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Author Archive

21 Jun, 2012

Denver Airport to Create “Largest Digital Experience” for Advertisers


DENVER, June 19, 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE) — Clear Channel Airports announced it will implement a first-of-its kind digital advertising program at Denver International Airport, the fifth-busiest U.S. airport and eleventh-busiest airport in the world. The Clear Channel Airports program will place Denver International Airport at the forefront of digital video advertising. The installation plan includes […]


21 Jun, 2012

U.S. Consumers See Airline Service Improving, Fast Food Growing as Economy Falls


ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 19, 2012 — (BUSINESS WIRE)–Major airlines are doing a better job of satisfying their passengers this year, according to a report released today by the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). At 67 (on a scale of 0 to 100), customer satisfaction with the airline industry matches its best level in a […]


21 Jun, 2012

Worldwide Spend on Security Products and Services Tops $19 Billion


LONDON, June 20, 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE)–Globally small and medium business Security Market (on-premise and cloud) spend is expected to experience an overall compounded annual growth rate of over 10% for the period of 2011 through 2016. Cloud security services currently accounts for nearly 17% of this total spending and is projected to increase to 24% […]


21 Jun, 2012

Maritz Poll: Online Consumers Want Companies to Listen, Respond


ST. LOUIS, June 07, 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE)–With an ever-growing number of publicly accessible online communication choices available to consumers, a recent Maritz Research Consumer Preferences study shows consumers overwhelmingly want their voices to be heard by companies via the web. They expect companies to be listening and the study also reveals that 85 percent of […]


21 Jun, 2012

Global Study Finds Brands Can Capitalise on “New Mom” Movement


CANNES, France, June 20, 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE) — Yahoo! (NASDAQ:YHOO), the premier digital media company, and Starcom MediaVest Group, shared findings from their year-long, global study, ‘Brave New Moms: Navigating Technology’s Impact on Family Time,’ at the 2012 Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. The study revealed that across generations, age and countries, 84% of […]


20 Jun, 2012

Free Download: Cross-Border Stats Highlighted at Mekong Tourism Forum 2012


Chiang Rai, 12 June 2012 — Cross-border tourism is set to be one of the primary beneficiaries of the growing overland connectivity between the Greater Mekong Subregion countries (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar and Yunnan Province of Southern China). The six countries share the unique advantage of being all land-linked, which means that road and […]


19 Jun, 2012

Myanmar Tourism Industry Warned About Downsides of Gold Rush

CHIANG RAI: The Myanmar tourism industry heard more warnings at the June 13-14 Mekong Tourism Forum to beware the downsides of the tourism gold-rush. Industry stalwarts stressed that they were well aware of the emerging issues, and offered assurances that every effort would be made to do things right. Marking the 20th anniversary since the […]


19 Jun, 2012

Thai Royal Projects Chief: Global Rich-Poor Income Gap Could Trigger Next World War

CHIANG RAI, North Thailand: In a powerful, historic speech at the Mekong Tourism Forum on June 13, a man who has played a key role in one of the world’s most successful opium-eradication projects warned of another world war if the global rich-poor income gap is not addressed. Mr. Disnadda Diskul, Secretary-General of Thailand’s Mae […]


13 Jun, 2012

New “No Sweat” Design Allows Commuters To Run, Bike or Walk to Work


Manchester, MA (PRWEB) June 12, 2012 – For people that would love to ride a bike or run to work but can’t find a place to shower, change, or secure their gear and get ready for the work day, there is a solution! GreenSpace has pioneered a project that promises to revolutionize the workday commute. […]


13 Jun, 2012

Global Students Compete To Achieve Change in Volvo Adventure Awards


Rockleigh, N.J. (PRWEB) June 12, 2012 — Students from all over the world united in Gothenburg at the Volvo Adventure Awards to battle it out to be crowned winner of the world-class environmental education programme. After experiencing tough competition across more than 45 countries, just 12 teams remained to fight for the coveted Volvo Adventure […]


13 Jun, 2012

Savvy Summer Travelers Find Free Ways to Communicate on Phones, Devices


Marina del Rey, CA (PRWEB) June 12, 2012 — Summer travelers agree that it’s costly to communicate on the road and are looking for alternatives to save money, according to a new survey by leading free mobile communications app, textPlus. Over 500 respondents shared their habits when it comes to communicating while traveling both domestically […]


13 Jun, 2012

Female Traders Surge in Money Markets, Do More Research, Take Less Risk


LONDON, June 12, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Figures show that the average annual profit of the top 20 female traders with City Index is £271,225. Who are they and how do they do it? Since 2001, the number of female traders opening accounts with City Index has risen by 1434%; with the number of trades being […]


