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10 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: Pew Research Report Shows Clear Signs of Emerging Facebook Fatigue


7 Feb 2013 – Two-thirds of online American adults (67%) are Facebook users, making Facebook the dominant social networking site in this country. And new findings from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project indicate there is considerable fluidity in the Facebook user population: 61% of current Facebook users say that at one […]


10 Feb, 2013

Accelerated Road Development Programme for India’s North Eastern States


Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, 05-February, 2013 – On the initiatives of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken up an ambitious Special Accelerated Road Development Programme (SARDP-NE) for development of road network in the north eastern States of the Country. This programme envisages providing road connectivity to all the […]


10 Feb, 2013

A First Hand Account Of What Went Down At The Anti-Modi Protests

The anger and disgust against the communal politics of Modi was palpable, all of us spoke out with the accumulated rage of the victims in Gujrat. The clinched fists, raised voices and the fiery expression on the faces showed how passionately the students felt for the victims. It’s a shame for a politician who is […]


10 Feb, 2013

A Look at English words derived from Arabic – GulfNews.com

What do zero, a giraffe, and alcohol have in common? Not much, other than all these words originate from Arabic, and are part of the huge heritage of language and knowledge that Europe has absorbed from the Arabs over the centuries. Read the rest: ‘It’s Arabic’ | GulfNews.com.


10 Feb, 2013

Dear Facebook friends, we need a break

FORGET about the privacy concerns, the onslaught of ads, the annoying design of your profile page. If people are turning away from Facebook, it is not because the company has overreached or gone over to the dark side. It is because we have come to realise people are boring. Read the rest: Dear Facebook friends, […]


10 Feb, 2013

Spying on Law-Abiding Muslim Citizens – NYTimes.com

A motion filed in federal court last week by the lawyers in the Handschu case makes a strong case that the city has simply ignored those guidelines in its antiterrorism fight and is targeting Muslim groups because of their religious affiliation, not because they present any risk. In a particularly striking declaration, a Queens man […]


10 Feb, 2013

Suraj Sharma on Life after Pi – Indian Express

He says he’s determined to keep his life normal. “I get a little more attention but I still take the Metro all the time, play football and basketball at Siri Fort and hang out with friends. Fortunately, I am quite stealthy and don’t get recognised very often,” he says. His college, St Stephens, has treated […]


10 Feb, 2013

Ready to do anything for Hindutva: Praveen Togadia – Hindustan Times

Maharashtra Vishwa Hindu Parishad leader Venkatesh Abdeo, on whose phone the call was made, threatened, “there will be severe reaction all over the country if Togadia is arrested. Togadia has not done anything wrong by speaking about Akbaruddin Owaisi.” He also dared the government to arrest Togadia “if it has guts.” via Ready to do […]


10 Feb, 2013

What exactly is this thing Israeli Jews call ‘Arab Mentality’? – Haaretz

The residents know they have nowhere to go, have no exit. They’re born, they study, work, marry, have children, so that they, too, will remain in villages and have children who will remain in villages. Villages? What sign of a village can you find in the Arab villages? Or in those that are called cities […]


10 Feb, 2013

PressTV – Int’l conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema wraps up in Tehran

The third International Conference on Hollywoodism and Cinema has wrapped up in the Iranian capital city of Tehran on the sidelines of the 31st Fajr International Film Festival.The conference came to an end on Wednesday in a ceremony in Tehran’s Azadi Hotel. Some 50 cineastes and critics from across Europe and the United States attended […]


8 Feb, 2013

Indian Finance Minister: All Security Threats are Now Inter-Connected


Ministry of Finance, 06-February, 2013 – The Union Finance Minister, Mr P. Chidambaram delivered his address at K. Subrahmanyam Memorial Lecture in New Delhi today. The theme of the lecture was “India’s National Security – Challenges and Priorities”. Following is the text of the speech on the occasion: “I am grateful to you for inviting […]


8 Feb, 2013

Indian Vice-Chancellors Agree on Broad Agenda To Help Universities Go Global


Presidents Secretariat, 07-February, 2013 – A one day conference of Vice Chancellors (VCs) of Central Universities concluded on February 5, 2013 at Rashtrapati Bhavan with the VCs proposing a detailed set of recommendations on the four agenda items of the conference. Some of the recommendations were as follows: Agenda item 1 – Steps required for […]


8 Feb, 2013

EU Lays Out Cybersecurity Strategy


WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The European Commission today set out its first comprehensive strategy to prevent and respond to cyber disruptions and attacks. The new cybersecurity strategy along with a proposal on Network and Information Security aims to prevent and fight cybercrime, strengthen the security and resilience of networks and information security systems, and helps […]


