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Author Archive

21 Aug, 2012

Skyscanner: Five Ways Young People Can Pay for A Gap Year


EDINBURGH, Scotland–August 17, 2012–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Thousands of young people got their A Level results this week, but thanks to high tuition fees and few job opportunities, it’s no surprise that so many are opting to taking gap years and have fun while they can. Common choices for working abroad include teaching English, fruit-picking in Australia and […]


21 Aug, 2012

PressTV – UK airlines cut costs along with safety

“There is pressure on pilots by airlines to carry minimum fuel because it costs money to carry the extra weight, and that is quite significant over a year,” a retired pilot told the Exaro website. Safety chiefs at the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) say the airlines are carrying the minimum reserve fuel possible to […]


21 Aug, 2012

Daniel Ellsberg: I Congratulate Ecuador for Standing Up to British Empire

Daniel Ellsberg, the most famous whistleblower in the United States, praises Ecuador for granting political asylum to Julian Assange to avoid extradition to Sweden for questioning over sex crime accusations. “I congratulate Ecuador, of course, for standing up to the British Empire here, for insisting that they are not a British colony, and acting as […]


20 Aug, 2012

A Glimpse Of Muslim Life In Japan

Compiled by Imtiaz & Sana Muqbil

A compilation of stories of interesting events and developments in the Islamic world for the week ending 20 August 2012 (02 Shawwala 1433). Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story.


20 Aug, 2012

Chris Hedges: The War in the Shadows – Truthdig

All states and armed groups recruit and use members of this underclass. These personalities gravitate to intelligence agencies, terrorist cells, homeland security, police departments, the special forces and revolutionary groups where they can live a life freed from moral and legal constraints. Right and wrong are banished from their vocabulary. They disdain the constraints of […]


19 Aug, 2012

The new totalitarianism of surveillance technology – Naomi Wolf, guardian.co.uk

I then noticed, some months later, that these bizarre camera/lights had been installed not only all around Union Square but also around Washington Square Park. I posted a photo I took of them, and asked: “What is this?” Commentators who had lived in China said that they were the same camera/streetlight combinations that are mounted […]


19 Aug, 2012

Running On Empty: Big Airlines In Big Trouble By Andrew McKay

For the majority of us with regular jobs who fly economy air travel is increasingly becoming like its land-based cousin: cramped, overcrowded and at times downright unpleasant. Air travel has always been a fickle business, earning an average net profit of one to two percent, compared with an average of over five percent for U.S. […]


19 Aug, 2012

The 1 Percent Has Nearly Tripled Its Share of America’s Income

Released yesterday, the study [PDF] is a product of years of researchers delving into IRS and Census Bureau records. It says that not only have income disparities vastly increased, but that the reason they’ve increased is due in large part to a combination of uneven income stream distribution and changes in the tax laws to […]


19 Aug, 2012

From Denmark To Bhutan: The Policies Of Happiness By Colin Todhunter

In 2006, the first ‘Happy Planet Index’ (HPI) measured happiness across 178 countries. The small south Pacific island of Vanuatu was the happiest nation. Germany ranked 81st, Japan 95th and the US 150th. Various surveys have indicated that while wealthy western nations use up vast quantities of the world’s scarce resources, many of their citizens […]


19 Aug, 2012

PressTV – Jerusalem Day demos held in Istanbul, other Turkish cities

Muslims in Turkey have held demonstrations on International Quds Day to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemn the crimes committed by Israel. Crowds of people gathered in Istanbul on Friday to stand up for the rights of the oppressed Palestinians. Quds Day demonstrations were also held in Ankara and other cities in Turkey. […]


19 Aug, 2012

PressTV – Americans tired of Netanyahu’s clownish anti-Iran threats

We have one thing in our news every day now, secret plans Israel leaks about their upcoming “shock and awe” attack on Iran. We don’t get it once a week, it’s a new story every 2 hours on every network, every paper. Then come the admissions, that Israel can’t attack anyone without America doing the […]


19 Aug, 2012

PressTV – ‘We are not a British colony”, Ecuadorian FM says

The announcement came after the British government threatened to storm the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, where Assange has taken refuge since two months ago. Far from being intimidated by the threat, Rafael Correa, the president of Ecuador, granted Assange political asylum and his foreign minister declared that “We want to be very clear, we are […]


19 Aug, 2012

Please, sir, can I have some less? – SMH

Suddenly abstinence is fashionable. Not only did BHP follow its rival in abandoning bonuses for its top executives due to multibillion-dollar write-downs in recently purchased assets, it also chose the same way of presenting the news. The pitch was that forgoing the bonus was a voluntary initiative by the executives involved, an offer accepted by […]


