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Author Archive

25 Aug, 2011

Who–and What–Are Behind the “Official History” of the Bin Laden Raid? | Common Dreams

The establishment media just keep getting worse. They’re further and further from good, tough investigative journalism, and more prone to be pawns in complicated games that affect the public interest in untold ways. A significant recent example is The New Yorker’s vaunted August 8 exclusive on the vanquishing of Osama bin Laden. via Who–and What–Are […]


25 Aug, 2011

Libya: Obama’s Pyrrhic Victory by Justin Raimondo — Antiwar.com

As the rebels march into Tripoli, and Gadhafi is nowhere to be found, the unelected National Transitional Council (NTC), which claims to be the only legitimate government, has already issued a draft “constitution,” one replete with references to all sorts of “rights” – free speech, assembly, democratic elections, etc. There’s just one little provision – […]


25 Aug, 2011

As Qaddafi Falls, K Street Rises – NationalJournal.com

Influence peddlers who once worked for Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi’s regime are scrambling to publicly sever ties with the strongman while their competitors are helping his country’s rebels gain a valuable foothold in Washington. After years spent working under the radar, public-affairs firm Brown Lloyd James and the consultancy Monitor Group this summer disclosed millions […]


25 Aug, 2011

What a global food crisis looks like: Oxfam’s food prices map


What causes food price spikes? Failed crops—often caused by our changing climate—hit food prices hard. So does the rising cost of oil—used to grow, fertilize and transport food. Short-sighted biofuels strategies play a part too—taking food off of people’s plates and putting it into car tanks. And dysfunctional commodities markets mean that food prices go […]


25 Aug, 2011

R$2.4 billion of Hotel Investments for World Cup 2014


With all eyes set firmly on 2014, the year when Brazil will host the FIFA World Cup football competition, the industry is forecasting investments of R$2.4 billion to build 92 new hotels in the 12 cities that will host the tournament. The figures come from a study carried out for the Folha de S.Paulo by […]


25 Aug, 2011

Cross-Border Transactions Rise 50% to Half of Global Direct Real Estate Investment


Cross-border transactions rose 50 percent to comprise half of the $103.5 billion[1] of direct commercial real estate investment transactions completed in the second quarter of 2011, according to Jones Lang LaSalle’s new Global Capital Flows report. Given the strong start to the year, Jones Lang LaSalle still expects market volumes to reach its full year […]


25 Aug, 2011

Fake Messages Led to Libya war – English pravda.ru


PARIS TWITTER, LIBYA WAR. HOW A FATAL TWITTER MESSAGE OPENS THE DOORS TO A MUCH WANTED WAR AGAINST LIBYA, THROUGH THE GATE OF UNSC RESOLUTIONS 1970 AND 1973. The mother of all lies was sent to the world through a Twitter message by Al Arabiya, February 23th. A message which makes Qadafi out to be […]


25 Aug, 2011

Russian companies to be thrown out of Libya – English pravda.ru


The collapse of Muammar Gaddafi’s regime will close many projects for Russian companies in Libya, the head of the Russian-Libyan Business Council, Aram Shegunts said. Such large companies as Gazprom, Gazpromneft, Tatneft and Russian Railways are currently working in the war-torn country. All of those companies made multi-million investments in their Libyan project. “We have […]


25 Aug, 2011

New fees undermine NZ visa “improvements” for Chinese visitors – Xinhua


WELLINGTON, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) — Cost-conscious Chinese travelers are turning off New Zealand after New Zealand’s immigration department ramped up the cost of applying for a visa, New Zealand media reported Tuesday. The New Zealand government has been touting “improvements” to the visa application process for Chinese travelers, but the New Zealand Herald newspaper reported […]


25 Aug, 2011

Airport Screening Policy: Repression or Discretion? – Media Monitors Network


Google “TSA stupidity” and you will find that almost one-and-a-half million websites have something to say about the subject. If the United States is to avoid another major terrorist attack on its air transportation system without placing greater restrictions on the civil liberties of air travelers, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) had better get smart. […]


25 Aug, 2011

Why the US must support bid for Palestinian statehood – CSMonitor.com


Historically, Europe has always had a great impact on the American position toward the Middle East. In fact, one of the primary issues on the agenda for President Obama’s May trip to Britain, Ireland, France, and Poland was the coordination of positions on the Middle East peace process. While it is not yet clear the […]


25 Aug, 2011

US must do more to protect women from domestic violence, UN rights expert warns


23 August 2011 – The United States must do more to protect women from domestic violence after a regional body found it wanting in defending a battered woman and her three murdered children from her ex-husband, an independent United Nations human rights expert warned today. “The US Government should reassess existing mechanisms for protecting victims […]


