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13 Aug, 2012

War Wounds – NYTimes.com

If you want to understand how America is failing its soldiers and veterans, honoring them with lip service and ceremonies but breaking faith with them on all that matters most, listen to the story of Major Richards. via War Wounds – NYTimes.com.


13 Aug, 2012

Sikh Coalition Briefing Paper: How to Talk to Your Children About Oak Creek Tragedy

The Sikh Coalition has collaborated with other national Sikh organizations to produce a one page summary to help parents and teachers address the needs of Sikh children dealing with the shock and confusion of the Oak Creek tragedy. Helping Your Children Understand the Wisconsin Tragedy – Click here to download >>  


13 Aug, 2012

Indian managers in LG quit protesting against South Korean bosses – Xinhua

Several Indian managers have quit India’s largest electronics company, LG, in the past five months after the South Korean company brought in expats at key positions in India, a former senior manager said Sunday. Read more: Indian managers in LG quit protesting against South Korean bosses – Xinhua


13 Aug, 2012

Picture Gallery: When women get drunk

How terrible! When women get drunk Click here: How terrible! When women get drunk – Gallery – MadMud


13 Aug, 2012

Int’l Day of Prayer for Peace – 21 Sept


The World Council of Churches calls on the churches and congregations around the world to observe an International Day of Prayer for Peace on 21 September. The day coincides with the International Day of Peace initiated by the United Nations. The participants are especially invited to pray and act together for a just peace in […]


13 Aug, 2012

Say “No” to Displacement and Demolition in Susiya, West Bank – The United Church of Canada

The people of the village of Susiya, in the South Hebron Hills in the West Bank, are facing the imminent demolition of over 50 homes and other structures, forcibly displacing about 160 people. On June 13, 2012, the Israeli Civil Administration (ICA) distributed three maps to the people of Susiya, identifying three areas within the […]


12 Aug, 2012

Press Release Makes Clear Who Will Profit From Drone Operations at National Borders

The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAVs in border security missions around the world is expanding rapidly as nations apply lessons from NATO UAV operations to their border and national security needs. Read More: Research and Markets: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles UAV for Border Security – Global Market & Technologies Outlook – 2013-2021 | Business Wire.


12 Aug, 2012

Is Opinionated Journalism Actually Better at Getting People Involved in Politics? – Alternet

A new study finds that opinionated reporting might be better at motivating the politically unengaged. Read more: Is Opinionated Journalism Actually Better at Getting People Involved in Politics? | Alternet.


12 Aug, 2012

Why You Should Get a 3 Week Paid Vacation – Alternet

Most Americans only get two weeks off right now. But many don’t even take the full two weeks out of fear of losing their jobs. One in four gets no paid vacation at all, not even holidays. Overall, Americans have less vacation time than workers in any other advanced economy. Read more: Why You Should […]


12 Aug, 2012

The Top Ten Differences Between White and Non-White Terrorists – Alternet

There is nothing you can do about white terrorists. Gun control won’t stop them. No policy you could make, no government program, could possibly have an impact on them. But hundreds of billions of dollars must be spent on police and on the Department of Defense, and on TSA, which must virtually strip search 60 […]


12 Aug, 2012

Inaugural United States of Aging Survey Released, Free Download


WASHINGTON & MINNETONKA, Minn. – August 08, 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE)–A new survey from the National Council on Aging (NCOA), UnitedHealthcare and USA TODAY finds that most older Americans feel their best years are still to come, but not all are prepared for the health and financial challenges of aging. As millions of these adults will […]


12 Aug, 2012

Cheap Flights Website Issues Its List of Top 10 Road Trips


(PRWEB) August 11, 2012 — InsanelyCheapFlights.com released its list of top 10 road trips today. While it might seem strange that a company selling airline tickets would recommend road trips, the journeys described begin in destinations scattered across the globe. (Editor’s Note: The source of this collection was not stated but it is an interesting […]


12 Aug, 2012

Why are Western media selectively blind? – People’s Daily Online

At the Olympic Games, the world is indeed flat. There are dozens of foreign coaches in Chinese delegation who help Chinese athletes gain a better understanding of world sports development while in table tennis and gymnastic competitions there are also some Chinese coaches who mentor Western athletes. In the Olympic arena, China has already reflected […]


12 Aug, 2012

Vietnam Now World’s Top Coffee Exporter – Xinhua

According to the Association of Coffee and Cocoa of Vietnam ( VICOFA), due to the global and domestic economic downturn, coffee processors and consumers have diverted to Robusta coffee and this is where Vietnam has an advantage because it ranks top in the world in Robusta production. In addition, major coffee growing countries, like Brazil […]


12 Aug, 2012

Xinhua: Strategic calculations behind U.S.-Iran confrontation on Syria

Syria is a heavyweight and key domino in the Middle East arena, while Iran is vital to global energy supplies. The two nations, and the Middle East at large, are unlikely to let outside powers like the United States to impose a future on them. After all, they need to shape their own future by […]