8 Feb, 2013

India Confers Awards for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Pledges Tourist Sites Upgrade


Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, 06-February, 2013 — The President, Mr Pranab Mukherjee while presenting the National Awards for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities-2012 at a function organized by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment here today. He said that Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act […]


8 Feb, 2013

European Commission Blows Whistle On How Football Earnings Make the Rich Richer


Brussels, 7 February 2013 (European Commission Press Release) – Football clubs spend around €3 billion a year on player transfers, but very little of this money trickles down to smaller clubs or the amateur game, according to a European Commission study published today. The number of transfers in European football more than tripled in the […]


7 Feb, 2013

11 Reasons Why I Am Giving the 2013 ITB Berlin a Miss

The ITB Berlin is the world’s largest travel trade show. I did not miss a single one between 1986-2011, a total of 25 years. It played a very important role in helping me advance my career and professional coverage of the world’s largest service industry. As of 2012, however, I stopped attending it, as well […]


6 Feb, 2013

Australian Tourism Pioneer Shares Historic Photographs of Post-War Cambodia


PHNOM PENH, February 5 – The Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center is to present CAMBODIA REVISITED: LIFE AFTER THE KHMER ROUGE, a photographic exhibition by Australian tourism industry director Paul Cummings. The work which is on display for the first time is a selection of approximately 25 of the 500 images which have been donated to […]


6 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: OECD Report Says Germany Must Boost Immigration to Meet Looming Labour Crunch


A report issued by the Organisation of Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) has called for major improvements in processes for attracting skilled migrant workers to Germany, especially to staff the small & medium sized enterprises. It says the entire system will need to be upgraded, all the way from the visa application process to the […]


5 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: Threat of Financial Contagion to Emerging Asia’s Local Bond Markets


Synopsis of Asian Development Bank Report: This paper employs multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) models with a Baba–Engle–Kraft–Kroner (BEKK) specification to show significant shock and volatility spillovers from mature bond markets into select emerging Asian local currency bond markets. Results reveal that while the growth of individual bond markets in recent years has been […]


5 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: Hot Money Flows, Commodity Price Cycles, & Financial Repression in US and China


Synopsis of an Asian Development Bank report: Under near zero interest rates in the United States, the international dollar standard malfunctions. Emerging markets with naturally higher interest rates are swamped with hot money inflows, while central banks in the same countries intervene to prevent their currencies from rising precipitously. They subsequently lose monetary control and […]


5 Feb, 2013

New Study Reveals: Scorned Ex-Lovers May Share Intimate Data, Images Online


SANTA CLARA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–04 Feb 2013 — McAfee today released findings from the company’s 2013 Love, Relationships, and Technology survey which examines the pitfalls of sharing personal data in relationships and discloses how breakups can lead to privacy leaks online. The study highlights the need for consumers to take steps to protect themselves from cyber-stalking and […]


5 Feb, 2013

Philippines Plans Nationwide ‘Super Wi-Fi’ | The Manila Bulletin

Due to scant broadband frequencies, the government plans to harness unused Television channels – White Space (TVWS) or “Super Wi-Fi” – nationwide within 3 years to connect rural areas, schools and also for health, disaster migration, e-services and e-business. Between them, Metro Manila and Cebu have 18 unused channels, with 46 percent of spectrum wasted. […]


5 Feb, 2013

Tapping Vast Renewable Energy Resources | The Manila Bulletin

The Philippines is endowed with an abundance of resources that could propel it as renewable energy (RE) leader in Southeast Asia. Rice, coconut, and sugarcane crops generate volumes of residues that are utilized as fuel. Many provinces harness wind energy; the Philippines holds the largest potential for wind energy among Southeast Asian countries. The country’s […]


5 Feb, 2013

Betting on Macau – Counting the Cost – Al Jazeera English

Macau’s economy expanded 14 percent last year and shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, quite the opposite. If all predictions are correct, the former Portuguese colony will have the fastest growing economy in the world this year with an unemployment rate of two percent. But all this is dependent on gambling, which makes […]


5 Feb, 2013

China Facing a Year of Challenges

By Zhang Yansheng (China Daily)

2013-02-02 – The tottering global economy and slowing growth rate at home make it important to transform (China’s) economic development model. The decision of the 2013 Central Economic Working Conference is to raise the quality of economic growth and make it more result-oriented by focusing on “six musts”. The first is expediting economic restructuring. The […]


5 Feb, 2013

China’s anti-food waste campaign revives frugality


BEIJING, 2013-02-03 (Xinhua)  – A campaign against food waste is sweeping across China, with government officials and netizens in full swing to fight extravagance in the world’s second-largest economy, which still has 128 million people living under the poverty line. The movement echoes Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s call for frugal lifestyles, urging the fine Chinese […]