25 Aug, 2011

High unemployment blights Palestinian lives, despite economic growth – UN


24 August 2011 – The economy of the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) grew by 9.3 per cent last year, but that expansion was not enough to reduce the area’s 30 per cent unemployment rate, the United Nations trade and development arm said in a new report released today. Gaza saw a 15 per cent growth, […]


25 Aug, 2011

Haaretz Columnist: “I am a Zionist. And I am a Palestinian nationalist”


Ha’aretz Columnist Mira Sucharov. Yes, I support the right of Jews to a sovereign country, but so too do I support the right of Palestinians to live their lives in their own state, unencumbered by Israeli occupation. via The Fifth Question -Israel News – Haaretz Israeli News source..


25 Aug, 2011

Globalizing The Intifada By William T. Hathaway


24 August, 2011 — Countercurrents.org The invaders have surrounded and attacked us, conquered here and there, and built their bases in our lands. So we attack the invaders where we can, determined to retake our lands and drive them out. We would prefer not to be warriors. We would rather raise our children in the […]


24 Aug, 2011

Stronger RMB does not mean unilateral revaluation – People’s Daily Online


A stronger RMB will exert a profound and far-reaching influence on the structure of the Chinese economy. It can promote the development of non-tradable sectors like the service industry and boost the upgrading of tradable sectors, bringing both pressure and impetus for China’s economic restructuring. The RMB has continued to rise against the U.S. dollar […]


24 Aug, 2011

From China to London by bike – People’s Daily Online


The charms of the open road are easily matched by its daunting challenges – one wrong turn and you could end up in a very different place than you intended. Yet for 23-year-old Zheng Sheng, a recent graduate of Shanghai Science and Technology University, such challenges were hardly a deterrent when it came to his […]


24 Aug, 2011

Hainan’s overseas investment tops $400 mln in Jan-July – People’s Daily Online


HAIKOU, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) — Overseas investment by enterprises in south Hainan Province has totaled 400 million U.S. dollars in the first seven months of this year, sources with the provincial Department of Commerce said Sunday. Hainan’s overseas investment has mainly gone to eight countries and regions, which includes India, Singapore, Tanzania, Indonesia and Russia, […]


24 Aug, 2011

Bangkok Post : Graft agency rules against ex-TAT Governor


The National Anti-Corruption Commission yesterday formally ruled against former Tourism Authority of Thailand governor Juthamas Siriwan in the film festival bribery case. Commissioner Medhi Krongkaew said the NACC found Ms Juthamas has committed criminal offences as a former state official in connection with the case. The NACC also decided Ms Juthamas’s daughter had been complicit […]


24 Aug, 2011

China extends yuan trade settlement to whole country | chinadaily.com.cn


BEIJING – China announced on Tuesday that all parts of the country are able to use its national currency, the yuan or Renminbi, in cross-border trade settlements. Previously, only 20 provincial regions in the country could conduct cross-border trade settlements in yuan. The policy was announced by the People’s Bank of China, the country’s central […]


24 Aug, 2011

China finds faith in US finances | chinadaily.com.cn


BEIJING – China’s leaders on Friday expressed confidence in the fundamentals of the US economy and its prospects as the two countries reaffirmed their commitment to a strong and enduring relationship. In the opening remarks of a roundtable discussion with US and Chinese political and business leaders earlier in the day, Vice-President Xi Jinping said […]


24 Aug, 2011

For firmer ASEAN-China ties | chinadaily.com.cn


China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their dialogue partnership. The relationship progressed from consultative dialogue partners in 1991 to full dialogue partners in 1996, then on to a strategic partner in 2003 and finally to an ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) last year. ASEAN member states […]


24 Aug, 2011

Museum tells story of Japanese-American detainees – Yahoo! News


RALSTON, Wyo (Reuters) – It was a bittersweet return for more than 250 Japanese-American former detainees at Heart Mountain Relocation Center in the state of Wyoming who gathered for the opening of a museum about their wartime internment. A replica guard tower stands over the museum on a remote wind-swept plain where nearly 14,000 Japanese […]


24 Aug, 2011

8.7 million species exist on Earth, study estimates – The Washington Post


For centuries scientists have pondered a central question: How many species exist on Earth? Now, a group of researchers has offered an answer: 8.7 million. Although the number is still an estimate, it represents the most rigorous mathematical analysis yet of what we know — and don’t know — about life on land and in […]


