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Author Archive

13 Dec, 2012

Sunflower brings beauty, profit to small town in central Thailand


BANGKOK, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) — At this time of the year, Chong Sarika, a small town in Lopburi province, some 150 kilometers north of this capital city, comes alive as the golden hue of sunflowers that are in bloom covers the entire town. The small town in central Thailand is now dubbed as the ” […]


12 Dec, 2012

Parents ‘should drink alcohol less in front of their children’ – The Independent

Parents should drink less in front of their children if they want to prevent their offspring becoming binge drinkers, a new report suggests today. The authors of research by the think-tank Demos said it was “not enough” for parents to wait until their children were in bed before opening the bottle, because their interviews suggested […]


12 Dec, 2012

Campaign To Avoid Infant Formula: 86 Nations Pledge to Protect Every Feeding Mother


New Delhi, December 10 (World Breastfeeding Conference News Release): After the three day-long extensive conference, 86 countries including more than 100 representatives from 50 Governments, 30 UN representatives and 150 civil society groups successfully concluded the future strategies to put breastfeeding on the global agenda and pledged to protect every feeding mother. The Valedictory ceremony […]


12 Dec, 2012

FREE Download: ILO Report on Global Employment Trends for Women 2012


GENEVA, 11 December 2012 (ILO News) – Women face higher unemployment rates than men globally, with no improvements likely in the coming years, according to an International Labour Organisation report. The ILO’s Global Employment Trends for Women 2012 (click on the link to download free) looks at gender gaps in unemployment, employment, labour force participation, vulnerability, […]


12 Dec, 2012

ASEAN, BRICS Surge Set to Help Thai Tourism Cross 20 Million Mark

Bangkok – Significant increases in arrivals from the ASEAN countries, China, Russia and India have helped the Thai tourism industry chalk up 19.7 million visitors in January-November 2012, up 13.57% over Jan-Nov 2011, according to latest figures released by the Ministry of Tourism & Sports. Brazil and South Africa, the remaining two BRICS countries which […]


11 Dec, 2012

FREE Download: Accenture Global Consumer Survey


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Dec 5 2012 – In 2012, one in five consumers switched companies they buy from, including wireless phone, internet service, and retailers, according to new research released today by Accenture (NYSE: ACN). This marks a five percent increase in switching over 2011 levels. However, the eighth annual Accenture Global Consumer Survey also found […]


11 Dec, 2012

FREE Download: AirPlus Survey Outlook 2013


ALEXANDRIA, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE) — December 05, 2012 – In the latest edition of The Wire…from AirPlus, 97 corporate travel managers from the United States and Europe share their opinions about the issues that will most impact the corporate travel industry in 2013.  The Wire…from AirPlus is a monthly pulse report for the business travel industry […]


11 Dec, 2012

Chinese Official Hopes India Will Not Be “Wooed Or Ordered By Anyone Else”


BEIJING, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) — Chinese State Councillor Dai Bingguo has given an interview to the resident correspondent in Beijing from Press Trust of India, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Monday. The full text of the interview is as follows: Editor’s Note Future relations between India and China will be a critical factor in […]


11 Dec, 2012

ADB to Assist Member Nations in Implementing Islamic Finance Standards


MANILA, 11 December 2012 (ADB News Release) – The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will help grow access to Islamic finance in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Pakistan with a $750,000 technical assistance (TA) grant to help implement prudential standards developed by the Islamic Finances Services Board (IFSB). “Islamic finance can provide access to the unbanked and […]


11 Dec, 2012

Shanghai Joins Beijing in 72-hour Visa-free Stay for Transit Travellers


BEIJING, Dec. 10 (Xinhuanet and cntv.com) — Shanghai will allow transit passengers from 45 countries to stay in the city for up to 72 hours without a visa, following a similar announcement by Beijing. Shanghai’s municipal authorities said the transit policy was recently approved by the State Council. The city has already been offering certain […]


10 Dec, 2012

Al-Ahram Arts Centre Opens in Cairo With Century of Egyptian Art

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 10 December 2012 (26 Muharram 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story. Watch Islamic Travel Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil’s landmark TEDx lecture on Peace through Tourism. Click […]


10 Dec, 2012

Indian Vice-President’s Lecture on “Virtue in Public Life” Tackles Corruption, Governance


Following is the text of address by the Vice President of India, Prof M. Hamid Ansari at the Annual Bhimsen Sachar Memorial Lecture on ‘Virtue in Public Life’ organised by Servants of People Society & Bhimsen Sachar Memorial Committee here on 07 December, 2012: ============= I deem it a privilege to be invited to deliver […]


10 Dec, 2012

British rule was crime against humanity: author ‘corrects’ history – Hindustan Times

