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Author Archive

19 Apr, 2013

U.S. Mayors: “Senators Did Not Hear the Gunshots That Were Heard Around The World”


WASHINGTON, April 17, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — United States Conference of Mayors President Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter  issued the following statement after the Senate’s rejection today of various amendments focused on reducing gun violence: “It is with deep disappointment that the nation’s Mayors today watched the Senate reject amendment after amendment that would have strengthened […]


19 Apr, 2013

Hate Crimes in Massachusetts, New York Follow Boston Bombings


WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/18/13 (CAIR media release) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today said hate incidents in Massachusetts and New York occurred following the deadly bombings at the Boston Marathon. CAIR reports that a mother of Middle Eastern heritage wearing an Islamic headscarf, or hijab, […]


19 Apr, 2013

Israeli “Expert” on “Islamic Terrorism” Stirs the Pot, Offers Advice to U.S.


NEW YORK, April 18, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — As the entire nation joins Boston in mourning three deaths and massive injuries and amputations, Americans are once again facing the reality of homeland terrorism and resurrecting questions of security. David Rubin, Israeli terrorism expert, draws parallels between Boston and Israel, a nation plagued by long-term terrorism. Editor’s […]


19 Apr, 2013

Arab-Americans Issue Advisory: Be Cautious, Report Hate Crimes


Washington, DC | www.adc.org | April 18, 2013 — As a result of a recent increase in attacks and discrimination targeting Arab and Muslim Americans following the bombing in Boston, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is asking that all members of the affected communities exercise extreme caution and immediately report any incidents of harassment, abuse, […]


19 Apr, 2013

Holiday scams leave British travellers £1.5m out of pocket – The Independent


Thousands of British travellers are being swindled out of millions of pounds each year through scams involving flights, accommodation and religious pilgrimages. The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has identified 1,000 separate holiday scams in the UK last year that cost consumers more than £1.5m. Read the rest: Holiday scams leave British travellers £1.5m out […]


19 Apr, 2013

Perspective: Home is Where the Overwhelming Majority of Violence Occurs | Alternet

Domestic violence is the number one cause of injury to women. The incidents add up to more than all the rapes, muggings, and car accidents women experience each year. One out of every four women in the U.S. will be physically injured by a lover in her lifetime. That translates into a woman being assaulted […]


19 Apr, 2013

Survey: Solid Majority of Iranian Americans Oppose Military Strike on Iran


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– April 18, 2013 – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) today released the findings of its 2013 National Public Opinion Survey of Iranian Americans. The results demonstrate that Iranian Americans retain close ties to Iran and want to see a democratic Iran that respects human rights. A majority are supportive of […]


19 Apr, 2013

Majority in U.S. Want Wealth More Evenly Distributed – Gallup Poll

PRINCETON, NJ — About six in 10 Americans believe that money and wealth should be more evenly distributed among a larger percentage of the people in the U.S., while one-third think the current distribution is fair. Although Americans’ attitudes on this topic have fluctuated somewhat over time, the current sentiment is virtually the same as […]


19 Apr, 2013

Bomb response refreshingly honest – Commentary – Sydney Morning Herald

Let’s clear something up: our responses to terrorism are not about the loss of innocent life. We think they are because that’s the first thing we talk about. We use the suffering of victims to emote, and we look at the attacks through that prism. But it’s never really about the victims. It’s about us. […]


19 Apr, 2013

The US, a Nation of Idiots? Commentary – Sydney Morning Herald

Next time the US struts the world stage, claiming American exceptionalism, setting itself out as leader of the so-called free world, it risks being dismissed as a nation of idiots. It’s too easy to defer to strong polling support for gun control and to just vent about the Senate and the House – after all, […]


18 Apr, 2013

David Sirota: Why I Hope the Boston Bomber is a White American | Alternet


I’m not the kind of person who hopes to ever find conservative Fox News host Bill O’Reilly agreeing with me. But with my Salon piece on the Boston bomber now on the front page of Drudge, I think it is worth pointing out that last night O’Reilly effectively agreed with my piece by confirming the […]


18 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: Trades Union Report Blasts IMF Over Jobs Market Prescriptions


17 April 2013: IMF labour market advice, as part of the Troika, undermines democracy and risks economic dictatorship across Europe and beyond warned the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and will create more divisions and social unrest, without producing any economic benefits. The ITUC Frontlines 2013 report, “Ideology without economic evidence: IMF attacks on collective […]


18 Apr, 2013

Our secularisms – Indian Express

Often, secularism is a kind of gesture of reaching out, as Nitish Kumar hinted: recognising that the topi has the same place as the tilak. Faced with the organised violence of rightwing mobs, this is a valuable gesture. But this politics has limitations. It rests on creating coalitions of fear: the topi being swamped by […]