24 Aug, 2011

West lashing out when faced with uncertain future – People’s Daily Online


To err is human. The West looks at the worsening financial crisis and political chaos in its own yard this way. Mistakes are nothing new. Western countries have undergone various crises in the past. This is not the first time the world has been mired in troubles started by a few countries. Other countries entangled […]


24 Aug, 2011

Asia Times Online : Welcome to Libya’s ‘democracy’


The Big Gaddafi has barely left the building – the Bab-al-Aziziyah compound – and the Western vultures are already circling overhead; the scramble is on to seize the “big prize” – Libya’s oil and gas wealth. [1] Libya is as much a pawn in a serious ideological, geopolitical, geo-economic and geostrategic chessboard as a pedestrian […]


24 Aug, 2011

Japan tries to scare off yen speculators | Reuters


TOKYO, Aug 23 (Reuters) – Japan’s finance minister on Tuesday warned speculators against betting on further yen gains that could hinder recovery from the March earthquake, but his chances of keeping them at bay looked in doubt as ultra-easy U.S. monetary policy could keep the dollar weak. Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa also declared […]


24 Aug, 2011

US public is paying the price – People’s Daily Online


The debt crisis has exposed the defects rather than the advantages of America’s tit for tat democratic system The US debt crisis has drawn much criticism both at home and aboard. It is inconceivable to many people that as the only superpower in the world the US was locked in a struggle that threatened to […]


24 Aug, 2011

Fukushima fallout said 30 times Hiroshima’s | The Japan Times Online


Video footage of Tatsuhiko Kodama’s impassioned speech before a Diet committee in July went viral online recently, showing the medical expert’s shocking revelation that the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant spewed some 30 times more radioactive materials than the fallout from the Hiroshima atomic bombing. Kodama, a professor of systems biology and medicine at the […]


24 Aug, 2011

Russian spending abroad back to pre-crisis levels | Russia Beyond The Headlines


Aggregate spending by Russians abroad in so far 2011 has reached pre-crisis 2007 levels, according to Citibank’s annual research. Citibank experts estimate that the total amount of purchases made abroad until the end of 2011, including on credit cards, will amount to 3 percent of the GDP, or $40 billion. via Russian spending abroad back […]


24 Aug, 2011

PressTV – ‘Europe to face social explosions’


A senior Iranian commander says the recent protests in the UK have raised the possibility of “social explosions” in other European countries in the near future. “The European countries’ fear and concern about the spread of what happened in the UK has put the possibility of experiencing social explosions in the fall before the governments […]


24 Aug, 2011

Tweet revenge at last for shoppers with complaints


August 24, 2011 — CONSUMERS are increasingly turning to Twitter and Facebook to vent their frustrations at having their complaints ignored as online activism becomes a powerful tool forcing businesses to fix unresolved issues. The consumer group Choice said its members were using social media to air their complaints, which was encouraging businesses to monitor […]


23 Aug, 2011

Free Advice For Social Media Users In Light Of UK Rioting Jail Terms

In light of prison sentences given to two British men, Protostar Leadership Development, a UK management consultancy is issuing a free 8 page guidance booklet covering everything from cyber bullying to the safe use of Facebook. It hopes that readers will avoid some of the potential risks of using the internet and in particular, social […]


16 Aug, 2011

UN Hails “Youth-Quakes” Which Ousted Dictators

In this dispatch:
1. Trees ‘Speak Out’ In UN Writing Competition To Save Forests
2. UN Invites Budding Creators To Enter Competition On Technology Innovation
3. UN Chief Retraces His Roots, Tells Hometown ‘Global Is Local And Local Is Global’
4. On World Youth Day, UN Hails “Youth-Quakes” Which Ousted Dictators
5. UN-Backed Tsunami Warning System For The Mediterranean Passes First Test


16 Aug, 2011

Smithsonian Journeys Offers Value Mediterranean Cruises for 2012

In this dispatch:
1. Smithsonian Journeys Offers Value Cruises to the Mediterranean for 2012
2. Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Searching For Best Mom On Wheels
3. Check Before Buying Travel Insurance for Rental Cars — Most Travelers Are Already Covered
4. Top 25 Flexible Career Trends
5. Top 10 Hates of School Students


15 Aug, 2011

UK Awakening: Post-riots Issues Emerge for Travel & Tourism

The week of rioting in the streets of many British cities has raised many issues for the travel & tourism industry to ponder both in the lead-up to, and during, the upcoming World Travel Market in November. The earlier the industry awakens to the global awakening now under way, the better.


