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9 Jul, 2013

China Exclusive: Study tours suspended after Asiana plane crash

by Xinhua Writers Hu Tao, Yu Jingjing, Feng Yuan

HANGZHOU, July 8 (Xinhua) — Overseas study tours have been suspended after Saturday’s plane crash in San Francisco, which killed two Chinese girls from east China’s Zhejiang Province. Quzhou Municipal Education Bureau in Zhejiang has told schools and related agent institutions to suspend all summer camps and study tours. Two teenage girls from a middle […]


9 Jul, 2013

Jobless Chinese Youths Turning to Booming Security Industry


Beijing, (China Daily) – July 08, 2013 – When Bu Yanchuan graduated from Nanjing Normal University in 2009, he didn’t dare tell his parents and friends that he could only find a job as a security guard with a meager salary of 2,500 yuan ($408) per month. Now, the 26-year-old with a degree in international […]


9 Jul, 2013

Social, Economic Inequalities Will Trigger Future Crises – UN Secretary-General


United Nations, Jul  8 2013 (UN News Centre) – Senior United Nations officials today emphasized that the international community must tackle social and economic inequalities between regions and within countries, adding that this is crucial to achieve sustainability and avert future crises. “If inequalities continue to widen, development may not be sustainable,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon […]


9 Jul, 2013

China Daily Commentary: Lessons from Egyptian irony


The difficulty in judging Egypt’s latest political development stems from confusion over what kind of democracy to embrace July 08, 2013 (China Daily) – The Egyptian military’s decision to remove President Mohamed Morsi from power and suspend the constitution was said to be a response to days of mass street protests demanding the president step […]


9 Jul, 2013

Bill Blum: America’s Most Secretive Court May Also Be the Most Conservative – Truthdig

By the end of this month, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is expected to issue what could be the most important order in its 35-year hidden history, ruling on a motion filed by the ACLU that asks the court to publish all of its prior opinions evaluating the meaning, scope and constitutionality of Section 215 […]


9 Jul, 2013

Alexander Reed Kelly: Truthdiggers of the Week: NSA Protesters

The current administration acts as though it is against the principles upon which the nation was founded. And one asks: Where’s the outrage? This Fourth of July it was in the streets of more than 100 American cities. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people took part in a nationwide rally against the government’s policy of domestic […]


9 Jul, 2013

Study: Many young assault victims have illegal guns and ready to use them – Michigan Radio

A study of young assault victims in Michigan finds many are at high risk for gun possession and aggression. The University of Michigan Injury Center conducted a survey of young people treated for assault injuries at an emergency department in Flint. Gun violence kills more teens and young adults than anything except auto accidents, according […]


9 Jul, 2013

Evo Morales to RT: Plane-grounding debacle will never be forgotten in South America

Morales blamed Washington for masterminding the audacious scheme. “At 3 or 4 pm we are forced to land the plane in Austria. At 6 pm the US ambassador delivers an extradition request in Bolivia, which is proof that is the work of the US, who used European countries for their aims,” said Morales. “My first […]


9 Jul, 2013

10 Most Shocking Things the FBI Has Done Since 9/11 – Alternet

The number of U.S. persons on the No Fly List has more than doubled since 2009, and people mistakenly on the list are denied their due process rights to meaningfully challenge their inclusion. In many cases Americans only find out they are on the list while they are traveling abroad, which all but forces them […]


9 Jul, 2013

The New York Times and the NSA’s Illegal Spying: CounterPunch

The first duty of the press is to obtain the earliest and most correct intelligence of the events of the time, and instantly, by disclosing them, to make them the common property of the nation. The statesman collects his information secretly and by secret means; he keeps back even the current intelligence of the day […]


9 Jul, 2013

Chris Hedges: What Global Trends Have In Common with “Moby Dick” – Truthdig

In our decline, hatred becomes our primary lust, our highest form of patriotism and a form of eroticism. We are made supine by hatred and fear. We deploy vast resources to hunt down jihadists and terrorists, real and phantom. We destroy our civil society in the name of a war on terror. We persecute those, […]


9 Jul, 2013

Hitting the reset: NSA spying targeted BRICS — RT News

Members of BRICS featured high on the list of countries singled out for special consideration by the National Security Agency’s intensive Prism program, which collected data on billions of telephone and internet records globally. An article published at the weekend in Brazil’s O Globo newspaper makes the observation that “Brazil…appears to stand out on maps […]


9 Jul, 2013

Anti-Muslim riots haunt shattered Myanmar city – DAWN.COM

MEIKTILA, Myanmar: The thugs ordered Kyaw not to look as they killed his classmates, but the terrified teenager still caught glimpses of the merciless beatings as a wave of anti-Muslim killing engulfed his school town in central Myanmar, leaving dozens dead. “They used steel chains, sticks and knives… there were hundreds of people. They beat […]