18 Apr, 2013

‘Muslims are evil. Let’s kill them all’: US TV commentator’s Twitter rants

While public officials were urging caution in the immediate aftermath of the bomb attack on the Boston Marathon, some were quick to apportion blame. One of those was conservative commentator Erik Rush, who provoked a furious reaction after seemingly advocating the killing of Muslims in response to the attack. Rush is a columnist for Worldnutdaily […]


18 Apr, 2013

Turkey Becomes First Country With Ambassador To Palestine


RAMALLAH, April 17 (NNN-TODAY’S ZAMAN) – Turkey has become the first country with an ambassador to Palestine after its envoy in Ramallah, Şakir Özkan Torunlar, presented his letter of credentials to President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday. Reflecting the upgraded status of Palestine from an entity to a non-member state by a UN vote in November, […]


18 Apr, 2013

Chinese Expert: US should re-think anti-terrorism strategy

By Fu Xiaoqiang, People's Daily Online

April 18, 2013 – Monday’s terrorist bombings in Boston is the major terrorist attack the United States has suffered since September 11, 2001. Although the scale and losses is not on par with the 9/11, it happened at the sensitive moment when the U.S. is accelerating withdrawal from Afghanistan and continuously concentrating anti-terrorism front, which […]


18 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: Annual Australian Alcohol Poll Cites “Carnage” and “Devastating Harms”


Canberra, 18 April 2013, (Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education) – Australians are drinking to get drunk in greater numbers and feeling guilty afterwards, but remain overwhelmingly in favour of fixing our collective national hangover. This year’s Annual Alcohol Poll found that in 2013, 40 per cent or 4.5 million Australians drank to get drunk, […]


18 Apr, 2013

Changes in H1B visas to affect Indian IT firms – Indian Express

The proposed changes in the issuing of H-1B visas, the highly sought after US work permits, will badly affect the Indian IT firms which depend heavily on these work visas. The changes under the Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) put a curb on use of H-1B visa for those companies which have a higher ratio of […]


18 Apr, 2013

U.S. Muslims mobilize to prevent Boston backlash | Religion News Service


On his show, conservative host Glenn Beck opined that “no American citizen blows up random people; that’s a Middle Eastern scene, that’s not an American scene. When our crazies go off, they target the government, not streets that are crowded with people.” On Monday afternoon, the New York Post had to pull a story that […]


17 Apr, 2013

Japan’s depopulation time bomb – The Japan Times

The progress in the graying of the nation means that the need for social services for residents such as medical and nursing care services will increase. The population decrease means that the nation’s total tax revenues will decline. As a result, grants from the central government to local governments will diminish. Both the central and […]


17 Apr, 2013

Japan’s population falls by record level – The Japan Times

Japan’s population fell by a record 0.22 percent to 127.515 million as of last Oct. 1, while people aged 65 or older surpassed the 30 million mark for the first time, the government said Tuesday. The figures are from a survey by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry. The decline of 284,000 in the total […]


17 Apr, 2013

US ‘pivot’ policy destabilizing Asia-Pacific region – China Daily Commentary

By Li Xiaokun (China Daily)

Beijing, April 17, 2013 – The US “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific, including the country’s expanding military presence and consolidation of military alliances, has destabilized the region, according to a Ministry of National Defense report issued on Tuesday. Military experts said Beijing has no problem with Washington seeking involvement in the region’s prosperity, but it is […]


17 Apr, 2013

Chinese Buddhist Monks fight to keep UNESCO out

Global Times

Xi’an, (Global Times) – April 17, 2013 – Getting up at 4 am. Morning prayer. Breakfast. Studying Buddhist classics. More prayer. Master Kuanshu’s daily routine is an example of that practiced in temples for millennia. In the past few days, however, Kuanshu and other monks have diversified their habits a bit to handle interviews from […]


17 Apr, 2013

Technology Fueling Workers’ Desire for More Choice, Flexibility and Mobility


DENVER–(BUSINESS WIRE)–A new survey has found that technology is fueling workers’ desire for more choice on the job, including greater flexibility and mobility. In a survey of more than 1,000 people in the United States and Canada, 61 percent want to use a more mobile device than a desktop while at work. Additionally, a third […]


17 Apr, 2013

Facebook Etiquette at Work: Sharing Personal Info, Opinions Pose Career-Risks


SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–17 April 2013 – Employees who share personal information and opinions on Facebook are in danger of risking job security and jeopardizing workplace relationships, according to a recently released survey conducted by Fierce, Inc., leadership development and training experts. Nearly one in three employees have witnessed or know of a coworker reprimanded for an […]