This is a powerful indictment of what passes off euphemistically as the benevolent Raj. British colonial rule of India and China (two countries under study), author Rajendra Prasad says, was nothing short of a terrible crime against humanity. In what is undoubtedly a path-breaking study, Prasad dives into newspapers, books, pamphlets, booklets, journals, confidential notes, […]


9 Dec, 2012

Bollywood favourite Sabyasachi pushes sari revival | GulfNews.com

As the platform-heeled models sashay past the flash of cameras to the sound of U2, Sabyasachi Mukherjee surveys the progress of his campaign to drag the sari from the back of the closet onto the catwalk. “Too many women think of the sari as something that is very backward and not cool,” said the award-winning […]


9 Dec, 2012

First Forum on BRICS Economies Charts Way Forward, Mulls Development Bank

(People's Daily Online)

Beijing, December 07, 2012  – The first Forum on the Economic Situations of BRICS Countries was held in Beijing on Dec. 4, and attended by about 200 diplomats, officials, experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from 26 countries and regions. They had an in-depth discussion of the economic situations and prospects of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, […]


9 Dec, 2012

Work/Life Balance Incentives to Become as Coveted as Monetary Perks in 2013


SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)– December 06, 2012 — Fierce, Inc., leadership development and training experts, today announces its predictions for management and business communications for 2013. These predictions are based upon the company’s training experiences with organizations ranging from global Fortune-level businesses to startups and non-profits across the country. Fierce expects to see business communications and leadership methods continue to be dominated by the […]


9 Dec, 2012

College Grads Warned About Their Online Profiles, Digital Baggage Could Hurt Job Chances

AMSTERDAM & SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–College graduates in the U.S. who display drunken photos on their social media profiles reduce their chances of securing an interview by 84 percent, AVG Technologies’ latest Digital Diaries study reveals. The study of human resources professionals in the states, also found that more than 90 percent of them search for […]


9 Dec, 2012

UCLA Lists the Hot Jobs for 2013 in the U.S.


LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)– December 05, 2012 – Some of America’s best jobs for growth, advancement and salary increases in 2013 are in informational technology, engineering, health care, finance, construction, and management, according to recent government and private industry reports. The key to success in 2013 and beyond, according to UCLA Extension, is a sound career […]


9 Dec, 2012

Health Net Offers Ways to Help Make 2013 a Year of Good Health

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–December 07, 2012 — Leading a healthy lifestyle tops many Americans’ lists of New Year’s resolutions. But exactly what defines good health? As calendars will soon be turning to 2013, Health Net, Inc.(NYSE: HNT) is sharing several important questions and answers that should be reviewed before embarking on any health-improvement program. “We all […]


9 Dec, 2012

Dentsu Announces “2012 Hit Products in Japan”: Smartphones Lead for 3rd Year in a Row

TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–December 07, 2012 –Dentsu Inc. announced today the release of its “2012 Hit Products in Japan” report. Produced as part of a series that has been chronicling hit products since 1985, the latest report examines and generalizes major trends that represented the consumer mindset in 2012. It is based on an Internet survey of […]


9 Dec, 2012

FREE Download: Ford Motors’ Inaugural Trend Report On Key Consumer Insights for 2013


NEW YORK, Dec. 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Ford is releasing its first-ever trend report, Looking Further with Ford, revealing predictions about consumer habits and behaviors expected to shape 2013 and beyond. From the return of trust in companies and brands to the rise of personal accountability, global data from Ford’s trend report suggest the year […]


9 Dec, 2012

EU Issues e-commerce Warning About Buying Games, Books, Videos or Music On-line


Brussels, 6 December 2012, European Commission, Press release – Just in time for the holidays and gifts shopping season, the European Commission today publishes the results of an EU wide screening of websites selling games, books, videos and music which can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device. The check shows that over 75% […]


9 Dec, 2012

European Commission Issues New Guidelines to Remind Staff of Whistleblowing “Obligations”


Brussels, 6 December 2012, European Commission Press release – The Commission has today adopted new guidelines on whistleblowing to encourage staff to come forward and report any information pointing to corruption, fraud and other serious irregularities that they discover in the line of duty. The EU already has some of the strictest whistleblowing rules in […]


9 Dec, 2012

Noam Chomsky: What the American Media Won’t Tell You About Israel | Alternet

December 3, 2012 – An old man in Gaza held a placard that read: “You take my water, burn my olive trees, destroy my house, take my job, steal my land, imprison my father, kill my mother, bombard my country, starve us all, humiliate us all, but I am to blame: I shot a rocket […]


9 Dec, 2012

120 Malaysian Volunteers Enter Gaza To Provide Aid


Gaza Strip (Palestine), Dec 7 (NNN-Bernama) – One hundred and twenty Malaysians volunteers have entered the Gaza Strip as members of the Aman Palestin Solidarity Mission 2012 to deliver donations costing RM1.8 million. The volunteers, among them professionals, artistes and students, entered the Gaza Strip at 5.40 pm local time (11.40 pm Malaysian time) Thursday […]


