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Author Archive

23 Jul, 2012

Media, Research Firms Start Measuring Projected Viewership of Olympics

Satellite and Cable TV Will Be Most Popular, and Women Will Be More Active Than Men on Social Media


23 Jul, 2012

How Workers’ Moods, Stress Factors, Rise and Fall By The Day

by Jim Harter, www.gallup.com

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 23, 2012 — For American employees who like their jobs, going back to work on Mondays after the weekend is a much smoother transition than it is for those who don’t. Employees whose work or workplace is less engaging or disengaging experience a significant downgrade in mood going from weekends to weekdays. […]


23 Jul, 2012

U.N. Mulls Crisis Management: Data, Data Everywhere, But How Trustworthy?


United Nations, 19 July 2012, Department of Public Information – Reaching people most in need during complex crises — sparked by conflict, extreme weather or natural disaster — required humanitarian actors to better use, validate and share information from a range of sources throughout the programming cycle, the United Nations Economic and Social Council heard […]


23 Jul, 2012

E.U. Okays Plans to Cut Air Traffic Management Costs, Boost Capacity


Brussels, European Commission Press release, 19 July 2012 – The European Commission has written to Member States concerning the performance plans to improve air traffic management under the period 2012-2014 of the Single European Sky Performance Scheme. The scheme is expected to save billions of Euros to the benefit of airspace users and passengers in […]


23 Jul, 2012

Losing Competitive Edge, U.S. Cities Seek Billions to Upgrade Infrastructure, Create Jobs

U.S. Conference of Mayors Media Release

PHILADELPHIA, PA, 2o July 2012 – Following a three-day meeting here seeking input from the nation’s mayors, the U.S. Conference of Mayors will be issuing an urban agenda for job creation in the days to come and will challenge the presidential candidates and the U.S. Congress to support and pass its recommendations, said USCM President […]


23 Jul, 2012

U.S. Tourists Learn To Shoot “Arab-looking Terrorists” in Jewish Settlement


Hundreds of American adventure-seekers have found the latest thrill at a West Bank firing range, shooting pictures of Arab-looking targets and learning a new version of Israeli patriotism, Russian TV reported on 21 July. The company, Caliber 3, offers a two-hour “tourist course” – a lecture about anti-terrorism tactics, hand-to-hand and related combat skills, and […]


21 Jul, 2012

Dance Teachers, Nurses Head Professions of Worst Drivers in U.K.


(PRWEB UK) 20 July 2012 — Tiger.co.uk, one of the UK’s car insurance comparison sites, has today revealed the results of its study into the correlation between driving convictions, annual mileage and occupations. The study, based upon an analysis of over 270,000 recent car insurance quotes, looks at the relationship between over 300 different occupation […]


20 Jul, 2012

Gallup Poll: Americans Want Outsourced Jobs Back

by Frank Newport (www.gallup.com)

PRINCETON, NJ, Gallup media release, July 19, 2012 — Asked to name the most important thing that could be done to improve the U.S. economy, more than one in four Americans (28%) suggest creating more or better jobs, along with another 9% who would reduce the outsourcing of jobs. Americans also suggest decreasing taxes (11%), […]


20 Jul, 2012

For a Borderless World: 72 Nationalities on a Swedish Theme Park Ride Set New Guinness Record


 GÖTEBORG, Sweden, 19 July 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE) — In conjunction with the 38th annual Gothia Cup football tournament held in Gothenburg, Sweden, a new world record was made at Liseberg Amusement Park in the category of “Most nationalities on a theme park ride”. There were 72 different nationalities represented in the record, which included players […]


20 Jul, 2012

Struggling to Maintain Global Dominance, U.S. Waging War on Three Fronts

Dr Paul Craig Roberts

The Russian government has finally caught on that its political opposition is being financed by the US taxpayer-funded National Endowment for Democracy and other CIA/State Department fronts in an attempt to subvert the Russian government and install an American puppet state in the geographically largest country on earth, the one country with a nuclear arsenal […]


20 Jul, 2012

We Are Losing Sight of Our Eye Health, Global Opinion Poll Reveals


ROCHESTER, NY — July 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — An eye-opening stat: almost 70 percent of people from around the world would rather give up 10 years of their life, or even sacrifice one of their limbs, than lose their eyesight. Yet less than one third of those polled take the basic steps necessary to preserve […]


20 Jul, 2012

China Explains Syria Veto: Regime Change Should Not Be Determined By External Forces

Author: Zhong Sheng, (People's Daily Online)

July 18, 2012 – The political solution is the only way to resolve the issue of Syria. Some states still do not abandon their intention of changing Syrian regime by external forces. This is one of important reasons why the mediation of Special Envoy Kofi Annan is difficult to go on and the resolutions of […]