5 Feb, 2013

Indo-Pak travel & trade “mother of all confidence-building measures” – DAWN.COM

The clashes along the Line of Control, the first of which took place on January 6, prompted fears that tensions between Pakistan and India could escalate, but a ceasefire agreement on January 16 between commanders from both armies has held. Another attempt to ease the tensions saw trade resuming between the two countries via the […]


5 Feb, 2013

Sex scandals, lies mar US churches: China Daily

LOS ANGELES – Anyone who rapes teenage boys and girls is a crime, but when priests had sex with teenagers, archbishops tried to cover them up to avoid punishment. That has happened in churches in Los Angeles and other US cities. In 2007, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles paid at least $660 million to settle […]


5 Feb, 2013

Iran and Egypt in landmark meeting: China Daily

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Cairo this week as the first Iranian head of state to travel to Egypt since Iran’s revolution in 1979 soured ties. Officials and analysts said the visit is a significant step in restoring Teheran-Cairo ties and an attempt to bring the views of the two most populous countries in […]


5 Feb, 2013

Book Review: “Australian Universities. A Portrait Of Decline”

“Australian universities. A Portrait of Decline” by Donald Meyers (AUPOD), is an important and hard-hitting book by an Australian neuroscientist and environmental scientist who argues passionately, cogently and with biting irony for a return to decency of a corrupted, dumbing-down, and managerialist Australian university system. The world is running out of time to deal intelligently […]


5 Feb, 2013

US control is diminishing, but it still thinks it owns the world: Noam Chomsky

To everyone except a dedicated ideologue, it was pretty obvious that we invaded Iraq not because of our love of democracy but because it’s maybe the second- or third-largest source of oil in the world, and is right in the middle of the major energy-producing region. You’re not supposed to say this. It’s considered a […]


5 Feb, 2013

Chinese Commentary Warns U.S. Against Unilateralism, Power Politics


Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Song Tao made a significant point when he elaborated on a more active role for emerging economies in international affairs at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday. Song said emerging economies have thrived within the current international system, and ensuring the smooth voyage of the boat is in the interest of all […]


5 Feb, 2013

India outlines sweeping measures to combat sex crimes against women


New Delhi, Cabinet Secretariat, 04-February, 2013 – The Government has initiated a time bound action plan to combat crimes against women. A number of steps have been outlined to improve and strengthen the police and administrative system to ensure that crimes against the women are prevented through quick action, a gender sensitive response mechanism and […]


4 Feb, 2013

Malaysia Airlines Joins oneworld, Offers DoubleBonus Mileage Until 15 April

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 04 February 2013 (23 Rabee’ al-Awwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


4 Feb, 2013

Islamophobia incidents on the rise in US : GulfNews.com

In Oklahoma City, a Muslim family placed a sign on their lawn wishing “as-salaamu alaykum” or peace be upon their neighbours. On Friday night, just after 8pm, the neighbours answered. A volley of high-calibre shots ricochetted off the walls and ripped through windows, spreading fear and terror to the family inside. Luckily, no one was […]


4 Feb, 2013

China’s English TV news channel expands in the U.S.


WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — CCTV America, the U.S. production arm of the Beijing based global news channel CCTV News, will expand programming on Monday February 4th. Broadcast live from Washington D.C., CCTV News launches a new two hour edition of BIZ ASIA AMERICA, 7pm to 9pm eastern standard time.In its new format, BIZ ASIA […]


3 Feb, 2013

Israeli Tourism Ad Seeks to Wipe Muslim Mosque Off the Map


Ramallah, 02 February 2013 (IINA) – An ad produced by the Israeli Foreign Ministry to promote tourism in occupied Jerusalem has shown Haram Al-Sharif or the “Dome of the Rock” being replaced by a Jewish temple. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon, who takes a pivotal role in the ad by explaining all aspects that […]


3 Feb, 2013

Good Terrorist, Bad Terrorist – Malaysian Jurist Exposes Western Double Standards

Chandra Muzaffar, President, International Movement for a Just World (JUST)

The French military operation in Mali has brought to the fore the blatant double standards in the approach of certain Western nations to the whole question of terrorism. In the case of Mali, France, with the support of Britain, Germany and the United States, has committed itself to combating diehard militants who are determined to […]


3 Feb, 2013

Israel, a “democracy,” no-shows at UN meeting to review its human rights record


United Nations, (UN News Centre) 29 January 2013 – The top United Nations human rights body today voiced regret at Israel’s decision not to participate in the scheduled review of its human rights record, and called on the Government to resume its cooperation with the mechanism set up for this purpose. The UN Human Rights […]