12 Jun, 2012

Thai Royal Projects to Get More Global Prominence at Mekong Tourism Forum

CHIANG RAI, North Thailand – In yet another indicator of their growing popularity on the global travel scene, Thailand’s royal projects are to be the subject of the opening keynote speech at the Mekong Tourism Forum that got under way here today. Mr Disnadda Diskul, Chairman, Doi Tung Development Project, will address the June 13 […]


12 Jun, 2012

Cleared of Trumped Up Graft Charges, Tourism Malaysia Chief Returns to Work


KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 (Bernama and Malaysian media reports) — Datuk Mirza Mohammd Taiyab Beg has returned to duty, as Tourism Malaysia director-general, effective June 11, the tourism promotion agency said in a statement. The decision for Mirza’s return was made by the disciplinary board of Tourism Malaysia following his acquittal by the Sessions Court, […]


12 Jun, 2012

Ahead of Rio+20, Global Trades Union Demand “New Development Paradigm”

ITUC Media Release

Rio de Janeiro, 11 June 2012: The 3 day Trade Union Assembly organised jointly by the ITUC and Sustainlabour started today ahead of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that is due to start next week. Trade unions have been lobbying world leaders, who will meet next week to revitalise commitments around sustainability, employment, […]


11 Jun, 2012

Are Security Agencies Spying on Muslim Travellers Worldwide?

A lawsuit filed on June 6 against the New York Police Department exposing how it allegedly spies on Muslim communities, businesses, mosques and individuals has raised serious questions about whether security and intelligence agencies of the U.S. and its geopolitical allies also similarly spy on Muslims, especially Muslim travellers, worldwide. With patience running thin amongst […]


11 Jun, 2012

OECD’s First Pensions Report: Those Who Live Longer, Will Have To Work Longer


Paris, 11 June 2012 – In a move that could impact on travel trends from the industrialised countries, especially by the growing numbers of senior citizens, the OECD report has issued a report calling for a revamp of pension schemes in order to keep ageing citizens at work for several years beyond present retirement age. […]


11 Jun, 2012

New Service Strives to Help More Americans Get Passports – Fast


(PRWEB) June 10, 2012 – Based on a study published by Data.gov, states such as New Jersey and Alaska have the highest passport ownership rates above 60% of the population. However, inland states such as Mississippi have passport ownership rates as low as 20% of the population. Such a figure is good news for expedited […]


10 Jun, 2012

U.S. Muslims sue NYPD for “unconstitutional surveillance”

Originally Published:  10 June 2012 In a move that could well have global ramifications involving the legal border-line between national security and rule of law, a group of Muslim communities, businesses, mosques and individuals in the U.S. last week filed a lawsuit against the New York City Police Department over allegations of unconstitutional surveillance. The […]


8 Jun, 2012

Myanmar, Bhutan Tourism Market Briefs — Free Download


BANGKOK, 7 June 2012 – Country presentations by Myanmar and Bhutan were among the highlights of briefing sessions organised at the Thailand Travel Mart Plus Amazing Gateway to The Greater Mekong Subregion (TTM+2012) during 06-08 June 2012. Other countries that made presentations are Vietnam, Cambodia as well as Thailand itself. A sixth presentation was on […]


8 Jun, 2012

In Parting Shot, Ousted Thai Airways Chief Blows Whistle on Festering “Poor Governance”

BANGKOK – Making an unscheduled departure well before the official end of his four-year contract, the President of Thai Airways International has blown the whistle on a several instances of alleged poor governance, corruption and nepotism. Addressing the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) on June 1, Mr. Piyasvasti Amranand admitted having failed to adequately […]


7 Jun, 2012

Planned Israeli Settlements In West Bank Violate International Law, Says UN Envoy


United Nations, 7 June 2012 (UN News Centre) – A top United Nations envoy today reiterated that all settlement construction in the occupied Palestinian territory represents a breach of international law, after the Israeli Government announced it will build 300 new units in the Beit El settlement. “All settlement construction – whether on private Palestinian […]


7 Jun, 2012

Muslim Advocates Files First Lawsuit By Victims of NYPD Spying Program


(Newark, NJ) – June 6, 2012 – Today, Muslim Advocates filed an unprecedented lawsuit against the New York Police Department challenging its policy of targeting innocent American Muslims for surveillance based on their faith.  It is the first lawsuit by victims of the NYPD’s discriminatory spying program. The lawsuit, Hassan, et al. v. City of New York, […]


6 Jun, 2012

Travel Agents Head List of Occupations Most Likely to Gain Weight – CareerBuilder Survey


CHICAGO, June 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Workplace treats have your pants feeling a little tighter than usual? A new CareerBuilder survey found two-in-five workers (44 percent) said they have gained weight at their current job, on par with previous studies. Twenty-six percent of workers gained over 10 pounds, and 14 percent gained over 20 pounds. […]