12 Aug, 2012

Hoffa Statement on Romney Choice of Paul Ryan

The following is a statement by Jim Hoffa, General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters: “By choosing Paul Ryan as his running mate, Mitt Romney is doubling down on his campaign to make the American middle class poorer so the rich can get richer….. Read the rest: Hoffa Statement on Romney Choice of Paul […]


12 Aug, 2012

EUROPA Culture Summit: Case for investment in culture as strong today as it has ever been, says Vassiliou

European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth Androulla Vassiliou: “Culture and the arts have the power to transform individual lives and help bring countries together. The over-arching aim of the European Union’s policy in this area is to promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, to unlock the potential of culture for creativity and innovation, […]


12 Aug, 2012

Americans’ Views of TSA More Positive Than Negative

The TSA in recent months has come under increased scrutiny, with some members of Congress calling for the agency to be privatized or disbanded. However, the current survey results, from Gallup interviewing conducted July 9-12, indicate that the average American has a more positive than negative impression of the TSA, even if the average American […]


12 Aug, 2012

Book review: How Israeli school textbooks teach kids to hate – The Electronic Intifada

In an important new book, Palestine in Israeli School Books, Israeli language and education professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan …… examines 17 Israeli school textbooks on history, geography and civic studies. Her conclusions are an indictment of the Israeli system of indoctrination and its cultivation of anti-Arab racism from an early age: “The books studied here harness […]


12 Aug, 2012

Vanuatu gives market power to small cocoa farmers – ABC Radio Australia

Andreas Lombardozzi, Managing Director, African Pacific Vanuatu Ltd: Even in terms of some fair trade certification, once that grower is certified under that relationship he doesn’t own that, he doesn’t have that data at hand, and so it is very difficult for him to say ‘Oh I’ve got Fair Trade but I want to sell […]


12 Aug, 2012

Israel allows Egypt to use ‘terror-fighting’ gunships in Sinai – JTA

Editor’s Note: Egypt needs Israeli permission for this? Whatever happened to Egyptian sovereignty? JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s Cabinet reportedly has agreed to allow Egypt to use gunships in the Sinai peninsula. The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said Friday that the Egyptian government had asked Israel for its agreement to introduce attack helicopters to “fight terrorists” who […]


12 Aug, 2012

Prepare for What Is Coming: ‘There is a Very Present Danger that is Facing Every American’

Mass electronic surveillance systems, tens of thousands of drones, riot police, the training of military assets for domestic policing, and the introduction of legislation and executive orders to respond to widespread national emergencies through martial law declarations are all pointing to the same thing. Elements within the government of the United States and the cabals […]


12 Aug, 2012

The US Treasury’s Secret $2.4 Trillion Secret

Details about a secretive government program to bail out money-market mutual funds are finally coming to light. Acting without any explicit Congressional authority, the U.S. Treasury guaranteed in excess of $2.4 trillion of money market funds after the giant Reserve Primary Fund “broke the buck” following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. The program, which ended […]


12 Aug, 2012

“I can’t dictate methods of Palestinian struggle”: Israeli boycott activist interviewed | The Electronic Intifada

Raised in Raanana, a town near Tel Aviv, Barkan has been arrested on many occasions and held in custody five times. Describing himself as a “privileged Jew,” he readily acknowledges that he has been treated far more leniently by the Israeli authorities than are Palestinians. At one demonstration in the village of Bilin, he was […]


12 Aug, 2012

Appeal from U.S. Alternative Media: Learn the Lessons, Help Fight Right-Wing Lies


Appeal from Don Hazen, Executive Editor, AlterNet Push Back against the Campaign Lies and Voter Suppression by the Religious Right and Radical Bully Billionaires We Need Your Help Right Now!! I know it is still the heat of summer, but our political future is being decided now. The radical right, with the Koch brothers and […]


12 Aug, 2012

‘Netanyahu, Barak mulling fall strike on Iran’ – Israel News, Ynetnews

According to Yedioth Ahronoth, Barak admits it is clear that Iran will respond to an attack on its nuclear facilities, also by utilizing Hezbollah. This will result in casualties and fatalities and every day of fighting will cost NIS 1.5 billion (approx. $375 million). Read more: ‘Netanyahu, Barak mulling fall strike on Iran’ – Israel […]


12 Aug, 2012

CAIR: Shots Fired at Illinois Mosque


(CHICAGO, IL, 11 August 2012) — The Chicago office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Chicago) said today that two air rifle shots were fired last night at the outer wall of the Muslim Education Center (MEC) mosque in Morton Grove, Ill. The shots were heard by worshipers who were outside the mosque and were […]


12 Aug, 2012

American Police Now “Israeli-DHS Trained,” Precursor To Dictatorship

90% of terrorism, worldwide, including many of the mass killing incidents, all show a pattern of involvement by intelligence organizations. Almost all “terror threats” and “staged announcements” are traced to groups tied directly to the same people who show up at our door with the “cure” to a disease they themselves create. Read more: .