3 Feb, 2013

Independent UN inquiry blasts Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian territory


UNITED NATIONS, (UN News Centre), 31 January 2013 – An independent inquiry mandated by the United Nations has called on Israel to halt all settlement activity and to ensure accountability for the violations of the human rights of the Palestinians resulting from the settlements. The report (click here to download) of the International Fact-Finding Mission […]


3 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: Study Finds 58% of Organizations Lack Social Media Strategy During Crises


GLENDALE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE) – January 24, 2013 – Everbridge, a provider of interactive communication and mass notification solutions, conducted a survey of over 400 organizations spanning a variety of public and private sectors to see how emergency and crisis communications planners incorporate social media as part of their communications strategy. The survey included key stakeholders such as employees, customers […]


3 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: Hottest U.S. Growth Industries by Decade 1890-2020


SCHAUMBURG, Ill.–(BUSINESS WIRE) – January 28, 2013 – Zurich in North America today released a new report highlighting what are anticipated to be the next decade’s Hottest Growth Industries, in collaboration with Philip Auerswald, an Associate Professor at George Mason University, adviser to the Clinton Global Initiative, and the founding president of the National Center […]


2 Feb, 2013

PATA Thailand Chapter Debate: Is Thai Culture Good or Bad for the Thai Tourism Industry?


Travel Impact Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil and Bangkok Post columnist Voranai Vanijaka participated in a no-holds-barred debate on this topic organised by the PATA Thailand Chapter Chairman Bert van Walbeek on 30 January 2013. They did not disagree on much, but the event certainly advanced a culture of debate within PATA and highlighted the […]


2 Feb, 2013

FREE Download: Australian report “An Innovation Agenda for the 21st Century”


Canberra, 31 Jan 2013 (Ministry for Industry and Innovation) – The Minister for Industry and Innovation, Greg Combet, has welcomed the latest GE Global Innovation Barometer, which shows Australia’s standing as an innovative economy is improving. The GE Barometer shows Australia has improved its innovation ranking from 16th place in 2012 to 13th place in […]


2 Feb, 2013

Most Countries Unprepared To Prevent, Manage Cancers, Says WHO Survey


1 February 2013, GENEVA/LYON (World Health Organisation) – More than half of all countries worldwide are struggling to prevent cancer and provide treatment and chronic care to cancer patients, warns a recent WHO survey for World Cancer Day (Feb 4). This means, currently many of these countries do not have a functional cancer control plan […]


2 Feb, 2013

U.N. Marks Annual Inter-Faith Week, Calls On All Faiths To Unite For Common Good


UNITED NATIONS, (UN News Centre), Feb  1 2013 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on the followers of all faiths to work together to achieve common goals for peace, prosperity and physical and spiritual well-being, as he kicked off an annual event known as World Interfaith Harmony Week. “We live in times of turmoil and […]


29 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: Ernst & Young Report on Looking Beyond Globalisation

Ernst & Young Media Release

Despite weak growth in 2012 and an uncertain economic outlook in many markets for 2013, globalization is still increasing among a majority of the world’s 60 leading economies according to the Ernst & Young’s annual globalization report, Looking beyond the obvious: globalization and new opportunities for growth. The report draws on two sources of original […]


29 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: KPMG Report on “Rethinking Human Resources in a Changing World”

Source: KPMG International

A new study from KPMG International shows that the “war for talent” is crucial to almost every business in today’s competitive global markets. However, the Human Resources function is often viewed as being non-essential or ineffective. In the last several years, there has been a preoccupation with cost optimization, cost reduction, sustainable cost management – […]


29 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: McKinsey Report on The Rise of the African Consumer

Source: McKinsey South Africa

The single-largest business opportunity in Africa will be its rising consumer market. A McKinsey report, one of the first of its kind, offers a detailed profile of African consumers, including their demographics, behavior, and needs. Executive summary Africa’s consumer-facing industries are expected to grow by $400 billion by 2020, representing the continent’s largest business opportunity. […]


28 Jan, 2013

China’s Ethnic Muslim Province of Xinjiang Enjoys Tourism Boom in 2012

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 28 January 2013 (16 Rabee’ al-Awwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


28 Jan, 2013

The Indian Hotel Group Where GMs “Speak” Sign Language

By Imtiaz Muqbil, Executive Editor

When Rahul Pandit, President and Executive Director of Lemon Tree Hotels, spoke at a panel discussion organised alongside the South Asia Travel & Tourism Exhibition (SATTE) in New Delhi on January 16, the theme topic was how to forge “mutually beneficial partnerships” in the industry. However, he had a different take on the term.“We Indians […]