8 Jul, 2013

In China, thinking small begins to yield results


Beijing, July 08, 2013,  (China Daily) – You can spot them all across China in different shapes and sizes, ranging from small restaurants, hair salons and shops to a host of enterprises that make a variety of goods. Though these micro and small enterprises have been largely inconspicuous, they are often the essential springboard for […]


8 Jul, 2013

Samsung Heads Asia’s Top 1000 Brands for Second Year


HONG KONG, July 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Samsung has claimed the number one spot in the Campaign Asia-Pacific 2013 Asia’s Top 1000 Brandsreport, the biggest and most influential survey of the brands that consumers most value in the region. It marks the second consecutive year that Samsung has clinched the coveted top spot, signalling that […]


8 Jul, 2013

July 23 deadline for Emirates Future Artists competition, US$5,000 prize

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 08 July 2013 (29 Sha’baan 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story. ============ ISLAMIC TRAVEL NEWSWIRE EXTENDS ALL READERS FELICITATIONS FOR THE HOLY MONTH OF RAMADAN 1434 Ramadan Mubarak. […]


7 Jul, 2013

European Parliament to probe US surveillance, seeks more whistleblower protection


Brussels, 04-07-2013, European Parliament Media release – Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee will conduct an “in-depth inquiry” into the US surveillance programmes, including the bugging of EU premises and other spying allegations, and present its results by the end of this year, says a resolution passed by the full House on Thursday. Parliament’s President and political […]


7 Jul, 2013

Ageing populations are an opportunity, not a threat, “if coupled with smart policies”


Geneva, UN Economic Commission for Europe, 01 July 2013 – Current population dynamics in Europe, North America and Central Asia must be seen as an opportunity, not a threat, senior officials of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) said at the opening of the high-level ICPD regional […]


7 Jul, 2013

World Meteorological Report: 2001-2010 Was a Decade of Climate Extremes


GENEVA, 3 July 2013, (World Meteorological Organization) – The world experienced unprecedented high-impact climate extremes during the 2001-2010 decade, which was the warmest since the start of modern measurements in 1850 and continued an extended period of pronounced global warming. More national temperature records were reported broken than in any previous decade, according to a […]


7 Jul, 2013

Powerful Posters Bring Wildlife Protection Message to Millions on Shanghai Metro


Shanghai, 1 July, 2013 (UNEP Media release) – A major poster campaign aimed at sensitizing the public to the true cost of illegal wildlife products such as ivory and rhino horn is reaching millions of travellers on the Shanghai metro system each day. The recent spike in elephant killings in Africa, now at their highest […]


7 Jul, 2013

Chomsky: How Do We Defend Ourselves from the Corporate and Imperial Forces That Threaten Us? | Alternet

The legitimacy of borders – of states, for that matter – is at best conditional and temporary. Almost all borders have been imposed and maintained by violence, and are quite arbitrary. The Lebanon-Israel border was established a century ago by the Sykes-Picot Agreement, dividing up the former Ottoman Empire in the interests of British and […]


6 Jul, 2013

Actress Rituparna Sengupta harassed at Toronto airport | GulfNews.com

Kolkata: Leading Bengali film actress Rituparna Sengupta was harassed for hours at Toronto Pearson International Airport despite having a valid visa and other travel documents, the celebrated artist alleged Saturday. Sengupta, now in Canada to attend a Banga Sammelan, broke down during her ordeal Thursday as she was kept waiting for five and a half […]


6 Jul, 2013

India Taps Kuwaiti, UAE Funds to Finance US$1 Trillion Infrastructure Projects


Ministry of Finance, 05-July, 2013 – Mr Arvind Mayaram, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance said that Infrastructure Debt Funds (IDFs) are going to play a key role in the financing of the overall requirements of Infrastructure funding. He added that higher ratings would make an IDF competitive in the refinancing market. Mr […]


6 Jul, 2013

Renovated gallery of Decorative Arts reopened at National Museum, New Delhi


New Delhi, 5 July 2013 – Chandresh Kumari Katoch, Union Minister of Culture here today re-opened the renovated gallery of Decorative Arts-I at the National Museum. Decorative arts are those arts related to the design and decoration of objects of utility. Artifacts of this group are crafted for daily, ceremonial and religious uses from a […]


6 Jul, 2013

Australia says passenger movement charge helping fund tourism development


04 July 2013 – Australian Tourism Minister Gary Gray said 20 per cent of the additional revenue raised by the passenger movement charge was given back to the industry through grants. This includes the four-year $48.5 million Asian Marketing Fund and the $48.5 million Tourism Industry Development Fund, which help to stimulate tourism demand by […]


