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Author Archive

2 Apr, 2013

Chinese skiers bring boon to Austrian companies

By Liu Zheng and He Yini (chinadaily.com.cn)

2013-04-01 – Millions of people in China are now getting into the growing craze of new stylish winter sports – skiing, an ideal getaway that offers breathtakingly exciting experiences and brings one closer to nature. In the past few years, China has built a number of ski resorts to sate the appetite of surging winter […]


2 Apr, 2013

Two Chinese cities join bid to cool real estate market


2013-04-01 (China Daily) – Authorities in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, two large cities in Guangdong province, announced detailed regulations on Sunday to further cool the real estate market amid expectations of rising property prices this year. According to the regulations, Guangzhou, the provincial capital, will provide land for residential use of up to 5.95 square kilometers […]


2 Apr, 2013

Europe is Chinese shoppers’ favourite destination

By Gao Yuan (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-04-01 – European nations were the most favorite shopping destinations for Chinese buyers in 2012 and they are set to spend even more shopping overseas, according to a report by Global Blue, a tourism shopping service provider. Chinese shoppers spent a record 3 billion euros ($3.9 billion) on duty-free shopping in 2012, an increase […]


2 Apr, 2013

Apple to face enhanced legal supervision in China

By Lu Hui (Xinhua)

BEIJING, April 1 (Xinhuanet) — China’s commerce market watchdogs have called for tightened supervision of Apple Inc’s disputed warranty policy in response to customers’ complaints that the iPhone-maker adopted differential policies for repair and return services in China. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce said it has issued a notice asking local industry and […]


2 Apr, 2013

Durban to get Confucius Institute


March 28, 2013 (CRI Online) – China and South Africa plan to strengthen ties in education and culture. One of the outcomes of President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to South Africa ws an agreement for a Confucius Institute at the Durban University of Technology. South Africa is one of the countries on the continent with […]


2 Apr, 2013

6 Danes investigated for urinating on Shanghai road

By Ni Yinbin (Shanghai Daily)

March 26, 2013 – Shanghai police said they are investigating reports of six foreign tourists drunkenly urinating on a low barrier on an elevated road in full view of traffic on Saturday afternoon. The driver of the bus carrying them told police the men forced him to stop and nearly caused an accident. Police started […]


2 Apr, 2013

Hate, Congress and the FBI: Rethinking How We Track Hate Crimes in America | SikhNet

About two months ago, a woman in New York City, Erika Menendez, was charged with second-degree murder as a hate crime. Menendez was responsible for the death of Hindu American Sunando Sen: He was crushed by an oncoming train when she pushed him onto the tracks of an elevated subway station. Queens District Attorney Richard […]


1 Apr, 2013

When George Bush invaded Iraq, life imitated art – Voices – The Independent

Born-again Christians often don’t realise their ‘God-given’ right to invade Iraq destroyed one of the oldest Christian communities in the Middle East Read the rest: When George Bush invaded Iraq, life imitated art – Robert Fisk  – The Independent.


1 Apr, 2013

Indian Tourism Ministry Approves Billions for Mega-Circuit Projects in Three States


New Delhi, Ministry of Tourism, 1 April 2013 – Union Tourism Minister Mr K. Chiranjeevi has approved Central Finance Assistance (CFA) totalling IR 137.37 crore (one crore is 10 million) for mega-circuit tourism projects in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala. Details: Andhra Pradesh Rs. 45.88 crore has been approved for the development […]


1 Apr, 2013

Racist rant: tourists abused on Sydney bus

In the video, a Caucasian man yells at a middle-aged man and woman of Korean appearance about the Japanese bombing of Australia during World War II and calls the pair “f—ing bastards”. Before the camera started rolling, the man yelled racist taunts such as, “Do you f—ing speak English?”, “Japanese c—s” and “why did you […]


1 Apr, 2013

Israeli Defence Forces must stop arresting children – Haaretz Daily

Twenty-seven Palestinian children were ambushed and arrested by Israel Defense Forces soldiers in Hebron on March 20. Eighteen of them were less than 12 years old, the minimum age at which they can legally be held responsible for a crime. This large-scale roundup was arbitrary. Soldiers arrested every child they saw on the street − […]


1 Apr, 2013

The Treason of the Intellectuals – Chris Hedges – Truthdig

The rewriting of history by the power elite was painfully evident as the nation marked the 10th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. Some claimed they had opposed the war when they had not. Others among “Bush’s useful idiots” argued that they had merely acted in good faith on the information available; if […]