28 Jan, 2013

UK Consumers Launch Landmark Legal Case Against Alleged Google Snooping


LONDON, January 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — A group of internet users has launched a landmark privacy case against Google for allegedly undermining the security settings on Apple’s Safari browser to track online usage covertly. In the first case of its kind in the UK, a number of people with concerns about Google’s alleged behaviour have […]


28 Jan, 2013

China Set to Grant Five-year Multiple Entry Visas


Beijing, 2013-01-16, (China Daily) – Multiple-entry visas, valid for up to five years, will soon be on offer in a bid to attract more top talent. The Exit and Entry Administration Law, which comes into effect in July, will also introduce a six-month visa for short-term hires. Zhang Jianguo, director of the State Administration of […]


28 Jan, 2013

Better Services Suggested To Build on China’s New 72-hour Visa-free Policy

By Zheng Xin (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-01-25, China Daily – The capital should study passenger flow and draw up supporting services to complement Beijing’s 72-hour visa-waiver offer, a political adviser has said. Despite the opportunities that have arisen through the visa exemption policy introduced on Jan 1 – tourists from 45 countries may stay in the capital for three days […]


28 Jan, 2013

China to internationalise renminbi on market-oriented basis: central bank vice governor


DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) — China is determined to pursue the internationalization of the renminbi on a market-oriented basis, and will closely watch the spillover effects of Japan’s ultra-loose monetary policy, Yi Gang, a vice governor of China’s central bank, told Xinhua. “It is the basic policy of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) […]


28 Jan, 2013

3.4 billion trips projected as Spring Festival travel rush kicks off across China


BEIJING, Jan. 27 (Xinhua) — Chinese authorities added extra travel contingencies to ensure the smooth kick-off on Saturday of the world’s largest annual migration that starts before the Lunar New Year. Railway authorities arranged 358 more passenger trains on Saturday to start handling the estimated 5.2 million daily trips over the next 40 days’ peak […]


27 Jan, 2013

Has America Become an Authoritarian State? | Alternet

This undoing of democracy to which (Arundhati) Roy refers, and the dystopian society that is being created in its place, can be grasped in the current subordination of public values to commercial values and the collapse of democracy into the logic and values of what might called a predatory casino capitalism where life is cheap […]


24 Jan, 2013

Indian Railways to Launch Indigenously Developed AC Double Decker Coach


New Delhi, Ministry of Railways, 24 January 2013 – Indian Railways, the prime transport organisation of the country which carries 23 million passengers and 2 million tonnes of freight every day to the nook and corner of this vast sub-continent, will be celebrating the 64th Republic Day on 26 January by presenting a tableau of […]


24 Jan, 2013

CGMA Survey: U.S. Debt Debate Will Have Sweeping Effect on Global Business


NEW YORK & LONDON-January 23, 2013-(BUSINESS WIRE)–As the U.S. Congress prepares a temporary patch for the nation’s debt ceiling, the world’s CFOs, controllers and other management accountants are predicting at least some impact on their own operations and a weaker position for the U.S. in the long run. That’s according to a survey of 1,300 […]


24 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: Study Shows U.S Families Are Making Time to Eat Together At Home


CONCORD, Mass. – January 22, 2013 – (BUSINESS WIRE)–The new year is beginning with significant societal challenges (from the national debt crisis to the stability of the middle-class) along with concerns that continue to burden American families (from busy schedules to eating healthier). On February 12, President Obama will provide his State of the Union […]


24 Jan, 2013

Doha Conference Declaration Calls for Global Network for Dialogue and Debate


DOHA, Qatar – January 24, 2013 – (BUSINESS WIRE)–The 4th International Conference on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Debate and the Pedagogy of Empowerment, organized by Qatar Debate in cooperation with the Slovenian Institute for culture of dialogue, International Society for the Study of Argumentation-Netherlands, World Debate Institute, and the International Center for the Advancement of Political Communication […]


24 Jan, 2013

CareerBuilder Survey Reveals What Motivates Workers to Stay With Companies


CHICAGO, Jan. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — If you could have one perk – any perk – in your workplace, what would it be?  If you had the choice, would you rather have a bigger title or a bigger office? If you were thinking about leaving your company, what would make you stay? A new CareerBuilder survey explores […]


24 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: American Dream 2.0 Report Declares High College Failure Rate a National Crisis


WASHINGTON, Jan. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Facing a growing national crisis in which 46 percent of those who enter a U.S. college fail to graduate within six years, a first-of-its kind coalition of national leaders issued a call to action to make the financial aid system work better for students and the country. The double jeopardy […]


