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24 Feb, 2016

Chinese leaders demand solid efforts to drive new-type urbanization

BEIJING, China, 23 February 2016, (Xinhua) – Chinese leaders have called for more to be done to facilitate “new-type urbanization,” saying fresh achievements must be made in the area in 2016. In an instruction on the issue, President Xi Jinping asked authorities to uphold the concepts of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing in the […]


24 Feb, 2016

“Transformative Infrastructure” to dominate US$2 billion in ADB funding for Sri Lanka

Colombo, Sri Lanka, 23 February 2016 (ADB News) — Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Takehiko Nakao today met with Sri Lanka’s President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, and Finance Minister Ravi Karunanayake, and reaffirmed ADB’s strong commitment to support Sri Lanka’s continued development. Mr. Nakao shared with the government ADB’s plans to scale up […]


24 Feb, 2016

Chinese News Analysis: Israel faces mounting pressure over Palestinian issue

JERUSALEM, 23 February 2016, (Xinhua) – As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict enters another tense year, Israel is facing mounting pressure over its decades-long policy towards the Palestinians. Most likely, as history repeats itself, the pressure will not lead Israel to make any significant changes in its policy, but will only further isolate the country in the […]


24 Feb, 2016

Southern Thai Province of Narathiwat Ready to Become a Special Economic Zone

Narathiwat, Thailand, 24 February 2016, (Thailand PRD News)-The southern border province of Narathiwat has officially opened a One Stop Service Center in a move toward becoming a special economic zone, in line with the Government’s policy. Director of the Narathiwat Provincial Industry Office Pokpak Boonchoo said that Narathiwat is on the list of the second […]


24 Feb, 2016

Will translation software sound the death knell for interpreters?

Beijing, 23 February 2016, (Xinhua) – If, as the Chinese proverb goes, to learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world”,Chinese search engine Baidu has provided the country with a portal to the entire planet at their fingertips. Earlier last month, the Baidu Translate app was given a […]


24 Feb, 2016

Chartered Accountants Survey: Self-Interest, Not Regulation, Needs to Drive Cybersecurity

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22 February 2016, (Bernama) — A new report from ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) claims self-interest rather than regulation is the future of cybersecurity because technology is evolving at such a rate that any legislation would be out of date before it is signed in to law. Constant Forward Motion: The […]


24 Feb, 2016

Bay of Bengal ‘three times more deadly’ than Mediterranean for migrants and refugees

United Nations 23 February 2016, (UN News Centre) – Refugees and migrants crossing the seas of Southeast Asia died at a rate three times higher than those in the Mediterranean last year, a new United Nations report has found, highlighting the urgency of greater life-saving cooperation among the affected States. The report, Mixed Maritime Movements […]


24 Feb, 2016

Prevention better than cure: UN peacebuilding body cites need to address root causes of conflict for sustainable peace

New York, USA, 23 February 2016, (UN News Centre) – The head of the United Nations advisory body tasked with making recommendations on post-conflict recovery, reconstruction and development stressed today that building lasting peace requires predictable, sustained and adequate efforts and financing to help stop violence and address the root causes of conflict. Speaking today […]


23 Feb, 2016

China Voice: China’s three economic strategies gain momentum

BEIJING, Feb. 21 (Xinhua) — Since taking office in late 2012, China’s leadership has proposed three major strategies to boost growth as the Chinese economy enters a “new normal” with slower growth and the world’s remains unstable. The “Belt and Road” regional trade and infrastructure network, coordinated development of Beijing with neighboring Tianjin and Hebei, […]


23 Feb, 2016

Problems emerge as fisheries becomes the world’s fastest-growing food sector

AGADIR, Morocco, 22 February, 2015, (FAO media release)– High-level delegations of fisheries ministries from more than 50 countries are gathering in Agadir for a summit with industry players to discuss emerging governance needs in a sector that provides the world with 17 percent of its animal protein and developing countries with more export revenue than […]


22 Feb, 2016

Roger Waters: Pink Floyd star on why musicians are terrified to speak out against Israel – The Independent