12 Aug, 2011

Australia Issues Report on Crimes Against Foreign Students

Responding to a swathe of media reports in 2009-10 about allegedly racially-motivated attacks on Indian students, the Australian government has issued the results of a far more comprehensive study about crimes against students from the five largest source-markets: China, India, Malaysia, South Korea and the United States.


11 Aug, 2011

Rising ASEAN says U.S., Europe “No Longer Engines of Global Growth”

Manado, Indonesia, 10 August 2011 – In another sign of the shifting world order and growing economic assertiveness in Asia and the ASEAN countries, Indonesian Vice President Prof Dr Boediono has declared that the US and Europe could no longer power the world economy, but ASEAN economies are in a better situation right now to […]


10 Aug, 2011

Millions Of Poor To Have Mobile Phones Under UN Scheme

In this dispatch:
1. Erroneous Linking Of Norwegian Attacks To Islam Was ‘Revealing’ – UN Rights Expert
2. UN-Backed Scheme Enables Colombian Indigenous Groups To Sell Crafts
3. UN Urges Greater Appreciation Of Culture And Creativity Of Indigenous Peoples
4. Reykjavik Earns UN Distinction As A City Of Literature
5. Millions Of Poor To Have Mobile Phone Numbers Under UN-Backed Scheme


10 Aug, 2011

TripAdvisor Unveils Resource Platform And Educational Series For Businesses

In this dispatch:
1. 5 Home Security Tips During Summer Travel Season
2. Google +1 And The Dark Side Of SEO
3. Tripadvisor Unveils New Resource Platform And Educational Series For Businesses
4. New Movie Probes Psychology And Personality Of Whistleblowers
5. Community Turns Challenging Aging Demographic Into An Asset


9 Aug, 2011

Bulwarks Up, Asia Confronts Pros & Cons of Financial Globalisation

Recurring financial crises are again exposing Asia to the pros and cons of globalisation and will lead to a stepped-up search for indigenous solutions and protective measures against currency fluctuations and volatile short-term capital flows.


9 Aug, 2011

Five Ways to Strengthen Asia-Pacific Economies

N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman, Infosys Ltd, India

One result of the financial, economic and debt crises in Europe and the United States will be an increase in inter-regional linkages within the Asia-Pacific and intra-regional linkages between the developing countries. One of India’s leading businessmen, Mr. N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman, Infosys Limited, outlines five ways to leverage this huge opportunity.


8 Aug, 2011

China, India Outline Lessons Learnt From Debt Crisis

This dispatch includes two commentaries published in the official Chinese publication People’s Daily Online and its comments blog section on the lessons that China has learnt and what it could/should do in the wake of the U.S. and European debt crises, and a speech by Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee assessing his country’s economic strengths […]


4 Aug, 2011

State of the Future Report: Global Decision-Making Processes Face Overhaul

A “State of the Future Report” issued by a Washington DC-based think tank says it is high time for a major overhaul of the structures and processes to improve the quality of global decision-making, away from short-term, insular, parochial considerations towards more ethical, universal and long-term considerations.


2 Aug, 2011

Asia 2050: How Asian Leaders Can Avoid A “Perfect Storm”

“Asia 2050 – Realizing the Asian Century”, a new book commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), says that Asia’s future prospects are bright but face a “perfect storm” of bad macro policies, finance sector exuberance with lax supervision, conflict, climate change, natural disasters, changing demography, and weak governance.


2 Aug, 2011

UNESCO Unveils Winners Of Annual Literacy Awards

In this Dispatch:
1. Marking International Friendship Day, UN Chief Urges Global Amity
2. Suppression Of Women’s Rights Persists Despite Progress On Discrimination
3. UNESCO Unveils Winners Of Annual Literacy Awards
4. UN Economic And Social Forum Ends With Calls For Action To Follow Decisions
5. UN Human Rights Body Criticizes Restrictions On Free Expression


28 Jul, 2011

Research Blows Lid On Global Media Spin That Brainwashed Norway Terrorist

In yet another eye-opening research paper, a senior lecturer at the Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, has highlighted how the global public fear of Islam/Muslims gives the military-industrial complex a chance to reap billions.


27 Jul, 2011

“Why Do We Harass Muslims But Not White, Nordic Males?”

This dispatch includes a collection of reports and commentaries from global media about the 22/7 Blond bin Laden terrorist attack in Norway. Let there be no mistake: Ten years after 9/11, the tables have turned. The “war on terror” has taken on new meaning.