20 Jul, 2012

India Now Australia’s Largest Source Of Permanent Migrants


Canberra, 19 July 2012, (Minister for Immigration and Citizenship) – For the first time, India is Australia’s largest source of permanent migrants, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, Chris Bowen MP, announced today. Indian migrants comprised a total of 29,018 places or 15.7% of the total migration program of 185,000 places under the 2011-12 permanent […]


19 Jul, 2012

India Working On New Policy To Help Airlines Reach Smaller Cities


Ministry of Civil Aviation (17-July 2012) — Union Minister of Civil Aviation Mr Ajit Singh has said that the Government is in the process of providing air connectivity to remote and interior areas of the country including the North Eastern Region and Tier II and Tier III cities. Addressing  members of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee […]


19 Jul, 2012

How Short-sellers Reap Huge Profits From ‘Hunting’ Chinese Companies

Author: Luo Lan, People's Daily Overseas Edition

(People’s Daily Online), July 18, 2012 – Overseas-listed Chinese companies have been suffering from short selling in the past two years. The Chinese concepts stocks listed in the United States have been frequent targets of short-selling funds. By spreading rumors about Chinese companies’ “poor management” and “suspicious accounting,” these funds first drive a stock’s price […]


19 Jul, 2012

Tour Buses Now Set to Face Higher Costs of Providing Security

Having penetrated the aviation sector, security companies are moving quickly to take advantage of the attack on the bus in Bulgaria to target the tour-bus and public transport sector as a new revenue-source that could generate billions of dollars in windfall profits. A media release by the Mineta Transportation Institute, named after its founder, Norman […]


19 Jul, 2012

What Burgers, Pizzas, Ice-Creams Have Done to the U.S.

by Elizabeth Mendes

WASHINGTON, D.C. July 18, 2012, (Gallup media release) — Most Americans say obesity is an “extremely” or “very serious” problem to society, the 81% who do so is up significantly from 69% in 2005, the last time Gallup asked this question. Americans now see obesity as a more serious societal issue than cigarettes — a […]


18 Jul, 2012

Nelson Mandela Foundation Calls For UN to Act on Israeli Violations

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D. www.qumsiyeh.org

The right wing Zionists keep invoking “anti-Semitism” and the events of WWII to try to deflect any legitimate criticism of their cherished idol: the apartheid state of Israel. But this is no longer working. The list below just gives a glimpse from the past few days. Even puppets of the Israel lobby like Hillary Clinton […]


18 Jul, 2012

World Bank Report: Mobile Phone Access Reaches 75% of Planet’s Population

World Bank Media Release

WASHINGTON, July 17, 2012 — Around three-quarters of the world’s inhabitants now have access to a mobile phone and the mobile communications story is moving to a new level, which is not so much about the phone but how it is used, says a new report released today by the World Bank and infoDev, its […]


18 Jul, 2012

Nelson Mandela Day: Creating a Better World, One Small Step at a Time

Source: www.mandeladay.com

July 18 is Nelson Mandela Day, a day to reflect on how we are going to do our little bit in service of others. As we prepare for our chance to give back in honour of the decades Mr Mandela spent in sacrifice so that we could live in a better world, we think of […]


18 Jul, 2012

We Need Free Thinkers Or Society Will Shrivel Up and Die

Chris Hedges

July 9, 2012, (AlterNet) – Cultures that endure carve out a protected space for those who question and challenge national myths. Artists, writers, poets, activists, journalists, philosophers, dancers, musicians, actors, directors and renegades must be tolerated if a culture is to be pulled back from disaster. Members of this intellectual and artistic class, who are […]


18 Jul, 2012

China: US Stirs Up Conflict Among Asian Countries As Part Of Rebalancing Strategy

People's Daily Online Commentary

Beijing, July 17, 2012 – The United States has been implementing a rebalancing strategy in recent years. The Obama administration believes the country wrongly devoted itself to the war on terror after the 9/11 attacks. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wasted too many resources and too much energy of the United States, leading to […]


18 Jul, 2012

Three Oklahoma City Billboards Call for ‘No War on Iran’


Oklahoma City – Oklahoma activists from the group Americans Against the Next War (AANW) are working to prevent military action or war against Iran. They have contracted with a local outdoor advertising company for three billboards, now on display in the metro area, carrying their message: “Tell Congress: No War on Iran.” A news conference […]


17 Jul, 2012

Alzheimer’s Study: Sleep Duration & Disorders Indicators of Cognitive Decline

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, July 16, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Four studies reported today at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2012 (AAIC 2012) in Vancouver suggest a relationship between sleep quality and quantity and risk of cognitive decline, and that interventions to normalize sleep duration and correct sleep disorders may not only improve quality of life, but […]


17 Jul, 2012

ADB to Include Renminbi, Indian Rupee in Trade Finance Program


MANILA, 17 July 2012 (ADB Media release) – Intra-regional trade transactions using renminbi and Indian rupee are expected to rise, prompting the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to start supporting deals denominated in these two Asian currencies under its Trade Finance Program (TFP). ADB’s Board of Directors today approved the inclusion of renminbi and Indian rupee […]