9 Dec, 2012

Chinese Commentary: US Has No Right to Frequently Disturb the World


(People’s Daily Online) December 06, 2012 – The U.S. Republican and Democratic parties have not made any substantive progress in the first round of fiscal cliff talks, arousing worries that the country may fall off the fiscal cliff. The stalled budget talks reflect significant differences between the two parties’ governance styles. Objectively speaking, U.S. politicians […]


8 Dec, 2012

Chinese ‘Top 10 Concerns’ Survey Reflects People’s Anxiety

HEFEI, ( Xinhua) 2012-12-07 – A survey on what Chinese men and women worry about these days has revealed a gender divide, as male respondents reported worrying about not having enough money while female respondents said they fret about aging. Twenty million Internet users responded to the survey carried out by Chinese search engine Baidu, which […]


8 Dec, 2012

The Demographic Challenge: Older Americans Worry About Being “Thrown Over Economic Cliff”


WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Pennsylvania volunteers and staff today met with members of the state’s Congressional delegation and other key members of Congress involved in the lame duck discussions to avert a so-called “fiscal cliff.”  The AARP volunteers and staff urged the members of Congress not […]


8 Dec, 2012

An 116-Year-Old’s Secrets for Longevity


12/6/2012 (Source: AARP Blog) – Besse Brown Cooper, who passed away at age 116 on Dec. 4 in Georgia, was remarkable not just because she was the oldest person on the planet, but because she was for long one of the healthiest. Cooper, who was born in 1896 in Tennessee and lived in a log cabin […]


8 Dec, 2012

National Geographic Unveils New Phase of Genographic Project: Grant Applications Sought


WASHINGTON (Dec. 5, 2012)—The National Geographic Society today announced the next phase of its Genographic Project — the multiyear global research initiative that uses DNA to map the history of human migration. Building on seven years of global data collection, Genographic continues to shine new light on humanity’s collective past, yielding tantalizing clues about humankind’s […]


8 Dec, 2012

US$6 billion Election bill: What a Waste of Corporate Money

JURIST Guest Columnist Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

JURIST Guest Columnist Ciara Torres-Spelliscy of the Stetson University College of Law discusses the proposed statutory and regulatory reforms that could curb the rising levels of spending by corporations in political campaigns… Source: JURIST – Forum, Dec. 3, 2012, http://jurist.org/forum/2012/12/torres-spelliscy-campaign-finance.php . The US has just gone through its most expensive election ever. The projected price […]


8 Dec, 2012

Pew Research Center: Anti-Americanism Down in Europe, but a Values Gap Persists

By Richard Wike, Associate Director, Pew Global Attitudes Project

Released: December 4, 2012 – Europeans generally reacted to President Obama’s re-election with a mixture of excitement and relief, just as they did four years ago. For many across the Atlantic, Obama’s 2008 victory signaled the end of the Bush-era estrangement between the U.S. and its Western allies, and the emergence of an America that […]


8 Dec, 2012

Archbishop Tutu Awarded 2012 UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for Promoting Human Rights


PARIS, (UnescoPress) 28.11.2012 – UNESCO Director-General, Irina Bokova, has designated Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu from South Africa as laureate of the 2012 UNESCO/Bilbao Prize for the Promotion of a Culture of Human Rights. Archbishop Desmond Tutu was selected by an International Jury in recognition of his exceptional contribution to building a universal culture of human […]


8 Dec, 2012

Beijing to Give 72-hour Transit Visas for 45 Nationalities As of Jan 1, 2013


BEIJING, Dec. 6 (Xinhua) — Air travelers, including U.S. businessman David Brockman, are set to benefit from the announcement that Beijing will start a 72-hour visa-free stay policy for citizens of 45 countries in 2013. The move will bring much convenience to the likes of Brockman, who frequently flies to China, as getting a visa […]


8 Dec, 2012

Shashi Tharoor: “Most Important Way To Improve the World – Educate Girls”

Shashi Tharoor

Speech Delivered by Dr Shashi Tharoor, Minister of State for Human Resource Development, India, on “Educating Women—The Quest for Equality” at the 18th Justice Sunanda Bhandare Memorial Lecture on 5 December 2012 It is a matter of great privilege for me to have been invited to deliver the 18th Justice Sunanda Bhandare Memorial Lecture. I […]


6 Dec, 2012

Advice Website Cites Three Most Common Travel Scams


(PRWEB) December 05, 2012 – A2Z Vacations offers tips and advice to help its members make the most of their experiences throughout the year. This time of the year can be especially difficult. As top destinations fill with tourists from around the world, they also fill with less than honest people out to take advantage […]