26 Jul, 2011

Eye-Opening Report Exposes How “Fear Factor” Drives Global Islamophobia

On 23 June, exactly a month before the Norwegian terrorist suspect struck, the University of California (Berkeley) Centre for Race & Gender (CRG) and the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), issued a powerful report containing a timely warning about the dangers of Islamophobia to U.S. society.


25 Jul, 2011

As A Blond bin Laden Strikes, A “Global Awakening” Awaits

Even if indirectly, the travel & tourism industry bears some burden of responsibility for what is being described as a grotesque act of right-wing “Christian jihadi terrorism” in Norway.


25 Jul, 2011

PATA Bids to be “Voice” of Asian Travel, But “Face” Remains Non-Asian

BANGKOK – The Pacific Asia Travel Association last week advanced its recovery and rehabilitation campaign by appointing two senior-management executives to help revive its profile in the Asian region and rebuild its membership base.


25 Jul, 2011

America In Trouble In The Middle East

James Zogby

The results of this latest poll of Arab opinion demonstrates how precarious the position of the United States is in the Middle East and how important it has become for American policy makers to pay attention to what Arabs are saying.


25 Jul, 2011

Murdoch’s Global Reach Needs Much Deeper Probe

The sordid Murdoch phone hacking saga is only the minute tip of an iceberg of cronyism, corruption and nepotism in the West. The real story is how the Murdoch empire has influenced politicians, manipulated public opinion and shaped the global geopolitical and economic agenda over the last 20 years.


21 Jul, 2011

European Travel Steady But Economies Face Downside Risk – Report

With Western economies facing significant headwinds and downside risks, European countries will need to maintain strong promotions of inbound tourism to maintain jobs and growth, according to the latest Quarterly Report (Q2/2011) of European Tourism In 2011: Trends & Prospects, released on 20 July.  


20 Jul, 2011

Pursuit of Happiness Should Have Greater Role In Development Policy – UN Member States

In this dispatch
1. Pursuit of Happiness Should Have Greater Role In Development Policy – UN Member States
2. UN Contest For Best Campaign To End Violence Against Women Opens For Voting
3. Politicians Alone Cannot Create Peace, UN Official Says At Middle East Media Forum
4. Scientists Open Conference On Endangered Species
5. Global Aid For Trade Efforts Vital For Boosting Development


20 Jul, 2011

Women Feel Higher Levels of Financial Stress Than Men

In this dispatch:
1. Women Feel Higher Levels of Financial Stress Than Men
2. New Delta Faucet Study Unveils Americans’ Bathroom Behaviors
3. Data Protection and Privacy: Revolt Emerging Against “Unquenchable Appetite” of Data Collection industry
4. Small Business Internet Marketing Survey: Over 40% Crying For Help
5. CreditDonkey Reveals Just How Much Americans Rely on Credit Cards


19 Jul, 2011

U.S. Court Rules Body-Scanners Can Stay, But Public Views Must Be Heard

A U.S. Court of Appeals has allowed the controversial airport body-scanners to remain in place but chided the Transportation Security Administration for not seeking public comment before having them installed in several hundred airports across the U.S. 


17 Jul, 2011

Nelson Mandela Day July 18 – Honour Him By Devoting 67 Minutes To Public Service

In this dispatch:
1. Honour Nelson Mandela — Devote 67 Minutes To Public Service
2. Sustainable Development Vital To Protect Economies And Environment
3. Over 2,000 Children Set Football World Record At UN-Backed Event In Gaza
4. On World Population Day, UN Calls For Greater Efforts To End Poverty And Inequality
5. Forum Urges Greater Efforts To Ensure Access To Decent Education For All


17 Jul, 2011

Indonesia To Broach Joint ASEAN Visa Issue

In this dispatch:
1. Indonesia To Broach Joint ASEAN Visa Issue
2. Gaylord Hotels and Teach For America Join Forces to Honour Teachers
3. Facebook Investigators Launch Anonymous Service to Help People Catch Cheating Spouses
4. New Report Released by American Citizens Abroad (ACA) Shows Devastating Consequences of FATCA Legislation
5. As Unionization Becomes Easier, Projections Releases New Resources to Help Employers Connect with Employees


14 Jul, 2011

“App Yap” Contest to Find Best App for Youth Travel

There are over 17,000 travel apps on the market today, but which one of these apps is the best? The World Youth & Student Travel Conference (WYSTC) aims to find out.