17 Jul, 2012

First Global Ranking of Accredited Online MBAs Released

NEW YORK, July 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The first Global ranking of accredited online MBAs offered by the world’s top business schools, 2012 QS Distance Online MBA Rankings, has been released today on TopMBAConnect.com. The report, created by world education leader QS, was developed in direct response to the market increase in both the number […]


17 Jul, 2012

OECD Sees High Jobless Rates Continuing


Paris, 10/07/2012 (OECD News Release) – The current weak economic recovery will keep unemployment rates in OECD countries high until at least the end of 2013, according to a new OECD report. The Employment Outlook 2012 says that the OECD-wide joblessness rate is forecast to remain high at 7.7% in the fourth quarter of 2013, close […]


17 Jul, 2012

Full Details: Thailand’s Tourism Marketing Action Plan 2013

Bangkok, July 16 – The Tourism Authority of Thailand has unveiled a series of strategies designed to maintain Thailand’s brand image, marketing profile and visitor arrivals in a world of unprecedented change. Announced today after the conclusion of the TAT’s annual action planning meeting, the strategies are designed to ensure that the travel and tourism […]


17 Jul, 2012

U.S. Violates WTO Rule, Misuses Trade Protection Measures

People's Daily Overseas Edition, Author: Liang Jie

Beijing, July 16, 2012 – China and the United States will begin official negotiations from July 18 to July 19, regarding the case that China had reported the U.S. anti-subsidy measures on 22 exported products from China to the dispute settlement mechanism of World Trade Organization (WTO). China had proposed negotiations with the United States […]


17 Jul, 2012

India Monitors Food Impact as Monsoon Rains Play “Hide-and-Seek”


New Delhi, Ministry of Agriculture, 16-July, 2012 – The Agriculture Minister Mr Sharad Pawar today hailed the agricultural research system for the key role it has played in increasing farm production over the years. Recounting the shift in Indian agriculture from the era of famine and food imports to the present era of surplus, Mr […]


17 Jul, 2012

India To Push Development of Inland Waterways


NEW DELHI, Prime Minister’s Office, 16-July, 2012 – The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has been pushing for greater private investment in inland waterways, an area of considerable importance. Since January, PMO has identified and fast-tracked implementation of key projects in the National Waterways – 1, 2 and 3 (NW – 1,2,3). These are the Varanasi-Haldia […]


17 Jul, 2012

Americans Must Deal With Their Double Standards

Dr James Zogby, President, Arab-American Institute

WASHINGTON D.C. – Ralph Nader is without a doubt one of the truly transformational figures in contemporary American history. We drink cleaner water, breathe purer air, drive safer cars, and are better protected at work and at play, because of the movement he led. Ever the innovator, Ralph has taken on a new challenge: to […]


16 Jul, 2012

Campaign Targets US$ 870bn/year Transnational Organized Crime Business

UN News Centre

16 July 2012 – UNODC today launched a new global awareness-raising campaign emphasizing the size and cost of transnational organized crime. Profiling this multibillion dollar a year threat to peace, human security and prosperity, the campaign illustrates the key financial and social costs of this international problem through a new public service announcement video and […]


16 Jul, 2012

UK Charity Seeks To Curb Alcohol Abuse/Misuse at Olympics


(PRWEB UK) 16 July 2012 – The national charity, which wants to achieve a society free from problem alcohol and drug use, thinks it’s important for people to have access to good quality advice at sites including football stadia and Olympic venues where alcohol is being sold. Alcohol has become synonymous with celebrations and sport […]


16 Jul, 2012

Efforts to Tackle Global Obesity Shaping a New Investment Megatrend


NEW YORK & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Increasing efforts to tackle obesity over the coming decades will form an important new investment theme for fund managers, according to a new BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research report called “Globesity – The Global Fight Against Obesity.” “Global obesity is a mega-investment theme for the next 25 years and beyond. Obesity […]


16 Jul, 2012

Investigative Report Says Security Firms Contributing to Global Insecurity

With the travel & tourism industry facing soaring costs of security, an investigative report issued last month by the New York-based Global Policy Forum warns that international security contractors are operating in an environment of total impunity and secrecy that may be worsening the situation. Entitled, “Dangerous Partnership: Private Military & Security Companies and the […]


16 Jul, 2012

Global Banks Face Domino Risk, “Contrarian” Finance Editors Warn


New York, NY (PRWEB) July 15, 2012 – In a recent Investment Contrarians article, editor Danny Esposito comments how amazing it is that many economists out there continue to hold onto the notion that should a financial crisis take place in Europe, the U.S. will not be affected. Esposito believes the big banks in the […]