6 Dec, 2012

Browsers/Apps More Popular than Swipe/Tap Method for Mobile Holiday Purchasing


Worthington, OH (PRWEB) December 05, 2012 – Not only will holiday shoppers be using smartphones and tablets for “showrooming” this holiday season—many also plan to make purchases directly from their devices. Just under half of Mobile Users (45.0%) say they are somewhat or very likely to make a purchase this holiday season using a mobile […]


6 Dec, 2012

Social Cruise Review Website First to Offer “Verified Reviews”


New York City (PRWEB) December 05, 2012 – Cruiseline.com, the  social cruise review website community allowing consumers to post and read reviews as well as interact with each other in forums about cruise-related topics, was launched today. Cruiseline.com boasts 36,000 current reviews of which 18,000 are verified cruise reviews. Verified cruise reviews offer consumers objective, […]


6 Dec, 2012

Study Shows National Aquarium Generates $319.6m in economic impact for Baltimore, Maryland, District of Columbia


Baltimore, Maryland (PRWEB) December 05, 2012 – National Aquarium continues to be a major economic force for the Baltimore City, the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, supporting $319.6 million in annual economic impact and 3,347 jobs as evidenced in a 2012 economic impact study conducted by Sage Policy Group, Inc. (Sage) that […]


6 Dec, 2012

Revealed: US, UK launched 1,200 drone strikes in recent wars


Recent conflicts in Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq have seen almost 1,200 drone strikes over the past five years, according to new data released to the Bureau. The information, much of it classified until now, shows that US Air Force drones carried out most of the 1,168 attacks. However British crews are also responsible for a […]


6 Dec, 2012

UNESCO’s Latest 31 Additions to Intangible Heritage List To Preserve Art, Music & Traditions


PARIS, More than 600 experts, officials and practitioners from more than 110 countries met at UNESCO Headquarters from 3 to 7 December to take stock of the world’s intangible cultural heritage and the global measures underway to safeguard it. The 24 members of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage are taking […]


6 Dec, 2012

FREE Download: Maritime Transport 2012 Identifies Key Trends, Challenges


Geneva, 4 December 2012 – A glut of new carrying capacity — and declining rates and levels of competition — are continuing and worrisome trends among firms providing maritime transport, UNCTAD’s annual survey of the shipping industry reveals. World seaborne trade – a measure of demand for shipping, port and logistics services – climbed by […]


6 Dec, 2012

FREE Download: State of Australian Cities Report 2012


Canberra, Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport, 04 December 2012 – While Australia’s major cities remain among the world’s most liveable and are increasingly powered by the knowledge industries of the future, they are also more than ever being affected by extreme weather events and struggling to house the continuing influx of new residents. These are […]


6 Dec, 2012

TSA creating all new watch list for Americans

Being absent from a federal no-fly list might not mean you won’t be hassled the next time you enter an US airport. The Transportation and Security Administration is constructing a new list of known “low risk” passengers. According to the November 19 Federal Register newsletter put out by the US government, the TSA is trying […]


5 Dec, 2012

“Big Brother” Grows Bigger: Online Public Records Search Available for Adults in All 50 U.S. States


Detroit, Michigan (PRWEB) December 04, 2012 — Public records are one thing that leave a paper trail that can be documented. The Inteligator company is now offering its public records search tool online for adults to use. This service is available in all 50 states although not all states release all forms of public data. […]


5 Dec, 2012

Agoda Launches New App for iPad


Singapore (PRWEB) December 04, 2012 – Hotel booking website Agoda.com, part of Nasdaq-listed Priceline Group (Nasdaq: PCLN), has built on the success of its iPhone app with the release of its iPad app, designed specifically to take advantage of Apple’s groundbreaking portable tablet. Available now for free in the iTunes store, the iPad app lets […]


5 Dec, 2012

China Moves to Expand Confucius Institutes Worldwide

By Qu Yingpu, Zhao Huanxin and Cheng Yingqi (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-12-03 – Confucius, the ancient Chinese teacher and philosopher, was renowned for many things, including extensive travels during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC). It is little wonder that those affiliated with the institutes that have taken his name are similarly itinerant. While Confucius preached moral codes and ways of governance, the Confucius […]


5 Dec, 2012

India Set to Host 130m People for Kumbh Mela 2013, World’s Largest Spiritual Gathering

ALLAHABAD, India – A World Parliament of Religions and an International Conference on Ayurveda & Yoga are to be among the highlights of the Kumbh Mela, a spectacular commemoration of Hindu and Indian spirituality, culture and heritage to be held between January to mid-February 2013. Held every 12 years, this unique event is expected to […]