13 Jul, 2011

U.S. Image Sinks Further in Middle East, Poll Shows

Washington D.C., (Arab-American Institute Media Release) — With the 2008 election of Barack Obama, favorable attitudes toward the U.S. more than doubled in many Arab countries. But in the two years since his famous “Cairo speech,” ratings for both the U.S. and the President have spiraled downwards.


7 Jul, 2011

Arab Spring Awakens Palestinians, Knocks At Israel’s Door

A compilation of stories, press releases and announcements about how activists plan to help the Arab spring lead to freedom and statehood for the Palestinian people. A Palestinian state will allow the people of the world to visit Palestine without undergoing the ignominy of applying for an visa at an Israeli embassy or dealing with […]


6 Jul, 2011

PATA, In Comeback Mode, Plans Industry Forums In 12 Global Cities

BANGKOK – In a bold move designed to boost its membership appeal and raise its international profile, the Pacific Asia Travel Association plans to hold strategic industry forums in 12 global cities.


4 Jul, 2011

Polarised Thailand Faces Short-Term Gain, Long-Term Pain

BANGKOK – If buyers and sellers of the Thai tourism product want to know what to do in the aftermath of the July 3 national elections, here’s some free advice: Sell Thailand by all means.


3 Jul, 2011

Day of Reckoning for Thai Tourism

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has just completed a week-long marketing planning meeting with a forecast for 19.5 million arrivals in 2012. Whether it meets those targets will depend not on the planning but what happens on national election day, July 3,


1 Jul, 2011

American Awakening Grows: A 4th of July Message from Rabbi Michael Lerner

Rabbi Michael Lerner

Faced with July 4th celebrations that are focused on militarism, ultra-nationalism, and “bombs bursting in air,” many American families who do not share those values turn July 4th into another summer holiday focused on picnics, sports, and fireworks, while doing their best to avoid the dominant rhetoric and bombast. This year that kind of celebration is particularly difficult when many of us are in mourning as we watch our government commit to keep fighting the trillion dollar a year war in Afghanistan while cutting social programs for the poor, the elderly, schools, environment, and other pressing human needs.


30 Jun, 2011

American Awakening Gains Traction: Brown Univ Study Pegs Costs of U.S. Wars at US$4 Trillion

In a study designed explicitly “to spur public debate about America at war,” the Eisenhower Research Project based at Brown University has released a comprehensive analysis of the total human, economic, social, and political cost of the U.S. War on Terror.


29 Jun, 2011

China Travel Boom Helps Global Tourism Near US$3 billion/day Mark

The most significant change among the top ten destinations by international arrivals in 2010 was the rise of China to third position, according to the UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2011 Edition, released today. China ousted Spain for third place, and has overtaken both the United Kingdom and Italy during the past few years.


27 Jun, 2011

U.S.Mayors Seek to Plug Tax Evasion By Online Travel Companies

Mayors of U.S. cities have passed a resolution that highlights alleged tax evasion by online travel companies (OTC) and calls on the U.S. Congress not to block legal action to get them to pay up.


27 Jun, 2011

An “American Awakening” Looms: U.S.Mayors Blast Wars Costing $2.1 Million A Minute

Much has been read and heard about the Arab spring and the Arab awakening. But yet another spring is emerging that will lead to a geopolitical shift of potentially tectonic proportions – the upcoming American awakening.


27 Jun, 2011

OECD: Global Economic Shocks to Become More Frequent

PARIS, 27 June 2011, (OECD News Release) — Disruptive shocks to the global economy are likely to become more frequent and cause greater economic and societal hardship, according to a new OECD report.


27 Jun, 2011

ICANN gTLD: The New Frontiers of Global Cyber Name Identity Branding

Naseem Javed

What are the immediate and future threats to the current name identity? What are the options for a partial or a full name change? Under what global rules or ‘the laws of corporate naming’ will they find the perfect solution that is best for their wider customer base, international marketing goals, and equally passable under the new ICANN policies?


23 Jun, 2011

Wireless Broadband Subscriptions Top Half a Billion: OECD

PARIS, June 23 (OECD News Release) — The fast-growing popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs is driving growth in mobile broadband services. Wireless broadband subscriptions in OECD countries had exceeded half a billion by the end of 2010, an increase of more than 10 percent on June 2010, according to new OECD statistics.


23 Jun, 2011

Measuring Hotel Management’s Performance In Ways That Count

David McMillan

The day has come to take the clamps off the Uniform System of Accounts for Hotels and really measure performance based on what is controllable and what is not.