16 Jul, 2012

Key Global Issues That Will See €8bn Spent On European Research


Brussels, 12 July 2012 (EU Media release) – The EU’s latest call for research proposals aims to stimulate innovation for growth and jobs. About €8.1bn is available in 2013 for world-class research – key to returning the EU to growth and closing the innovation gap with its main trade competitors, the US and Japan. Research […]


15 Jul, 2012

China’s Economy: Glass Half Full, Not Half Empty

By Zhu Qiwen (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-07-14 – Media fanfare about China’s economic slowdown, though somewhat exaggerated, shows the high hopes that global investors have pinned on the world’s second largest economy, especially with the United States and Europe still struggling with their debt problems. Before China released its growth figures for the first half of the year on Friday, […]


15 Jul, 2012

Taoism Also Part of China’s “Soft Power”

Zhao Qiguang, People's Daily Overseas Edition

Beijing, July 11, 2012 – Chinese culture enjoys increasing influence in the world. What makes it so attractive? What are the challenges facing it? Over the past eight years, the Confucius Institute has made remarkable achievements in promoting the Chinese culture and language worldwide. From the Mississippi to the Nile, the Chinese learning craze is […]


15 Jul, 2012

China’s Int’l Investment Position Reaches US$1.79 Trln


BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) — China’s net international investment position at the end of March reached 1.79 trillion U.S. dollars, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) announced Friday. The net international investment position measures the difference between a country’s external assets and liabilities. At the end of March, China’s external financial assets totaled 4.89 […]


15 Jul, 2012

Olympics Uniforms: Will US Pay The Price To Be ‘Patriotic’?

By Li Yang ( China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-07-14 – Reports that the pride of America will be wearing uniforms that were made in China at the Olympic Games in London next month have produced the time-honored response from China-bashing politicians in the United States. “This action on the part of the US Olympic Committee is symbolic of a disastrous trade policy […]


15 Jul, 2012

China: U.S. Sows Seeds Of Discord In South China Sea

(China Daily Editorial)

Beijing, 2012-07-13 — By calling for all parties to engage in talks to resolve the South China Sea disputes, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has once again demonstrated that the United States is trying to interfere in the maritime disputes that only involve China and a few members of the Association of Southeast Asian […]


15 Jul, 2012

Global Workforce Study Finds Most U.S. Workers Struggling to Cope with Tough Workplace Situations


NEW YORK, 11 July 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE) — As doubts reemerge about the strength of economic recovery in the U.S., a new Global Workforce Study by global professional services company Towers Watson (NYSE, NASDAQ: TW) reveals that almost two-thirds (63%) of U.S. workers are not fully engaged in their work and are struggling to cope […]


15 Jul, 2012

Study Shows Women are Primary Breadwinners in U.S.


NEWARK, N.J, .July 11, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — The majority of women have emerged as primary breadwinners, whether they like it or not, according to Prudential Financial’s (NYSE:PRU) latest biennial study on the “Financial Experience & Behaviors Among Women.” The study, in its 12th year, finds that 53 percent of the more than 1,400 women […]


15 Jul, 2012

$800 Million Project to Link 4,200 Indian Villages to Services & Markets


MANILA, (ADB Media release) 12 July 2012 – A new four-part $800 million investment program from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will help build 9,000 kilometers of rural roads in five Indian states, connecting 4,200 far-flung communities year-round to crucial markets and services. “Thousands of kilometers of highways between major cities criss-cross India but building […]


12 Jul, 2012

New Masterplan Boosts Aboriginal Tourism Businesses in Top End Australia

MG Media Communications Press Release

Arnhem Land, 9 July 2012 – The Yolngu people of Arnhem Land are embarking on a bold plan to create thriving Indigenous-owned tourism businesses across Australia’s spectacular Top End, boosted today with the announcement of a Federal Government grant of $825,000. The Yolngu Cultural Tourism Masterplan is the first of its kind in Australia and […]


12 Jul, 2012

Early Warning to Global Tourism: U.S. Congress Pushes War With Iran

By Stephen Zunes

Jul. 09, 2012 – In electing Barack Obama in 2008, the American people brought into the White House an outspoken opponent of the U.S. invasion of Iraq who not only withdrew combat forces from that country but promised to “change the mindset” — the idea that the United States could unilaterally make war against oil-rich […]


12 Jul, 2012

China: Negative Influence of US’ Asia Strategy Must Be Eliminated

Zhong Sheng, People's Daily Online Commentary

Beijing, July 11, 2012 – In recent years, cooperation among East Asian countries has maintained a flourishing momentum. The peace, stability and development are common wishes of countries of the region. One major purpose for the economically-gloomy United States to declare its “returning to the Asia-Pacific Region” strategy in this period is to share the […]


11 Jul, 2012

Lloyds Bank Study Pitches “Happiness Impact” of UK Olympics

London, UK (PRWEB UK) 10 July 2012 – A report commissioned by Lloyds Banking Group on the Economic Impact of the UK 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games, also includes a chapter assessing the impact of the events on UK residents’ happiness. The report, covering the period from the winning of the bid in 2005, through […]