6 Jun, 2012

Telecoms Union Calls for Reduced e-Waste By Stretching Life of Device


Geneva, 5 June 2012 (International Telecommunications Union) – Participants at the 7th ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change have issued a Declaration that encourages ICT manufacturers to make their products more easily upgradable without need for replacing the entire device. The call to promote a life cycle approach in the design of […]


6 Jun, 2012

Economic Slump, Geopolitical Change Affecting Workers Worldwide, Survey Shows


6 June 2012 (International Trades Union Congress): 2011 was a difficult and often dangerous year for workers throughout world, with those who dared stand up for their trade union rights facing dismissal, arrest, imprisonment and even death. That in essence is the picture that emerges from the annual survey of trade union rights violations published […]


6 Jun, 2012

Asia’s “Green Challenge”: Changing Consumption Patterns, Emission Cuts & Management of Water & Chemicals


6 June 2012 – On the eve of the landmark Rio+20 conference in Brazil, the UN Environment Programme has issued the following Global Environment Outlook 5 (GEO 5) summary for Asia and the Pacific Region:


5 Jun, 2012

UN Environment Programme Names Its ‘2012 Champions Of The Earth’


New York, 4 Jun 2012: A country president, a banker, an aeronaut, a scientist, a renewable energy businessman and a conservationist were today named as the six winners of the United Nations Champions of the Earth 2012 award, given to those whose actions and leadership have had a positive impact on the environment. “As the world […]


5 Jun, 2012

UN Security Council Told: If Opportunity Missed, Dangerous ‘One-State’ Solution Could Result


United Nations, (UN Department of Public Information) 29 May 2012 – Describing a mix of positive potential in the recent “quiet engagement” between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, as well as concurrent destabilizing events, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process warned the Security Council this morning that if current opportunities were not seized […]


5 Jun, 2012

As Power Shifts, West Will Lose Ability To Push The Rest

Prof Ramesh Thakur

CANBERRA, 4 June 2012 — The United Nations is located at the cross-section of Interdependence Avenue and Multilateral Cooperation Street in Manhattan. But its destiny lies at the intersection of Indifference Avenue and Hostility Street in Washington. That was the case, at least, under the George W. Bush administration through the mode of John Bolton, the United […]


5 Jun, 2012

Jobs for Youth Top Priority In Post-Conflict Nations: UN Peacebuilding Chief


United Nations,  4 Jun 2012 (UN News Centre) — United Nations officials today stressed the need for partnerships across governments, the private sector and civil society to urgently tackle the challenge of job creation in post-conflict countries, especially for young people, who make up the bulk of these populations. “Job creation, especially for young people, […]


5 Jun, 2012

Changing Face of Landscape Where Jesus Once Walked

Mazin Qumsiyeh Ph.D.

BETHLEHEM (4 June 2012) : It seems like yesterday that we watched Israeli tanks rolling down the hills towards our sleepy town of Beit Sahour 45 years ago today. As a child it was the most frightening sight. The second stage of the Zionist expansion on the land of Palestine unleashed terror that our generation […]


5 Jun, 2012

UN Chief Upholds Role of Women, Youth in Peaceful Settlement of Palestine Conflict


Paris, (UN Department of Public Information) 30 May 2012 – Stressing the important role of Palestinian women and youth in achieving a durable peace between Israel and the Palestinians, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for a greater say for both groups in decision-making, as he kicked off the United Nations International Meeting in Support of the […]


5 Jun, 2012

Impact of Israeli Occupation on Housing, Health Care, Jobs for Palestinian Women, Youth


PARIS, (UN Department of Public Information) 30 May 2012 — The Israeli occupation’s harsh socio-economic impact on Palestinian youth and women and the subsequent challenges and home-grown and global efforts to improve their lot were examined this afternoon as the United Nations International Meeting on the Question of Palestine held its first plenary session in […]


5 Jun, 2012

Speakers Outraged at Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Civilians


PARIS, (UN Department of Public Information), 31 May 2012 — The role of information technology in Palestinian social cohesion and state-building, strategies to bolster education and the need to hold Israel to account for human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territory were examined this morning as the United Nations International Meeting on the Question […]


5 Jun, 2012

Call for Different Kind of Diplomacy to Resolve Palestine Conflict


PARIS, (UN Department of Public Information) 31 May 2012 — The need to change the Israeli mindset towards Palestinians, dismantle Israeli settlements, apply rights-based diplomacy to end the conflict, and better coordinate civil society and United Nations efforts on the ground took centre stage as the United Nations International Meeting on the Question of Palestine […]


5 Jun, 2012

China-Bashing U.S. Politicians “Playing A Foolish Game”

Chen Weihua (China Daily)