19 Aug, 2012

‘Sikhs are not Muslims’ sends a sinister message – GulfNews.com

The assertion that Sikhs are not Muslims is certainly true. Jains are not Hindus, and Mormons are not Methodists either. But in the post-9/11 context of a deadly act committed by an apparent white supremacist against a congregation that is largely ethnically South Asian — a congregation that includes bearded men in turbans — broadcasting […]


18 Aug, 2012

PressTV – Survey reveals US covers up civilian victims of drone strikes in Pakistan

Detailed information from the families of those killed in US drone strikes in Pakistan and from local sources show that the majority of the causalities have been civilians. The data from the two separate sources covering 24 drone strikes from 2008 through 2011 show that civilian casualties accounted for 74 percent of the death toll […]


18 Aug, 2012

India Economic Outlook 2012-13: Free Download


Dr. C. Rangarajan, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister released the document ‘Economic Outlook 2012-13’ at a Press Conference in New Delhi on 17 August. Following are the highlights of the document: Economy to grow at 6.7 per cent in 2012/13 Farm sector GDP projected to grow at 0.5 per cent in 2012/13 […]


18 Aug, 2012

Advice For All Those Nearing Retirement: Live Within Your Means


WASHINGTON, Aug. 15, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — More Americans find themselves less prepared for retirement, using their long-term savings to pay today’s bills, and risking a delayed or financially insecure retirement. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. (“CFP Board”) Consumer Advocate, Eleanor Blayney, CFP says though that even in the face of economic hardship, it’s […]


18 Aug, 2012

Guns Will Kill 48,000 Americans in the Next President’s Term – If Washington Fails to Act


NEW YORK, Aug. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Sixty-seven family members of victims and survivors of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting today sent a letter to President Obama and Governor Romney demanding they develop a plan to fix the broken U.S. background check system that regularly allows guns to be sold to dangerous people, including the […]


18 Aug, 2012

Meet the Soldiers Who Refuse to Kill – Alternet

The beginnings of resistance among the troops arose out of their growing awareness that their commanders were using them in a competition for the most fire fights, the most kills, and the most prisoners. The needs of this competition outweighed justice or even strategy. Returning to base with innocent prisoners was far preferable to returning […]


18 Aug, 2012

‘Theatrical On Demand’ democratizes film distribution in the US — RT

Web-based service Gathr has been called the “love child of Netflix and Kickstarter”. It democratizes theatrical distribution by allowing film fans to organize a theatrical screening of a movie virtually anywhere in the US. It works for classics, independent features, niche films, cause-driven documentaries and even foreign movies that are of interest exclusively within the […]


18 Aug, 2012

US companies pay more to their CEOs, than to the US Government – study — RT

CEO of Boeing James McNerney Jr. got $18.4 million in pay last year while his company received a tax refund of $605 million. The study also laid into Citigroup for paying CEO Vikram Pandit $14.9 million while the bank received $144 million in net tax benefits. According to the study, the US corporate tax code […]


18 Aug, 2012

Israelis oppose war with Iran despite govt’s hawkish stance — RT

Tel Aviv’s bellicose stance against Iran’s nuclear program has sparked a pushback in Israeli society against politicians’ ambitions to strike Iran, with many demanding a peaceful resolution to tensions.­ More than 400 Israelis, including prominent academics, have signed an online petition appealing to Israel Defense Forces IDF pilots not to obey hypothetical orders to bomb […]


18 Aug, 2012

Delhi airport scam: GMR-led DIAL gains Rs 3,415 cr – Indian Express

Government auditor CAG today slammed the government for giving out Delhi airport and its land with a potential earning capacity of Rs 1,63,557 crore to private-led operator DIAL which made a total equity contribution of only Rs 2,450 crore. With an equity contribution of Rs 2,450 crore of which the private GMR-led consortium’s share was […]


17 Aug, 2012

Pakistani film ‘Lamha’ bags two awards at NYC film festival – Indian Express

Pakistani film “Lamha (Seedlings)” has bagged two awards at the New York City International Film Festival (NYCIFF) this year. “Lamha” won the People’s Choice Award for the Best Feature Film award and Aamina Sheikh won the Best Actress in Leading Role award for the film. The film was awarded at a gala ceremony at the […]


17 Aug, 2012

Hedge funds bet on oil spike as Israel attack fears grow – Ahram Online

Hedge funds are quietly laying new bets on a potential spike in oil prices tied to the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran, skewing the options market to a bullish bias for the first time in six months. Activity is muted so far by the summer lull, but could pick up in September.The renewed […]