17 Apr, 2013

Indigenous Brazilian Activist Fights To Save His Tribe And The Amazon Rainforest

UN News Centre

United Nations, Apr 16 2013 – Almir Narayamoga Surui was born into an indigenous Amazonian tribe – the Paiter-Surui – in Rondonia in north-west Brazil at a time when his people had very little contact with the world outside of the forest. He is the first member of the Surui to attend college, and for […]


17 Apr, 2013

Indian Finance Minister’s Speech at Harvard: “The Rise of the East: Implications for the Global Economy”


Following is the Text of the Speech of the Union Finance Minister, Shri P. Chidamabarm delivered on 16 April 2013 at the South Asian Institute and Mahendra Humanities Center at Harvard University: “It is a great pleasure to be back in the grounds of Harvard University and a great honour to be invited to speak […]


17 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: Report says Older Australians, Especially Home Owners, Want to Age at Home


Canberra, 17 April 2013 – Over 90% of older Australians intend to stay in their current accommodation rather than move to aged care or move at all, and this intent is strongest among older people who own their own homes, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The […]


17 Apr, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing: Who Do They Plan To Blame?

While many people might immediately dismiss the concept, any student of true and unadulterated history has to eventually admit this fact: Governments exploit crisis. Sometimes, they merely take advantage of the ensuing chaos and aftermath of a disaster they had nothing to do with directly. Other times, they create those disasters themselves in order to […]


17 Apr, 2013

Popular Resistance: Prof Mazin Qumsiyeh on the Boston Bombings

At first I thought I should not comment on the Boston bombings as it is obvious that we in Palestine, under siege and regular bombardment would clearly sympathize. But then I saw the usual pundits on mainstream media trying to spin the tragedy to serve racism. The Israeli Consul-General in Boston told the Jerusalem Post […]


17 Apr, 2013

Bill Blum: Mass Violence, Gun Control and the American Culture of Death – Truthdig

Although the term “culture of death” largely has been used by the right wing to promote its anti-abortion agenda, it more aptly applies to what Rich Broderick, an unheralded journalist who writes for the online Twin Cities Daily Planet, describes as a “culture that embraces a soulless free-market idolatry in which the value of everything, […]


16 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: McKinsey Institute – Shaping a New Growth Formula

byWonsik Choi, Richard Dobbs, Dongrok Suh, Jan Mischke, Eunjo Chon, Hangjip Cho, Boyoung Kim, and Hyunmin Kim

April 2013 (McKinsey Global Institute) – Beginning in the 1960s, South Korea has set economic-development records with a growth formula that focused on heavy-industry and manufactured exports. GDP has tripled in just the past 20 years, and South Korea became the first nation to go from being a recipient of aid from the Organisation for […]


16 Apr, 2013

$40 Billion Arms Deal for Israel: Why Obama’s Palestine Rhetoric Rings Hollow | Alternet

Words are important and the significance of the president articulating the obvious to an Israeli audience—that Israeli-Palestinian peace cannot be established as long as Israel continues to deny Palestinians self-determination and justice—should not be underestimated. However, Obama’s refusal to acknowledge, much less rectify, the seminal role that U.S. diplomatic and military support for Israel plays […]


16 Apr, 2013

Indian PM: Media Must Highlight Economic and Social Injustices


Prime Minister’s Office, 15-April, 2013 – Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s speech at the NDTV Indians of the Year Award function in New Delhi today: “It is a great pleasure for me to be here today amongst men and women of such great distinction. I join all of you […]


15 Apr, 2013

Israel is a country running from its future – Haaretz

The anti-Zionist settlement enterprise is casting its shadow over Israel’s future. The settlements depend on ignoring the existence of a huge Palestinian population that Israel cannot control, and anti-Zionist steps that threaten to turn Israel into a non-democratic country where a dark style of religion holds sway. There is no greater harm to Judaism than […]


15 Apr, 2013

U.S. visa waiver bill stymied over Arab Americans entering Israel – Haaretz

A legislative effort led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to enable Israelis to enter the United States without visas may be stymied by the government – Israel’s government. The hitch is Israel’s inability or unwillingness to fully reciprocate, something required for visa-free travel to the United States. Israel, citing security concerns, insists […]


15 Apr, 2013

Indonesia to Restore “Shockingly” Polluted Rivers

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

  A compilation of stories of interesting events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 15 April 2013 (04 Jumaada al-Thaani 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


13 Apr, 2013

Chinese scientists find egg white may help lower blood pressure


2013-04-12 (English.news.cn) – Scientists offered new evidence Tuesday that a component of egg whites, already popular as a substitute for whole eggs among health-conscious consumers concerned about cholesterol in the yolk, may have another beneficial effect in reducing blood pressure. Their study was part of the 245th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical […]