24 Jan, 2013

Global Warming Is a Domestic Crisis – Juan Cole’s Columns – Truthdig

As President Obama made clear in his inaugural address Monday, failing to confront the threat of climate change in his second term would be a betrayal of future generations. “Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science,” Obama said, “but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought and more […]


24 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: Global Corporate Ethics Report, Designed to Address the “Trust Deficit”


NEW YORK, ethisphere.com media release, 24 Jan 2013 – As public trust in government and governing officials steadily declines,  so too does public confidence in the “ethical” behavior of corporations.  Part reality, part perception:  while the speed and transparency of the digital age contribute to this regrettable trend,  there is no shortage of reported corruption […]


24 Jan, 2013

EU launches clean fuel strategy, plans alternative fuel stations across Europe


Brussels, 24 Jan 2013 – European Commission Press release – The European Commission today announced an ambitious package of measures to ensure the build-up of alternative fuel stations across Europe with common standards for their design and use. Policy initiatives so far have mostly addressed the actual fuels and vehicles, without considering fuels distribution. Efforts […]


24 Jan, 2013

Israeli-Palestinian peace process entering critical period – UN envoy


23 January 2013 – UN News Centre – The Middle East peace process is entering a critical period that requires “courageous” steps by Israelis and Palestinians to save the two-State solution, a senior United Nations envoy told the Security Council today, warning that the consequences of inaction could be dire for everyone. “No international effort […]


24 Jan, 2013

UK must review measures affecting right to peaceful assembly – UN expert


23 January 2013 – UN News Centre – A United Nations expert today urged the United Kingdom (UK) to revise a series of legal and policing measures that are having a negative impact on its citizens’ right of peaceful assembly and association. Measures such as the use of undercover police officers embedded in protests, containing […]


23 Jan, 2013

China’s First 3D Printing Museum Opens


January 19, 2013 – (China.org.cn) – China’s first 3D printing museum was opened at the Beijing DRC Industrial Design and Creative Industry Base on Jan. 15, 2013, giving visitors a chance to experience this amazing 3D technology, according to Beijing Evening News. In a bid to gain some full-on experience, visitors can have their entire […]


23 Jan, 2013

China: Is US A Peacemaker Or Provocateur On South China Sea Issue?

China Daily Commentary

January 21, 2013 – The United States is sending a dangerous message on the territorial dispute between China and Japan, which may lead the tension in the East China Sea to spin out of control. On the one hand, after talking with visiting Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida in Washington on Friday, US Secretary of […]


23 Jan, 2013

Address Causes, Not Symptoms of Global Crises: UN Chief


22 January 2013 (UN News Centre) – Stressing that now is not the time for business as usual, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for innovative action to tackle the numerous challenges facing the world and to meet shared goals such as sustainable development, disarmament and conflict resolution. “My fervent hope – and our common urgent […]


23 Jan, 2013

Dirty Wars: New Film Exposes Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare | Alternet

Rick Rowley: The global war on terror is the most important story of our generation, you know, and it’s a story that’s been completely not covered. It remains invisible and hidden from most Americans. I mean, this is a war—this is the longest war in American history. It’s a war in which hundreds of thousands […]


23 Jan, 2013

FREE Download White Paper: Hospitality Sector Offers Solutions to Youth Jobless Crisis


DAVOS-KLOSTERS, Switzerland–22 Jan 2013–(BUSINESS WIRE)–At a time when more than 75 million young people can’t find jobs, and countless more are underemployed, investing in opportunities for youth is not only a critical development issue but also a growth strategy for businesses around the world. In response to this challenge, Hilton Worldwide will announce at the […]


23 Jan, 2013

Xinhua Commentary: World Needs Common Development of China, India

Zhong Sheng, People's Daily

January 19, 2013 – At the beginning of this year, China and India expressed their mutual desire to deepen bilateral cooperation, achieve common development, and create a better future. This reflects two countries’ appreciation on the importance of developing interrelations. The Times of India recently published an article saying in 2012 “China-India relations encountered a […]


23 Jan, 2013

US Navy fined for ‘illegal entry’ at Philippines coral reef — RT

The Philippines government has fined the US Navy for unlawfully entering and damaging a World-Heritage listed coral reef aboard the USS Guardian, even after receiving radio warnings by park rangers to avoid the reef. Penalties of unauthorized entry to the Tubbataha Reef are severe, and include a maximum penalty of one-year imprisonment and a fine […]