4 Dec, 2012

As U.S. Population Ages, So Does Religiousness – Survey


Editor’s Note: Ageing populations will lead to growing interest in religions and travel for religious reasons. This Gallup poll report indicates that the linkage between age and religious interest is now being tracked, especially in order to monitor the social and political impact it could have in the United States. The same trend will duplicate […]


4 Dec, 2012

Holiday Smartphone Buying and Safety Tips for Parents


OVERLAND PARK, Kan.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Smartphones are sure to top many teens’ and tweens’ holiday wish lists. According to Nielsen, American teenagers between 13 and 17 years old demonstrate the most dramatic increase in U.S. smartphone adoption, growing from 36 percent of teens who own mobile phones saying they owned a smartphone in July 2011 to 58 […]


4 Dec, 2012

Chinese Sports Boss: Big events aren’t for everyone

By Sun Xiaochen in Ninghai, Zhejiang province

2012-12-03 (China Daily) – Holding major sporting events is not a panacea for every city in China, a top sports official has warned. Inspired by the Olympic legacy of Beijing, from which mass fitness campaigns and related business ventures have thrived since the 2008 Games, more and more cities have embraced major sports events, public […]


4 Dec, 2012

Eight habits that accelerate brain aging – People’s Daily Online

According to Doctor of Medicine Kato Toshinori, a famous Japanese expert in brain image diagnosis, the following bad habits will threaten to strain the brain and accelerate its aging. Read the rest: Eight habits that accelerate brain aging – People’s Daily Online.


3 Dec, 2012

Saudi female blogger: Why don’t men cover their faces?

My cousin and I are staring outside the window. We are looking at the garden where my male cousin and his friends are playing. This is the garden where we used to play together. They used to be our friends once upon a time, these are the boys we used to play with. But what […]


3 Dec, 2012

Paris Institute Exhibit Marks “25 Years of Arab Creativity”

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 03 December 2012 (19 Muharram 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


3 Dec, 2012

Africa: Unmasking Racist World Bank – allAfrica.com

This article is about the twin evils that have bedeviled the World Bank’s relationship with Africa as a continent and Africans as human beings. The first is structural: it concerns a ‘democracy deficit’ in the bank’s governance architecture that has denied Africa a voice in the institution’s boardroom. The second is cultural: it involves institutional […]


3 Dec, 2012

Australian Paedophile Flees Sri Lanka

BERNARD McGRATH, the Australian paedophile wanted by a NSW court on more than 250 child sex charges, has again escaped law enforcement agencies, fleeing Sri Lanka this week. McGrath, wanted since June, was reportedly living on a tea plantation in the highlands of Sri Lanka, having skipped out of New Zealand ahead of an order […]


2 Dec, 2012

Rio de Janeiro Inaugurates the World’s Tallest Floating Christmas Tree


RIO DE JANEIRO, Dec. 2, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The 17th Bradesco Seguros Christmas Tree, the world’s tallest floating Christmas tree, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was inaugurated Saturday night, December 1st, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with a free major event that included world-renowned Brazilian singers Simone and Emilio Santiago. With this year’s […]


1 Dec, 2012

Spend it again, Sam – People’s Daily Online

Don’t be distressed if you had missed the world’s largest online shopping spree on Nov 11, when Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group alone reported sales of 19.1 billion yuan ($3.06 billion) on the unofficial “Singles’ Day”. Chinese e-retailers are keen to have another shopping festival soon – after the spending frenzy that produced about three […]


1 Dec, 2012

China: Five reasons why US universal values are not working in Mideast

People's Daily Online Commentary

December 01, 2012 – In 2012, the United States has been suffering repeated setbacks in its strategies in the Middle East. Firstly, it has a decline in the soft power and a loss of support of local people. According to mass observation of U.S. Zogby Company, 78 percent of Arabians hate the United States and […]


1 Dec, 2012

US won’t follow Israel ‘like a stupid mule’ – Brzezinski — RT

In the event that Israel attacks Iran before Iran crosses the US red line, Zbigniew Brzezinski does not think there is any “implicit obligation” for the US “to follow, like a stupid mule, whatever the Israelis do.” “If they decide to start a war, simply on the assumption that we will be automatically drawn into […]


1 Dec, 2012

Camera Insurance – Top Tips for Using a Camera Abroad


(PRWEB UK) 30 November 2012 — With winter upon us, the Camera Insurance team were discussing holidays, and how often people take cameras abroad with them. Whilst getting great photographs of a trip is important, it is also important to remember some basic safety advice. Here are some top tips to protecting photography equipment whilst […]


1 Dec, 2012

Health Insurance Advisory for India’s USA-Bound Worldwide Visitors


Orlando, FL (PRWEB) November 30, 2012 – India Network Foundation, sponsor of Accident and Sickness Insurance programs for visitors to the US, announced today a travel alert to seniors visiting abroad to carefully review contract language to ensure the highest level of medical insurance claims when visiting the United States. A recent examination of India […]