6 Jul, 2013

Australia Takes First Asian Century Step, Launches Indonesia Country Strategy


CANBERRA, 2013-07-05 (Xinhua) – Visiting Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Friday launched Towards 2025: Indonesia Country Strategy, part of the Australia in the Asian Century initiative in Indonesia capital Jakarta. The strategy outlines how Australians can harness and develop the skills needed to deepen and strengthen the engagement with the country’s important northern neighbor, […]


6 Jul, 2013

India Promulgates Ordinance To Boost Food Security for the Poor


President’s Secretariat, 05-July, 2013 – The President of India, Mr Pranab Mukherjee promulgated the National Food Security Ordinance, 2013 today. The Ordinance is a historic initiative for ensuring food and nutritional security to the people. It gives right to the people to receive adequate quantity of foodgrains at affordable prices. The Food Security Bill has […]


6 Jul, 2013

China Issues Guidelines to Stabilise Capital Flows


Beijing, (China Daily), 2013-07-06 — A specific guideline to stabilize capital flows was issued by the central government on Friday. It particularly encourages more private funds to take part in reform of financial institutions at various levels. The State Council, or the nation’s cabinet, said China’s financial system and economy are “stable and sound”, with […]


6 Jul, 2013

Multinationals in China face increased scrutiny


Beijing, 2013-07-06, (China Daily) – China is expanding its investigations into the food, dairy and pharmaceutical industries, raising questions about whether the days of “supranational treatment” for multinationals have ended. The investigations signal that these companies face increased scrutiny of their operations in the country. The State Administration for Industry & Commerce is investigating the […]


6 Jul, 2013

Chinese Retail Industry Projects Steady Growth

By Li Jiabao

Beijing, 2013-07-05 (China Daily) – Despite China’s slowing economic growth, the retail industry in the world’s second-largest economy will maintain sustainable growth in the medium and long term, commerce officials said on Thursday. Meanwhile, the industry is undergoing a transformation and the government will make more efforts to enhance its quality and efficiency and to […]


6 Jul, 2013

China, Pakistan ink landmark transport pact to access Gwadar Port


Beijing, 2013-07-06, (China Daily) – China and Pakistan signed an agreement on Friday on the blueprint for a huge transport project linking northwestern China to the Arabian Sea. Observers said the project, named the “China-Pakistan economic corridor”, will open a new route for China’s goods and energy. It will also give a strong boost to […]


6 Jul, 2013

European Alliance for Apprenticeships Launched to Help Alleviate Youth Joblessness


Brussels/Leipzig, 2 July 2013 – European Commission Press release – The European Alliance for Apprenticeships is launched today by Commissioners Androulla Vassiliou (Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth) and László Andor (Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) at the 2013 WorldSkills competition in Leipzig, Germany. The Alliance will help to fight youth unemployment by improving the quality […]


5 Jul, 2013

How I Joined Glenn Greenwald and Amy Goodman as an Official, Self-Hating Jew | Alternet

How could such an asymmetrical conflict – with one of the most sophisticated armies in the world pitted against a stateless, powerless people – be viewed and dismissed by so many in America as a dumb conflict between two ideologically-bent peoples? Lists like the one I’ve been included on and the principles that underlie it […]


5 Jul, 2013

Glenn Greenwald: Top Officials Are Lying to Our Faces About U.S.Govt Spying | Alternet


What kind of journalist – or citizen – would focus more on Edward Snowden’s tonal oddities and travel drama than on the fact that top US officials have been deceitfully concealing a massive, worldwide spying apparatus being constructed with virtually no accountability or oversight? Just ponder what it says about someone who cares more about, […]


5 Jul, 2013

African-Americans Compare Treatment of Palestinians to U.S. Segregation Laws


WASHINGTON, July 2, 2013 (WAFA) – African Americans, including Angela Davis and actress Lisa Gay Hamilton, released a statement reaffirming parallels between Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and discrimination against African Americans living under Jim Crow in the United States, a press release by the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation said on Monday. The […]


5 Jul, 2013

EU Contributes €2.4M for Preservation of Palestinian Heritage in Jerusalem


JERUSALEM, July 3, 2013 (WAFA) – The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) signed on Tuesday a €2.4 million agreement with Al-Quds University aimed at the preservation of Palestinian cultural heritage in Jerusalem’s Old City, an EU press release said. The agreement was signed in the presence of Michael Köhler, director […]


5 Jul, 2013

Activists Protest G4S Security Company’s Cooperation with Israel


BRUSSELS, July 1, 2013 (WAFA) – Dozens of activists took off to the streets of Brussels on Friday to inform people about a British-Danish security company based in the UK that is involved in the detention of Palestinian children. The activists denounced the fact that G4S, a private military and security company that is allegedly […]