11 Aug, 2012

Study Shows How Power Can Go To A Manager’s Head


NEW YORK August 08, 2012 — (BUSINESS WIRE)–Does focusing managers on the power they wield give rise to bad management? According to new research from professors at NYU Stern and Cornell, managers who have a heightened sense of their power treat others less fairly compared to individuals who see themselves as less powerful. But when […]


11 Aug, 2012

China Calls for Political Reform in U.S., Economic Reform in Europe


In yet another sign of a new emerging world order and a rebalancing of the global poles of power, two commentaries published recently in the official Chinese media have told 1) the U.S. to start a serious process of political reform, and 2) the European Union to undertake some serious financial & economic reform. They […]


11 Aug, 2012

Blessing for Trade Shows: Indian Customs To Be Open 24 Hours at Major Seaports, Airports


New Delhi, Prime Minister’s Office, 07-August, 2012 – One of the major constraints for international trade has been the non-availability of customs clearance and other facilities at Indian airports and seaports round the clock, seven days a week. This means that import and export cargo, delivered at a time when clearance facilities are unavailable, have […]


11 Aug, 2012

Press Release Makes Clear Who Will Profit From Increased Use of Drones in Civilian Space

Source: http://www.researchandmarkets.com/

DUBLIN–(Research & Markets) — TechNavio’s analysts forecast the Global Unmanned Aerial Vehicle market to grow at a CAGR of 4.28 percent over the period 2011-2015. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the increasing share of the defense budget. The Global Unmanned Aerial Vehicle market has also been witnessing an increase […]


11 Aug, 2012

Protests Lead to Israeli Pullout from First Int’l Culture Summit in Edinburgh

Source: www.no2brandisrael.org

10 August 2012 – Human rights campaigners today welcomed the Scottish Government’s confirmation that Israel will not be represented at the first International Culture Summit hosted in the Scottish Parliament building next week. A coalition of campaign groups labelled “Don’t dance with Israeli apartheid”, which had planned to protest any official Israeli presence, said that […]


11 Aug, 2012

Stratfor emails reveal secret, widespread TrapWire surveillance system — RT

Former senior intelligence officials have created a detailed surveillance system more accurate than modern facial recognition technology — and have installed it across the US under the radar of most Americans, according to emails hacked by Anonymous. Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States […]


11 Aug, 2012

Third mass shooting in a month leaves 3 dead at Alabama nightclub — RT


According to an ongoing tally kept by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the United States is experiencing an average of 20 mass shootings each year. Read more: Third mass shooting in a month leaves 3 dead at Alabama nightclub — RT.


11 Aug, 2012

On Int’l Youth Day Aug 12, UN Chief Warns Of Risk Of Creating A ‘Lost Generation’


United Nations, Aug 10 2012 (UN News Centre) – Ahead of the International Youth Day, and amidst an economic crisis which has affected young people the most, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for greater and more meaningful inclusion of youth into decision-making processes around the world, while also warning of a possible “lost […]


11 Aug, 2012

Countercurrents: Soldiers Who Refuse To Kill

The beginnings of resistance among the troops arose out of their growing awareness that their commanders were using them in a competition for the most fire fights, the most kills, and the most prisoners. The needs of this competition outweighed justice or even strategy. Returning to base with innocent prisoners was far preferable to returning […]


10 Aug, 2012

Truthout: The Secret Tie That Binds US and Israel

Israel’s myth of insecurity and Americans’ myth of homeland insecurity foster the fear of Iran. Indeed the myths demand the fear: Someone has to play the threatening enemy to make the myths believable. A myth of insecurity, with the sense of vulnerability and victimization that it breeds, is the most fundamental tie that binds the […]


10 Aug, 2012

Wiping Palestine Off the Map: Israel to Demolish 8 West Bank Villages


Ramallah, 19 Ramadan 07 August (IINA) – Israeli occupation forces carried out their latest barbaric acts of violence. The main road leading to eight Palestinian villages were closed indefinitely in preparation for the demolition of all the properties. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak issued a demolition order for the territory in South Hebron Hills saying […]


10 Aug, 2012

Press Release Makes Clear Who Will Profit from Airport Body Scanners


SAN DIEGO, August 09, 2012 – (BUSINESS WIRE) — Tek84 Engineering Group, LLC, announced today that its new body scanner, model AIT84, has been approved for use in Israeli airports. Following this approval a unit was installed at Ben-Gurion Airport (TLV) for operational pilot tests. “We have spent two years developing this next-generation product,” said […]


10 Aug, 2012

Why Do We Freak Out About Terrorist Acts Less When They’re Carried Out by White Right-Wingers? | Alternet

In the name of counterterrorism, many Americans have given their assent to indefinite detention, the criminalization of gifts to certain charities, the extrajudicial assassination of American citizens, and a sprawling, opaque homeland security bureaucracy; many have also advocated policies like torture or racial profiling that are not presently part of official anti-terror policy. What if […]


10 Aug, 2012

“We Are All Sikhs”: Call for Summit To Tackle “Extreme Hate, Bigotry” in U.S.