23 Jun, 2011

Logging, Drug Threats Put Rainforests On UN Heritage Danger List

In this dispatch:
1. Japanese Accident Offers Lessons For World On Nuclear Safety
2. Logging, Drug Threats Put Rainforests On UN Heritage Danger List
3. Indian Wildlife Sanctuary Lifted From UNESCO’s List Of Endangered Heritage
4. Social Investments Deserve Priority In Economic Recovery Schemes
5. UN Cautions Against Reducing Assistance To Smallholder Farmers


23 Jun, 2011

Unions Seek Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy Disclosure by Hotel Chains

In a move that could open a Pandora’s box for the travel & tourism industry worldwide, the international union of food, farm and hotel workers (known by the French version of its acronym, IUF) has written to hotel chains asking about their policies to prevent sexual harassment of housekeeping staff by guests.


23 Jun, 2011

Air France Apology Sought For Worker Sent Home Over Hijab

WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/22/11) – The Council of American Islamic Relations has called on Air France to apologise to a Muslim worker at Washington Dulles International Airport who was allegedly sent home because she refused to remove her Islamic head scarf, or hijab.


21 Jun, 2011

Expanded Midwifery Services Could Save Millions Of Lives

Also in this dispatch:
1. UN Calls For Action Against Diseases Caused By Tobacco, Pollution, And Lack Of Exercise
2. UNESCO Chief Presses For Better Preservation Of World Heritage Sites
3. Agriculture Commodity Prices Not Likely To Decline For Some Time
4. Countries Adopt New UN Standards To Improve Conditions For Domestic Workers


21 Jun, 2011

“Historic Change” to Internet’s Domain Name System Approved

Singapore, June 21, 2011 — The Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has approved a plan to usher in one of the biggest changes ever to the Internet’s Domain Name System, according to a press release posted on PRWEB.


15 Jun, 2011

Study: Female Hotel Staff Face High Stress, Low Job Satisfaction

Female hotel staff are struggling to cope with high levels of stress, with married women being worse affected due to the pressures of trying to maintain a home:workplace balance, according to the results of a research study by Dr Sheeba Hamid of Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh, India.


15 Jun, 2011

Renewed Efforts Urged To End Practice Of ‘Son Preference’

In This Dispatch:
1. Renewed Efforts Urged To End Practice Of ‘Son Preference’
2. New Initiative Launched To Boost Crops And Protect Environment
3. UN Cultural Agency Calls On Libyans And NATO To Protect Heritage Sites
4. Cutting Smog And Soot Could Have Fast And Broad Benefits
5. Lauding Immunization Pledges, Unicef Says They Will Save Millions Of Lives


15 Jun, 2011

The Thrill of Learning a New Language — Sign Language

Niranjan Khatri

During the process of hiring people with a hearing/speech impairment, we conducted basic sign language classes for our associates to break the communication barrier. I now see abled people talking to each other using sign language and when I ask them why, they say ‘Why waste your breath, Sir’.


13 Jun, 2011

Tourism and Energy – in the Sign of the Sun

Max Haberstroh

Tourism may lead to “prosperity and peace”, as UNWTO says. Nonetheless, there is a more gloomy side of tourism. In his book ‘The Final Call’, Leo Hickman wonders who would really pay for the collateral damage caused by tourism.


13 Jun, 2011

Jeffrey Sachs Blasts U.S. Military Spending

Also in this dispatch:
1) UN City Garden Project In Dr Congo Boosts Nutrition, Jobs And Profits; 2) Call For More Empowerment And Political Participation Of Women; 3) Some 115 Million Child Labourers Globally Engaged In Hazardous Work; 4) Climate Change-Related Water Scarcity To Affect Global Food Production


13 Jun, 2011

Free Report Can Help Boost Travel for People With Disabilities

A major global report issued last week effectively has provided a free consultancy service for those in the travel & tourism industry keen to meet the rapidly growing need for products and services by people with disabilities (PwDs).


12 Jun, 2011

UNESCO, Spanish Soccer Club Team Up To ‘Imagine Peace’

Also in this dispatch: 1) Model UN Students Hope To Focus Global Attention On Crucial Issues 2) Public-Private Partnerships Sought To Bring Affordable Clean Energy To Poor; 3) UN Unveils Three Initiatives To Promote Biodiversity In Fashion


12 Jun, 2011

Emerging Stats Show Impact of Tsunami on Japan Travel

The first set of figures released after the tsunami-caused Fukushima nuclear crisis show a 9% decline in outbound Japanese travellers in both March and April, and much higher levels of decline in inbound travellers. Both declines have had a huge impact on Japanese tour companies, travel agencies and hotels.