Beijing (1 June 2012) – People in China get upset by the China-bashing rhetoric of people like Mitt Romney, who won the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, or the celebrity businessman, Donald Trump. But is it worth getting angry at their crowd-pleasing antics? I think it is better just to ignore them. Even the conservative […]


5 Jun, 2012

Chinese Commentator Urges Efforts to Counterbalance U.S. Domination of Global Opinion Market

By Wang Lili (China Daily)

Beijing (2 June 2012) – China urgently needs to carry out more effective public diplomacy if it is to overcome the misunderstandings, prejudice and suspicions that people in other countries have toward it. Public diplomacy is an indispensable part of a country’s approach to foreign relations as well as an important supplement to its traditional […]


5 Jun, 2012

China Continues to Prop Up Growth in Arrivals to Australia


Canberra, 04 June 2012 (Australian government media release) — New figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics show visitors to Australia grew by a slow 1% April 2012, compared to April 2011. China provided most of this growth with a 34% increase in April 2012. It helped offset a 28% decline in arrivals […]


5 Jun, 2012

Spending Boost To Help Make More Australian Students “Asia Literate”


Canberra, 4 June 2012 (Australian government media release) — More students will be encouraged to learn Asian languages and cultures with the Gillard Government providing another $87, 000 funding to support the work of the Asia Education Foundation (AEF), School Education Minister Peter Garrett said today. The funding will go towards three projects which will […]


5 Jun, 2012

New Branding Slogan Sealed: “All That Glitters is Not Gold, But Myanmar Is”

Imtiaz Muqbil at the World Economic Forum East Asia Summit

Bangkok, (1 June 2012) – With the tourism gold rush in full swing, Burmese Vice Minister for Hotels & Tourism U Htay Aung says the industry will “learn from the mistakes” of other countries in ASEAN. However, he is realistic enough to recognise that that may be easier said than done.


5 Jun, 2012

ILO Report Outlines Dire Situation Of Workers In Israeli-Occupied Territories


GENEVA (ILO News), 04 June 2012 – The situation of workers in the occupied Arab territories is extremely worrying and remains precarious according to the annual report of the International Labour Organization (ILO) submitted to the 101st Session of the International Labour Conference. This is above all due to the realities of the occupation on […]


2 Jun, 2012

India Mulling Mandalay-Imphal Bus Service To Boost Travel to Myanmar


In an address to business leaders and academics in Myanmar on May 29, 2012, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said India is considering the launch of a bus service from Mandalay to Imphal, capital of the Northeast Indian state of Manipur. He also met with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and announced that she had been […]


2 Jun, 2012

Blaming the Victim in Palestine is Like Saying Colonialism was Good for the Natives

by Yousef Munayyer

Jun 1, 2012 — In the wake of the commemoration of the Nakba last month, several Zionist commentaries appearing in both several Israeli publications and American publications have highlighted a similar and disturbing trend; they blame the victims of the Nakba for their fate. So what does it take to describe the depopulation of 500 […]


2 Jun, 2012

Careers & Dreams Delayed as 12% of US Young Adults Remain Jobless


WASHINGTON, June 01, 2012, (BUSINESS WIRE)–Generation Opportunity, one of America’s largest organizations connecting with young adults through a strategy of social media outreach coupled with on-the-ground grassroots organizing, is today releasing the non-seasonally adjusted (NSA) 18-29 unemployment rate data for May: The youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds specifically (NSA) for May 2012 is […]


2 Jun, 2012

Facebook Hit By Class Action Lawsuit for Alleged U.S. Securities Act Violations


SAN FRANCISCO, June 1, 2012 –(BUSINESS WIRE) — The U.S. law firm, Pearson, Simon, Warshaw & Penny, LLP filed on May 31, 2012, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, a securities class action against Facebook, Inc., its officers and directors who signed Facebook’s registration statement, and the lead underwriters […]


31 May, 2012

Economic Sentiment Indicator Falls Sharply in Both EU and Eurozone


Brussels, 30 May 2012 (Europa Press Release) – The Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) decreased sharply in May, falling by 2.7 points in the EU and by 2.3 points in the euro area, to 90.5 and 90.6, respectively. In both zones the decline was driven by falling confidence in all business sectors, especially in industry and […]


31 May, 2012

92% of Beaches at EU Holiday Destinations Meet Water Quality Standards


Brussels, 23 May (Europa Press Release) – Good news if you’re planning a beach holiday in Europe this summer. 92.1 % of bathing waters in the European Union now meet the minimum water quality standards set by the Bathing Water Directive. This includes the Serpentine Lake in London, which will host several Olympics events, including the […]


31 May, 2012

Dell Funds Report Encouraging Corporate Whistleblowers to Speak Up


ARLINGTON, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–New findings by the Ethics Resource Center (ERC) will shatter long-held perceptions of what constitutes a “whistleblower.” For years, the term has been used to describe those employees who go outside their company to report wrongdoing. They may do so because they do not trust their company to handle the issue appropriately or […]