A rainbow alliance of over U.S. 170 civic, faith-based, immigrant rights, and civil rights organizations has called on U.S. President Obama to host a summit to address the “hate-fueled sentiment and bigoted rhetoric that has become much too frequent in our public and political discourse.” Says the statement issued on Aug 9, “The level of […]


9 Aug, 2012

Australia Wins “Gold” for Best Olympics Tourism Website Design


San Diego, CA (PRWEB) August 09, 2012 – Australia has won a “Gold Medal” for the best-designed Olympics Tourism website. The USA won “silver” and Germany the “bronze.” The “Website Olympics” was launched in honor of the 2012 Summer Olympics, by Bop Design, a San Diego web design agency. It evaluated the tourism websites of […]


9 Aug, 2012

Video-Conf Technology Upgrades, Sets Travel and Cost Cuts as Major Goal


Buffalo, NY (PRWEB) August 09, 2012 — VoIP Supply LLC, a  supplier of VoIP equipment and complete solutions, has  announce the addition of certified Cisco TelePresence video collaboration tools that will facilitate holding of large conferences such as those in hotel meeting spaces. A major goal of this improved technology is to help global organisations […]


9 Aug, 2012

U.S. Petitioners, Including Ex-American Airlines CEO, Win Court Order On Airport Body Scanners

Millions of dollars worth of body scanners are being deployed across airports in the United States without due process of public comment, and a U.S. Court has ordered this lapse to be rectified by August 30. The decision will be of interest to airports, airlines and consumer protection groups worldwide as security companies push for […]


9 Aug, 2012

High-Level Asia Pacific Digital Travel Forum Set For Bangkok on Aug 30


BANGKOK – Travel technology will be in the spotlight at the first Asia Pacific Digital Travel Forum to be held in Bangkok, Thailand on August 30, 2012 at The Landmark Hotel Bangkok. With the advent of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, growth in the travel and tourism industry will be increasingly driven by […]


9 Aug, 2012

Cruise Survey Reveals Generational Divide Over Relaxation Habits


Santa Clarita, Calif. (PRWEB) August 07, 2012 — The 2012 Princess Cruises Relaxation Report, commissioned in celebration of National Relaxation Day on Aug. 15, revealed that Boomers and their adult children’s generation of Millennials have very different vacation habits, from social media vices to work-life balance, with the latter finding it more difficult to, or […]


9 Aug, 2012

Gambling Group Targets Cambodia, Indochina As Next Growth Areas


HONG KONG, August 07, 2012 – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Entertainment Gaming Asia Inc. (NYSE MKT: EGT) (“Entertainment Gaming Asia” or “the Company”), a gaming company focused on emerging gaming markets in Pan-Asia,  reported operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2012 and reviewed recent corporate progress. Highlights: Record quarterly total revenue from gaming […]


8 Aug, 2012

Palestine Refugee Girl’s Story Wins International Writing Award


1 August 2012, Jerusalem (www.unrwa.org) — When Israeli bulldozers arrived to demolish her home, 14-year-old Palestine refugee Salha Hamadin called on her pet Hantush to take her somewhere far away until they finished. Hantush, a flying lamb, took Salha on an adventure to Spain, where she met with the Barcelona football team’s Lionel Messi, who […]


8 Aug, 2012

Skyscanner’s Top Ten Roller Coasters Worldwide


EDINBURGH, Scotland –  August 07, 2012 – (BUSINESS WIRE)–Scream if you want to go faster! To celebrate the 85th birthday of New York’s iconic Coney Island Cyclone, Skyscanner goes full throttle to bring you the most stupendous, stomach-churning rollercoasters on the planet. Fasten your seat belts… 1. Formula Rossa – Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi, United […]


8 Aug, 2012

Six in 10 Adults Now Get Physically Active by Walking


ATLANTA, Aug. 7, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Sixty-two percent of adults say they walked for at least once for 10 minutes or more in the previous week in 2010, compared to 56 percent in 2005, according to a new Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, less than half (48 percent) of […]


8 Aug, 2012

New “Science of Honesty” Study Links Truthfulness to Wellness


ORLANDO, Fla. August 4, 2012 (American Psychological Association) — Telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve a person’s mental and physical health, according to a “Science of Honesty” study presented at the American Psychological Association’s 120th Annual Convention. “Recent evidence indicates that Americans average about 11 lies per week. We wanted to […]


8 Aug, 2012

European Plan to Get Bigger Piece of €100 Billion Global Security Industry Cake

Brussels  – The European Commission has adopted an Action Plan to boost the “competitiveness” of the EU Security Industry against that of the U.S. and help it expand market share, especially in emerging economies. According to an European Commission press release on July 30, over the last ten years the global security market has grown […]


7 Aug, 2012

Rabbi Michael Lerner: Will Israel Start a War With Iran Before U.S. Elections?