17 Aug, 2012

Mr. Netanyahu, before you bomb Iran, say goodbye to everyone you know – Haaretz

Mr. Netanyahu, before you bomb Iran, say goodbye to everyone you know. Say goodbye to everyone you love. You know you won’t be able to protect all of them from the retaliation that will surely come. Everyone you know is a target. Everyone you love is in range. via Mr. Netanyahu, before you bomb Iran, […]


17 Aug, 2012

U.S. Iran Sanctions Threaten Ties With Russia: Official – RIA Novosti

Relations between the United States and Russia may suffer as a result of new, wide-ranging U.S. sanctions introduced against Iran, a Russian Foreign Ministry official said on Monday. “Washington should…be aware that our bilateral relations will be seriously affected if the applied American restrictions affect Russian economic players that interact with their Iranian counterparts in […]


17 Aug, 2012

The Middle East showdown to influence the world order | Russia Beyond The Headlines

R.G.: What is the probability of Israel, with or without U.S. support, launching a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities? Y.P.: The U.S. does not want it to happen in the run-up to the presidential elections. It is restraining Israel. But one has to bear in mind that there are different forces and different positions within […]


17 Aug, 2012

U.S. Keeps Russia on ‘National Threat’ List – RIA Novosti

U.S. President Barack Obama has extended a legal act that lists Russia, among 16 other states, as a national threat, and allows for the freezing and confiscation of assets in the United States. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act IEEPA is a federal law authorizing the U.S. president to regulate commerce after declaring a national […]


17 Aug, 2012

China, India, Russia, Bangladesh New Targets of Tobacco Industry, Survey Shows


WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The world’s largest tobacco use survey, published today in The Lancet, underscores the enormity of the global tobacco epidemic – especially in low- and middle-income countries that are being targeted by the tobacco industry – and the urgent need for countries to implement proven strategies that reduce tobacco use […]


17 Aug, 2012

Gallup Poll Shows Mixed Public Image of U.S. Travel, Airline Industry Sectors


Princeton, NJ, 16 Aug 2012 – The U.S. travel industry enjoys a largely positive image among the U.S. public but has suffered a small decline in its image ratings between 2011 and 2012. On the other hand, the U.S. airline industry is more negatively than positively perceived but has made a slight gain in its […]


17 Aug, 2012

Survey: Percentage of U.S. Workers Living Paycheck to Paycheck Reaches Recession-Era Low

CHICAGO, Aug. 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Fewer American workers are reliant on their next payday to make ends meet, according to a new CareerBuilder survey. Forty percent of workers report that they always or usually live paycheck to paycheck, a slight decrease from 42 percent in 2011. This year’s figure marks a recession-era low, continuing a […]


17 Aug, 2012

Oppenheim Law Exposes Wall Street’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ Banks


Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) August 16, 2012 – Confidence in Wall Street is at an all-time low. It’s no wonder considering how many Wall Street executives continue to display poor moral leadership, according to real estate attorney and Yahoo! Homes blogger Roy Oppenheim. “Despite what seems like a daily barrage of banking scandals, leaders like […]


17 Aug, 2012

Army suicides hit terrifying peak — RT

This year to date, 116 confirmed or suspected suicides have been recorded – twenty-one more than at the same juncture last year. In July alone, thirty-eight soldiers were either confirmed or believed to have killed themselves. The self-inflicted death rate among active duty soldiers has increased by 22 percent this year, and for the first […]


17 Aug, 2012

Afghan War veterans in danger of mysterious degenerative brain disease — RT

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy cannot be diagnosed or adequately treated yet, Col. Dallas Hack of the Army’s Combat Casualty Care Research Program tells the Huffington Post, and scientists say that they think brain injuries developed during battle might bring up the likelihood of CTE occurring, which is characterized by bursts of anger and depression, and is […]


17 Aug, 2012

Pew Survey: Further Decline in Credibility Ratings for Most U.S. News Organizations


Pew Research Centre, 16 August 2012 – For the second time in a decade, the believability ratings for major news organizations have suffered broad-based declines. In the new survey, positive believability ratings have fallen significantly for nine of 13 news organizations tested. This follows a similar downturn in positive believability ratings that occurred between 2002 […]


17 Aug, 2012

American Summer Travel Seen Favouring Road Over Air


WILMINGTON, Del.-August 15, 2012-(BUSINESS WIRE)–When it comes to spring and summer travel, the open road is still king, according to the latest edition of the Chase Freedom Lifestyle Index, a barometer of consumer trends based on aggregated Chase Freedom cardholder spending data. While overall spending on travel has remained flat since 2011, road trip purchases, […]


17 Aug, 2012

More Attrition in PATA Management

Bangkok – PATA management ranks are set to dwindle further with the upcoming departure of Mrs Ben (Benjakallayanee) Montgomery, Regional Director – Greater Mekong, at the end of September following the PATA Travel Mart in Manila. Mrs Ben, 38, will join Centara Hotels and Resorts as Director, Strategies Management as of 1 October 2012. Her […]