23 Jan, 2013

U.S. Drone Strikes “Counterproductive,” Pakistani FM Warns


ISLAMABAD, Jan. 22 (Xinhua) — Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar Tuesday told the parliament that the world is raising concerns on the civilian casualties in U.S. drone strikes, local media reported. The United States has ruled out any change in the CIA- controlled drone mission in Pakistan, claiming that it is a key to […]


23 Jan, 2013

Call for Global Hotels, Restaurants to Join U.N. Campaign To Cut Waste, Reduce “Foodprint”

UNEP Media Release

Geneva, 22 January 2013 – Simple actions by consumers and food retailers can dramatically cut the 1.3 billion tonnes of food lost or wasted each year and help shape a sustainable future, according to a new global campaign to cut food waste launched today by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the Food and Agriculture Organization […]


23 Jan, 2013

India Marks Jan 24 as Girl Child Day To Reverse Declining Child Sex Ratio


22-January, 2013, Press Information Bureau – The Ministry of Women and Child Development will celebrate the National Girl Child Day on the 24th January, 2013 at A.P. Shinde Symposium Hall, National Agricultural Science Centre (NASC) Complex, ICAR, New Delhi. Mrs Krishna Tirath, Minister of Women and Child Development will preside over the function and Dr […]


23 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: UN Report Says Eurozone’s Debt Crisis, Austerity Policies Killing Growth


UN News Centre, 17 January 2013 – The debt crisis of the Euro zone, slowing external demand and high oil process continued to depress Europe, while austerity policies throughout the industrialized world will not keep the world economy from slipping back into recession, according to an annual UN report published today. “The euro area is […]


23 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: ILO Report Warns Of Second Jobs Dip


Geneva, 21 Jan 2013 – The International Labour Organisation has released its Global Employment Trends 2013 Report. Five years after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, the study offers the latest global and regional information and projections on several indicators of the labour market, including employment, unemployment, working poverty and vulnerable employment. It also […]


23 Jan, 2013

Labour Leaders Blast Global Leaders, Elite Bankers for Global Jobs Crisis

22 January 2013 (ITUC Media release): Labour leaders are at the annual gathering of the World Economic Forum in Davos this week to make the case for new policies to make jobs and equality cornerstones of the global economy. The annual Davos meeting gives the business and financial community the chance to show their hand […]


22 Jan, 2013

Operation Hollywood: How The Pentagon Shapes And Censors The Movies

Operation Hollywood: How The Pentagon Shapes And Censors The Movies via Operation Hollywood: How The Pentagon Shapes And Censors The Movies – 12160 Social Network.


21 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: World Economic Forum Report on Future of Globalization

World Economic Forum Media Release

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 21 January 2013 – The Outlook on the Global Agenda 2013 report outlines the key problems of the future and provides insights into how they might be tackled today, as leaders prepare to convene in Davos-Klosters for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. The challenges of globalization, economic growth, geopolitics, hyperconnectivity, the post-2015 […]


21 Jan, 2013

FREE Download: World Economic Forum Report on Challenges of Green Growth

World Economic Forum Media Release

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 21 January 2013 – Scaling up public sector funding by as little as US$ 36 billion in annual spending could unlock the private capital needed to close the green investment gap worldwide, leading to sustainable economic growth that attains global climate change goals. At a time when extreme weather events are increasingly frequent […]


21 Jan, 2013

Chris Hedges: A Time for ‘Sublime Madness’ – Truthdig

Posted on Jan 20, 2013 By Chris Hedges The planet we have assaulted will convulse with fury. The senseless greed of limitless capitalist expansion will implode the global economy. The decimation of civil liberties, carried out in the name of fighting terror, will shackle us to an interconnected security and surveillance state that stretches from […]


21 Jan, 2013

Visit Malaysia Year Campaign Launched, Targets 28 Mln Visitors in 2014

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 21 January 2013 (09 Rabee’ al-Awwal 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


20 Jan, 2013

Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport Opens Espace Musées with 50 Original Artworks


PARIS- January 15, 2013-(BUSINESS WIRE)–Aéroports de Paris offers passengers, in Hall M of Terminal 2E, a free-to-enter museum. This unique experience is offered to passengers from all over the world through Espace Musées, a new cultural showcase and a major venue for the promotion of French artistic heritage. The first Espace Musées exhibition, “Rodin, the […]


20 Jan, 2013

China set to lead smartphone market in 2013

China Daily

2013-01-18 (China Daily) – China will cement its lead as the world’s largest smartphone market in 2013 as the nation is expected to sell 240 million smartphones, nearly one-third of global shipments, industry analysis firm Canalys said on Thursday. Analysts said Chinese manufacturers will dominate the domestic market and are well positioned to enter overseas […]