By Rabbi Michael Lerner. www.tikkun.org

As you may know, Tikkun and the Network of Spiritual Progressives (www.spiritualprogressives.org) bought a full page ad in the New York Times signed by 3,000 Americans urging both Israel and the US to use the deterrence strategy we used against Stalin’s nuclear-armed Russia during the Cold War to head off nuclear war, namely to assure […]


7 Aug, 2012

Serving On a Board Has Never Been so Risky, Insurance Broker Report Warns


New York (PRWEB) August 06, 2012 – Against a backdrop of almost unparalleled financial instability, corporate crises, increasing regulation and public resentment over the perceived power of business executives, rarely have directors of large companies (especially in the financial services sector) been the subject of more scrutiny. With risk management now a key boardroom concern, […]


6 Aug, 2012

1% Drop in European Travel Projected for 2012


Brussels, 6 August 2012, (European Travel Commission media release) – Major changes are taking place in European travel trends, thanks to the impact of softening economies, a significant rise in Russian outbound and a shift towards the new destinations of Central and Eastern Europe, according to the latest report for the second quarter 2012 issued […]


5 Aug, 2012

U.S. House Passage of Iran Sanctions Bill “Trumps Einstein’s Definition of Insanity”


Washington, DC (1 August 2012) USA*Engage Media Release – The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) and USA*Engage today released the following statement in response to the House of Representatives’ approval of a bill to impose additional U.S. unilateral sanctions against Iran. “Congress, impelled by election year politics, has voted overwhelmingly to impose additional economic sanctions […]


5 Aug, 2012

Overseas Study Tours Gain Popularity in China, But Quality Is Inconsistent


BEIJING, July 30 (Xinhua) — Although most Chinese parents don’t give a second thought about spending lavishly on their children, the mother of Xiang Miao, a high school sophomore who partook in a 16-day summer study tour abroad last year, regrets her careless spending. Xiang’s mother paid 30,000 yuan (4700 U.S. dollars) for the so-called […]


5 Aug, 2012

Call For “Acts of Good” In Build-up To World Humanitarian Day, 19 August


(New York, 2 August 2012) International star Beyoncé, the United Nations and humanitarian aid organizations are launching a global campaign today to shine a spotlight on humanitarian work and encourage people around the world to get involved by doing something good for others. World Humanitarian Day is a global day to celebrate humanity and the […]


5 Aug, 2012

Israel Blocks Four Foreign Ministers from Entering Occupied West Bank


RAMALLAH, Aug. 5 (Xinhua) — Israel on Sunday obstructed the Palestinians to gain more international support for their bid to the United Nations to be recognized as a state. The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) was scheduled to host a meeting for some states of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in Ramallah, but the meeting was cancelled […]


5 Aug, 2012

U.S. Mayors Launch TV Ad Campaign To Demand Gun Control


NEW YORK, Aug. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the bipartisan coalition of more than 700 mayors working to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, today released a television advertisement as part of the campaign to “Demand A Plan” from President Obama and Governor Romney on how they will reduce […]


4 Aug, 2012

Study Blows Whistle On Business of Buying-Selling Fake Twitter Accounts


Campbell, CA (PRWEB) August 03, 2012 – Barracuda Networks, a leading provider of security, networking and data protection solutions, today released findings from Barracuda Labs’ most recent study, “The Underground Economy of Buying Twitter Followers: Dealers, Abusers and Fake Accounts.” The study analyzes a random sampling of more than 70,000 fake Twitter accounts that are […]


4 Aug, 2012

Infographic Pinpoints Top Five Tech Dangers for Children


JACKSONVILLE, FL (PRWEB) August 03, 2012 — Retina-X Studios, a leading provider of child monitoring solutions, seeks to educate parents about the five dangers kids will most likely encounter while using an Internet-connected tech device. As a step towards this initiative, the company has released an easy-to-read infographic which describes the following dangers:     Cyberbullying     Sexting […]


4 Aug, 2012

U.K. Survey Shows Small Businesses Need Help Evaluating Social Media Marketing Results


LONDON, August 01, 2012 –(BUSINESS WIRE)–A new survey from online marketing tools provider Constant Contact®, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTCT) indicates a strong disconnect between British small businesses’ perception of social media marketing success and the reality. Among the one quarter (24 per cent) of British small business decision makers surveyed that report using Facebook™ to market […]