3 Jun, 2011

AIDS at 30: Nations at the Crossroads

A report entitled “AIDS at 30: Nations at the Crossroads” is being launched to coincide with the 30 year anniversary of the discovery of the first AIDS cases and come in advance of the UN General Assembly High Level Meeting on AIDS that will take place in New York from 8-10 June.


3 Jun, 2011

Hotel Housekeepers End Silence on Assault and Abuse At Work

In light of the Strauss-Kahn and other assault controversies, housekeepers in cities across North America hold public events, speaking out against abuses at work.


3 Jun, 2011

Two-way EU-South America Low-Season Travel Project Launched

Brussels, 01 June 2011 (Europa Press Release) — To increase two-way, low season travel, the European Commission is promoting an innovative collaborative project between South America and Europe aimed at generating an 50,000 additional tourists.


2 Jun, 2011

Giant Companies “Too Big To Fail” But People “Too Small to Matter”

GENEVA June 1, 2011, (ILO News) — International Labour Organisation Director-General Juan Somavia opened the historic 100th International Labour Conference with a call for an urgent commitment to a new era of social justice and economic growth based on sustainable development to address mounting “turmoil” in the world of work.


2 Jun, 2011

Australian Funds for Bridge Across Mekong River

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (ADB Press release) June 1, 2011 – The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a $26 million technical assistance (TA) grant financed by Australia to support the Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project.


2 Jun, 2011

Southern Laos Border Town Comes of Age by Hosting Mekong Tourism Forum

PAKSE, LAOS – The southernmost Laotian province of Champassak raised its profile on the tourism map of the Greater Mekong Subregion by holding a successful 12th Mekong Tourism Forum between May 27-28. The first international tourism event to be held here, the MTF will boost traffic along the East-West and North-South corridors of the Asian […]


1 Jun, 2011

Six Key Socio-Economic Issues & Challenges Facing The Asia-Pacific Region

Although the travel & tourism industry tends to focus primarily on economic indicators, its fortunes are more affected by a broad range of key issues and factors related to national, regional and global development as a whole.


1 Jun, 2011

UN Expert Presents Global Standards For Human Rights In Business World

In This Dispatch:
1) UN urges concerted global action to stem deadly toll from tobacco use
2) Electromagnetic fields from mobile telephones could possibly lead to cancer – UN
3) UN expert presents global standards for human rights in business world
4) World leaders to gather at UN meeting on combating HIV/AIDS epidemic
5) Urging stronger non-proliferation rules, Ban calls for nuclear weapons-free world
6) UN calls for grain storage technologies to reduce Africa’s post-harvest losses
7) Bollywood stars go head-to-head for world environment day challenge


24 May, 2011

A Speech That Will Change The Way The Travel Industry Thinks

Bhutanese Prime Minister Lyonchhen Jigmi Y. Thinley on Gross National Happiness: “The more I think of our future, the more I am convinced that we need to change. We need to relook at what constitutes true societal progress at the human level in the human context. We need to understand what constitutes real wealth and […]


19 May, 2011

Ernst & Young Releases “Tracking Global Trends” Report

Source: Ernst & Young

In 2010, the global financial system remained fragile, but economies around the world began moving toward recovery. Some — especially those in emerging markets — hardly broke stride, continuing their rapid growth. The Ernst & Young management consultancy report, Tracking Global Trends, looks at six broad, long-term developments that are shaping our world: Emerging markets […]


18 May, 2011

Ten Years after 9/11, Pew Poll Shows U.S.-Muslim Schism As Wide as Ever

Ten years after 9/11 and the launch of the so-called “war on terror”, the people of six Islamic-majority countries and the Palestinian Territories continue to hold a negative perception of the United States, its president Barack Obama and American policies towards some of the key issues and conflicts in the Islamic world


16 May, 2011

Survey Shows Europeans Back on the Road But Staying Close To Home

BUDAPEST, (Europa Press Release) — The findings of a new Eurobarometer survey on the attitudes of Europeans towards tourism confirm other indicators that tourism has recovered from economic crisis. Travel preference for 2011 still inclines towards traditional tourist destinations (58%), while 28% would like to discover emerging destinations.


16 May, 2011

Exclusive Interview: Israel’s Travel Chokehold on Occupied Palestine

This interview with Majed Ishaq, marketing director, Palestine Ministry of Tourism, is arguably the first time that a travel publication has highlighted the frustrations faced by local Palestinians and tourists in moving to, from and within the Israeli-occupied territories. Within the context of the “Arab awakening”, a closer look at the occupation of Palestine is […]