13 Apr, 2013

Debunking ten misconceptions of the ideal of the Chinese dream

By Wang Yiwei (Global Times)

April 12, 2013 – As the ruling ideology of China’s new leadership, the Chinese dream has drawn worldwide attention. However, following this heightened attention have come a raft of interpretations and appeals, some of which are misconceptions. Misconception one: Chinese dream is equal to China’s dream. President Xi Jinping has elaborated the Chinese dream, stressing […]


13 Apr, 2013

China opens four more Confucius Institutes


2013-04-13 — The opening of Confucius Institutes in New York and Washington in the past week brings a key part of China’s “soft power” initiative to the United States. Chinese and US dignitaries opened the first Confucius Institute in the US capital on Wednesday, expressing hope for a flowering of cooperation in education. George Washington […]


13 Apr, 2013

African American Investors Optimistic About Economy, but Concerned About Retirement


SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– April 10, 2013 –African American investors report high levels of confidence in their financial future, along with optimism about the political and economic future of the country, according to a recent Wells Fargo nationwide survey. Despite proactive planning and intentional cuts in spending, African American investors remain focused on day-to-day living expenses, […]


13 Apr, 2013

Indian Visa on Arrival Scheme up 63%


Ministry of Tourism, 12-April, 2013 – The Visa on Arrival (VOA) scheme of the Government for foreign tourists registered a growth of 63% during March, 2013. During the month, a total number of 2,107 VoAs were issued as compared to 1,287 VoAs  issued during  March, 2012. The following are the other important highlights of VoAs […]


13 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: Employee-Employer Relations Under Strain in Europe, Says New Report


The on-going economic crisis poses a serious challenge to the dialogue between workers’ and employers’ representatives and governments according to a report published today by the European Commission. The report shows that recent government reforms have not always been accompanied by fully effective social dialogue, leading to increasingly conflictual industrial relations in Europe. László Andor, […]


13 Apr, 2013

“Airlines for America” Hammers Huge Passenger Tax Hike in White House Budget Proposal


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)- 11 April 2013 – Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today announced its strong opposition to the FY2014 White House budget proposal, which seeks to offset the federal deficit by imposing billions of dollars in new and higher aviation taxes and fees on the backs of […]


13 Apr, 2013

No “green economy” without “blue economy,” says FAO


12 April 2013, Apia, Samoa/Rome (FAO Media release) – Efforts to end hunger and fight the effects of climate change in the Pacific Islands will hinge on the success of sustainable development, including wise use of oceans and fisheries, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva told ministers from the region today. “There can be no […]


13 Apr, 2013

U.S. Companies Report $63 Billion Wasted as “Why Are We Meeting?” Meetings Increase


ALEXANDRIA, Va., April 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — U.S. companies report an increase in wasteful meetings, now costing $63 billion annually.  The average employee is spending 31 hours per month in unproductive meetings (often the result of ineffective brainstorming), while 47% indicate that meetings are the #1 time-waster, leaving everyone asking, “why are we meeting?”…reports a […]


13 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: U.S. Small Business Survey on Taxes Cites Complexity as Primary Problem


WASHINGTON, April 11, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The National Small Business Association (NSBA) today released the 2013 Small Business Taxation Survey which provides detailed insight on how America’s small-business community is being impacted by federal taxes. Complexity and inconsistency within the tax code continue to be a major problem for small businesses, and one-in-four report spending 120 […]


13 Apr, 2013

Alcohol Justice Announces Youth Video Winners: Free Sports From Alcohol Ads


SAN RAFAEL, Calif., April 12, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Three young filmmakers were awarded top prizes today for their entertaining counter-alcohol ads submitted to the 2013 Free Our Sports™ Youth Film Festival. The contest challenged them to help expose and eliminate global alcohol advertising, sponsorships, branding and promotions from every sport, from college games to the NFL […]


13 Apr, 2013

10 Mistakes of the Iraq War – NYTimes.com

Ten years after the start of the war, Colonel Spain and Terry Turchie, the former deputy assistant director of the terrorist division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, have co-written “Breaking Iraq,” published by the History Publishing Company. The book is an assessment of 10 decisions made by the American military and government that derailed […]


10 Apr, 2013

U.N. Debate On Terrorism Exposes Deep Chasms Over Who Holds Whom Responsible


United Nations, (Department of Public Information), 08 April 2013 – The time was “propitious” for the General Assembly committee charged with negotiating a comprehensive anti-terrorism convention to take the necessary decisions, especially on the outstanding issues that had — for years — hampered substantive progress on such an instrument, said its long-time Chairman, as he […]


10 Apr, 2013

Obama’s Peace Antics In Israel – Four More Years Of This?