4 Aug, 2012

U.S. Consumers Are Overwhelmed by Social Media, Survey Reveals


LOS ANGELES, August 01, 2012  (BUSINESS WIRE)–MyLife.com® (“MyLife”) today announced the results of a commissioned survey of social media behavior, conducted online by Harris Interactive®. According to the 2012 Connecting and Communicating Online: State of Social Media study consumers’—that is, online adults in the U.S. who are 18 and older–fear of missing out (FOMO) may […]


3 Aug, 2012

Global Travel Industry Gears Up for Muslim Tourism Boom


Singapore, 11 Ramadan 1433 or 30 July 2012 (IINA) – From Halal spas to prayer rooms at airport terminals, the global tourism industry is gearing up for a projected boom in Muslim travel over the next decade, experts say. Their growing number and affluence means Muslims — especially from the oil-rich Middle East — are […]


3 Aug, 2012

Low Self-Confidence Hurting Managers – Australian Personal Branding Survey Shows


(PRWEB) August 02, 2012 — As Australian business people face increased work pressures because of the softening economy, a survey has found many managers and leaders lack confidence in their personal brand. The survey by the Australian Institute of Management VT and Image Group International found that 38 percent of Australian business people rated their […]


3 Aug, 2012

Spotlight on Corruption in Education in Asia-Pacific: UNESCO Interview

By Panya Laongthong and Rojana Manowalailao, UNESCO Bangkok

Bangkok, 26.07.2012 — Corruption in the education sector has been a severe problem, which has hindered quality and effectiveness of education all over the world. Muriel Poisson, Programme Specialist at the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO), has been the task manager of a project on ‘Ethics and Corruption in Education’ under which research […]


3 Aug, 2012

Women in EU Public Sector Face Higher Risk Of Losing Jobs: ILO Report


GENEVA (ILO News) 30 July 2012- Women working in the public sector in countries of the European Union (EU) have been particularly hard-hit by recent cutbacks in jobs, wages and benefits, according to a joint ILO European Commission study titled “Public Sector Adjustment in Europe”. In a chapter on gender,  the study (made public on […]


3 Aug, 2012

Multinationals Blamed For Illicitly Transferring Millions Out of Africa


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 27 July 2012 (ECA Press Release) – A report has chastised multinational corporations for the illicit transfer of most of the $ 1.5 trillion they make in Africa each year back to the developed countries, draining hard currency reserves from the continent, stimulating inflation, reducing tax collection and deepening income gaps. The […]


2 Aug, 2012

Requiem For Lalit Sheth: Time For Us All To Take a Deeper Look Inwards

Lalit Sheth is the second tour operator whom I personally knew to have committed suicide. In October 1997, another friend, Mr. Piti Sukakul, President and Chairman of Bangkok-based President Travel & Tours, shot himself. Both were the victims in some shape or form of economic and doing-business problems that went out of control. Lalit was […]


1 Aug, 2012

63,500 Super-Rich Millionaires in China, Up 5.8%

By Wang Zhuoqiong (chinadaily.com.cn)

Beijing, 2012-08-01 — One out of every 1,300 people in China has a million yuan or more, according to the Hurun Wealth Report 2012, which was released on Tuesday. And the number of Chinese people who have 10 million yuan ($1.6 million) or more reached a record of 1.02 million, an increase of 6.3 percent […]


1 Aug, 2012

Lalit Sheth, Owner of India’s Raj Travels, ‘Commits Suicide’


MUMBAI, Aug 1, 2012, (Press Trust of India): India’s leading leisure travel service provider Raj Travels’ owner Lalit Sheth on Wednesday allegedly committed suicide by jumping off the Bandra Worli Sea Link bridge in central Mumbai, police said. “56-year-old Sheth, who owns Raj Travels, jumped from the sea link bridge this afternoon, leaving a suicide […]


1 Aug, 2012

Kids in U.S. Having Emotional Problems After Colorado Shooting


Colorado Springs, CO (PRWEB) July 31, 2012 — What should parents and caregivers say to children who are worried about someone coming into their community and shooting people, just like the mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater? Kidpower, a non-profit leader in child safety education, offers tips for talking with kids and helping address […]


1 Aug, 2012

North American eLearning Market to Reach $27.2 billion by 2016

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) July 31, 2012 – The North American market for online learning products will grow to $27.2 billion by 2016, up from the $21.9 billion reached in 2011, according to a new report by Ambient Insight called, “The North America Market for Self-paced eLearning Products and Services: 2011-2016 Forecast and Analysis.” This is […]


1 Aug, 2012

Global Banking Greed Responsible for Financial Crisis and Only Set to Get Worse


Basingstoke, UK (PRWEB UK) 31 July 2012 – Global banks have been in varied scandals now for many years and as UBS has announced that they have lost millions due to a poor investment into social media website Facebook, Marketing Quotes asks why nothing is being done to protect customers. Since 2007, most banks have […]