1 Apr, 2013

10 Great Branding Campaigns that Shaped Asia-Pacific Tourism

Imtiaz Muqbil & Murray Bailey

Two award-winning travel trade journalists have teamed up to offer a unique perspective on the future of the Asia-Pacific travel industry, based on a detailed analysis of the successes and failures of the past. This includes a look at the great branding campaigns that have shaped the industry, the major mistakes the industry has made, […]


1 Apr, 2013

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque Centre Honours Four Tour Companies

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 01 April 2013 (20 Jumaada al-Awwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


31 Mar, 2013

The War in Iraq Ten Years Later – How Cheerleader Journalism Fueled the Fire

We can imagine that George Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and the other masterminds behind the Iraq war and occupation have lost little sleep over the destruction they’ve wrought. The narcissism and sociopathic personalities they share seem, sadly, to be all too common among the political and military leaders around the world, in Bush’s America […]


31 Mar, 2013

Popular Resistance: Easter Resurrection of Palestine

“What would Jesus do” is a question that hovers in the background of this troubled land. Well, actually the land does not have feelings to be troubled so let us say the troubled inhabitants of this land. I am certainly troubled as most Palestinian Christians and Muslims are. We are troubled because we cannot even […]


31 Mar, 2013

China’s online sales surge in 2012


BEIJING, 2013-03-28, (Xinhua)  – China’s online retail sales boomed last year, as more consumers have gravitated toward online shopping for its convenience and personalized services. Online retail sales reached 1.32 trillion yuan ($210.39 billion) in 2012, a jump of 64.7 percent from the previous year, according to data issued by the Internet Society of China […]


31 Mar, 2013

U.S. Firm filing lawsuits on behalf of brain tumor victims, allegedly from cell-phones


New York, NY (PRWEB) March 27, 2013 – Bernstein Liebhard LLP, a nationwide law firm representing clients in cell phone radiation lawsuits, notes that a new study has found that radiation from cell phones may cause damage to brain tissue. According to a report from the Daily Mail, researchers with Finland’s Radiation and Nuclear Safety […]


31 Mar, 2013

Beijing announces new rules to cool property market


BEIJING, 2013-03-30, (Xinhua) – The municipal government of Beijing on Saturday spelled out detailed rules aimed at cooling the property market following the central government’s fresh regulatory plan earlier this month. Single adults with a permanent Beijing residence registration, who have not made purchases in the city before, are allowed to buy only one apartment, […]


31 Mar, 2013

Xinhua Wrapup: Results of Chinese Leader’s First Foreign Trip


BRAZZAVILLE 2013-03-30 – (Xinhua) – Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday left Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of the Congo, for Beijing, concluding his first foreign visit after taking office with fruitful results. The Republic of the Congo is the last leg of Xi’s four-nation tour from March 22 to 30, which also included Russia, […]


31 Mar, 2013

Interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine Growing Globally

By Shan Juan (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-27 – Chinese mainland accounts for 2% of herbal medicine sales worldwide. While some Chinese scholars propose abolishing traditional Chinese medicine, foreign pharmaceutical institutions and industries are pursuing them. More than 100 countries and regions around the world have set up TCM institutions, with the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea investing heavily […]


31 Mar, 2013

Colbert King: A too-candid camera at Starbucks – The Washington Post

It was a Saturday in April, a good day for sightseeing in our nation’s capital. After walking around, William A. Yockey, his wife, Lindsay, and their 5-year-old daughter, K.Y., visited a Starbucks coffee shop in the 300 block of Seventh Street NW, a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol and the Mall. As it turned […]


31 Mar, 2013

Sundown in America – NYTimes.com

As the federal government and its central-bank sidekick, the Fed, have groped for one goal after another — smoothing out the business cycle, minimizing inflation and unemployment at the same time, rolling out a giant social insurance blanket, promoting homeownership, subsidizing medical care, propping up old industries (agriculture, automobiles) and fostering new ones (“clean” energy, […]


31 Mar, 2013

White men have much to discuss about mass shootings – The Washington Post

Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year. Articles and interviews would flood the media, and we’d have political debates demanding that African Americans be “held accountable.” Then, if an atrocity such as the Newtown, Conn., shootings took place and African American male leaders held a […]


30 Mar, 2013

PressTV – Horror in Israel: 30,000 Mossad spies exposed

The hack, initially exposing a hidden network of 30,000 covert operatives, some openly labeled “hitman,” came only days after Israel admitted to their 2010 act of piracy and terrorism against the Freedom Flotilla.Now the Israeli regime has filled the internet with threats against “Anonymous,” if detailed information on their terror cells is leaked.After all, who […]


30 Mar, 2013

BRICS Changing the Ageing Global Order

By Mukul Sanwal (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-30 – The BRICS group is five years old, and the modest agreement among the five member states to establish a development bank and pool of currency reserves moves it beyond a dialogue forum for cooperative mechanisms and challenges the 60-year hegemony of the undemocratic Bretton Woods. BRICS’ next step should be a transition […]