31 May, 2012

Global Labour Organisation Chief Gives Myanmar Same Importance as Palestine

Juan Somavia, Director-General, International Labour Organisation

Address to the Plenary, 101st International Labour Conference, Geneva, 30 May 2012. We know that it’s time for a policy rethink. The financial crash of 2008 signalled the beginning of the end of the current growth and globalization model as I described last year in my report on “A new era of social justice”. Four […]


31 May, 2012

China to Arab World: “Historical Opportunity” For New Era of Bilateral Relations

By Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister of China

An Article Written in the Run-up to the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, May 30, 2012 On 31 May, the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) will be held in Tunisia. At the beginning of 2004, President Hu Jintao paid a historic visit to the headquarters of […]


30 May, 2012

ADB Sees Asia Needing US$8 Trillion to Fund Infrastructure; Australia Tops PPP Schemes


MANILA, Philippines (ADB Media Release) – Asia and the Pacific has seen a boom in public private partnerships (PPPs) in the past decade but it needs more effective public sector oversight agencies, and in some instances more political will, to advance the process even further, says a new study commissioned by the Asian Development Bank […]


30 May, 2012

Road Union Makes Proposals to Double Bus & Coach Users in EU


Brussels, 30 May 2012 – The International Road Transport Union (IRU), in cooperation with the European Commission, launched the Public-Private Smart Move High Level Group (HLG) yesterday, with the objective to elaborate, concrete policy and business recommendations on how to double the number of users of passenger transport by bus, coach and taxis in the […]


30 May, 2012

Countdown Begins for World Environment Day, 5 June


Nairobi/Rio de Janeiro, 30 May 2012 – From the floor of the National Senate, to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the countdown to World Environment Day (WED) on 5 June 2012 is well underway in Brazil. This year’s host country is preparing to lead what promises to be the largest WED celebrations in the […]


29 May, 2012

India, Myanmar Agree To Upgrade Road Link With Thailand by 2016

India and Myanmar have pledged to complete the road link from Moreh in India to Mae Sot in Thailand via Myanmar by 2016. The agreement was reached during the visit by Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to Myanmar which ended on May 29. The road will complete one of the most important missing links […]


29 May, 2012

University Students Harnessing Mobile Technology For Social Change, Crisis Management


CAMBRIDGE, MASS (PRWEB) May 25, 2012 — Students from Harvard and Berkeley, in cooperation with the World Mind Network, Peer to Peer Media Group, and the Creative Commons Initiative, are building a new social network dedicated to using a multitude of Web and Smart Phone apps to build projects in a few hours which achieve […]


29 May, 2012

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Pioneer Launches Awareness Campaign About Facebook Addiction


Malibu, CA (PRWEB) May 25, 2012 — Dr. Akikur Mohammad, Founder of Inspire Malibu, recognized by many as the top addiction treatment center in Malibu, California and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California (http://www.USC.edu), announced today that his team at Inspire Malibu is launching an awareness […]


29 May, 2012

Worst Online Advertising Mistakes of 2012


Reno, NV (PRWEB) May 25, 2012 – Preventable online advertising mistakes in 2012 continue to cost US businesses precious advertising dollars and some are even losing out completely. As pay per click management firm Webrageous explains, in the current financial climate businesses cannot afford to continue making these costly mistakes. Webrageous Marketing Director David Chapman […]


29 May, 2012

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games a Model of Corruption Prevention

By Li Yao, China Daily

Beijing, 2012-05-28 – China’s top anti-corruption officials have vowed to share their experience of running “corruption-free” Beijing Olympic Games as a model to others in the country’s battle against official greed. Huang Shuxian, deputy chief of the Communist Party of China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, spoke highly of China’s experience of holding clean Olympic […]


29 May, 2012

Much-Needed Cooling Awaits China As West Slows Growth

By Clem Chamber (Global Times)

Beijing, May 25, 2012 – Developing countries are now drastically out-competing the developed world. Capital is flowing away from “rich” countries to emerging ones via the huge trade deficits of developed nations. The US, with its ever-widening gap reaching $51.8 billion this March, serves as the prime example. Trade surpluses of the developing world, meanwhile, […]


29 May, 2012

Human Rights: China Hits Back At “Uncle Sam’s Hypocrisy”

China Daily Commentary

BEIJING, May 28 (Xinhuanet) — In response to the United States’ biased annual country reports on human rights practices released on Thursday, China’s Information Office of the State Council issued its own report on Friday revealing the true human rights situation in the US. The report, titled the “Human Rights Record of the United States in […]