16 Aug, 2012

Kashmir desperate for the return of tourists after two decades of violence – The Guardian

Two years ago, the old city in Srinagar was the sort of place police would only venture into wearing full body armour. A stronghold for violent separatists agitating for an independent Kashmir, it was the centre of ugly uprisings that left more than 100 people dead, buried along with dreams of peace in the mountainous […]


16 Aug, 2012

Jeremy Hunt told: don’t pretend London 2012 Olympics helped tourism – The Independent

Small businesses have responded furiously to claims by the Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, that the Olympics were “a very good period” for tourism. Travel organisations and shopkeepers around London and many working in tourism outside the capital described the period of the Games as one of their worst and questioned how easy it would be […]


16 Aug, 2012

Thousands of Rohingya helpless after violence – Al Jazeera English

Monsoon rains have done little to dampen heated ethnic tensions in Myanmar’s northwestern Rakhine state, where dozens have died in tit-for-tat attacks over the past two months. Scars of the conflict are visible in the charred blocks of land, where entire villages were burned to the ground by angry mobs armed with knives and metal […]


16 Aug, 2012

Palestinian children ‘abused’ in Israeli jail – Al Jazeera English

The children imprisoned here are most often taken from their homes between midnight and 5am. Most don’t even see it coming. In one case, in Beit Ummar near Bethlehem, Israeli soldiers detained a Palestinian boy after reportedly taking some of the house’s doors off their hinges. Most of the children detained live close to “friction […]


15 Aug, 2012

Lessons Not Learnt: Arab Americans Report More Attacks on Places of Worship


Washington, DC (www.adc.org) August 15, 2012 – The American-Arab Anti-Discriminaton Committee (ADC), reports a dramatic surge of violent activity and harassment directed at places of worship, less than two weeks after the tragedy that occured at the Sikh Gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. In total there has been nearly a dozen cases of attacks and […]


15 Aug, 2012

China’s Private Firms Plan Overseas Investments, the “Going Out” Strategy

People's Daily Overseas Edition, Author: Tian Li

August 15, 2012 – Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), together with 12 government departments under the State Council including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, jointly issued “The Implementing Opinions on Encouraging and Guiding Private Enterprises to Actively Develop Overseas Investment (The Opinions),” the first comprehensive policy […]


15 Aug, 2012

People’s Daily: World trade faces downside risks

People's Daily Online

Beijing, August 14, 2012 – World trade growth has slowed abruptly in 2012 due to the European sovereign debt crisis and slowdown in emerging economies, according to the 2012 Global Trade and Investment Report released by the Japan External Trade Organization on Aug. 9. The World Bank believes that developing countries have contributed to more […]


15 Aug, 2012

M&A deals in China decline in first half 2012 – China Daily

By Yu Ran (China Daily)

August 15, 2012 – China’s merger and acquisition activity dropped significantly in the first half of 2012, mainly because of the still sputtering global economy, especially in Europe, according to the midyear M&A review released by PricewaterhouseCoopers on Tuesday. The review showed a 33 percent decline in announced deals and a marked 10 percent decline […]


15 Aug, 2012

Melbourne Etihad Stadium deal extended – Khaleej Times

Etihad Airways has signed a new multi-million dollar agreement to extend to 2019 its naming and marketing rights for Melbourne’s Etihad Stadium, the city’s premier sports and entertainment venue. The five-year extension was announced in Melbourne today by James Hogan, President and Chief Executive of Etihad Airways, and Ian Collins AM, Chief Executive of the […]


15 Aug, 2012

Study links UK recession to 1,000 suicides – Khaleej Times

A painful British economic recession, rising unemployment and biting austerity measures may have driven more than 1,000 people in England to commit suicide, according to a scientific study published on Wednesday. The study, a so-called time-trend analysis which compared the actual number of suicides with those expected if pre-recession trends had continued, reflects findings elsewhere […]


15 Aug, 2012

Israel ready for 30-day war after Iran strike: minister – Ahram Online

Israel is prepared for a 30-day war on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran, and is “ready as never before” for such a clash, the outgoing home front defence minister said Wednesday. In an interview with the Maariv newspaper, Matan Vilnai said Israel was ready to face the consequences of a clash with […]


15 Aug, 2012

ASEAN Religious, Cultural Harmony As Critical As Economic Integration – Prof Yusuf

Bangkok – The religious and cultural heritage of ASEAN countries is one of its major tourism assets. Ways to safeguard it from becoming a social and geopolitical liability will be discussed at a seminar on religious pluralism in ASEAN to be organised for the first time at Assumption University in Bangkok between Aug 23-24. Funded […]