30 Mar, 2013

Indian Minister Interacts With People Nationwide Via Google Hangout on Road Safety issues


Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, 29-March, 2013 — Dr. CP Joshi, the Minister for Road Transport & Highways interacted with people to discuss road safety issues here this evening via Google Hangout. People from all over the country such as Bangalore, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, Roorkee, Andhra Pradesh, Gurgaon, Udaipur, Chennai and Bilaspur, Chattisgarh […]


30 Mar, 2013

Indian PM: BRICS Countries Will Reshape Global System


Prime Minister’s Office, 28-March, 2013 – The following is a transcript of the media interaction with Indian PM Manmohan Singh on return from the BRICS Summit in Durban. I have just concluded a very satisfying visit to South Africa for the fifth BRICS Summit. As you would have seen from the BRICS Declaration, a number […]


30 Mar, 2013

India Targets Energy Independence by 2030


Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, 24-March, 2013 – The Minister for Petroleum & Natural Gas Dr. M. Veerappa Moily, speaking at National Editors’ Conference here today, said that his government will work towards securing Energy Independence for India. Stressing need for increasing domestic oil & gas production, he said, “Our government will make every […]


30 Mar, 2013

India Outlines Initiatives to Ensure a “Corruption Free, Transparent Administration”


Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, 24-March, 2013 – Government has taken several initiatives to ensure a transparent and corruption free Administration. Speaking at the National Editor’s conference in New Delhi, Shri V. Narayanasamy, Minister Of State in the Prime Minister’s Office and Personnel, P.G. & Pensions highlighted the series of steps taken to […]


30 Mar, 2013

India Reminds Africa that Gandhi’s Anti-Colonialism Revolution Began There


Prime Minister’s Office, 28-March, 2013 – Following is the text of the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement at the BRICS Leaders – Africa Dialogue Forum in Durban on March 27, 2013: “I am pleased to have this opportunity for a dialogue on how BRICS, and in particular India, could contribute to and benefit from […]


30 Mar, 2013

April is U.S. National Alcohol Awareness Month: “Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow”


Malibu, CA (PRWEB) March 29, 2013 – April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, an observance put on by the NCAAD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) that promotes knowledge and education regarding all aspects of alcohol abuse and addiction. National Alcohol Awareness Month is in its 27th official year, with the slogan for 2013 […]


30 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Insights into Shopping, Eating Behaviors of Cooks Worldwide


SEATTLE, March 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Allrecipes, the digital food brand with more than one billion annual visits, today published highlights of its global survey of more than 7,000 home cooks for the new 2013 Global Food Trends Measuring Cup Report, revealing insights on the shopping, cooking, and eating behaviors of family-focused women around the […]


29 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: NYU Research Shows Corruption Soars When Politicians are Placed Above the Law


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– March 26, 2013 – There is now hard data to validate the anecdotal evidence that political immunity fosters corruption. In a new study entitled “Immunity,” (click on the link to DOWNLOAD FREE) NYU Stern Assistant Professor of Economics Vasiliki Skreta and her co-authors, Karthik Reddy of Harvard Law School and Moritz Schularick […]


29 Mar, 2013

Ten years on, Western leaders have learned nothing from Iraq disaster – Globaltimes.cn

Does the 10th anniversary of Washington’s Iraq War mean anything to the leaders who took us into war? No. Because, so far, there has been no indication that they have learned any lessons. Then US president George W. Bush and UK prime minister Tony Blair lied to their respective government and people in order to […]


29 Mar, 2013

Thousands set to attend “11th Palestinians Europe Conference” in Belgium


Brussels, 28 March 2013, Palestine Return Centre Media release — Preparations for the annual Palestinians in Europe conference are running smoothly. The 11th Conference, organized by the General Secretariat of the Palestinians in Europe Conference, The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), will be held in Belgium on Saturday 18th May 2013. Under the theme of this […]


29 Mar, 2013

India Plans Women-Only City Buses


Ministry of Urban Development, 28-March, 2013 – Ministry of Urban Development has recently advised the States to examine provision of separate city buses for women in all million plus cities. The Ministry has also issued an “Advisory” to all the States to implement the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) specifications as per the “Urban Bus Specifications” […]


29 Mar, 2013

Layoffs by multinationals trigger panic among Chinese employees


SHANGHAI, March 28 (Xinhua) — Chinese employees of multinationals are finding their jobs no longer secure and enviable as a massive round of layoffs has hit such companies. HSBC Life Insurance Co. fired 22 staff and 138 insurance agents working for its life insurance joint venture in Shanghai on March 20. The move has sparked […]