29 May, 2012

Weak Euro Strengthens Attraction for Chinese Tourists

By Tan Zongyang in Fuzhou and Xu Jingxi in Guangzhou ( China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-05-29 – Wang Yalan is traveling to Europe again this year as the falling euro is prompting a rise in Chinese tourists. “The expenses for local transportation and accommodation in European countries are high, especially when I prefer to travel by myself rather than join tour groups,” said Wang, who has a budget of […]


28 May, 2012

Chinese, Thais Lead Gold Rush for Myanmar’s Energy, Natural Resources

Dr.Kan Zaw, Deputy Minister for National Planning & Economic Development

Edited excerpts of speech delivered on 21 May 2012 at the 68th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand. In Myanmar, the new government was formed on 30th March 2011 in accord with the new administrative mechanism so Union government and State and Region governments were also […]


28 May, 2012

Yen – Yuan Direct Trading Likely to Start in June

Kyodo News Agency

BEIJING May 27, 2012 — Japan and China are expected to start directly trading their currencies in June as part of efforts to boost bilateral trade and investment, financial sources in Beijing said Saturday. With the new step, exchange rates between the yen and the yuan will be determined solely by transactions of the two […]


28 May, 2012

Preparing for “Asian Century,” Australia Eases Visas to Draw Rich & Talented

Canberra, 25 May 2012 — The Australian Government has announced the launch of a new visa program, the Significant Investor visa, targeting migrants who could make an investment of at least $5 million in the Australian economy. It has also approved its first Enterprise Migration Agreement (EMA), granted to help a new iron ore mining […]


27 May, 2012

“Experience An Exotic Music Festival In a Rainforest” & More


A compilation of stories of interesting events and developments in the world of Islam for the week ending 27 May 2012. Pls click on any of the headlines to go to the story.


27 May, 2012

Dynamics of Emerging New World Order on Full Display at ESCAP Annual Summit

Originally Published: 27 May 2012 The trials, tribulations, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the emerging New World Order and the rise of the Asian Century were on full display at the 68th session of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific held in Bangkok last week. While the Asian countries […]


25 May, 2012

New UN Website Fosters Sharing Of Sustainable Development Projects


United Nations, May 23 2012 (UN News Centre) – The United Nations today launched a new online database to strengthen partnerships between sustainable development projects in developing countries and enable communities to better manage their natural resources and local environment. The first online portal of its kind, the South-South Cooperation Exchange Mechanism will feature a […]


25 May, 2012

Asia-Pacific Speaks: “G20 Has Made Little Progress in Strengthening Global Growth”

Dr Noeleen Heyzer

Opening Statement Delivered by Dr. Noeleen Heyzer, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and ESCAP Executive Secretary at the 3rd High Level Consultation on the G20 Cannes Summit, organised during the 68th Session of the ESCAP Commission, Bangkok, Thailand, on 23 May 2012 In October last year, representatives of 28 ESCAP member States convened here in Bangkok, at […]


25 May, 2012

UN Declares 2013-2022 as “Asia-Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities”

travel impact newswire exclusive

BANGKOK – In what could prove to be a golden opportunity for the global travel & tourism industry to enhance its contribution to society, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) has officially declared 2013-2022 as the “Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities” and invited all stakeholders to […]


24 May, 2012

Ultra High Definition Television: Threshold Of a New Age

International Telecommunications Union

Geneva, 24 May 2012 (ITU Media Release) – The International Telecommunications Union has announced a new Recommendation that represents a major advance in television broadcasting that will create an entirely new television broadcast environment with the advent of ‘Ultra High Definition Television’ or UHDTV. ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) has developed the standard – or Recommendation […]


24 May, 2012

Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal


Published: May 23, 2012 in the International Herald Tribune and distributed by the Jerusalem Fund and the Palestine Centre. I’M a Palestinian who was born in the Israeli town of Lod, and thus I am an Israeli citizen. My wife is not; she is a Palestinian from Nablus in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Despite our […]


22 May, 2012

The “Nakba” Continues – So Does The “White Intifada”

Ranjan Solomon

Indeed, the Nakba continues – So does the resistance! Palestinians and their supporters peacefully demonstrated in the Palestinian territories, and around the world on May 15 to mark the anniversary of the Nakba. (Nakba is the Arabic word which means ‘disaster’). To the Palestinians, the founding of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948 […]


22 May, 2012

Travel & Tourism Will Feel The Heat of India’s “White Paper on Black Money”

In a move that is set to have a significant impact on the way India, Indian companies and Indian people do business, the Manmohan Singh administration has published a unique battle plan outlining its “crusade” against tax avoidance and evasion. The “White Paper on Black Money”, published on May 21 goes into copious detail about […]