15 Aug, 2012

Key British Airports report 4.1% fall in July traffic, partly due to Olympics


London, 14 August 2012 (BAA media release) – 9.6m passengers passed through BAA’s five airports in July 2012, down 4.1% on July 2011. This included a drop of 4.4% at Heathrow to 6.6m passengers. The drop was more pronounced in the second half of the month and it is likely that the Olympics played a […]


15 Aug, 2012

Bargain with Big Brother: Facebook app to offer customer deals by spying — RT

A planned targeted advertising system can mine your Facebook pictures to identify you, and automatically check you in to a business you’re visiting. It will then offer you personalized deals and coupons, creators say. ­Dubbed ‘Facedeals,’ the system is the brainchild of advertising agency Redpepper, based in Nashville, Tennessee. It uses Wi-Fi-equipped cameras to compare […]


15 Aug, 2012

Please exhale: Israel is not going to attack Iran : IPS Writers

An Israeli (or American) attack would very likely leave the situation much worse than it was before taking military action. Israel’s security would not be improved; in fact, it might be imperiled by the negative response of even Israel’s closest allies. And Iran’s creeping approach to nuclear capability might turn into a sprint. This awareness […]


15 Aug, 2012

Israel takes bigger gambles to push Obama into Iran attack – IPS Writers

Many analysts have believed for a long time that the Israeli strategy has been more about pushing the US into an attack on Iran rather than actually setting the stage for an Israeli one and this past week seems to support that theory. The election season has been widely viewed as one where President Obama […]


15 Aug, 2012

Celebrating With The People Of Pakistan By N. Jayaram

Warm-hearted the people of Pakistan most reputedly are. Countless have been the accounts I’ve read over the past many decades, by Indian journalists, academics, civil society activists, film-makers as well as people in the official establishment, of immense generosity that was showered upon them in the Pakistani street as well as in air-conditioned altars of […]


15 Aug, 2012

Impunity At Home, Rendition Abroad – Countercurrents.org

After a decade of intense public debate over torture, in the last two years the United States has arrived at a questionable default political compromise: impunity at home, rendition abroad. This resolution does not bode well for future U.S. leadership of an international community determined to end the scourge of torture. Italy’s prosecution of two-dozen […]


14 Aug, 2012

‘Muslim for a Month:’ Tourists take Islamic ‘pray-cations’ – CNN.com


Muslim for a Month, run by Bowler’s NGO World Weavers, is part of a new breed of cultural immersion tourism being dubbed “pray-cations.” It promises travelers a rich, meaningful experience, by exposing them to religious beliefs and practices “in a country where spirituality is still very much alive,” he said. Bowler, a Thailand-based Australian, has […]


14 Aug, 2012

Survey Reveals Consumer Attitudes Towards Mobile Marketing


REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – August 14, 2012 – (BUSINESS WIRE)–StrongMail, a provider of email marketing and cross-channel marketing solutions for enterprises, today announced the results of a commissioned mobile marketing survey conducted on its behalf by Forrester Consulting in June 2012. Titled “Consumer Perceptions of Mobile Marketing for StrongMail,” 322 general population consumers responded, providing […]


14 Aug, 2012

The Top 10 Document Management Innovations in History


CINCINNATI – August 14, 2012 – (BUSINESS WIRE)–To help celebrate its 10-year anniversary as the leading document management provider, Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ:CTAS) announced the top 10 innovations in document management throughout history. The list highlights key inventions and developments that have shaped the way information is stored, organized and destroyed throughout history. “The past 10 […]


14 Aug, 2012

Most Mass Shooters Pass Background Checks – Alternet

Even though Tucson’s heavily armed citizenry failed to stop Jared Lee Loughner’s rampage last year that killed six people, including a US district court judge, and almost killed former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz), the gun lobby pushes for the right to carry firearms on college campuses, in state parks, in coffee shops, on trains, in […]


14 Aug, 2012

Get Ready for a Catastrophic War: Israel Likely to Strike Iran Before November Elections – Alternet

What the Israeli leader worries most about is the possibility that a second-term Obama would feel much freer not to commit U.S. forces on Israel’s side. A second-term Obama also might use U.S. leverage to force Israeli concessions on thorny issues relating to Palestine. If preventing Obama from getting that second term is also part […]


14 Aug, 2012

Israeli rhetoric lays the groundwork for an attack on Iran – baltimoresun.com

The key question is whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak will interpret the presidential campaign rhetoric as an open invitation to provoke hostilities with Iran, in the expectation that President Obama will feel forced to jump in with both feet in support of our “ally” Israel. Since there is no […]


