills, information has been emerging of […]


26 Aug, 2013

Australia Pledges A$3 Million to Complete Islamic Museum

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 26 August 2013 (19 Shawwala 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


26 Aug, 2013

4th Entrepreneurship Summit in KL Aimed at NextGen Builders, Creators, Dreamers


Kuala Lumpur – Registrations are open for the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Summit to be held in Kuala Lumpur between 11-12 October. More than 3,000 entrepreneurs, speakers, investors and policy-makers from over 50 countries are projected to attend the event, originally initiated by U.S. President Barack Obama to create “the next generation of dreamers, creators and […]


24 Aug, 2013

U.N. Declares 6 April Int’l Day Of Sport For Development, Peace


United Nations, (UN News Centre), Aug 23 2013 – The United Nations General Assembly today proclaimed 6 April as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, as the body’s President hailed the decision a “historic” step in recognizing the power of sport to erase cultural barriers and mobilize people around the world. “Sport […]


24 Aug, 2013

What people think vital to China’s future – Xinhua commentator

by Xinhua writer Fu Shuangqi

BEIJING, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — High-level publicity officials from across China gathered at an important conference earlier this week in Beijing about publicity and ideological work. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech about priorities in this line of work. The CPC cares about what people think. In its revolutionary days, the belief in Communism […]


24 Aug, 2013

Aggressive behavior in children linked to soda

Children who drink soda tend to score slightly higher on scales that measure aggressive behavior than those who don’t drink the carbonated beverages, according to a new study. The study’s lead author cautioned, however, that the increase may not be noticeable for individual children and the researchers cannot prove soda caused the bad behavior. “It’s […]


24 Aug, 2013

Gallup: Americans want schools to teach critical thinking, communication

by Shane Lopez and Valerie J. Calderon

WASHINGTON, D.C. August 21, 2013, (Gallup Polls) — Most Americans believe that today’s schools should teach “soft skills.” More than three in four adults “strongly agree” that K-12 schools should teach critical thinking and communication to children. And 64% of respondents strongly agree that goal setting should be taught, while 61% strongly agree schools should […]


24 Aug, 2013

Summit in Sweden Unites Global War Veterans In Pursuit of Peace


STOCKHOLM, August 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Earlier this summer Sweden’s Veteran Federation, SVF, hosted the World Veterans Federation’s Peace and Security Summit. The outcome of the summit was The Stockholm Declaration, urging the world’s veteran associations and governments to work for the veterans’ experiences and skills to a higher degree should be utilized as a […]


24 Aug, 2013

Rate of radioactive flow to Pacific alarming | The Japan Times

Water releasing as much as 10 trillion becquerels of radioactive strontium and 20 trillion becquerels of cesium-137 from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant has flowed into the Pacific Ocean since May 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. estimates. The combined figure of 30 trillion becquerels, announced late Wednesday, implies that highly radioactive water is entering […]


23 Aug, 2013

India Sees Improved Male:Female Sex Ratio


Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 21-August, 2013 – The Sex Ratio in the country has shown an improvement. As per the Census, sex ratio has increased from 933 females per thousand males in 2001 to 943 females per thousand males in 2011. State/UT-wise details of sex ratio are listed below. The Government has been […]


23 Aug, 2013

China plans major railway reforms to generate growth, create jobs


BEIJING, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — The railway sector is high on China’s government agenda with detailed measures on its reforms and instructions from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. China’s State Council published a plan earlier this week to innovate railway funding and speed up construction. Experts said this was “appropriate” in the backdrop of economic structuring […]


23 Aug, 2013

Myanmar gets another U.N. warning on incitement of ethic, religious hatred


YANGON / BANGKOK / GENEVA (22 August 2013) – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Myanmar, Tomás Ojea Quintana, said the country is moving forward in many areas “which has brought positive changes to the human rights situation, and has the potential to bring further improvements.” However, he warned about […]


23 Aug, 2013

Total Transparency Reigns as UNWTO Gets Set for 20th General Assembly

In yet another exemplary display of total transparency, the UNWTO has posted on its website the entire set of working papers and financial statements to be discussed at the upcoming General Assembly and Executive Council meetings in Zambia and Zimbabwe between August 24-29. The public has full access to the material which provide copious detail […]


22 Aug, 2013

American Museum of Agriculture Changes Name to Bayer Museum of Agriculture


Lubbock, Texas (PRWEB) August 20, 2013 – Today, Bayer CropScience and the American Museum of Agriculture announced a sponsorship agreement to rename the museum the “Bayer Museum of Agriculture,” helping to further preserve, promote and display its cotton industry collection dating back to the 1600’s. Editor’s Comment A sign of what’s to come. Should museums […]


22 Aug, 2013

UNEP Environmental Alert: Global Mangrove Forest Cover Fading Fast

UNEP Global Environmental Alert Service

Nairobi, Aug 2013 – The uniquely adapted mangrove forests on the marine-terrestrial interface preserve coastline integrity by buffering wave energy from marine processes. The ecosystem services they provide and their support for coastal livelihoods worldwide are worth at least US $1.6 billion a year. Despite their global importance, mangroves are being lost rapidly and action […]


21 Aug, 2013

The price Gina Gray paid for whistleblowing – The Washington Post

Sadly, Gray’s case is emblematic of the way this administration has handled whistleblowers. Obama came into office pledging transparency and professing admiration for government workers who expose abuses. But his administration has pursued more cases under the 1917 Espionage Act than all previous administrations combined (including the prosecution of National Security Agency workers who tried […]