29 Mar, 2013

Startling USTA Survey Results Reveal U.S. Entry Process Deters Millions of Visitors


WASHINGTON, DC., March 19, 2013 (U.S. Travel Association Media Release) – Overseas travelers are avoiding the United States due to lengthy and inefficient customs and entry procedures at the nation’s gateway airports according to a new survey released today by Consensus Research Group and the U.S. Travel Association. By experience and word of mouth, at […]


29 Mar, 2013

Little-known U.S. surveillance tool raises concerns by judges, privacy activists – The Washington Post

Federal investigators in Northern California routinely used a sophisticated surveillance system to scoop up data from cellphones and other wireless devices in an effort to track criminal suspects — but failed to detail the practice to judges authorizing the probes. The practice was disclosed Wednesday in documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by […]


29 Mar, 2013

Facebook and the disintegration of the human – Al Jazeera

The ostensible function of social networking sites is, of course, to bring people closer together. The same function is attributed to the process of neoliberal globalisation. Despite obvious superficial increases in interconnectedness in both cases, however, the fundamental outcome is alienating. In the latter instance, ‘interconnectedness’ has been characterized by enhanced disparity in socioeconomic conditions […]


29 Mar, 2013

Why Thailand and Greece spell tragedy for Australian travellers

More than 100 Australians died in Thailand and a further 60 died in Greece last year, making these two countries – for different reasons – among the places where Australians are most likely to meet their end while overseas. While the deaths in Thailand were largely due to illness or accident, most in Greece were […]


28 Mar, 2013

Nokia India slapped with Rs 2,000 cr fine over tax evasion – Indian Express

The Income Tax department has served a Rs 2,000 crore demand notice on Finnish mobile firm maker Nokia for alleged evasion of taxes in its business transactions in the country. The department had on March 21 asked the firm to submit the amount of Rs 2,000 crore in about a week’s time, I-T department sources […]


28 Mar, 2013

The Alternative Power Structure to the American Empire Keeps Growing Stronger | Alternet

The BRICS meet in Durban, South Africa, this Tuesday to, among other steps, create their own credit rating agency, sidelining the dictatorship – or at least “biased agendas”, in New Delhi’s diplomatic take – of the Moody’s/Standard & Poor’s variety.  They will also further advancethe idea of the BRICS Development Bank, with a seed capital […]


28 Mar, 2013

Full Text: BRICS Declaration Reflects Rise of New World Order


Indian Prime Minister’s Office, 27-March, 2013 – The following is the full text of the eThekwini Declaration and Action Plan issued after the 5th BRICS Summit in Durban, South Africa. 1. We, the leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic […]


28 Mar, 2013

Abraaj Group exhibits extraordinary Middle Eastern art – Ahram Online

The Abraaj Group Art Prize 2013 was awarded to proposals of installations by five emerging artists from the Middle East: Iman Issa from Egypt; Hrair Sarkissian from Syria; Vartan Avakian and Rayyane Tabet from Lebanon, and Huma Mulji from Pakistan. The artists have been working with guest curator Murtaza Vali for the past six months […]


27 Mar, 2013

Senior churchman says Christians, Muslims need Israeli military’s OK to pray

In the run up to Easter Week, a very special time for Christians, the Patriarch pointed out that access to their holy places will be limited, difficult and in the control of the Israelis. “It is impossible for any external pressure to change anything,” he added. “Israel alone decides whether to go forward with peace […]


27 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Cornell Research Centre Study on the Chinese Outbound Market


The international hotel industry has taken note of a large and rapidly growing market—Chinese travelers, who now number more than 70 million. In a study of Chinese tour operators, a new report from the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) explores the wants and needs of this important market. Available at no charge from the […]


27 Mar, 2013

China’s economic slowdown puts peaceful rise in focus


SHANGHAI, March 24 (Xinhua) — An economic slowdown will be a defining feature for China in the coming decade, testing the wisdom of its new leaders and shaping future diplomacy, according to experts. The country’s economic expansion is expected to slow to a year-on-year average of 7.2 percent between 2011 and 2025, said Li Xuesong, […]


27 Mar, 2013

Russian oligarch exposed over Israeli citizenship | National Post

A Russian oligarch who has maintained high-level influence in Moscow since the close of the Cold War resigned his seat in Russian parliament Tuesday after the National Post revealed he held dual citizenship and had extensive assets in Canada. Vitaly Malkin tried for almost 20 years to relocate to Canada, investing millions in Toronto, but […]


27 Mar, 2013

Women on the move – WITX to spark new thinking on loyalty, corporate travel and authentic leadership