1 Aug, 2012

Food & Hospitality Recruiters Seek Quality, not Quantity of Applicants


New York (PRWEB) July 31, 2012 – Recent trends in the food and hospitality industry show that hiring managers are looking for quality over quantity when it comes to their applicants. The trend is supported by the latest WyckWyre survey, gathering information from more than 750 of its customers. An overwhelming 94.9% of those surveyed […]


1 Aug, 2012

Jewish Group Demands Romney Apologise to Palestinians


The following statement was issued on July 31 by Jewish Voice for Peace (www.jvp.org) Yesterday in Jerusalem, Governor Mitt Romney made some statements that were not only wrong, but frankly, prejudiced and ignorant. Romney declared that “cultural differences” were the reason the Palestinian economy is not doing as well as Israel’s, without even acknowledging the Occupation. […]


1 Aug, 2012

Arab Americans Blast Republican Party’s Spread of Xenophobia, Hate & Ignorance


Washington, DC (www.adc.org) July 31, 2012 — The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is appalled at the continued bigotry and racism coming from factions from within the Republican Party, including the presumptive Republican Presidential nominee, Governor Willard “Mitt” Romney. On a recent trip to Israel, Romney directed racist and derogatory comments towards Palestinians. Romney’s actions are in line […]


31 Jul, 2012

Tourism vs National Security: Time For Budget Comparisons

The travel & tourism industry often complains about inadequate budgets. But how does one define “inadequate”? One way is by comparing the budgets allocated to travel & tourism, which claims to be a promoter of peace, against those allocated to the defense and national security sector, which claims responsibility for keeping the peace. Although the […]


31 Jul, 2012

China “On Right Track For Growth Model Change”

By Zheng Yangpeng and Lu Yanyu (China Daily)

Beijing, July 27, 2012 – The dramatic rise in the price of land, labor and raw materials, and a 30 percent appreciation of the renminbi since 2005, have seen China fast losing the historic cost advantages that helped fuel arguably the most dramatic economic rise in history. But after several visits to China, Anders Aeroe […]


31 Jul, 2012

Survey: Parents Can Track Kids’ Internet Activity on PCs But Not Smartphones


Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) July 30, 2012 — McGruff SafeGuard Browser®, a free, fully-featured, Safari-like browser application that blocks inappropriate websites and content accessed via Safari on mobile devices, today announced the results of a survey that measured the amount of time kids spend online on smartphones, and parents’ views on mobile Internet safety and […]


31 Jul, 2012

Four Summer Holiday Activities That Could Damage Your Back


(PRWEB) July 30, 2012 – As summer draws to a close, some recreational enthusiasts begin to notice that the pain in their back may not be going away. For many who take recreation seriously, some level of pain and soreness is often associated with mere participation. Seattle chiropractic clinic, Belltown Spine and Wellness, understands that […]


31 Jul, 2012

First Gender Violence-Free Zones Launched in South Africa


Wentworth, South Africa (PRWEB) July 30, 2012 – Over a thousand community members and stakeholders from across the eThekwini Municipality gathered on July 8 to commemorate the first community-initiated Violence Free Zone. Launching in the suburb of Wentworth, the zone represents community-driven action to prevent gender-based violence, and has inspired the set-up of further Violence […]


28 Jul, 2012

Gallup Poll: Worldwide, Greeks Most Pessimistic About Their Lives

by Anna Manchin, www.gallup.com

BRUSSELS, July 25, 2012 — The Greek government’s promise of no new austerity measures this year may offer some much-needed hope to its citizens, whom Gallup surveys show are the most pessimistic in the world about the direction of their lives. More than four in 10 Greeks (42%) in 2011 expected their lives in five […]


28 Jul, 2012

The Dating Game: Survey Reveals Global Singles’ Behaviours, Beliefs


London (PRWEB UK) 28 July 2012 – Inspired by this year’s global games, match.com, which claims to be the world’s largest dating website, conducted its own international challenge to examine how singles from different cultures match up — or differ — in the dating game. And, in a classic example of British diplomacy and manners […]


27 Jul, 2012

South Africa Court Convicts White Supremacist Group Leader of High Treason

Source: JURIST, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

The North Gauteng High Court at Pretoria in South Africa on July 26 convicted of high treason the leader of an extremist group responsible for nine bombings in Johannesburg’s Soweto township in 2002. Mike du Toit, leader of the white supremacist group Boeremag has been on trial for nine years and is the first person […]


27 Jul, 2012

American Mass Murder: A Toxic Cultural Brew

By Mark Levine

One of the recurring questions in Michael Moore’s 2002 documentary Bowling for Columbine is why Canada, America’s “friendly” neighbor to the north, has among the highest rates and ease of gun ownership in the world, yet has much lower rates of gun violence than the United States. Moore travels to several major southern Canadian cities asking random citizens […]