By Ramzy Baroud, www.countercurrents.org

31 March, 2013 – At the precise moment US President Barack Obama’s Air Force One touched down at Ben Gurion Airport on March 20, persisting illusions quickly began to shatter. And as he walked on the red carpet, showered with accolades and warm embraces of top Israeli government and military officials, a new/old reality began […]


10 Apr, 2013

Ramesh Thakur rebuts John Howard’s claims: Five Myths about the Iraq War

Ramesh Thakur, The Japan Times

CANBERRA, April 10, 2013– Ten years on, let’s dispel five myths about the Iraq war. 1. It doesn’t matter why we went in, it only matters that we got rid of Saddam Hussein. Actually it does, greatly. Suppose the government eliminates someone and says he was a mass murderer. Having first killed him, we will search […]


10 Apr, 2013

‘We were right to invade Iraq’ – John Howard


Full text of the speech former Australian prime minister John Howard delivered to the Lowy Institute for National Policy on April 9, 2013. I thank the Lowy Institute for the opportunity to revisit the most controversial foreign policy decision taken by my government, in the almost 12 years it held office. Before tackling the substance […]


9 Apr, 2013

Chinese Warned of Dangers of Investing in US Realty Sector

By Mei Xinyu (China Daily)

2013-04-09 – Chinese people have developed a new craze: real estate investment. The sale of “one-dollar villas” in the United States as a result of the subprime crisis a couple of years ago prompted some Chinese investors to go bargain hunting across the Pacific. Now Detroit, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, has lured […]


9 Apr, 2013

Master Hsing Yun at Boao Forum: Asia Losing Its Traditions of Honesty and Integrity


BEIJING, April 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — As Asia grows aware of it’s soft power, the virtue of honesty and integrity are caught in a crisis. Master Hsing Yun , the founder of the Buddha’s Light International Association was invited, with Mr. Liu Changle, Chairman of Phoenix TV, to discuss the strength of honesty and integrity at […]


9 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: Asian Development Outlook 2013 – Asia’s Energy Challenge


HONG KONG, CHINA – Strong consumption and fiscal spending in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will fuel a rebound in growth in 2013, but government steps to cool pressures on the environment and to narrow income gaps will limit the upside in 2014, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report (click here to […]


9 Apr, 2013

Major South Asian Rivers May Overrun 2,200 Hectares of Land in 2013


DHAKA, April 7, 2013 (BSS) – Three major rivers — the Jamuna, the Ganges and the Padma — may grab around 2,200 hectares of land leaving nearly 22,900 people homeless and landless this year. The forecast was made at a dissemination seminar titled ‘Erosion Prediction-2013 for the Jamuna, the Ganges and the Padma rivers’ prepared […]


9 Apr, 2013

Study Links 180,000 Global Deaths to Sugary Drinks


Source: Turkishpress.com. Published: 3/19/2013 — Researchers reported Tuesday that they have linked 180,000 obesity-related deaths worldwide to sugary drinks, including about 25,000 adult Americans. Overall, 1 in 100 deaths of obese people globally can be blamed on too many sweetened beverages, according to a study presented at an American Heart Association scientific conference in New […]


9 Apr, 2013

FREE Download: The Future of Australian Sport Report Launched


Canberra, 08 Apr 2013 (Source: Australian Sports Commission) – Australians love sport. It always has been and will continue to be part of our cultural identity. From playing catch in the backyard to the Olympic and Paralympic podiums, the majority of Australians play, watch and enjoy sport. The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) has partnered with […]


8 Apr, 2013

Chinese President at the Boao Forum: Non-Asian Countries Should Respect Asia’s Diversity


BOAO, Hainan, April 7 (Xinhua) — The following is the translated version of the full text of a keynote speech entitled, “Working Together Toward a Better Future for Asia and the World”, by Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013, Boao, Hainan, 7 April […]


8 Apr, 2013

Denver Is Crowned Cycle Town, USA


DENVER, April 4, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The people have spoken – and Denver has emerged triumphant in REI’s hotly contested Cycle Town Showdown, which pitted several U.S. cities against each other in a battle to see which city was the most bike-friendly. Of course the outcome was no surprise to anyone who has enjoyed The […]


8 Apr, 2013

Mehreen Faruqi Set to be Australia’s First Muslim Woman MP

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 08 April 2013 (27 Jumaada al-Awwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


8 Apr, 2013

Indonesian President attends Hindu Day celebration


Jakarta (ANTARA News) Sun, April 7 2013 – President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice President Boediono attended the celebration of the National Dharma Shanti Hindu Day of Silence 2013 at the Senayan Sports Palace here on Sunday evening. The President was accompanied by First Lady Mrs Ani Yudhoyono. Vice President Boediono’s wife, Herawati Boediono, also […]