Web In Travel Media Release

Singapore, 27 March 2013 — Hyatt has introduced Hyatt Has It – a service that will offer all guests essentials such as a phone charger, curling iron, steamer, yoga mat, makeup remover wipes, and razor to keep, borrow or buy. While it is aimed at all guests, a particular focus is women business travellers who […]


27 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Report to help guide Australia’s Tourism Distribution Strategy


The findings of a comprehensive review of how Australian tourism product is distributed internationally have been published by Tourism Australia and its state and territory tourism partners. The “Distribution 2020: Situational Analysis” report provides industry with an overview of current distribution approaches and potential models for the future across Australia’s key holiday markets. Tourism Australia […]


27 Mar, 2013

Planned BRICS bank holds promise

By Mei Xinyu (China Daily)

Beijing 2013-03-26 – The feasibility of establishing a development bank and currency reserve is expected to be hot topics of discussion at the BRICS summit in Durban, South Africa, on March 26 and 27. Developmental financial cooperation has become an important issue for BRICS member states, especially for Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, because […]


27 Mar, 2013

Minister Outlines Plans to Make India the Biggest Aviation Market by 2020


Ministry of Civil Aviation, 26-March, 2013 – Speaking at a function in the capital on the occasion of Aviation Day, the Minister for Civil Aviation, Mr Ajit Singh said that, India would be the third largest aviation market by 2020. Addressing senior representatives of the aviation industry, Shri Ajit Singh informed that studies suggest, the […]


26 Mar, 2013

EU Demography Report: Ageing populations, and 40% of children born outside marriage


Brussels, Eurostat News Release, 26 March 2013: The current demographic situation in the EU27 is characterised by continuing population growth as well as by an ageing population. On 1 January 2012, the EU27 population was estimated at 503.7 million, a growth of 6% compared with 1992. Over the same period, the share of those aged […]


26 Mar, 2013

EU Quarterly Review: Deepening Social Crisis as Youth Joblessness Hits New Peak


Brussels, 26 March 2013, European Commission Press release – The employment and social situation in the EU remained critical in the fourth quarter of 2012 with employment receding overall and unemployment rising further, while households’ financial situation remained serious according to the European Commission’s latest Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review. The adverse effects of […]


26 Mar, 2013

10 CATASTROPHES: IRAQ 10 YEARS AFTER by Chandra Muzaffar


Kuala Lumpur – 10 years after the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq a number of analysts have come to the tragic conclusion that the most immoral and unjust war in recent years has generated nothing but a series of catastrophes. The 10 catastrophes that we have outlined below represent only a small portion of a horrendous […]


26 Mar, 2013

The 147 People Destroying the World | Alternet

Can 147 people perpetuate economic injustice – and make it even worse? Can they subvert the workings of democracy, both abroad and here in the United States? Can 147 people hijack the global economy, plunder the environment, build a world for themselves that serves the few and deprives the many? There must be some explanation […]


26 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Study proposes ways to help EU attract more foreign students, researchers


Brussels, 25 March 2013, European Commission Press release – The EU needs to attract talented non-EU students and researchers who can contribute to our growth and competitiveness with their knowledge and skills. Moving to Europe temporarily is an opportunity embraced by over 200.000 students and researchers from outside the EU every year. However, far too […]


26 Mar, 2013

Honouring Over 15 Million Victims Of Slave Trade, UN Calls For End To Remnants Of Slavery


United Nations, Mar 25 2013 – The United Nations today honoured the memory of an estimated 15 million innocent victims who suffered over four centuries as a result of the transatlantic slave trade, while highlighting the plight of millions more who still endure the brutality of modern slavery. Speaking at the commemoration of the International […]


26 Mar, 2013

More revelations of Australian-Israeli spy make a mockery of global border controls

Additional investigative reporting by leading Australian and German newspapers have unearthed new details about what led to the suicide-death of Australian-Israeli spy Ben Zygier and further highlighted the security threat posed by potentially hundreds of Israeli dual-passport holders worldwide. Details of the months-long investigation initiated by Fairfax Media, publisher of the Sydney Morning Herald in […]


25 Mar, 2013

Indonesia’s Lion Air Now One of World’s Fastest Growing Airlines

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 25 March 2013 (13 Jumaada al-Awwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


24 Mar, 2013

Outrage as Israelis Deny Christians Access to Jerusalem in Holy Week


RAMALLAH, March 24, 2013 (WAFA) – Member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee Hanan Ashrawi, on the holy occasion of Palm Sunday and beginning of the Holy Week in Jerusalem, spoke of her outrage at the increasing denial of entry to Jerusalem for Palestinian Christians, saying “there should not even be a question of […]