10 Jul, 2012

Deutsche Post DHL Study on “The World in 2050” Outlines Five Future Scenarios


Bangkok, 10 July 2012: With its release of the study of the future, “Delivering Tomorrow: Logistics 2050”, Deutsche Post DHL is taking a far-reaching look into the future of trade, business and society. The study examines five different scenarios of life in the year 2050. These five visions of the future are based on a […]


10 Jul, 2012

Australia Appoints First Airline Customer Advocate to Address Complaints


Canberra, (Minister of Infrastructure & Transport), 08 July 2012 – Australia has appointed its first Airline Customer Advocate to look into complaints by airline customers. The position will be jointly funded by the Australian airlines themselves. The following is the full text of the statement by the Minister Anthony Albanese announcing the launch: Today I […]


10 Jul, 2012

Financial Crises and The Future of Global and Asian Banking: Strategy for Known-Unknown

Bank of Thailand Governor Prasarn Trairatvorakul

Speech at Sasin Bangkok Forum 2012 Plenary Session , July 9, 2012 Theme: “Strategy for Known-Unknown”. The critical success factors are 3 Cs: Coordination of regulators, Commitment forged by Inclusiveness, and Communal responsibility to restore market mechanism as a pillar of governance and financial discipline. Good morning. It is an honor to join all of […]


9 Jul, 2012

China Creates New Visa Category to Attract Overseas Talent

People's Daily Online

Beijing, July 09, 2012 – On June 30, the 11th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, passed a new Exit-Entry Administration Law at its 27th meeting. One of the highlights of the new law is a new visa category titled “talent introduction” which aims to attract talented individuals from overseas. The […]


7 Jul, 2012

UN Food Agency Blasts Human Cost of Speculation in Commodities, Crops


6 July 2012, Rome (UN Food and Agriculture Organisation Media Release) – The world needs to take a hard look at speculation on the financial markets and its potential impact on food price volatility, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today at a high-level debate on the issue at FAO Headquarters in Rome. “While […]


7 Jul, 2012

Where Do Women Feel Safe Walking At Night? Gallup Poll Has a Few Surprises

by Steve Crabtree and Faith Nsubuga

WASHINGTON, D.C.  (Gallup Poll) 6 July 2012 — Crime rates typically drop as countries develop socially and economically, partly because their capacity to enforce laws improves and poverty declines. But Gallup data from surveys in 143 countries in 2011 suggest men and women often do not equally share the bolstered sense of security that these […]


7 Jul, 2012

Use of No-Fly List Puts Another U.S. Muslim in Extra-Judicial Exile

Gadeir Abbas

I hope that someday we will all look back in shame at how routinely the United States once barred traveling American Muslims from returning to their country. But while that day may be far off, Ali Ahmed serves as just the latest example of how the misguided and illegal use of the no-fly list imposes […]


6 Jul, 2012

Dr Mahathir, Israeli Columnist to Speak at Palestine Rights Confab in Bangkok

Bangkok – A meeting of the United Nations committee on Palestinian Rights, due to take pace in Bangkok between July 10-11, will give the Asia-Pacific travel & tourism industry a major chance to pursue ways to visit Palestine without seeking a visa from the occupying Israeli authorities. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad will join […]


5 Jul, 2012

How US Uses Sanctions to Hold the World Hostage

Ruan Zongze, People's Daily Online

Beijing, July 05, 2012 – The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently said as China and Singapore have greatly reduced their oil exports from Iran, the United States have decided to give the two countries exemption on Iran oil sanction. The observing period is six months and extendable. The recent situation of the Middle […]


5 Jul, 2012

Bengali Film Awards Bash in Thailand Fumbles With A String Of Indian “Faux Pas”

PATTAYA, Thailand — An awards ceremony held on July 1 to celebrate the best of Bengali cinema instead collapsed in a string of self-confessed “faux pas” to the extent where one of the co-sponsors from Kolkata TV publicly berated the Master of Ceremonies to find a more professional person for next year’s awards. Amidst continuous […]


4 Jul, 2012

Eurozone Crisis Has Little Impact on European Arrivals to Thailand

Bangkok — In spite of the Eurozone crisis, visitor arrivals to Thailand from all the European countries have shown a 10.9% increase in January-May 2012, according to the latest figures released by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The arrivals of 2,690,783 from Europe contributed to a total visitor arrivals count of 8,871,930 in the […]


4 Jul, 2012

New EU App Gives European Summer Travellers Instant Access To Their Rights


Brussels, 4 July 2012 (EU Press Release) – Passengers stranded at airports or awaiting missing luggage may now use a smartphone application to check their rights immediately and on the spot. Just in time for the summer holidays, the European Commission has launched an application for smartphones which covers air and rail transport and works […]