5 Jul, 2013

U.S. still dodging key question on Snowden’s revelations

By Chen Weihua

Beijing, 2013-06-28, (China Daily) – Yahoo News has done an interesting analysis of the 444 briefings through June 18 by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and found 13 distinct ways in which he dodges reporters’ questions. For example, he replied with “I don’t have the answer” 1,905 times; “I would refer you to someone […]


5 Jul, 2013

Value of education rises in crisis but investment in this area is falling, says OECD report


PARIS, 25/06/2013 (OECD News release) – The jobs gap between well-educated young people and those who left school early has continued to widen during the crisis. A good education is the best insurance against a lack of work experience, according to the latest edition of the OECD’s annual Education at a Glance. Unemployment rates are […]


5 Jul, 2013

Vietnamese Websites fined for granting on-line visas illegally


Hanoi, 01/07/2013 (Vietnam News Agency) – Information and Communications inspectors have punished websites using the gov.vn domain name for granting visas illegally. Vietnamvisa.gov.vn had its domain name registered by the People’s Committee of the Dang Xa Commune in Gia Lam district, visavietnam.gov.vn was registered by the Statistics Office of northern Bac Giang Province’s Luc Ngan […]


5 Jul, 2013

Ratio of youths among Korean working population falls to all-time low

By Kim Rahn

Seoul, (Korea Times), 01 July 2013 – The nation’s workforce is getting old, with people aged between 15 and 29 taking up 15.1 percent of the total working population, the lowest in 30 years, according to Statistics Korea, Monday. The trend is expected to continue because the portion of the young will reduce in the […]


5 Jul, 2013

Loving partner, money, social activity key to happiness – study


Press Trust of India, Melbourne  July 2, 2013 – A loving partner, a household income of up to USD 100,000 and finding a purpose in life is the new “golden triangle of happiness”, a new Australian research has claimed. Having a good intimate relationship was rated higher than money and being fat was no barrier […]


5 Jul, 2013

Amnesty Int’l: US bid to hunt down whistleblower “gross violation of human rights”


2 July 2013, (Amnesty International media release) — The US authorities’ relentless campaign to hunt down and block whistleblower Edward Snowden’s attempts to seek asylum is deplorable and amounts to a gross violation of his human rights Amnesty International said today. “The US attempts to pressure governments to block Snowden’s attempts to seek asylum are […]


5 Jul, 2013

Europe Plans To Change Rules To Allow State Subsidies For Airports, Airlines


Brussels, 3 July 2013, European Commission – In a major policy shift, the European Commission has initiated a review of EU state aid rules so as to pave the way for public financing of airports and start-up aid to airlines. The draft review proposal has now been placed for public comment. The following are the […]


4 Jul, 2013

STOP using Google, Facebook if you fear US spying, says Germany | Mail Online


Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told reporters in Berlin on Wednesday that ‘whoever fears their communication is being intercepted in any way should use services that don’t go through American servers.’ Friedrich says German officials are in touch with their U.S. counterparts ‘on all levels’ and a delegation is scheduled to fly to Washington next week […]


4 Jul, 2013

Indian-American Businessman Sets up New “Centrist” Political Party in U.S.


Springfield, VA (edited version of a PRWEB news release) July 04, 2013 – An American businessman whose birthright can be traced back to South India has set up what he refers to as a “new Independent Party” known as Proud American. Announcing this today, the U.S. Independence Day, Mr Krishnan Suthanthiram said, “Wishing you a […]


4 Jul, 2013

U.S. Islamic Advocacy Group Reminds Americans about Days of “Tyrannical British Rule”

By Robert McCaw

On July 4, CAIR will mark Independence Day by joining fellow Americans at the “Restore the Fourth” rally in Washington, D.C. and in cities across the country in support of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches. These efforts come at a time when the country’s national security and law […]


4 Jul, 2013

Most Still Proud to Be American But 71% say Declaration Signers Would Be Disappointed

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ — July 4, 2013 – Gallup – As the United States celebrates Independence Day, most of its adult residents continue to say they are proud to be an American, including 57% who are extremely proud and 28% who are very proud. This high level of pride in being an American has varied only […]


4 Jul, 2013

Global Peace Index 2013: An Alternative Means of Tracking Tourism Competitiveness

Another Ground-breaking Travel Impact Newswire exclusive

The publication of the latest 2013 Global Peace Index (GPI) in June 2013 offers the travel & tourism industry an opportunity to develop a new set of competitiveness indicators that go beyond jobs and economic growth and focus on the wider goal of building peace and stability. Travel & tourism is inextricably linked to conflict […]


4 Jul, 2013

FREE Download: School Course Modules on Peace & Tourism

The Institute for Economics and Peace does not only produce the annual Global Peace Index. It has an entire school course called the “Building Blocks of Peace”, including lesson plans and activities designed for 14 -16 year olds. One of the four modules is specifically on peace and tourism. Available for free download from the […]