20 Jan, 2013

China increases holdings of US debt

By ZHANG YUWEI in New York and CHEN JIA in Beijing (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-01-18  – China, the biggest foreign creditor of the United States, increased its holdings of US Treasury bills to $1.17 trillion in November, up $200 million from the previous month, the Treasury Department disclosed on Wednesday. According to the department’s monthly Treasury International Capital report, November saw a rebound in foreign demand for US […]


20 Jan, 2013

10 simple things that make us happy – Indian Express

It’s the little things in life that give us the greatest moments of happiness, a new survey has revealed. The researchers found that5 nothing can beat the burst of pleasure you get on at discovering a forgotten 20-pound note in the pocket of an old coat. The next best thrill is being notified that you’ve […]


20 Jan, 2013

Maha Kumbh Mela: Now a Harvard University case study – Indian Express

The Maha Kumbh Mela, considered the largest public gathering in the world, will be the subject of a case study at Harvard University, which will study the logistics and economics behind it and the “pop-up mega-city” that comes to life in Allahabad during the religious event. A team of faculty and students from Harvard’s Faculty […]


20 Jan, 2013

Banking system shows signs of instability on rising NPAs: RBI – Indian Express

The banking system has recently shown signs of moderate rise in instability due to increase in non-performing assets (NPAs), the Reserve Bank has said in a working paper. “The movements in the banking stability indicator…that there are symptoms of a moderate rise in instability of the banking sector in recent periods perhaps due to the […]


20 Jan, 2013

Myanmar’s Suu Kyi defends ‘crony’ donations – Hindustan Times

Myanmar pro-democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi on Friday defended her party’s controversial decision to accept donations from businessmen close to the former junta for its education fund. “Let them donate if they donate for good things,” the opposition leader and lower house lawmaker told AFP in the capital Naypyidaw. “I don’t understand why we […]


20 Jan, 2013

Tour guide exams another example of national licensing frenzy | The Japan Times Online

Colin P.A. Jones wondered if he was alone in laughing out loud at a question about impaired thinking in the national nursing exam (“Stop thinking — the exam is about to start,” Zeit Gist, Dec. 18). There is no end to this national licensing frenzy, and it brought to mind another fiasco: tour guide certification […]


20 Jan, 2013

787 scare poses threat to suppliers | The Japan Times Online

AFP-Jiji The grounding of two Dreamliner fleets Wednesday not only dents the reputation of U.S. aviation giant Boeing Co. but also threatens to deal a blow to Japanese firms that make around a third of the aircraft, analysts said. Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways halted all flights on the next-generation plane after an ANA […]


20 Jan, 2013

Suicides fall under 30,000 for first time in 15 years | The Japan Times Online

Kyodo The number of suicides last year slipped below 30,000 for the first time in 15 years, falling 9.4 percent from 2011 to 27,766, the National Police Agency said in a preliminary report Thursday. The annual figure remained between 20,000 and 26,000 from 1978 to 1997 before hovering above 30,000 since 1998. Last year 19,216 […]


20 Jan, 2013

Dreamliner battery probe may take months: GS Yuasa | The Japan Times Online

GS Yuasa Corp., the company that makes batteries used on Boeing Co.’s new 787 planes, said Thursday it may take months to complete an investigation into what caused an emergency landing of an All Nippon Airways Co. Dreamliner. The company needs to find out whether the emergency landing Wednesday in Kagawa Prefecture was caused by […]


20 Jan, 2013

India Outbound Boom Lifts SATTE, Heats Up Asian Travel Fair Competition

Imtiaz Muqbil at the SATTE Travel Fair

New Delhi: The South Asia Travel & Tourism Exhibition (SATTE), which ended here on Jan 18, was launched in 1993 as an inbound show but is now veering heavily towards outbound. Bought by UBM India in 2011 and first executed under the new ownership in 2012, this year’s well-attended show will heat up competition among […]


19 Jan, 2013

Underclass of restaurant employees in Sydney grossly underpaid

Diners in Sydney’s A-list suburbs are unknowingly exploiting an underclass of employees who are being grossly underpaid, Fairfax Media has found. Widespread cash-in-hand payments are resulting in hospitality workers being paid more than a third below the minimum wage, which is currently $15.96 per hour. Fairfax has established restaurants in Manly, Neutral Bay and the […]


18 Jan, 2013

No Arab school on my watch – Israeli mayor — RT


The mayor of Israel’s Upper Nazareth has refused to allow an Arab school to be built, defying an Israeli rights group that said the nearly 2,000 Arab children have a “basic right” to education, and that he is denying Arabs a “legitimate existence.” ­Upper Nazareth, a Jewish settlement in Galilee near the town of Nazareth, […]