4 Jul, 2012

Travelers Left Behind More Than 8,000 Mobile Devices at Top U.S. Airports


July 03, 2012 – ADDISON, Texas–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Credant Technologies, a company specialising in data protection, today announced the results of their second survey of top airports in the United States. In the last year, travelers left behind 8,016 mobile devices at seven of the largest airports in the country, including: Chicago O’Hare, Denver International, San Francisco […]


4 Jul, 2012

Thoughts of an American Muslim on Independence Day

By Nihad Awad

[Nihad Awad is national executive director for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the U.S.’s largest Muslim civil liberties organization. He can be contacted at: nawad@cair.com] As we mark one of history’s most triumphant acts of liberty, I want to share with you some of the many things America’s Muslims are doing to preserve […]


4 Jul, 2012

Indian Domestic Tourism Pegged at 850 Million Visits in 2011, Up 13.8%

New Delhi, 03-July, 2012 – The number of domestic tourist visits (DTVs) to the States/ UTs during 2011 was 851 million as compared to 748 million in 2010 and 669 million in 2009. During 2011, the number of domestic tourist visits to States/UTs registered an increase of 13.8% over 2010 as compared to increase of […]


4 Jul, 2012

The Great American Mirage

By Stephen S. Roach (China Daily)

2012-07-03 – In September 1998, during the depths of the Asian financial crisis, Alan Greenspan, the US Federal Reserve’s chairman at the time, had a simple message: the US is not an oasis of prosperity in an otherwise struggling world. Greenspan’s point is even closer to the mark today than it was back then. Yes, […]


3 Jul, 2012

PATA Reshuffles the Deck – Again!

Bangkok – The Pacific Asia Travel Association has undergone another reshuffling of the deck with the imminent departure of Stu Lloyd, Senior Director – Marketing and Membership Services, and the appointment of Sheila Leong as Chief Operating Officer, effectively making her the Number Two in the organisation. The departure of Mr. Lloyd as of July […]


30 Jun, 2012

Marketing Survey: Millennials Unlikely To Support Wine-makers That “Try Too Hard”

Napa, CA (PRWEB) June 29, 2012 – Millennials show the least interest towards Millennial targeted wines according to a new national survey conducted by Invictus Marketing, a Napa based interactive marketing agency. The 2012 Millennial Targeted Wines survey report is issued publicly and a copy can be downloaded directly at the Invictus Marketing website. The […]


29 Jun, 2012

New “Beijing Treaty” Firms Up Copyright Protection for Audiovisual Performances


Beijing, June 26, 2012 – The diplomatic conference to finalize a new treaty for audiovisual performers was concluded on June 26, 2012 as negotiators from member states of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) signed the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (BTAP) –  so-named in recognition of the city that hosted the final round of […]


29 Jun, 2012

Stay Out of World Heritage Sites, Global Mining, Energy Giants Warned

26 June 2012 — The global rush for energy and minerals is likely to tempt many multinational corporations to venture into World Heritage Sites, and a report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) warns that they do so at the risk of their reputations and public image. The report, the result of […]


29 Jun, 2012

UN Enlists Fashion Industry to Help Fight Poverty


United Nations, (UN News Centre) – 28 June 2012 – The United Nations today announced its partnership with the fashion industry to fight poverty and provide assistance to millions of women and children worldwide through the Fashion for Development (F4D) initiative. “The fashion industry in the past several years has redefined how to market, how […]


29 Jun, 2012

Parents: 5 Tips To Protect Kids From Abuse And Violence


San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) June 29, 2012 – Many parents are overwhelmed by fear for their kids, asking how they can protect their children from people like Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State coach who held a position of respect and power in his community and was recently convicted of 45 counts of child abuse, […]


29 Jun, 2012

As Eurozone Crisis Bites, EC Targets Tax Fraud And Evasion


Brussels, 27 June 2012, European Commission Press release – Minimum sanctions for tax crimes, a cross-border tax identification number, an EU tax-payer’s charter and stronger common measures against tax havens. These are just some of the concrete ideas that the Commission has put forward today to improve the fight against tax fraud and evasion in […]


29 Jun, 2012

New Aviation Procedures Published to Mitigate Impact of Volcanic Eruptions


MONTREAL, 26 June 2012 (ICAO Press Release) –  The International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF), a special multidisciplinary group established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in response to the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in April 2010, has delivered a series of practical tools and recommendations to significantly mitigate the impact of future volcanic events on international […]


29 Jun, 2012

China Offers US$15 Billion for Latin America Development


SANTIAGO, June 27 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speech at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean (ECLAC) on Tuesday. In order to deepen strategic relations with the region, he announced the creation of a cooperation fund for the region with an initial input of US$5 billion to promote, […]


29 Jun, 2012

South-South Trade Surging, Travel Sure to Follow


Geneva, 26 June 2012 (UNCTAD News Release) – South-South trade has grown dramatically in the past decade to about a quarter of the value of world trade, says UNCTAD’s newly-launched South-South Trade Monitor. The online publication, to be issued twice a year, monitors trade among developing countries. As trade is a precursor of travel trends, […]