8 Apr, 2013

Media demonising Muslim community: Markandey Katju – Indian Express

“Discrimination” against Muslims is giving rise to a feeling of injustice among them, Press Council Chairman Markanedya Katju today claimed and rebuked the media for what he described as “demonising” Muslim community through “irresponsible” journalism.” Whenever a bomb blast occurs or such incident takes place, within an hour or so many TV channels start showing […]


7 Apr, 2013

Palestinians Call for More Pressure on Israel to Comply with International Law


United Nations, 5 April 2013, (Department of Public Information) – Amid growing tensions, it was a “critical time” for Member States to put pressure on Israel to comply with international law in order to “open the door” to a meaningful political process that would lead to a two-State solution, Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of the […]


7 Apr, 2013

Tony Blair and Iraq: The damning evidence – The Independent

Hitherto unseen evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry by British intelligence has revealed that former prime minister Tony Blair was told that Iraq had, at most, only a trivial amount of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that Libya was in this respect a far greater threat. Intelligence officers have disclosed that just the day […]


7 Apr, 2013

David Ignatius: America the war-weary and war-wary – The Washington Post

The discussion here arose during an off-the-record conference organized by a Washington group. One of the topics was possible U.S. involvement in Syria, and it provoked an intense conversation. Many members from both parties made clear how uneasy they are about new U.S. adventures in this part of the world, no matter how noble-sounding the […]


7 Apr, 2013

Academic boycott of Israel approved by Irish union | The Jewish Chronicle

The Teachers Union of Ireland has voted to boycott all academic collaboration with Israel, including research programmes and exchange of scientists. It is thought to be the first full academic boycott enforced by a European teaching union. A motion, calling for all members of the union to end work with Israeli counterparts, was passed unanimously […]


7 Apr, 2013

India’s rich are the problem – The Hindu

The import bills on account of both oil and gold do not seem to fall much despite rising prices and slowing GDP growth. A feature of both these commodities, especially gold, is that it is the rich that largely account for the growth in their demand. Over the year ended September 2011, demand for gold […]


6 Apr, 2013

Time to revisit the Vienna Convention – The Hindu

The past three decades have witnessed an increasing effort on the part of western countries to unilaterally introduce changes in the application of the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations to the detriment of diplomats of developing countries. They say that this aggressive approach is in keeping with new standards of humanitarian and labour laws. However, […]


6 Apr, 2013

Asia Times Online : Now for a vacation in Gaza, maybe

GAZA CITY – “We wanted to help foreigners in Gaza, so we created an English map of Gaza City,” says Amir Shurrab, one of the minds behind the foldable Gaza Tourist Map. At the time a lecturer for the University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS), Shurrab led a team of Geographic Information System (GIS) professionals […]


6 Apr, 2013

Asia Times Online : After Iraq, the moral abyss still gapes

The only message American children will take away from the war in Iraq is that if you repeat a boldfaced lie enough, it will someday become accepted truth. And as a corollary, saving face is much more important than admitting a mistake, no matter how destructive the outcome. Unfortunately for these children, manipulating the truth […]


6 Apr, 2013

A Few Tips on How to Age Gracefully


COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Source: Amelia House, a senior living community — If getting a few gray hairs sends you running for the hills – and to your local hair salon – it may be time to take a different view on getting older. We all feel the effects of aging, from body aches and wrinkles […]


6 Apr, 2013

Asia Times Online: The time of the Global South has finally come

It is not so far-fetched to imagine Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History succumbing to the temptation, and stressing that the time of the Global South has finally come. Oh yes, it will be a long, arduous and winding road. But would the Google/Facebook generation need only one textbook detailing the stuff of dreams, trials and […]


5 Apr, 2013

Air France fined for kicking pro-Palestinian activist off Israel-bound flight | Haaretz

A court in France fined Air France 10,000 euros $12,800 on Thursday for ordering a pro-Palestinian activist to disembark from a Tel Aviv bound flight because she was a non-Jew, AFP reported. The student in question, Hori Ankour, was trying to fly to Israel last April in order to take part in the “Welcome to […]


5 Apr, 2013

Survey Finds American Attitudes Transformed by Housing Crisis, Lifestyle Changes


CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– April 03, 2013 – After decades of equating homeownership with the American Dream, post-housing crisis realism about the risks and rewards of owning a home have led to greater support for rental housing and a more balanced approach in national housing policy, according to a new survey of housing attitudes released today. The […]


5 Apr, 2013

Australia Advances Asian Century Agenda


Prime Minister’s office, Canberra, 04 APRIL 2013 – The Australian Government  has appointed an additional three senior figures with extensive experience in Asia to the Strategic Advisory Board on Australia in the Asian Century. Mr Hamish Tyrwhitt, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Leighton Holdings, Professor Margaret Gardner AO, Vice-Chancellor of RMIT, and Ms Rebecca Dee-Bradbury, […]