1 Dec, 2012

Tips to Avoid Holiday Translation Errors


Brno, Czech Republic (PRWEB) November 30, 2012 – Online translations have come a long way, but not far enough to send reliable holiday greetings without a little help from Santa’s linguistic elves. With the wrong translation, your holiday messages can quickly become a lump of coal. Translate “happy holidays” from English to French using an […]


1 Dec, 2012

Nine New Model Principles of “Active Aging” Unveiled


Vancouver, BC (PRWEB) November 30, 2012 — A new model of active aging was introduced today by the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) at the ICAA Conference 2012 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Established in 2001, ICAA has led, connected and defined the active-aging industry for the past 11 years. The association’s new, industry-shifting model—the […]


1 Dec, 2012

U.S.Workers Call for a Fair Share of National Wealth


New York, NY (PRWEB) November 30, 2012 – Statement by Andrew Friedman, Executive Director of the Center for Popular Democracy: Recent weeks have seen extremely courageous efforts by America’s most vulnerable and exploited workers to stand up for themselves and their families. Workers at fast food giants like [McDonald’s, at Walmart warehouses and stores, and […]


30 Nov, 2012

Booz Allen Lists Top 10 Financial Services Cyber Risk Trends for 2013


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE), November 29, 2012 – Ask any customer what they expect from their bank or financial services firm today, and two words come through loudly and clearly: security and privacy. Commercial and institutional customers have come to expect seamless service, properly cleared transactions and fast, accurate information. But news about major cybersecurity breaches […]


30 Nov, 2012

7 biggest mysteries of human body

Like all other female apes, women’s breasts fill with milk when they have newborn babies to feed. But female humans alone have bloated bosoms at all other times, too. Scientists can’t agree on what ― or who ― our “permanently enlarged breasts” are for. Most evolutionary biologists think breasts serve the purpose of attracting men, […]


29 Nov, 2012

WMO Report: Record Arctic Sea Ice Melt, Multiple Extremes and High Temperatures in 2012


GENEVA/DOHA, 28 November 2012 (WMO)  –  The years 2001–2011 were all among the  warmest on record, and, according to the World Meteorological Organization, the first ten months indicate that 2012 will most likely be no exception despite the cooling influence of La Niña early in the year. WMO’s provisional annual statement on the state of […]


29 Nov, 2012

Nobel Peace laureates call for Israel military boycott over Gaza assault


November 28, 2012 – A group of Nobel peace prize-winners, prominent artists and activists have issued a call for an international military boycott of Israel following its assault on the Gaza Strip this month, according to a report by Chris McGreal at Guardian UK. The letter also denounces the US, EU and several developing countries for what it describes […]


29 Nov, 2012

World AIDS Day Message: Business Leaders Seek End To HIV Travel Curbs


United Nations, Nov 28 2012 (UN News) – In a move jointly sponsored by the United Nations agency dealing with the global HIV/AIDS response, more than 40 top business leaders today called for the repeal of laws and policies restricting freedom of movement of people living with HIV. “Every individual should have equal access to […]


29 Nov, 2012

States Have Obligation To Eliminate Violence Against Women – UN


United Nations, Nov 28 2012 (UN News) — Countries have a responsibility to implement national policies to end violence against women, United Nations officials stressed today, adding that urgent action is needed to stop one of the most pervasive human rights violations worldwide. “Each and every State has an obligation to develop or improve the […]


29 Nov, 2012

Soccer Stars Help Launch UN-Inter Milan Partnership To Help Young People


United Nations, Nov 28 2012 – Soccer stars Luis Figo and Francesco Toldo were at the United Nations today for the launch of a new partnership between the world body and the charitable organization Inter Campus, which the Italian soccer team Internazionale Milano (Inter Milan) runs to help disadvantaged youth. The retired players spoke of […]


29 Nov, 2012

Middle East Headed for Unpredictable Future, U.N. Security Council Told


United Nations, 27 Nov 2012 (UN Dept of Public Information) – Following the Gaza escalation, which last week brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the “brink of a crisis that could have engulfed the region”, it was more vital than ever not only to bring a sustainable end to violence, but to achieve a fair and […]


29 Nov, 2012

Free Download: IBM Analytics Report Shows Black Friday Retail Surge


ARMONK, N.Y., Nov. 24, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — According to IBM (NYSE: IBM), US shoppers once again took advantage of early promotions this holiday season, driving a 17.4 percent increase in online sales Thanksgiving Day. This increase set the stage for 20.7 percent growth on Black Friday.  The biggest surge came from mobile consumers, with sales […]


29 Nov, 2012

Reading, Writing and Playing Games May Help Aging Brains Stay Healthy


CHICAGO, Nov. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Mental activities like reading and writing can preserve structural integrity in the brains of older people, according to a new study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). While previous research has shown an association between late-life cognitive activity and better mental acuity, […]