29 Jun, 2012

U.S. Mayors: “Papers Please” Provision Will Pose Ethnic, Racial Profiling Challenge


Washington, D.C. June 25, 2012 – The following statement was issued by U.S. Conference of Mayors President, Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter in reaction to the Supreme Court’s Arizona v. United States decision Immigration Law, also known as the ‘Papers Please’ Provision. As with all such statements, it is diplomatically and carefully worded in order […]


28 Jun, 2012

Africa Admits It Was “Ambushed” at Rio+20 Talks

ADDIS ABABA — The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has admitted that African leaders lost the battle at the negotiating table of the recent Rio+20 Earth summit. An official announcement posted on the ECA website on June 25 says frankly that the final outcome document, “The Future We Want”, only looks ahead towards creating […]


27 Jun, 2012

China Advocates South America Trade Deal

By Qin Jize in Buenos Aires and Wang Chenyan in Beijing

2012-06-27, (China Daily) – A free trade deal between China and Mercosur, the South American trade bloc, was proposed on Monday by Premier Wen Jiabao. Analysts said that the deal, if signed, will carry a number of benefits for the highly complementary economies. “We share extensive common interests and we have great potential for further […]


27 Jun, 2012

10 Tips For a Better Night’s Sleep


(PRWEB) June 26, 2012 – Not getting enough sleep can leave individuals feeling tired, less-focused, depressed and more‚ but with busier work schedules and more daily stresses, many Americans are finding it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. Aware of this growing problem, http://www.liporidpm.com presents the top secrets to a better […]


27 Jun, 2012

China to Slash Work Permit Periods for Foreigners

By Zhao Yinan in Beijing and Xu Jingxi in Guangzhou

2012-06-27 (China Daily) – The minimum length for residential work permits for foreigners will be slashed from 180 days to just 90, according to the latest draft of a new immigration law currently under review. The draft law on exit-entry administration is receiving its third review from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress […]


27 Jun, 2012

2012 Shaping Up as Worst Year Ever for Journalists

By Peter Richards

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Jun 25 2012 (IPS) – It’s the type of honour roll that journalists would prefer not to be on. But as an emotional Allison Bethel-McKenzie read out the names of the 72 journalists who have made that grim list so far this year, even Trinidad and Tobago’s president, George Maxwell Richards, […]


27 Jun, 2012

Chinese Middle Class Key to Consumption

By Hong Liang (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-06-26 (China Daily) – Economists have been talking for years about the need to boost domestic consumption to achieve more balanced and sustainable economic growth. To be sure, consumer spending, especially in the larger cities, has been increasing rapidly in the past decade or so. But the rate of increase has persistently lagged behind […]


27 Jun, 2012

China’s Building Boom: Symbol of Affluence or Trap of Luxury?

Shu Xing, China Youth Daily

Beijing, June 26, 2012 (Edited and translated by People’s Daily Online) – I just returned from Shenyang a few days ago and learned that Shenyang is planning the construction project to prepare for the next National Games. One day later, I was told that an indoor stadium, which had cost 800 million yuan and was […]


27 Jun, 2012

China Urges ASEAN To Be Independent

Beijing, June 25, 2012 (China Daily) – China has urged members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations not to be a bystander or “a tool of major powers” to cope with the new challenges in the current global political and economic atmosphere. “ASEAN should exercise its independent judgment to move this region forward. If […]


27 Jun, 2012

Why Are Chinese Listed Companies Withdrawing From US Market?

Source: People's Daily, Author: Yuan Quan and Xie Weiqun

Beijing, June 26, 2012, (People’s Daily Online) – Alibaba.com Limited officially delisted from the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited on June 20, 2012. Delisting seems incredible but the Alibaba.com Limited was not the only one choosing to withdraw from the stock market. On Nov. 2, 2011, Harbin Electric Inc. officially withdrew from the NASDAQ […]


27 Jun, 2012

Chinese Experts: U.S. Economy Cannot Survive on “Cardiac Stimulants”

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition, Author: Luo Lan

Beijing, June 25, 2012 (People’s Daily Online) — The market is paying extremely close attention to the question that whether the United States will launch a third round of quantitative easing (QE3) soon. The Federal Reserve is still holding the conference, but the market’s anticipation on the QE3 has strengthened. On June 19, the three […]


27 Jun, 2012

China’s Gender Ratio Imbalance Set to be Big Problem for “Leftover Men”

Edited and translated by People's Daily Online

Beijing, June 26, 2012 – China’s sex ratio at birth has been rising in the past 30 years. The sex ratio at birth is also known as newborn infant sex ratio. Under natural circumstances, the ratio of every 100 newborn girls to 103 to 107 newborn boys is normal. As the death rate of boys […]