27 Jul, 2012

Tips on Staying Safe at Olympics (And Other Big Events in Big Cities)


LONDON (PRWEB) July 27, 2012  — With the London Olympic Games kicking off at the end of the week, and officials insisting that Olympic security will not be compromised despite the shambles surrounding a private contractor’s failure to provide sufficient guards, visitors are left wondering how safe the London Olympics will be. Victoria Ugarte, travel […]


27 Jul, 2012

Pew Poll: U.S. Public Follows “Batman” Shooting Story But Maintains Views on Guns

Pew Research Centre

23 July 2012 – About half of the public says they very closely followed news about the deadly shooting rampage shortly after midnight Friday morning in a movie theater in Colorado, making this one of the most closely followed stories so far in 2012. Fully 48% say they followed this news very closely, according to […]


27 Jul, 2012

Poverty Risk Nearly Doubles for Older Americans Lacking Pensions, New Study Finds


WASHINGTON, July 26, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE)–Rates of poverty among older households lacking defined benefit (DB) pension income were approximately nine times greater than the rates among older households with DB pension income in 2010, up from six times greater in 2006 a new study calculates. Older households with lifetime pension income are far less likely […]


26 Jul, 2012

Vacation No Cure for Work-Stress Blues: HRD Company Survey


SEATTLE, July 25, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Vacations are no longer a cure for the stresses of today’s hectic work life, according to a recently released survey conducted by Fierce, Inc., leadership development and training experts. More than 58 percent of respondents to a survey on issues related to Paid Time Off (PTO) indicated that […]


26 Jul, 2012

OECD Tourism Report Highlights Three Top Policy Challenges

The Paris-based OECD last week released a report identifying three of the most important trends and policy challenges facing global tourism: effective governance practices, evaluation of policies and programmes, and human resources development. The report says that major changes will need to be made in the three areas to boost tourism competitiveness and sustainability for […]


25 Jul, 2012

Home-Grown Terrorism: One Swamp The U.S. Cannot Drain

Commentary by Imtiaz Muqbil

Here we go again. Another shooting in the U.S. Can a society which is incapable of solving violence at home ever be a global champion of peace, stability and the common good? It is a contradiction in terms. Such societies can only implode and self-destruct. The Column The Bangkok Post Censored This commentary was originally […]


25 Jul, 2012

Patil: Beware of “Divisive Agendas”

Speech by Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil on the Eve of Demitting Office of the President of India, 24 July, 2012

Dear Citizens, On the eve of demitting office of the President, I express my personal greetings and good wishes to all of you. During the last five years, I had the opportunity to interact with a number of citizens from different fields and walks of life. I received great respect, affection and support from you […]


25 Jul, 2012

Mukherjee: Progress Must Not be “Hijacked By Greed Of A Few”

Acceptance Speech by Pranab Mukherjee on his Assumption of office as President of India, 25 July, 2012

Smt. Pratibha Devisingh Patil, Shri Hamid Ansari, Smt. Meira Kumar, Shri Justice S.H. Kapadia, Members of Parliament, Your Excellencies, Friends and fellow citizens, I am deeply moved by the high honour you have accorded to me. Such honour exalts the occupant of this office, even as it demands that he rises above personal or partisan […]


24 Jul, 2012

Rabbi Alissa Wise: Why I Work With Christians To Divest From Israel

Rabbi Alissa Wise is Director of Campaigns, Jewish Voice for Peace

There is much talk about sanctions against Iran. But a growing movement is emerging seeking sanctions against Israel over its continued occupation of Palestine. Many Jewish groups are at the forefront of this movement, but getting little global coverage. In reproducing this column by a prominent member of Jewish Voice for Peace, Travel Impact Newswire […]


24 Jul, 2012

Denver Columnist Sees the Light: “What If Shooter’s Name Was Ibrahim?”

Denver Post Columnist Chuck Murphy is one of the few U.S. journalists who has seen the light. In a 23 July column, he says, “If Holmes were Iranian-American, or Afghan-American, his purchases, his apparent withdrawal and his plans probably would have been noticed by neighbors, reported and investigated. Not fair. Just true.” In what should […]


24 Jul, 2012

India Prepares Contingency Plans as Monsoon Runs Late


Prime Minister’s Office, 23-July, 2012 — The Central Government has prepared extensive plans to deal with the deficiency in the Monsoon/rainfall in some parts of the country. The Government is in full readiness to address any situation that may arise due to any rainfall anomalies. The Prime Minister has been appraised of the situation and […]


23 Jul, 2012

U.K. Motorists Institute Survey Seeks Tougher Action on Drink Driving

(PRWEB UK) 23 July 2012 — Eighty per cent of motorists say those who repeatedly drink drive should have their vehicles seized and sold or scrapped, according to a poll by the IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists). Fifty per cent think that this should also happen to drivers several times over the limit. The respondents […]