23 Mar, 2013

China’s media challenge in Africa: Battling the Western Perspective

By Ngari Gituku (China Daily)

2013-03-22 – Even a cursory look at the African media will reveal its uncanny similarity between Eurocentric media trends and the contours of Sub-Saharan African press, which can be attributed to historical reasons. The contact Africa has had with the West over the years has a lot to do with how the average African processes […]


23 Mar, 2013

India Plans 10 More Convention-Exhibition Centres


Ministry of Tourism, 22-March, 2013 – Union Tourism Minister Mr K. Chiranjeevi called on Union Finance Minister Mr P. Chidambram here today and urged him for higher budgetry allocation for Tourism Ministry. Mr Chiranjeevi told the Finance Minister that the tourism sector directly and indirectly contributes to more than 6% of the GDP of the […]


23 Mar, 2013

China, Russia move toward full-fledged strategic partnership


MOSCOW, March 22 (Xinhua) — Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, held talks here Friday and vowed to enhance their countries’ comprehensive strategic cooperation. During their meeting in the Kremlin, Putin extended his warm welcome to Xi, and said the fact that Xi selected Russia as the first foreign country […]


23 Mar, 2013

Indian President’s Speech on “The Future of Indian Universities”: Help Reset the “Moral Compass”


Presidents Secretariat, 21-March, 2013 – Indian President Pranab Mukherjee delivered the following address at a  conference on “The Future of Indian Universities: Comparative Perspectives on Higher Education Reforms for a Knowledge Society” hosted by O.P. Jindal Global University. The full text follows: 1. I am thankful to O.P. Jindal Global University for organising this conference. […]


23 Mar, 2013

India Holds National Editors Conference on Social and Infrastructure Issues


Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, 22-March, 2013 – The Press Information Bureau, New Delhi is organizing a two day National Editors’ Conference on Social and Infrastructure issues from March 23, 2013. The Conference will be inaugurated by the Finance Minister Mr P. Chidambaram at Vigyan Bhawan. The two day Conference will deliberate on crucial policy […]


23 Mar, 2013

More Chinese Returning Home from Studies Abroad


BEIJING, March 21 (Xinhua) — A total of 272,900 Chinese students returned home after finishing their education abroad in 2012, up 46.6 percent from 2011, said a senior human resources official on Thursday. Since China’s reform and opening up began in 1978, 1.09 million Chinese who studied abroad have returned home, said Yin Weimin, minister […]


23 Mar, 2013

Chinese Coastal resort embraces surging Russian tourists


SANYA, March 22 (Xinhua) — Russian tourists are flocking to China’s southernmost costal resort of Sanya in Hainan Province as they seek tropical beaches and get away from their country’s winter chill. The city of Sanya is the only tropical tourist destination in China, with annual average temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius. It has seen […]


23 Mar, 2013

Russian, Chinese Leaders Launch “Tourism Year of China”


MOSCOW, March 23 (Xinhua) — Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, pushed for tourism cooperation when addressing the opening ceremony of the Year of Chinese Tourism in Russia on Friday evening. Putin, the host, said in a speech that cultural cooperation forms an important part of the comprehensive strategic cooperative […]


23 Mar, 2013

China, Brazil to ink deal on currency swap

BEIJING, March 22 (Xinhua) — Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said Friday that the People’s Bank of China (PBC) and Brazil’s Central Bank are expected to sign a currency swap accord soon. Hong made the remarks when asked to comment on remarks made on Thursday by Brazilian Trade and Industry Minister Fernando Pimentel. Pimentel said […]


23 Mar, 2013

India Frees up Aircraft-buying process, Need for Government approval dropped


Ministry of Civil Aviation, 21-March, 2013  — In a major decision taken by Minister of Civil Aviation, Mr Ajit Singh, the Government has done away with the control over acquisition of aircraft by scheduled and non-scheduled operators, private operators and flying training institutes. The permission for actual induction of aircraft will no longer be required […]


23 Mar, 2013

South Africa-China friendship association launched


JOHANNESBURG, March 21 (Xinhua) — The South Africa-China People’s Friendship Association (SACPFA) was officially launched in Johannesburg on Thursday, turning a brand new page in the history of non-governmental diplomacy between the two countries. SACPFA President Manne Dipico said at the founding ceremony that the SACPFA is the only people’s association designed to promote friendship […]


23 Mar, 2013

China: Three Relevations from Iraq War 10th Anniversary


Beijing, March 22, 2013, (People’s Daily Online) – March 20 marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, amid a series of more than 20 attacks across Iraq killed 56 people between March 19 and 20. Clearly, it makes a mockery of the claim that war will bring stability and prosperity to Iraq.   Nearly […]