27 Jun, 2012

Top 50 Most Valuable Latin American Brands 2012

NEW YORK, June 22, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Millward Brown, in conjunction with BrandAnalytics and WPP, today announce the inaugural BrandZ Top 50 Most Valuable Latin American Brands. The value of the BrandZ Latam Top 50 is dominated by retail, financial, communication, beer and energy brands. Petrobras, the Brazilian energy giant, topped the ranking with a […]


27 Jun, 2012

RehabTech Asia Expo Aims to Improve Quality of Life for Disabled and Aged

Singapore – Asia’s first and only trade event for the assistive technology (AT), integrated care and rehabilitation engineering (RE) industry will be held from 27 February to 1 March 2013 at Singapore EXPO Convention & Exhibition Centre. The co-organisers are Fiera Milano S.p.A. and Singex Exhibition Ventures Pte Ltd., supported by Singapore Exhibition & Convention […]


26 Jun, 2012

Chinese Company Develops New Technology to Evaluate Digital Advertising

BEIJING, June 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-Asia/ — Since the advent of the new media, most marketers have fancied going digital with their campaigns. Investments in digital advertising are increasing in leaps and bounds, though still small compared to traditional TV advertising. Despite increasing at a faster pace, investment in digital media is challenged by key concerns […]


26 Jun, 2012

“Radical Openness,” Theme of TEDGlobal 2012 Conference


EDINBURGH, Scotland, June 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — TED, the nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading, opens its annual Europe-based TEDGlobal conference today in Edinburgh, Scotland. The conference, this year themed “Radical Openness,” shares the same format as its twin event in Long Beach, CA: inspired leaders, thinkers, makers, and performers from around the globe take […]


26 Jun, 2012

Indonesia To Host Major Conference On Disasters In Asia


BANGKOK, 26 June, 2012 (ISDR Press Release) – The Indonesian government today announced details of the Fifth Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction which it will host in October as the region counts the cost of record-breaking disaster losses over the last year. Indonesia made disaster risk reduction a national priority following the 2004 […]


25 Jun, 2012

U.S. Pilots Seek “Level Playing Field” to Compete Against Foreign Airlines


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In a white paper released on June 12 titled “Leveling the Playing Field for U.S. Airlines and Their Employees,” the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) outlines the clear solutions that the U.S. government must pursue to create a strong U.S. airline industry and fairly position U.S. airlines and their employees to compete and […]


25 Jun, 2012

European Giants Will Wipe Out Local Firms In ASEAN Exhibitions Boom

BANGKOK – The rapid expansion of European exhibition conglomerates in the ASEAN and Asian regions could drive local exhibition companies to “extinction,” the head of the Asian Federation of Exhibition & Convention Associations (AFECA) warned last week. Speaking at the first Thailand MICE International Forum (TMIF) 2012 on June 21, Mr. Edward Liu said that […]


25 Jun, 2012

PATA Finance Chief Says Adieu After Three Difficult Years

Bangkok – Ms. Nawarat Khamsai has resigned as the first Chief Financial Officer of the Pacific Asia Travel Association, effective July 31. Although she described her move as being nothing beyond a normal completion of a three-year term of duty, it will create further image problems for the financially-beleaguered association as it seeks to maintain […]


24 Jun, 2012

As democracies become dictatorships, what future for democracy?

Originally Published:  24 June 2012 One of the most important geopolitical trends in the emerging world order is the slow conversion of democracies into dictatorships, even while they pretend to be defenders of democracy or, still worse, delude themselves into thinking they are defending democracy. As the U.S. government, the self-appointed curator and exporter of […]


21 Jun, 2012

Most Wanted Features of Dream Aircraft: No Kids, No Kicks


EDINBURGH, Scotland, June 19, 2012–(BUSINESS WIRE) — The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is set to take to the UK skies this August, and promises passengers a more pleasurable flying experience with larger windows and LED lighting, but a new survey of over 1000 passengers by Europe’s leading flight comparison site Skyscanner reveals what people really […]


21 Jun, 2012

New Yorkers Get Help Cutting Valet Parking Wait Times


NEW YORK, June 19, 2012 — (BUSINESS WIRE)–Central Parking System, Inc. today announced it has expanded its relationship with Zingle and its text-for-your-car solution. Zingle’s customized solution for Central Parking, known as TEXT N GO, which allows customers to text their valet ticket number and then receive an automatic text response confirming when their car […]


21 Jun, 2012

WorldPay: 1.5% of Airline Online Booking Revenue Lost to Fraud


SAN FRANCISCO June 19, 2012 — (BUSINESS WIRE)–Globally, 66% of airline merchants are seeing fraud levels stay the same or increase as they lose 1.5% of booking revenue to fraudulent transactions, according to the global Perfect Passenger Payment insights report, commissioned by WorldPay. Worryingly, this could be set to increase, with 29% of airlines reporting […]