5 Apr, 2013

10 Things to Never Do on Facebook if You Are in a Relationship


SANTA MONICA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–April 03, 2013 – Now that you’re in a happy, healthy relationship, there are some Facebook rules that need following to ensure it stays that way. eHarmony Advice: 10 things to never do on Facebook if you are in a relationship: 1. Hide things from your spouse or significant other. If you […]


4 Apr, 2013

How Digital Technology Has Helped Unleash a Devastating New Era of Propaganda | Alternet

Whereas a generation ago, dissent and biting satire were allowed in the “mainstream”, today their counterfeits are acceptable and a fake moral zeitgeist rules. “Identity” is all, mutating feminism and declaring class obsolete. Just as collateral damage covers for mass murder, “austerity” has become an acceptable lie. Beneath the veneer of consumerism, a quarter of […]


4 Apr, 2013

India Awards MSMEs, Hails them as Key Driver of Growth


Ministry of Micro,Small & Medium Enterprises, 03-April, 2013 – The President of India, Mr Pranab Mukherjee presented the National Awards to the successful Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and also to the Banks for Excellence in Micro & Small Enterprises Lending, at a function here today. Speaking on the occasion, the President said that the […]


4 Apr, 2013

Indian PM on the Economy: Corrective Strategies Need Correct Analysis of the Problem


Prime Minister’s Office, 03-April, 2013 – Following is the text of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh’s address at the CII National Conference and Annual General Meeting, in New Delhi today: “I am delighted to be here today to inaugurate the CII annual meeting for 2013. I have always believed that both government and business […]


4 Apr, 2013

India Injects Deadlines, Transparency into Hotel Project Approval Process


Ministry of Tourism, 03-April, 2013 – Union Tourism Minister Mr K Chiranjeevi today launched a web based Public Service Delivery System for Hotel approval and classification with a view to bring in transparency in granting approvals for hotel projects and classification status to functioning hotels. Speaking on the occasion the Minister said that with the […]


4 Apr, 2013

India Inaugurates Tagore Centre for Global Thought in London


Ministry of Culture, 03-April, 2013  – Mrs  Chandresh Kumari Katoch, Minister of Culture, India inaugurated the Tagore Centre for Global Thought at India Institute, King’s College, London on 2nd April, 2013. Set up as part of the Tagore Commemoration celebrating 150th birth anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, this Tagore Centre will enhance Tagore-related, academic intellectual […]


4 Apr, 2013

Ten years after SARS, what has China learned?

By Xinhua writer Wang Aihua

BEIJING, April 3 (Xinhua) — The news of two men dying from a new variant of bird flu has reminded Chinese of the SARS pandemic that hit the country one decade ago. Many are wondering if the government will handle the situation any better than it did in 2003, should another pandemic break out. For […]


4 Apr, 2013

Melbourne Airport bids to be Australia’s gateway for huge Chinese market

By Xu Yanyan, Song Dan

MELBOURNE, April 3 (Xinhua)– The continuous influx of tourists and goods from China during the last couple of years has prompted Australian authorities to develop its aviation industry and transport infrastructure to meet the booming demand. In a recent interview with Xinhua, Chris Woodruff, chief executive officer of Melbourne Airport, said they are getting ready […]


4 Apr, 2013

Reign of terror by Juggle-Bandhi : Jug Suraiya’s blog-The Times Of India

While gender terrorism has been a chronic disease in Indian society, the gang rape of the young woman whom the TOI named Nirbhaya seems to have opened a Pandora`s box of gender assaults being reported from across the country. It is not that these savage crimes did not occur previously; it is that media attention […]


4 Apr, 2013

Chomsky: The Cruelty That Keeps Empires Alive | Alternet

The need to humiliate those who raise their heads is an ineradicable element of the imperial mentality. In the case of Israel-Palestine, there has long been a near-unanimous international consensus on a diplomatic settlement, blocked by the United States for 35 years, with tacit European acceptance. Contempt for the worthless victims is no small part […]


4 Apr, 2013

Multinationals in Crosshairs as Australia Moves to “Improve Transparency” of Business Tax System


Canberra, 3 April 2013 (Media release by the Assistant Treasurer, Minister Assisting for Deregulation) – Large corporate entities would be required to disclose tax payable as part of proposals floated in a discussion paper released today, said Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury. The discussion paper follows the Government’s earlier announcement that it intends to change the […]


4 Apr, 2013

Investigative Journos Strike Again: Expose How Shady Global Tax Havens Help Make the Rich Richer