3 Jul, 2013

First Australian Muslim minister racially abused for taking oath on Quran – Hindustan Times

Hours after Ed Husic became Australia’s first ever Muslim minister, he was flooded with online racial abuse for taking oath of office on the Quran. 43-year-old Husic, was appointed as parliamentary secretary to prime minister Kevin Rudd and parliamentary secretary for broadband yesterday . Husic, son of Bosnian migrants, was the first MP to be […]


2 Jul, 2013

Are the German police using racial profiling? DW.DE

Biplab Basu is waiting at the heavy door of “ReachOut,” a small organization that helps victims of rightwing extremism and racism. Basu himself has often encountered racism, he recounts. A couple of months ago, he and his daughter were the only ones who were checked by police in a train approaching the Czech-German border. Basu […]


2 Jul, 2013

EU Cities/Regions Get Star Ratings for Active & Healthy Ageing Projects


Brussels, Europa Press Releases, 2 July 2013 – 32 cities and regions across Europe have been rewarded for new ways of helping older people. These award-winners have been implementing innovative technological, social or organisational solutions to enhance the efficiency of health and social care systems, and have been presented with awards from European Commission Vice-President […]


2 Jul, 2013

“What is Data Mining” Article Shows What Was Known About the NSA Before Snowden


Dallas, TX (PRWEB) July 02, 2013 – In a bid to show just how much was known about NSA activity before the recent Edward Snowden controversy, idcloak has republished its January 2013 article What Is Data Mining, What Is NSA’S Utah Data Center, And What Data Collection Methods Are Being Used There? The article points […]


2 Jul, 2013

Deutsche Bank Survey: Investors Seek Higher Due Diligence Emphasis at Hedge Funds


LONDON & NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–July 01, 2013 – Deutsche Bank today identified the changing regulatory environment as the most significant factor driving the growing importance of operational due diligence (ODD) amongst hedge fund investors. Deutsche Bank’s Hedge Fund Consulting Group’s second annual operational due diligence survey, which polled investors globally representing over $2.13tn of total […]


2 Jul, 2013

Americans Feel More Divided than Any Time since Civil Rights Era, Values Survey Finds


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–June 28, 2013  — With July 4th approaching, more than 60 percent of Americans say the nation is more divided as a country now than it was 10 years ago, with even higher percentages saying America is at least as fragmented now as it was during the Great Depression, Vietnam, and Watergate. And […]


2 Jul, 2013

China Issues New Visa Category to Attract Talent

By Hu Min

July 01, 2013, (Shanghai Daily) – New exit and entry regulations which take effect from today promise more convenience for foreigners coming to China to work with the introduction of a “talent introduction visa.” But the revised Entry-Exit Administration Law is also aimed at cracking down on foreigners who work or stay in the country […]


2 Jul, 2013

Another early warning: U.S. Again Putting Global Financial System at Risk

By Kevin P. Gallagher (China Daily)

2013-07-01 – The US economy continues to have a hard time recovering from the global financial crisis. So the last thing one would expect the US government to do is to engage in policies that open the floodgates to severe risks in financial markets again. And yet it is precisely doing that. For all the […]


2 Jul, 2013

Massive debt plagues China’s local governments


Beijing, 2013-07-01, (China Daily) – How much have China’s local governments borrowed? The answer has always been shrouded in mystery. The last official update was released by the National Audit Office in mid 2011. It put the nationwide figure at 10.7 trillion yuan ($1.75 trillion) by the end of 2010. Last week, the audit office […]


2 Jul, 2013

Xinhua Commentary: Snowden case vindicates need for global cybersecurity rules


BEIJING, July 1 (Xinhua) — The Edward Snowden case plus the latest revelations by a German magazine that the United States was eavesdropping European Union (EU) offices give rise to the need for international regulations on surveillance activities. The EU has warned the Obama administration of “grave adverse consequences” and demanded “swift and concrete” answers. […]


2 Jul, 2013

Asia Times Online: State complicity in Myanmar pogroms

MEIKHTILA – The government of Myanmar’s President Thein Sein, so active in its efforts to assure Western governments and investors that the new Myanmar will never return to the dark days of the previous ruling military junta, has so far wholly failed to prevent the contagious spiral of brutal attacks on Muslim communities carried out […]


1 Jul, 2013

CAIR Issues Backgrounder: The Extrajudicial Exile of Muslim-American Citizens

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 01 July 2013 (22 Sha’baan 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


1 Jul, 2013

People’s Daily editorial stresses stronger ties with masses


(Xinhua) July 01, 2013 – BEIJING,  — The Communist Party of China (CPC) and its members must always bear in mind that cutting themselves off from the masses is the biggest threat to the ruling party, according to the CPC flagship newspaper People’s Daily. The CPC is founded among the people and powered by the […]