23 Mar, 2013

Iraq war caused me to lose my country – The Washington Post

When people ask me, “Was the war worth it?,” I am often unsure how to respond. The world is a better place without a tyrant like Saddam Hussein. But poor U.S. post-invasion planning helped unleash sectarian furies that will plague not just Iraq but the broader Middle East for decades. I think a better question […]


22 Mar, 2013

Methodology Emerges to Help Track How Holidays Can Make People Happy

PARIS – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has published what is claimed to be the first “Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being.” Essentially a technical document designed to help track what is originally known as Gross National Happiness, it can easily be used by tourism researchers and statisticians as a template to chart how […]


21 Mar, 2013

UNCTAD Meet Bids to Balance Benefits of Biofuels Boom, Address Looming Issues


Geneva, Switzerland, (19 March 2013) – Complex developments in the field of biofuel policy – and how developing countries can participate in this growing energy market while sufficiently taking account of related issues such as food security and technological progress – were the subject of debate by experts at a meeting on 19 March. The […]


21 Mar, 2013

Dating Site Research Lists U.S. Cities With Highest Levels of STDs


(PRWEB) March 20, 2013 — According to research conducted by PositiveSingles.com, a dating site for people with STD’s, the ten U.S cities with the highest rates of Sexually Transmitted Diseases are Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Denver, Austin, San Francisco, San Diego, and Dallas. This research raises some questions regarding why the rate […]


21 Mar, 2013

Insider’s Guide to Teaching English Abroad Released


Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 20, 2013 – For those job seekers who are looking to reinvent their career and would like to get paid to travel, EnglishMouth.com, founded by an experienced ESL teacher, has launched an e-guide that teaches how to start a new career teaching English overseas. Because English is the “world’s language,” […]


21 Mar, 2013

Shopping Trends Study Shows Uptick in U.S. Consumers Trying New Retailers


Boulder, CO (PRWEB) March 20, 2013 — Despite cautionary spending last year, retailers may have good reason to be optimistic in 2013 – consumers are trying more fashion retailers for the first time, and most are making purchases during those visits. According to a study by Market Force Information, which offers customer intelligence solutions, four […]


20 Mar, 2013

Pakistan makes Wagah crossing more India-friendly – The Hindu

Pakistan has evidently gone the extra mile to be welcoming towards Indians entering through the Wagah border road crossing in Punjab. Possibly in anticipation of greater traffic — particularly from the northern parts of India — Pakistani authorities have for the first time put up signposts in Hindi for the convenience of Indians travelling in. […]


20 Mar, 2013

U.N., Trade Unions Issue Report on Protecting Growing Number of Domestic Workers


10 March 2013: Today, the International Trades Union Congress and UN Women joined forces to launch a new publication “Domestic Workers Count Too: Implementing Protections for Domestic Workers”. The launch event, co-sponsored by UN Women, ITUC and the government of the Philippines, takes place at a side event of the 57th UN Commission on the […]


20 Mar, 2013

China Sees “Golden Age” for Ties with Africa

By Li Jiabao and Qin Zhongwei (China Daily)

Beijing 2013-03-19 – China-Africa relations are in a golden age of rapid development, but more must be done to improve the quality of economic ties as Chinese investment in the continent continues to boom, a senior official said on Monday. “Though the volume of China-Africa economic cooperation and trade is rapidly increasing, the quality is […]


20 Mar, 2013

Loopholes for rich make China’s estate tax meaningless

By You Yunting (Global Times)

March 15, 2013 – Earlier this month the China Institute for Income Distribution at Beijing Normal University released a report arguing that the imposition of a tax on inherited assets of more than 5 million yuan ($803,500) would be a major step toward narrowing the country’s widening income gap. Such claims have naturally stirred up […]


20 Mar, 2013

Historic Pictures: Israeli PM Who Hailed Peace at Hotels Confab, & Shot 2 Days Later

I want the global travel and tourism industry to take a good look at these historic pictures. A reminder of an event that changed the course of human history for the worse, they are intended to stoke some soul-searching about what must be done to reset the course, hopefully for the better. These pictures are […]


20 Mar, 2013

Happiness Celebrations Aim to Reach 100 Million People for UN’s First #HappyDay


LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–A global happiness celebration starts today as part of a week of activities observing the first-ever International Day of Happiness on March 20. The #HappyDay celebration, which recognizes acts of generosity, kindness, enthusiasm and connection, is focusing on spreading the message of happiness to 100 million people worldwide. Last year, all 193 member […]