14 Aug, 2012

Global Drought Conditions Raise Threat of Next Crises: Rising Food Prices & Water Wars

The long-forecast global water wars are about to become a reality. A 17% shortfall in India’s monsoon rains so far this year is only one indicator of a looming global drought that could trigger ripple-effect problems worldwide. These include increased prices of food crops, speculative activity, growing socio-economic and geopolitical tensions and environmental disasters as […]


14 Aug, 2012

Free White Paper Highlights Best Practices for Integrating Short- and Long-Term Disability


BOSTON – August 13, 2012 – (BUSINESS WIRE)–Seven best practices for integrating short- and long-term disability programs to lower costs for employers and improve service for employees are highlighted in a new Leadership Series white paper published by the Disability Management Employer Coalition (DMEC) and sponsored by Liberty Mutual Insurance Group Benefits. The white paper, […]


14 Aug, 2012

Australian Household Budget Tracker Helps Monitor Spending

Australian Securities & Investments Commission

Canberra, 13 August 2012 – ASIC’s 2012 spending clock estimates the average Australian household will spend $69,166 on general living costs in 2012. This amounts to $1,290 per week.[1] Yet only 54% of people know exactly what their money is spent on. [2] This information supports the release of ASIC’s new suite of tools to […]


14 Aug, 2012

Arabs at the Olympics: Could have been better – The Jordan Times

Most Arabs are preoccupied with conflicts — be they internal or external — and have little or no time to indulge in sports. Nation building is a continuing process in many Arab states, with very few having attained their political, economic and social objectives. Still, one would have expected at least the Arab countries that […]


14 Aug, 2012

Bloody Spring by Uri Avnery – Media Monitors Network (MMN)

“The European imperialist powers, Britain and France, which broke up the all-inclusive Ottoman Empire after World War I, had scant respect for the diversity of their new acquisitions. However, they both adopted the principle of “divide et impera”. The French excelled in it.” via Home / Headlines / Bloody Spring – Media Monitors Network (MMN).


14 Aug, 2012

Iran War: Countdown to Israel Doomsday – Media Monitors Network (MMN)

Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer says that Iran strike spells security and financial crisis and that the entity is gearing to deal with recession. “The primary responsibility of each country is to maintain its security. It is possible to describe situations of widespread war which would be very difficult to deal with. […]


14 Aug, 2012

Justice for All: Alexander Cockburn, Palestine, and U.S. media

With his scathing intellect, engaging talent, far ranging knowledge, and quick humor, the Oxford-educated Cockburn could have become a celebrated, wealthy journalist – the kind whose lucrative articles are consistently published in top journals, whose best-selling books are reviewed widely throughout the media, and whose commentary is in demand by the top television and radio […]


14 Aug, 2012

Germany refocuses on neo-Nazi threat – The Washington Post

In Germany, “our institutions didn’t have right-wing terrorism on their screens,” Sebastian Edathy, a member of Germany’s Parliament who is leading an inquiry into the intelligence failures, said in an interview. “Society has focused over the last 10 years on the threat of Islamist extremism, but this is not the only extremist threat that we’re […]


14 Aug, 2012

Police: Gunman opened fire from inside Texas house and killed officer serving eviction notice – The Washington Post

Police say a gunman was being served an eviction notice before he opened fire from inside a home near Texas A&M and killed a law enforcement officer. College Station Assistant Police Chief Scott McCollum says Brazos County Constable Brian Bachmann was among three people, including the gunman, killed in a shootout at the house Monday. […]


14 Aug, 2012

Tourism department facelifts famous gondola cable car in Kashmir – Hindustan Times Travel

The Department of Tourism in Jammu and Kashmir is undertaking a facelift the Gondola Lift to boost tourism in the state. The Kashmir Valley attracts foreign tourists and the Gondola in Srinagar is Asia’s highest and longest cable car – about 3980 meters above sea level -, which had been generating revenue in millions every […]


14 Aug, 2012

In Malaysia, earning less than your wife can be hazardous to your well-being – Indian Express

The Welfare Department of Malaysia received 25 reports from men who were abused by their wives or girlfriends last year, 32 in 2010 and 14 in 2009. Most cases were reported in Selangor, followed by the Federal Territory, and the offences included threatening injury, causing physical harm, emotional abuse and locking up the men. via […]


14 Aug, 2012

Sex ratio influences choices made by men and women: study – Indian Express

In a study of about 600 people, when male college participants were told there was a scarcity of women on their campuses and in other areas of their lives, they were willing to pay USD 6.01 more on average for Valentine’s Day gifts and USD 278 more for an engagement ring than men who were […]