30 Jun, 2013

How to motivate your BORED staff – Sydney Morning Herald

What’s the difference between a company staffed by a motivated team and a company staffed by an unmotivated team? Success and failure, according to the owner of one of Australia’s most iconic brands. Mr Whippy owner Stan Gordon, chief executive of Franchised Food Company, which also owns Cold Rock Ice Creamery, Pretzel World and Nutshack, […]


29 Jun, 2013

Christian Coptic Leader Calls Egyptian Government “Fascistic Regime”


WASHINGTON, June 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Coptic Solidarity recently held its fourth Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. titled “To What Extent Will the U.S. and the International Community Support an Islamist Government in Egypt?” Renowned speakers shared expertise and recommendations clarifying priorities facing the increasingly marginalized Coptic community and the embattled people of Egypt. Speakers included […]


29 Jun, 2013

Just worrying about being stressed can make you ill, reports Hypnotension


London, UK (PRWEB UK) 29 June 2013 – Hypnotension reports news of new research published this week showing that stress can raise the possibility of a person having a heart attack by 50% and people who think stress is damaging their health are most at risk. Simply having a negative perception of stress more than […]


29 Jun, 2013

India Expects Lower Costs, More Efficiency as Bangkok Visa Office Changes Hands

Bangkok – The Indian Embassy’s outsourced visa processing contract for Thais and foreigners resident in Thailand has changed hands. Effective 8 July, it will be handled by IVS Global Services under a three-year contract, replacing the former processing agency VFS Global. This is the second contract that IVS has won in the last few months; […]


29 Jun, 2013

U.S. Professor Banned in Phoenix for “Controversial” Analysis of Int’l Law in the Middle East

It is extremely disturbing that a state bar association, which presumably has an interest in defending the right of free expression, would prevent me and the other panelists from presenting our papers at its convention because of their presumed political content. For if raising legal concerns about certain policies of Israel’s right-wing government can be […]


29 Jun, 2013

Indian State Commissioners review implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act


Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, 28-June, 2013 – The Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Kumari Selja inaugurated the 12th National Meeting of the State Commissioners for Persons with Disabilities to review implementation of PwD Act here today. The Minister in her address said that a meeting of this kind provides an important […]


29 Jun, 2013

Keep Safe & Travel On: Visa’s Tips for a Fraud-Free Summer Holiday

By Jag Mistry, Corporate Relations, Visa Inc.

You could be lying on the pristine beaches of Phuket this weekend, or trekking along the Great Wall of China the next. With budget flights on the rise and an ever abundant array of attractive travel packages on offer, getting away to an exotic locale or a dazzling metropolis has never been easier. It’s no […]


29 Jun, 2013

Edward Snowden Isn’t on the Run… We Are | Common Dreams

When the animated debate—“Is Edward Snowden a hero or a traitor?” started, I wrote a piece urging to consider him not as a “hero” or “traitor” but “simply as a teacher—who provided knowledge to expose yet another aspect of the inverted totalitarianism in the United States.” After everything that has been revealed since, there has […]


29 Jun, 2013

The Wonderful American World of Informers and Agents Provocateurs | Common Dreams

As the Boston marathon bombing illustrates, there are homegrown terrorists capable of producing the weapons they need and killing Americans without the slightest help from the U.S. government. But historically, it’s surprising how relatively often the gendarme is also a ringleader. Just how often is hard to know, since information on the subject is fiendishly […]


29 Jun, 2013

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Slams Surveillance State, Hails NSA Whistleblower | Common Dreams

The king just goes out and has anyone rounded up, killed, put in secret prisons. When I was brought up, I was taught that communist Russia was the ones that were gonna kill us and bomb our country and all this. And communist Russia was so bad because they followed their people, they snooped on […]


29 Jun, 2013

Indian Minister Voices Deep Concern Over Deteriorating Water Resources


Ministry of Water Resources, 28-June, 2013 – Union Minister for Water Resources Mr Harish Rawat has deep concern over ever deteriorating situation of water resources and stressed on adopting dedicated efforts for the cause of conserving water and serving Humanity. Inaugurating a Seminar on water conservation in NCT Delhi here today he said it is […]


29 Jun, 2013

Airports Lead India’s Infrastructure Projects Plans for FY 2013-14


Prime Minister’s Office, 28-June, 2013 – A meeting was held by the Prime Minister today to finalise infrastructure targets for 2013-14. The meeting was attended by the Finance Minister, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and Ministers and Secretaries of key infrastructure Ministries, i.e., Power, Coal, Railways, Roads, Shipping and Civil Aviation. The Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission […]


28 Jun, 2013

India Seeks Clarification over Cash Bonds for UK Visa, Stresses Impact on Investment, Trade