29 Nov, 2012

Fetal Alcohol Exposure Affects Brain Structure in Children


CHICAGO, Nov. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Children exposed to alcohol during fetal development exhibit changes in brain structure and metabolism that are visible using various imaging techniques, according to a new study being presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Alcohol use by expectant mothers can lead to problems […]


28 Nov, 2012

Carter & Brundtland: A Vote for Palestine Is a Vote for the Rule of Law


Op-Ed Contributor Column published in the New York Times: November 25, 2012 If the recent rocket attacks on Israel and Israeli air strikes on Gaza tell us anything, it is that the status quo in the Middle East is not a safe choice for Israelis or Palestinians. In the current political climate, it is highly […]


28 Nov, 2012

Attn: Students. Airbus call for entries in €30,000 “Fly Your Ideas” challenge


Students wanting to help shape the future of flight still have time to take part in the global Airbus Fly Your Ideas challenge. Airbus is asking students worldwide to develop ideas for a more sustainable aviation industry. The winners will share the top prize of €30,000; the runners-up €15,000. Those wanting to get involved can […]


28 Nov, 2012

Jakarta faces massive layoffs following salary hike: The Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Employers’ Association (Apindo) has said that at least 10,000 workers could lose their jobs when the Jakarta administration implements the new minimum wage at Rp 2.2 million (US$228) next year. Apindo wages and social security division head Hariyadi Sukamdani said Tuesday that the 44 percent increase would hit employers hard. “Until now, 100 […]


28 Nov, 2012

New curriculum to focus on religion, civics and history : The Jakarta Post

The Education and Culture Ministry and the House of Representatives Commission X overseeing education and youth affairs have agreed that the new curriculum for 2013 will focus more on the character building of students. Although Commission X has yet to approve the content of a draft prepared by the ministry, chairman of the commission Agus […]


27 Nov, 2012

Global Internet User Survey Reveals Attitudes, Usage, and Behavior


WASHINGTON & GENEVA, Switzerland–(BUSINESS WIRE)–A worldwide survey of more than 10,000 Internet users in 20 countries conducted by the Internet Society revealed attitudes towards the Internet and user behavior online. The Global Internet User Survey is one of the broadest surveys of Internet user attitudes on key issues facing the Internet. This year’s survey covered […]


26 Nov, 2012

Rising World Power India Promotes Word Power at Bangkok Literary Forum

Imtiaz Muqbil was the only travel industry journalist to cover this inaugural event

Bangkok – Three well-known Indian authors in English, Amitav Ghosh, Jahnavi Barua, and Vikas Swarup, made stellar presentations at the first international conference organised in Bangkok to build literary bridges between South and Southeast Asia. Although the event’s theme topic was “Indian Writing in English,” the discussions became a sweeping examination of the changes shaping […]


26 Nov, 2012

Listing of “World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims” Published

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 26 November 2012 (12 Muharram 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines below to go to the story.


25 Nov, 2012

Everyone Pays the Price of America’s Failed Palestinian Policy

Yousef Munayyer, Executive Director, The Jerusalem Fund

November 23, 2012 – More than 160 Palestinians and 5 Israelis are dead, and as the smoke clears over Gaza, the Israelis will not be more secure and Palestinians’ hopes for self-determination remain dashed. It is time for a significant re-evaluation of the American policies that have contributed to this morass. The failure of America’s […]


25 Nov, 2012

ASEAN leaders agree to 12-month extension of deadline for regional integration

Leaders of the Association of South East Asian Nations Asean have agreed to extend the deadline to realize economic, political and social integration among the 10 countries to the end of 2015 from the originally-envisioned Jan 1, 2015. The extended timeframe, coming amidst increasing pressure on Asia as the global economy wobbles, reflects sober assessment […]


24 Nov, 2012

US$5,000 App Challenge Targets Increased Socio-Economic Inclusion

International Telecommunications Union

Dubai, 22 November, 2012 – A cash prize of USD 5,000 is offered to the winner of a new ITU Application Challenge seeking to uncover apps extending the reach of mobile health, mobile money, e-learning, e-government and intelligent transport systems. The ICT Innovation Application Challenge aims to promote sustainable, equitable economic growth in emerging economies by unearthing […]


24 Nov, 2012

Nov 25: New Initiatives Mark Int’l Day to End Violence Against Women

Compiled and edited by Imtiaz Muqbil

United Nations, 20 November—In her message for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, 25 November, UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet is calling for bold action and decisive leadership to galvanize efforts to end the pandemic of violence against women and girls, which claims more casualties and victims than terrorism. [See […]