14 Aug, 2012

A Q Khan calls Pak elites ‘foreign agents’ – Indian Express

In a no holds barred attack on the Pakistani government, Khan voiced his support for the judiciary which is engaged in a bitter tussle with the government over reopening of graft cases in Switzerland against President Asif Ali Zardari. “Our elites toe the American line and behave like foreign agents. Some have dual nationalities, some […]


14 Aug, 2012

Going from love to love across the India-Pakistan border – Dawn.com

It is unfortunate that travelling restrictions deprive many Indians and Pakistanis to enjoy the rich culture and heritage of both the countries, however even these setbacks fail to deter people like myself from yearning for a day when it would be possible for Pakistanis and Indians to travel across the border without any limitations or […]


13 Aug, 2012

Visitors to UK be made more welcome – Business News, The Independent

The Government is considering wholesale changes to the tourist visa regime to capitalise on the Olympics effect which has sparked interest in visiting Britain. Proposals are being looked at to simplify and shorten visa applications to bring Britain more closely into line with European countries that are part of the Schengen Agreement, which lets visitors […]


13 Aug, 2012

15 Cancer Symptoms Men Shouldn’t Ignore

Experts say that men could benefit greatly by being alert to certain cancer symptoms that require a trip to the doctor’s office sooner rather than later. But when it comes to scheduling doctor visits, men are notorious foot-draggers. In fact, some men, would never go to the doctor if it weren’t for the women in […]


13 Aug, 2012

Employee-owners boost success: cleveland.com

There is a proven mechanism currently available to U.S. companies to improve productivity and competitiveness and, in so doing, slow the job exodus. A financial structure exists that has allowed a large number of companies to offer their entire work forces a huge incentive to enhance both productivity and profitability: ESOPs — Employee Stock Ownership […]


13 Aug, 2012

New Social Network to Track Every Time You Help Someone

“We have launched a revolutionary new social network oriented around the concept of Karma, what goes around, comes around,” said Ross Bays, managing director for Karmafied.com. “On what is being called The Karma Network, users create a profile for free, connect with their friends, and then begin granting good or bad karma to everyone they […]


13 Aug, 2012

Track The Scammers Not The Scam, says Verify1st

Online shoppers have been urged to go beyond the established practice of checking websites against known scams if they want to properly protect themselves against online scammers. Online shoppers have a new high-tech tool to fight against online scams. Katrina McKinnon, co-founder of the recently launched Verify1st.com, warns that the ease with which internet scammers […]


13 Aug, 2012

Time to Rebel! Five Ways We Can Break the Big Banks’ Death Grip on the Economy

Let’s be honest. Many people are feeling a little hopeless and cynical about whether anything can change how Wall Street banks run roughshod over the economy and our democracy. We’ve marched, rallied, sat-in and thousands have been arrested–and yet bankers have remained unrepentant, unpunished, unindicted and seemingly untouchable. But the wheels of history are turning […]


13 Aug, 2012

Drifting Away From Our Ideals: truth-out.org

A society can continue for a very substantial period along a path characterized by ever greater divergence between the core values and ideals that give it legitimacy and the institutions and practices that create and constitute the everyday realities its citizens experience. Plausibly, a society could continue indefinitely on such a course—though clearly, cynicism and […]


13 Aug, 2012

Criminalizing Dissent – Chris Hedges’ Columns – Truthdig

The Justice Department’s definition of a potential terrorism suspect under the Patriot Act is already extremely broad. It includes anyone with missing fingers, someone who has weatherproof ammunition and guns, and anyone who has hoarded more than seven days of food. This would make a few of my relatives in rural Maine and their friends, […]


13 Aug, 2012

Sales & Marketing Jobs Top Salary Scales in Gulf, Survey Shows


DUBAI, August 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Neither the international financial downturn, nor the economic impact of the Arab spring over the past year have taken the shine off salaries for gulf jobs in the past year. The 2012 Gulf Business salary survey of Middle East jobs was calculated by taking the average salary across the […]


13 Aug, 2012

Conference on the Changing Roles of Women in a Global Economy

The California Women’s Conference is historically the largest gathering of women in the country, boasting a network of successful female entrepreneurs, education and community support committed to the betterment of women. The Women Of Global Change, headed by Shellie Hunt, Founder and CEO, will join the star-studded event hosted at the Long Beach Convention Center, […]


13 Aug, 2012

Analysis: Are Israelis tough enough for a long war with Iran? : Reuters

For Israel to carry out a long-threatened strike on Iranian nuclear sites, it would have to overcome dissent within its governing coalition reflecting public fear of igniting an unprecedented missile war. via Analysis: Are Israelis tough enough for a long war with Iran? | Reuters.