Ministry of Commerce & Industry, 25-June, 2013 – Mr Anand Sharma, Union Minister for Commerce and Industry visited UK on 23-25 June to review bilateral trade and investment and taking part in investment promotion events. He met Dr. Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Mr. Oliver Letwin, Minister for Government policy […]


28 Jun, 2013

The NYPD Embedded Four CIA Officers After 9/11 – Alternet

June 27, 2013 – In the decade after 9/11, the New York Police Department embedded four Central Intelligence Agency Officers, including one who assisted with surveillance in the United States, reports the New York Times. The revelations come from a newly declassified inspector general’s report obtained by the Times in a Freedom of Information Act […]


28 Jun, 2013

Here’s the real crisis in Australia: Sydney Morning Herald

No country is more vulnerable to the much-dreaded slowdown in China than resource-rich Australia. The mining boom that fuelled nearly all of its recent growth is nearing a cliff of economic risk. “Australia is a leveraged time bomb waiting to blow,” says Albert Edwards, Societe Generale’s London-based global strategist. “It is not just a CDO, […]


28 Jun, 2013

Retirement homes in vogue as Indians live longer and prosper – Indian Express

The 180-unit development in Pune, which enjoys better weather and less bustle than nearby Mumbai, overlooks open fields and hills and is set in lush gardens – an appealing escape from the crowds and grime of India’s mega-cities. Retirement communities like this one are just beginning to gain traction in India, where the multi-generational “joint […]


28 Jun, 2013

Revelation of NSA Surveillance Proves Poor Security at Security Companies


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–June 24, 2013 – The biggest intelligence leak in the history of the National Security Agency occurred this month with revelations regarding the agency’s expansive surveillance efforts, including the publication of a secret court order giving the government access to telephone records of millions of Americans and documentation of a previously undisclosed “PRISM” program […]


28 Jun, 2013

Israel Subjecting Palestinian Prisoners To ‘Abusive’ Detention, Interrogation – UN Committee


United Nations, Jun 27 2013, (UN News) – A United Nations committee today voiced concern at a wide range of practices that violate Israel’s obligations as an occupying power and infringe on the human rights of the Palestinians, and warned that popular discontent could result in another round of violence. The Israeli detention of an […]


28 Jun, 2013

Understanding the relevance of Confucianism today

By Zhu Yuan (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-06-26 – How to understand Confucianism today? Is Confucianism still relevant today? This is the question I asked my students at the University of Iowa. Many of them answered in the affirmative, although very few of them said anything convincing to support their answer. This has been the question I’ve been looking for an […]


28 Jun, 2013

Thais, Malaysians to Get Visa-free Travel to Japan as of July 1

by Mizuho Aoki

Tokyo, Jun 26, 2013, (Courtesy: Japan Times)  – The government will relax visa requirements for visitors from Southeast Asian countries starting Monday, hoping to lure more travelers from fast-growing economies to spur economic growth. Japan will waive visa requirements for tourists from Thailand and Malaysia, and offer a multiple-entry visa to Filipino and Vietnamese travelers. […]


28 Jun, 2013

Global Jobs Crisis: UN Calls on Young Entrepreneurs to ‘Change the World’


United Nations, 26 June 2013, Department of Public Information – Calling for a bold response to the global employment crisis, Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General, urged that young entrepreneurs be encouraged, educated and empowered in order to meet the challenge of filling nearly half a billion jobs by 2030. Mr Ban opened the thematic debate […]


27 Jun, 2013

Global Arms Bazaar: Israel Set To Become Biggest Exporter of Killer Drones


LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Asia Pacific budgets are set to outstrip USA and Canada by 2021, fuelled by an explosion in global arms trade that threatens the competitive edge and dominance of US, UK and European defence trade according to the biggest budget and export study since the economic downturn. The study – The Balance of Trade– is […]


27 Jun, 2013

Gross National Happiness Hits the Hotel Industry


IRVINE, Calif.– June 26, 2013–(BUSINESS WIRE)–CareerBliss, the online career community, today released new data identifying the CareerBliss Happiest Hotels to work for 2013. Leading the way in employee happiness is the hotelier the Crowne Plaza, followed by Marriott and Hyatt North America. CareerBliss determined which key factors helped drive hotel employee happiness such as the […]


27 Jun, 2013

NSA Surveillance Designed to Help U.S. Multinationals Strengthen Global Stranglehold

By O.P. Rana (China Daily)

2013-06-21 – The world we live in today is so different from what it was 40 years ago that the Watergate scandal seems like remote history. Yet here we are face to face with another surveillance and espionage drama – yes, that is exactly what former CIA agent and US National Security Agency operative Edward […]


27 Jun, 2013

Indian Ambassador Meets Thai Tourism Minister on Crime, Complaints

Bangkok – Indian Ambassador to Thailand Anil Wadhwa called on Minister of Tourism and Sports Mr. Somsak Phurisisak on June 24 to discuss issues ranging from rising incidents of crime against tourists to complaints about harassment. Although not directed specifically at Indian visitors, the issues reflect the growing social and legal downsides of Thailand’s record-breaking […]


27 Jun, 2013

Why does China’s top talent stay overseas?