22 Nov, 2012

10 Reasons to Visit Sri Lanka, and Contribute to Peace, Jobs & Reconciliation

Imtiaz Muqbil visited Sri Lanka between Nov 16-21 as a guest of Jetwing Hotels Chairman Hiran Cooray

Colombo — The historic transition towards an Asian Century is generating a treasure trove of both symbolic and real images of the shift from swords-to-plowshares. One of the most thought-provoking is the conversion of Sri Lanka’s former military headquarters in a prime location on the Colombo seafront into an area for mega-projects. Once dotted with […]


20 Nov, 2012

The REAL America Rises: Report Weighs Ethics & Costs of Generals Turning Consultants


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE) – November 19, 2012 – Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Brave New Foundation released Strategic Maneuvers, a new report and short film revealing the extent of the Pentagon’s revolving door phenomenon, in which retired high-ranking generals and admirals cash in on their years of military experience by taking […]


20 Nov, 2012

China Seeks to Create a Positive Image for its Globe-Trotting Tourists

By Tiffany Tan and Liu Xiangrui (China Daily)

Chinese are said to be the world’s second worst tourists, after Americans. Tiffany Tan and Liu Xiangrui find there is some truth to the accusation, but the situation is improving as more Chinese travel abroad. Beijing, November 19, 2012 – In September, a flight carrying 200 people from Zurich to Beijing had to turn around […]


19 Nov, 2012

Free Download: Fifth OIC Annual Report on Islamophobia

Compiled by Imtiaz Muqbil & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of progressive, positive, inspiring and motivating events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 19 November 2012 (05 Muharram 1434). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story.


17 Nov, 2012

Tips From Bangkok’s Best Tailor: 5 Defining Factors to Look Good In A Suit

Raja Gulati

Dressing well isn’t calculus. Yet many men are bad at it. Why this is so is men are missing the basic knowledge about it and the audacity to not be swayed by recent fad. Having said that let’s look into what the 5 critical defining factors are: Good fit. Without a doubt, this is the […]


17 Nov, 2012

Christian Leaders in Palestine Call on Europe to Support UN Bid


BETHLEHEM, November 15, 2012 (WAFA) – 100 Christian community leaders in the holy land called on European countries, Thursday in a statement published on Kairo Palestine wire, to support Palestine’s bid to become a non-member state in the United Nations. Hereby is the full statement: Palestine, the Holy Land is our homeland. Our roots here […]


16 Nov, 2012

Memo to President Obama in Asia: You Won the Nobel Peace Prize, Now Earn it

An Open Letter from Travel Impact Newswire Executive Editor Imtiaz Muqbil

Welcome to Asia and Thailand, my adopted country. It is apt that you should begin your second term in office by coming first to three Buddhist-majority countries, all of which will play a major role in the future of the Asian Century. Your primary agenda, to promote the interests of the American people, may be […]


15 Nov, 2012

Work set to roll in 2013 on Laos-China railway


Vientiane, Vientiane Times, 15 Nov 2012 – Construction of the US$7 billion high-speed railway linking Vientiane to the Laos-China border is set to kick off next year, with the project scheduled for completion in 2018, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. Deputy Minister Latta-namany Khounnyvong told Vientiane Times on Thursday that Laos […]


15 Nov, 2012

European Travel Commission Report Shows How Poor Economies are Impacting Travel


Brussels, 14 November 2012 – The European Travel Commission (ETC) has just published its third quarterly report on European Tourism in 2012 – Trends & Prospects. The report shows that people are still travelling but downtrading both in terms of expenditure and trips. There is much uncertainty ahead. The full report can be downloaded free by […]


14 Nov, 2012

Early Warning Alert Nov 29: Next Global Crisis Looms as Israel Gears to Block Palestine Statehood


CAIRO, November 13, 2012 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas Monday night said that the date for voting on the resolution the Palestinian Authority will submit to the United Nations to become a non-member state will be on November 29. He said, during a speech at the meeting of the Extraordinary Session of the Arab League […]


14 Nov, 2012

Australia to Grow Work and Holiday Visa Country List for Young People


Canberra, 13 November 2012, Ministry of Immigration & Citizenship – Australia will begin talks with the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Poland, and the Slovak Republic on establishing reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangements, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen MP, announced today. ‘The start of discussions for these new […]


14 Nov, 2012

More Flights Approved Between Australia and Thailand


Canberra, Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport, 13 November 2012 -Australia and Thailand have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on air services, allowing for more flights between Australia and Thailand.  The new MOU will allow Australian and Thai airlines to increase their flights in this key travel market—each side can now operate up to […]


14 Nov, 2012

Australia Report Forecasts Doubling of Domestic Air Passengers by 2030


Canberra, 13 Nov 2012, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – The number of air passenger movements through Australian capital and non-capital city airports is predicted to double to 279 million within the next two decades showing our city airports are set to become even busier in the future. This is the key finding of the […]