20 Mar, 2013

Business as unusual in India – Sitaram Yechury – Hindustan Times

Our international positioning, say on Iran, Syria or the downgrading of support to the Palestinian struggle etc, is increasingly becoming one of toeing the US line, thus, making our foreign policy subservient to US global strategic interests. In a sense such a change was inevitable given the unabashed embrace of neo-liberalism and its trajectory of […]


19 Mar, 2013

A Witness to 4 Iraqi Wars, but No More – NYTimes.com

Today, three years after most American soldiers withdrew from Iraq, we see that the whole country is on the brink of another round of sectarian war. Once again there are assassination campaigns by killers using silenced weapons, threats to force Sunni and Shiite families from their neighborhoods, and car bombs striking here and there all […]


19 Mar, 2013

DHL Power Bike: Staff Exercises For New Sustainable Business Milestone


HONG KONG, March 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — DHL Express, the international express services provider, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), jointly unveiled in Hong Kong today the innovative DHL Power Bike, the first electricity-generating exercise bicycles for logistics operations use in Hong Kong. Developed in partnership with HKUST School of Engineering, the […]


19 Mar, 2013

Truthdig – The Last Letter: A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran

To: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From: Tomas Young My day of reckoning is upon me. Yours will come. I hope you will be put on trial. But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who […]


19 Mar, 2013

Indian Culture Minister urges Corporate Sector to invest in Preserving Heritage


Ministry of Culture, 15-March, 2013 – The Union Minister of Culture Mrs Chandresh Kumari Katoch has urged the corporate sector to come forward and invest in preserving rich heritage of India. Speaking at an interactive session here today with the corporate heads on the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Indian heritage, the Minister […]


19 Mar, 2013

Former UNWTO Chief’s Letter to Member States The Day Iraq was Attacked

Editor’s Note: Mr. Francesco Frangialli, was Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, between 1998–2009. On March 20, 2003, he wrote this letter to UNWTO member states. It was made available exclusively to Travel Impact Newswire. I am releasing it today as a matter of record and a contribution to the history of travel & tourism. […]


19 Mar, 2013

Endgame for monetary policies

Otaviano Canuto (China Daily) & Project Syndicate

2013-03-15 – Much of the hype surrounding last month’s meeting of the G20 finance ministers and central bankers in Moscow was dedicated to so-called currency wars. But the crucial issue of long-term investment financing was largely neglected, even though the endgame for the unconventional monetary policies introduced by some advanced economies will require the revitalization […]


19 Mar, 2013

Cheney’s legacy in Iraq – By Ramzy Baroud

Ramzy Baroud

Cairo, Al Ahram Weekly, 13 March 2013 – Al-Qaeda linked groups are wreaking havoc in Iraq, with deaths reported almost on a daily basis as a result of their ever-innovative killing tactics. The rise of militant violence throughout the country is happening within the framework of worsening sectarian tensions, which underlines a real national crisis […]


19 Mar, 2013

Israeli Settler Violence Must Be Prosecuted, Says UN Human Rights Chief


New York, Mar 18 2013, (UN News Centre) – The United Nations human rights chief today urged Israel to prosecute settlers who carry out violent acts against Palestinians, while also calling on Government forces to refrain from using excessive force and to guarantee adequate handling of child detainees, following reports of ill-treatment. “On the Israeli […]


19 Mar, 2013

India Hosts Meeting to Facilitate Rail-links between South, Southeast Asia


Ministry of Railways, 18-March, 2013 — The Minister of Railways, Government of India Mr Pawan Kumar Bansal inaugurated the 7th Meeting of Railways of South and South East Asian Countries here today. The two day meeting is being organized by Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD). Delivering inaugural address, the Railway Minster said that the […]


19 Mar, 2013

Planning vital to future of China’s diplomacy

By Sun Ru (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-15 – Chinese President Xi Jinping has emphasized the importance of planning in tackling situations both at home and abroad, and to lay a solid foundation for the country’s peaceful development. This, he said, should be the guiding principle for China’s diplomacy. The complicated domestic and foreign situations have created new challenges for China. […]


19 Mar, 2013

Xinhua Deputy Editor: US Has Not Learned Lesson from Iraq

By Chen Weihua (China Daily)

Washington DC, 2013-03-15 – Tuesday will mark the 10th anniversary of the start of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. A decade ago, along with many other people, I was against this. However, the strong worldwide opposition did not prevent a US-led war being waged in Iraq on the pretext of stopping Saddam Hussein […]


18 Mar, 2013

West “ignored evidence from senior Iraqis” that WMDs did not exist – The Independent

Two senior Iraqi politicians told Western intelligence that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction on the eve of the 2003 invasion – but their warnings were ignored and then not reported to the subsequent Butler inquiry, according to a major new investigation. Vital intelligence used to justify the invasion of Iraq 10 years […]