People's Daily Online Commentary

June 26, 2013 – To attract talent back home, we need to focus on more than high-quality living conditions and work opportunities. We need reform in technology, education and talent management systems, in order to create a pleasant environment where talented people can concentrate on their research. A piece of recent news has attracted considerable […]


27 Jun, 2013

Australia releases updated guidelines for monitoring service quality at gateway airports


Canberra, 26 June 2013 (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) – The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued revised guidelines setting out changes to the way the ACCC monitors service quality at Australia’s four largest airports. “The new guidelines will improve the way the ACCC monitors airport service quality by taking account of changing market […]


27 Jun, 2013

BBC News – Viewpoint: Did our brains evolve to foolishly follow celebrities?

Fame is a powerful cultural magnet. As a hyper-social species, we acquire the bulk of our knowledge, ideas and skills by copying from others, rather than through individual trial-and-error. However, we pay far more attention to the habits and behaviours demonstrated by famous people than those demonstrated by ordinary members of our community. It follows […]


27 Jun, 2013

Australia Passes Whistleblower Laws


Canberra, Attorney-General’s Office, 26 June 2013 –  Public-sector whistleblowers will have greater protection under legislation passed by the Government today. Minister for the Public Service and Integrity Mark Dreyfus QC said the Public Interest Disclosure Bill and the Public Interest (Consequential Amendments) Bill which passed through the Senate today were a significant step in advancing […]


27 Jun, 2013

Extradition Appeal Keeps Ex-Catholic Brother Kevin McGrath in NZ

Convicted paedophile and former Catholic brother Bernard Kevin McGrath has avoided deportation, for now, by appealing against his extradition to Australia to face hundreds of sex-abuse charges. McGrath, 65, had until Wednesday to either lodge an appeal or voluntarily go back to Australia, where 252 charges have been laid alleging that he raped, molested and […]


26 Jun, 2013

Gallup Poll: Americans’ Confidence in U.S. Medical System Drops

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, NJ, June 25, 2013, (Gallup Polls) — Thirty-five percent of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the U.S. medical system, down from 41% last year, and the lowest since 2008. The current reading is also at the lower end of the range seen since Gallup first asked about […]


26 Jun, 2013

CAGW: U.S. Tax Return Fraud Spiraling Out of Control


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, in response to this weekend’s revelation that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) inadvertently sent more than $46 million in tax refunds to “unauthorized” workers at a single Atlanta address, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) issued a statement reiterating the group’s demand that the IRS take steps immediately to stop tax refund fraud. Since […]


26 Jun, 2013

China’s outbound investment at turning point: KPMG

By He Yini (Xinhua)

June 21, 2013 – Chinese overseas investments are being undertaken to move the county’s enterprises up the value chain, as these companies are increasingly looking to acquire targets in developed markets and upgrade R&D capabilities, according to a KPMG report. The report, jointly released by KPMG and the China International Contractors Association recently, shows that […]


26 Jun, 2013

London School of Marketing FREE White Paper for SMEs: How to Market on a Micro Budget


London, England (PRWEB UK) 24 June 2013 – London School of Marketing has released a new whitepaper, entitled Marketing on a Micro Budget, which sets out a radical approach to self-marketing for small to medium sized businesses. This whitepaper reveals what is achievable on a limited budget and explains the methods which transform the restriction […]


26 Jun, 2013

UN: Israel using Palestinian children as minesweepers


Geneva, Friday, 21 June 2013 (IINA) – A United Nations human rights body has accused Israeli forces of mistreating Palestinian children, including by torturing those in custody and using others as minesweepers and human shields. Palestinian children in the Gaza and the West Bank, captured by Israel in the 1967 war, are routinely denied registration […]


26 Jun, 2013

US media’s disconnect in Snowden case

By Chen Weihua (China Daily)

Washington DC., 2013-06-22 – Associated Press President and CEO Gary Pruitt, once a First Amendment (of the US constitution) lawyer, has lashed out at US President Barack Obama for his administration’s aggressive stance against whistleblowers and journalists. Addressing the National Press Club in Washington on Wednesday, Pruitt described the government’s actions against journalists as unconstitutional […]


26 Jun, 2013

Social media lures us to throw away barriers of own privacy

By Rong Xiao Qing

June 21, 2013 (Global Times) – People living in the US now know we have been stalked by the authorities, thanks to a high school dropout who happened to have easy access to some highly classified national secrets. The government has been quietly monitoring our phone records and Internet activities for years and only assured […]