13 Aug, 2012

Security at its highest since 9/11 at Islamic Center : Dayton Daily News

Malik, 72, blamed some of the hatred toward Muslims on “baseless accusations” being made by politicians who say a majority of the violence in the United States is caused by radical Muslims. “That just stirs up the fear and hatred toward the Muslim community,” he said. “They don’t know them. They only know what they […]


13 Aug, 2012

Racial Profiling at Boston Airport, Officials Say – NYTimes.com

More than 30 federal officers in an airport program intended to spot telltale mannerisms of potential terrorists say the operation has become a magnet for racial profiling, targeting not only Middle Easterners but also blacks, Hispanics and other minorities. Read more: Racial Profiling at Boston Airport, Officials Say – NYTimes.com.


13 Aug, 2012

The Convert: This American Life

In 2006, a new convert showed up at a mosque in Orange County, California, eager to study the Koran and make new friends. But when he started acting odd and saying strange things, those friends got suspicious. To them, he was Farouk al-Aziz. But his real name was Craig Monteilh, and he was working undercover […]


13 Aug, 2012

The Palestine Romney doesn’t know – The Washington Post

Palestinians have no say in our economic development. Every resource — water, land, soil, minerals, airspace, humans — is controlled and commandeered by Israel, which then deigns to sell us back a small portion. In the West Bank, for example, Israeli settlers consume on average 4.3 times the amount of water as Palestinians. In the […]


13 Aug, 2012

Abolishing War: One Last Step – MichaelMoore.com

The U.S. military is bigger than ever, in more nations than ever, more privatized than ever, more profitable than ever, more secretive than ever, more at odds with more of the world than ever, and more recklessly than we’ve seen in decades antagonizing both Russia and China for no good reason whatsoever. Read more: Abolishing […]


13 Aug, 2012

Veterans For Peace: Solution to Nuclear “Crisis” with Iran is not Sanctions and War, It is a Middle East Free of All Nuclear Weapons

This is nothing but a clear declaration of economic war on Iran. These devastating sanctions are not an “alternative” to war; they are part and parcel of a war aimed at forcing a regime change in Iran as an integral part of the US plan for a “Greater Middle East.” Let us not forget the […]


13 Aug, 2012

PressTV – Drumbeat for war on Iran

Evidence supporting is analysis is absent. Rhetoric substitutes for reason. Acting responsibly isn’t considered. Convince Israelis and others to go along with what may harm or destroy them. Forget about rationality and safety. Just act. Disregard consequences. If public opinion expresses opposition, ignore it. If failure looks more likely than success, gamble and chance it […]


13 Aug, 2012

Saudi female athletes: Heroes in London, ‘prostitutes of the Olympics’ at home — RT

Attar and Shaherkhani’s mere participation is seen as a huge victory because it was the first time Saudi Arabia sent female athletes to the Olympic Games. The move is seen as a milestone toward meeting the International Olympics Committee’s (IOC) goal of sex equality and 50/50 participation at the Games. But many in Saudi Arabia […]


13 Aug, 2012

Russian Civil servants to study tolerance — RT

Russian public servants responsible for national policies may soon be obliged to take special courses on the “harmonization” of interethnic relations. The idea may be implemented as part of the strategy for the development of Russia’s national policy, which is currently being drawn up, writes Izvestia daily. Read more: Civil servants to study tolerance — […]


13 Aug, 2012

In Afghanistan, heritage is best left underground – ArabNews

Below ground, the relics are protected from endemic looting, illegal smuggling and the corrosive effects of freezing winters. “There is looting on a large or small scale at 99.9 percent of sites,” says Philippe Marquis, director of a French archaeological delegation in Afghanistan. Middlemen pay Afghans $ 4 to $ 5 a day to dig […]


13 Aug, 2012

PressTV – Israelis protest against possible military strike on Iran

Carrying signs condemning any strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the protesters gathered outside Minister for Military Affairs Ehud Barak’s residence on Sunday and called on him and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign, DPA reported. The demonstrators accused the officials of acting belligerently and pushing for war with Iran, saying the consequences of such action […]


13 Aug, 2012

Increasing stereotypes threaten European unity – ArabNews

“National resentments in Europe are rising to dramatic levels,” said Vincent Forest, a London-based economist with the Economist Intelligence Unit. “By taking so much time in solving the economic crisis, the Europeans are creating a political and social crisis.” Read more: Increasing stereotypes threaten European unity – ArabNews.


13 Aug, 2012

Australian Borrowers beat path away from big banks – SMH

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show all the growth in new lending to owner-occupiers in the past year was in refinancing. Every week, the banks and other lenders refinance $1 billion of existing loans at better interest rates, as borrowers freed from exit fees vote with their feet. via Borrowers beat path away from big […]