21 Aug, 2013

PressTV – Female Swedish activists don hijab to protest attack on Muslim woman

Swedish women of various faiths have posted photos on the Internet wearing an Islamic headdress (hijab) to express solidarity with a Muslim woman assaulted in the country for having a hijab. The effort, reported Tuesday by the local press, was part of a Hijab Outcry Campaign, initiated by Swedish women, including a number of politicians […]


21 Aug, 2013

Call to reduce violence against women by building better cities

by Carrie Mitchell, Sara Ahmed, and Suneeta Dhar

OTTAWA, Aug. 20, 2013 /CNW/ – Can poor city planning aid and abet violence against women? Consider the fatal gang rape in Delhi last December of the young woman referred to in the press as “Nirbhaya” (“fearless”). As an angry public poured into the streets to protest Nirbhaya’s death, other brutal attacks captured international headlines. […]


21 Aug, 2013

Cruise Lines Association Welcomes New Global Pact to Boost Seafarers’ Working Conditions


WASHINGTON, Aug. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) today announced it welcomes the entry into force of the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) 2006 Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).   The MLC provides further worker protections and rights for crewmembers, providing them specific rights related to all facets of employment, including wages, hours, medical care, […]


21 Aug, 2013

Lack of Sleep Leads to More Domestic Arguments, Bedding Company Research Reveals


(PRWEB UK) 21 August 2013 – More than half (55%) of us have been woken by our partner sleep talking, more than a quarter (26%) from laughing and one in ten from sleep walking, according to the survey of 2,044 people by UK bed manufacturer Silentnight to mark the launch of its first online Sleep […]


21 Aug, 2013

Foreigners hit with bigger fines via strict enforcement of Chinese exit-entry law

By Yu Ran

2013-08-20 (China Daily) Shanghai fined and punished more than 500 foreigners for illegally staying in the country after China imposed its new exit-entry law in July, according to statistics provided by the city’s immigration inspection department. From 1 July 1 through 10 Aug, 534 foreigners had illegally entered or overstayed their visas. More than 380 […]


21 Aug, 2013

China plans development of Western regions as new engine for growth

By DING QINGFEN and XUE CHAOHUA in Lanzhou and CHEN JIA in Beijing

2013-08-20,  (China Daily) — China is betting on its western development program to lead a new round of economic growth as the government is mulling “differentiated” policies for the region that will feature huge spending on infrastructure, Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday. “We will roll out more preferential policies tailored for the western region […]


21 Aug, 2013

Biggest museum theft in Egyptian history: Over 1,000 artifacts stolen — RT News

As Egypt plunges deeper into the political turmoil, looters take advantage of the situation – and the latest robbery of the Malawi Museum in the city of Minya, 300km from Cairo, has been the biggest of its kind in the Egyptians’ living memory. Looters got away with more than 1,000 objects, including a prized 3,500-year-old […]


21 Aug, 2013

Activist who fought superstition shot dead in Pune – Hindustan Times

Activist Narendra Dabholkar, who was running a successful anti-superstition movement in Maharashtra, was shot dead in Pune on Tuesday morning. Dabholkar was alone on a morning walk near Omkareshwar temple when unidentified persons on a motorbike fired at him and fled. Four bullets were fired at Dabholkar in the neck and he died on the […]


20 Aug, 2013

Muhammad Ali Centre launches fund-raising campaign, bid to inspire youth to greatness


LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–August 13, 2013 – Muhammad and Lonnie Ali, and the Muhammad Ali Center today launched a campaign on Prizeo, the premier celebrity charity-fundraising digital platform, to raise money and awareness for the work of the Muhammad Ali Center, a 501(c)3 organization in Louisville, Kentucky. For micro-donations starting at only $3, contributors to the […]


20 Aug, 2013

Texas University students to get jail-cell tour in anti-drunk driving campaign


AUSTIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– August 15, 2013–Drinking and driving is a year-round problem that gets worse in the summer. As part of a national effort to save lives and crack down on impaired driving, the Texas Department of Transportation announces its “Drink. Drive. Go to Jail.” campaign from Aug. 16 – Sept. 2. During the campaign, select […]


20 Aug, 2013

ASEAN, Japan, Bhutan Big Winners at Thailand Travel Fair 2013

BANGKOK – Thousands of Thai would-be travellers thronged this year’s second Thailand International Travel Fair between Aug 15-18 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre in Bangkok. The event was organised by the Thai Travel Agents Association, which includes the outbound and domestic agents and is separate from the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA), […]


19 Aug, 2013

Glenn Greenwald: detaining my partner was a failed attempt at intimidation – The Guardian

This is obviously a rather profound escalation of their attacks on the news-gathering process and journalism. It’s bad enough to prosecute and imprison sources. It’s worse still to imprison journalists who report the truth. But to start detaining the family members and loved ones of journalists is simply despotic. Even the Mafia had ethical rules […]


19 Aug, 2013

Brunei to Host ASEAN Expo, Oct 26-30

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 19 August 2013 (12 Shawwala 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story.


19 Aug, 2013

Hi, I’m Your New Axis of Evil – AsiaTimes Online

By Pepe Escobar I have argued that what has just happened in Egypt is a bloodbath that is not a bloodbath, conducted by a military junta responsible for a coup that is not a coup, under the guise of an Egyptian “war on terror”. Yet this newspeak gambit – which easily could have been written […]


19 Aug, 2013

Coming soon: fees for carry-on luggage – Sydney Morning Herald

First, airlines started charging for checked luggage that used to be included in the ticket price. That alone is an entire new industry created in the past decade that now consumes around $30 billion worldwide in travellers’ cash. The consequence weren’t so much unforeseen as “What the hell! We’ll do it anyway”. Being forced to […]