18 May, 2012

Zionist Jews Continuing Efforts to Wipe Palestine Off the Map


The following is a briefing report on the 342nd meeting of the Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People which took place at the UN headquarters in New York on May 16 May 2012. This committee has met 342 times and effectively achieved nothing. In fact, the relentless Zionist effort to wipe Palestine […]


18 May, 2012

Job-rich Growth Essential for G20 Recovery, say OECD & ILO


Joint statement by ILO Director-General Juan Somavia and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría on the occasion of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting, Guadalajara, Mexico, 17 May 2012 17/05/2012 – We, the Heads of the International Labour Organization and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, call upon the Ministers of Labour and Employment of […]


18 May, 2012

Xinhua Insight: Global Regulators Seek Solution to Regulatory, Financial Challenges


BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) — As the world’s equity markets jitter over the fallout of JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s two-billion-U.S.-dollar trading loss and fret about a likely Greek default, global securities regulators are trying to find a solution to minimize the impact. More than 500 representatives from securities regulatory agencies from 203 countries and […]


18 May, 2012

Yuan Full Convertibility “Just Around the Corner”

By Wang Xiaotian (China Daily)

2012-05-17 – China’s currency is just around the corner from being fully convertible and the economy’s capital account is already far more convertible than outside institutions give it credit for, said China’s top securities regulator on Wednesday. “At present, we have a very good chance to carry out the strategy of realizing convertibility of (the) […]


18 May, 2012

China Pressing Ahead With Diversification of Reserves

By Wei Tian in Beijing and Zhang Yuwei in New York (China Daily)

Originally published on 2012-05-17 – China remains the largest foreign holder of US Treasury securities, a “safe haven” amid the eurozone crisis, but an ongoing decline in these holdings reflects the country’s determination to diversify its foreign reserves, experts said. China boosted its stockpile of the securities by $14.7 billion to $1.17 trillion in March, […]


17 May, 2012

World Health Statistics 2012 Report Out, Shows Diabetes, Hypertension On The Rise


16 May 2012, Geneva (World Health Organisation) – The World Health Statistics 2012 report, released today, puts the spotlight on the growing problem of the noncommunicable diseases burden. One in three adults worldwide, according to the report, has raised blood pressure – a condition that causes around half of all deaths from stroke and heart […]


16 May, 2012

Work-Family Balance Benefits Families And Society At Large: UN Chief


United Nations, May 15 2012 (UN News Centre) – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has highlighted the need for work-family balance for the benefit of families and society at large, adding that while flexible working arrangements are becoming more widely available, there is much room for improvement. “We need to respond to the ever-changing complexities of work […]


16 May, 2012

Palestinians Mark Nakba, Seek Freedom from Israeli Occupation

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.

On this 64th anniversary of the Nakba we mourn the ethnic cleansing that began in 1948 and that continues today with silent transfer, home demolitions, land confiscation and more. But we also celebrate an amazing resilience and success of the Palestinian endogenous people against incredible odds: – We just celebrated the success of a hunger […]


16 May, 2012

Young People Jobs Crisis Shows How This Generation Has Failed the Next

Imtiaz Muqbil

Two reports and fact-sheets produced respectively by the International Trades Union Congress (ITUC) and the Organisation of Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) on May 15 and 16 have highlighted the catastrophic impact of the economic slowdown on the young people, especially in the OECD area. Released in advance of the G20 Labour Ministers Meeting in Mexico […]


15 May, 2012

UK Becoming Victim of Its Own Visitor Visa Hassles: ETOA


London, 15 May 2012, (ETOA Media Release) – On Tuesday May 15th at 11.00 am the UK’s Immigration Minister, Damian Green, appeared before the British parliament’s Home Affairs Committee to answer questions about queues at passport control in Heathrow Airport. Simultaneously, the European Tour Operators Association (ETOA) released a statement pointing out that the problems […]


15 May, 2012

Anti-Arab/Muslim Image Will Impact Summer Travel to Europe: UNWTO-ETC study

Cultural and religious issues, including a perception of anti-Muslim bias or association with terrorism, is one of numerous factors affecting travel from the Middle East to the Europe. Another key factor, directly related to the same “perception” problem, is the time it takes to get a visa, according to a study on the Middle East […]


15 May, 2012

Thai King’s Reforestation Project Wows UNWTO Delegates

CHIANG MAI – The sufficiency economy concept of Thailand’s King Bhumibhol Adulyadej gained further prominence on the global tourism development agenda last week with a visit to the Huai Hong Khrai Royal Development Centre being included on the technical-tour programme of a regional UN World Tourism Organisation conference. The May 4 visit was an eye-opening […]


15 May, 2012

G-8 / EU: “Global Financial Transaction Tax, A Human Rights Imperative”


Geneva, UNHCR, (14 May 2012) – As European Union Finance Ministers meet on 15 May to coincide with the G-8 Summit in Camp David, a group of United Nations independent experts urged the EU to take the lead in promoting the adoption of a global financial transaction tax to offset the costs of the enduring […]