The policy of incessantly calling for lower taxes, a fundamental platform of travel industry organisations such as the World Travel & Tourism Council, is set to face a major rethink in the wake of a global media investigation of tax havens and the massive network of crony-ridden schemes designed to help the mega-rich avoid and […]


4 Apr, 2013

Feature: Gaza fishery stagnant after Israel tightens blockade – Xinhua

GAZA, April 3 (Xinhua) — The Israeli decision to reduce Gaza’s fishing zone from six nautical miles to only three nautical miles off the coastline “spoiled the fishing season,” 55-year-old fisherman Mohamed Bakker said. “Why does Israel punish us?” Bakker complained while sitting on the off-white sands of Gaza beach beside his fishing boat, referring […]


4 Apr, 2013

Women tourists avoiding India after sex attacks | GulfNews.com

New Delhi: The number of foreign women tourists visiting India has dropped by 35 per cent in the past three months following a spate of sex attacks that have made global headlines, a new survey has found. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) says overall tourist arrivals are down 25 per […]


3 Apr, 2013

Agoda.com Celebrates Sinhalese New Year with Great Sri Lanka deals


Singapore (PRWEB) April 03, 2013 – Agoda.com, part of Nasdaq-listed Priceline Group (Nasdaq:PCLN), is offering new deals on the striking island of Sri Lanka to celebrate the Sinhalese New Year, a major event for the ethnic population and the biggest holiday of the year. Similar to other astrologically-determined New Year celebrations in Southeast Asia, such […]


3 Apr, 2013

Islamic Finance Institute Boosts Training, Certification to Promote Entrepreneurship


Dubai, United Arab Emirates (PRWEB) April 03, 2013 – Growing numbers of professionals are choosing to set off on their own rather than join an Islamic bank. With hiring at an all time low, and an overall sense that banks are not the place where the bigger problems of humanity get solved, a new kind […]


3 Apr, 2013

India Launches First Wi-Fi Pilot Project on Kolkata-New Delhi Express Train


Ministry of Railways, 02-April, 2013 – The Minister of Railways Mr Pawan Kumar Bansal launched Wi-Fi- facility as a pilot project on Howrah Rajdhani Express (train no. 12302, which runs between Kolkata-New Delhi), here today. To introduce internet access in moving train was a technological challenge considering that the train passes through all type of […]


3 Apr, 2013

War and politics from a left-Christian perspective: Crumbling Official 9/11 Story Calls US Legitimacy into Question

Were the Twin Towers, and the thousands of people inside them, blown to bits by explosives? That is what many of the 9/11 victims’ family members believe. Robert McIlvaine, whose son Bobby was murdered in the Twin Towers on 9/11, has stated that roughly half the family members share his suspicion that the Towers were […]


3 Apr, 2013

World Social Forum 2013 Activists Blast State of the World, Seek Alternative Paradigms

The World Social Forum is barely known to the travel & tourism industry, compared to the much higher profile of the World Economic Forum. While the CEOs, Ministers and Heads of State head for the WEFs, those at the receiving end of their decisions head for the WSFs in an attempt to hold them accountable. […]


3 Apr, 2013

One of Canada’s largest student association endorses BDS against Israel – | Haaretz Daily

One of the largest student association in Canada passed a resolution endorsing the global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel. With the passage late last week of the resolution, York University’s student association joins two others in Canada – the University of Toronto and Concordia University graduate student associations – in endorsing the BDS […]


2 Apr, 2013

“Retail Therapy” Survey: What American Men and Women Buy to Improve their Mood


SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Ebates.com, the pioneer and leader in online cash back shopping, today announced results from its Retail Therapy survey that found more than half (51.8%) of Americans shop and spend money to improve their mood, including 63.9% of women and 39.8% of men. One out of three (39.2%) American women believe retail therapy improves […]


2 Apr, 2013

Hurun Report: Top 10 richest people in Beijing 2013

By Zhang Junmian (China.org.cn)

Beijing, March 25, 2013 – Wang Jianlin, chairman of property giant Wanda Group is the richest person in Beijing with a total personal wealth of 78 billion yuan (US$12.4 billion) in 2013, according to the latest Hurun Global Rich List. 41 of the 357 richest Chinese individuals from this year’s so-called “Nine-Zero Club”reside in Beijing, […]


2 Apr, 2013

Global economy improving but Europe lags behind, says OECD


PARIS, 28/03/2013 (OECD Media release) – Global economic activity is picking up, but the continuing crisis in the euro area is delaying a meaningful recovery, the OECD said in its latest Interim Economic Assessment. The Assessment, presented in Paris by Chief Economist Pier Carlo Padoan, says that the G7 economies are expected to grow at […]