15 May, 2012

PATA Pushes Pugnacious New Policy Posture

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is pushing a table-thumping public advocacy posture designed to speak out more forcefully on issues affecting the regional travel & tourism industry. The policy posture was adopted almost immediately after the CEO Martin Craigs assumed office in November 2011 and stepped up at the UN World Tourism Organisation’s regional […]


14 May, 2012

Tourism Could Benefit From Historic Pact To Prevent Land-Grabs

11 May 2012, Rome (Food and Agriculture Organisation) – In a landmark decision designed to help prevent land-grabs, especially in developing countries, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) endorsed a set of far-reaching global guidelines aimed at helping governments safeguard the rights of people to own or access land, forests and fisheries. The new […]


13 May, 2012

How colonialism has impacted on the world’s indigenous peoples

Originally Published: 13 May 2012 An intense and fascinating debate on the legacy of colonialism and its impact on the world’s indigenous peoples took place at the UN headquarters in New York between May 7-9. The 11th session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues focussed on the special theme: “The Doctrine of Discovery: Its […]


13 May, 2012

Gallup Poll: Southeast Asian Leaders Earn Highest Job Approval in Asia

by Melanie Standish

WASHINGTON, D.C. May 11, 2012 — Majorities in more than half of the 21 Asian countries and regions Gallup surveyed in 2011 approved of their chief executives, with leaders in Southeast and South Asia earning some of the highest marks in the region. Laotians, Cambodians, and Sri Lankans were the most likely to express support […]


11 May, 2012

Myanmar Set To Rejoin UNWTO


Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 7 May 2012 (UNWTO Press Release) – The President of Myanmar, U Thein Sein, has announced the country will initiate the process of restoring its membership of UNWTO. The decision was confirmed during an official visit of UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. On the occasion, highlighting the role of tourism in the […]


11 May, 2012

EIU Survey Shows 47% Of Respondents Expect At Least One Country to Exit Eurozone


LONDON, May 10, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The second annual BNY Mellon-sponsored survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has found that almost half (47%) of respondents believe that we will see the exit from the euro zone of one or more peripheral countries in the next 12 months, and only 17% of survey respondents consider […]


11 May, 2012

Gallup Poll: Majority Worldwide Sees Widespread Corruption in Businesses


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 10, 2012, — About two in three adults worldwide believe corruption is widespread in the businesses in their countries. This belief is relatively commonplace everywhere in the world — ranging from 60% in the U.S. and Canada to a high of 76% in sub-Saharan Africa — but it tends to be higher […]


11 May, 2012

Bird-Watching Can Help Eco-Tourism Fly High in a Green Economy – UNEP Report


Bonn/Nairobi, 10 May 2012 – Migratory birds undertake some of the most daring journeys in the animal kingdom, often covering thousands of kilometers to migrate. And the growing fan base of these winged adventurers is now presenting economic opportunities through sustainable tourism. . On 12-13 May 2012, the economic benefits of supporting the world’s migratory […]


10 May, 2012

How Colonialism Crushed The World’s Indigenous Peoples (Part 2)


Part 2 of the transcript outlining discussions in the open United Nations debate at The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the special theme for the year:  “The Doctrine of Discovery:  its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on […]


10 May, 2012

How Colonialism Crushed The World’s Indigenous Peoples (Part 3)


Part 3 of the transcript outlining discussions in the open United Nations debate at The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the special theme for the year:  “The Doctrine of Discovery:  its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on […]


9 May, 2012

Slow Internet Speed #1 Service Problem for Mobile Users; Cost of Data and Dropped Calls Follow


Worthington, OH (PRWEB) May 08, 2012 – Although many smartphone and tablet users rely heavily on their devices (nearly half of Smartphone Users (45.8%) say their smartphone is their life), these technological wonders are not perfect and service providers are not 100% reliable. Mobile Users cite slow Internet speed, the high cost of data and […]


9 May, 2012

Chinese Investors Seek Real Estate Deals in Southern California


Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) May 08, 2012 – The 2nd Chinese Investment in the US Real Estate Forum is to be drawing U.S. real estate developers, property owners, financial advisors, attorneys, investment bankers, and industry executives, and venture capitalists, among others, to be educated on the latest happenings in China-US real estate investment. The June […]


9 May, 2012

Young Drivers Say Texting While Driving is Dangerous, Yet Many Admit to Doing It

Yonkers, NY (PRWEB) May 08, 2012 – While the vast majority of young drivers aged 16-21 agree that texting, using smart-phone apps, or accessing the Internet while driving is very dangerous, nearly a third (29 percent) admitted in a Consumer Reports survey that they had, in fact, texted while behind the wheel in the past […]