American musicians who support boycotting Israel over the issue of Palestinian rights are terrified to speak out for fear their careers will be destroyed, according to Roger Waters. The Pink Floyd star – a prominent supporter of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel since its inception 10 years ago – said the […]


20 Feb, 2016

Income Inequality: Crisis Pushes the Poor and the Young Even Further Behind

LONDON, February 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ – A new report from ING, The Unequal Crisis, looks at income inequality in the US and EU over the 20 years running up to the financial crisis, and then tracks what happened during the period between 2007 and 2013. It finds that prior to the crisis, the disposable income […]


20 Feb, 2016

New Israeli-American Nexus set up to boycott companies which boycott Israel

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–February 17, 2016  – Today, the Israeli-American Council (IAC) announced the formation of the Israeli-American Nexus (IANexus), a 501(c)(4) partner organization devoted to advocating to policymakers on behalf of the Israeli-American community. “We have formed the IANexus to make the voices of Israeli-Americans heard on a range of issues at the federal, state, […]


20 Feb, 2016

Spring Festival Holiday domestic consumption robust amid China’s consumer-led growth

BEIJING, Feb. 14 (Xinhua) — Booming tourism, cinema and retail sales during the week-long Spring Festival holiday show that China’s efforts to make its economy more reliant on the consumption power of its vast population is paying off. The increasingly affluent Chinese are not only willing to spend, they spend more wisely and healthily. Aside […]


20 Feb, 2016

FreeBee: How bees can help raise food security of 2 billion smallholders at no cost

Rome, 19 February 2015, (Food and Agriculture Organization) — What do cucumbers, mustard, almonds and alfalfa have in common? On the surface very little. But there is one thing they share: they all owe their existence to the service of bees. For centuries, this tiny striped helper has labored the world’s fields without winning much recognition […]


20 Feb, 2016

India’s attempt to quash University student dissent brings country’s intolerance into focus

NEW DELHI, India Feb. 17 (NNN-Xinhua) — The students at India’s prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi are at war with the government. The confrontation started all of a sudden after Indian police arrested the student unions’ president Kanhaiya Kumar on charges of sedition and declaring him “anti-national.” Sedition as per Indian law […]


20 Feb, 2016

Idyllic Italian town to ban tourists after being swamped by millions of visitors – The Independent

The tourism sector has arguably been one of the biggest casualties of the global financial crash; as hotels and resorts struggle to stay afloat and visiting figures have plummeted. But, whilst many businesses are desperately trying to increase visitors, resort towns in Italy are doing the very opposite and are reportedly banning tourists. Cinque Terre […]


19 Feb, 2016

Myanmar urged to drop charges against Muslim, Hindu interfaith peace activists

Yangon, February 17, 2016, Fortify Rights media release —Myanmar authorities should immediately and unconditionally release human rights defenders Zaw Zaw Latt, Pwint Phyu Latt, and Zaw Win Bo and drop all charges against them, Fortify Rights said today. The defendants are Mandalay-based Muslim and Hindu interfaith-peace activists. The authorities arrested Zaw Zaw Latt, a 28-year-old […]


19 Feb, 2016

Australia seeks public comment on plan to launch “Entrepreneur visa”

Canberra, 18 February 2016, (Joint media release by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection and the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science) – A consultation process for a new Entrepreneur visa will start today, seeking feedback on the proposed settings for the visa. The Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Christopher Pyne, said we […]


19 Feb, 2016

El Niño passed peak, but UN weather agency warns ‘not to lower guard’ as impacts continue

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 18 February 2016 – The 2015-2016 El Niño, one of the strongest on record, has passed its peak, but its humanitarian and economic impacts will continue for many months to come, the United Nations weather agency has announced, adding that lessons learned from this climate phenomenon would help build global […]


17 Feb, 2016

Muslim center in Australia vandalized beyond recognition, Quran copies desecrated

Tehran, Feb 14, IRNA – Vandals went on a vicious rampage overnight at a Muslim center in Preston, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. The damage to the center was extensive and devastating, similar to the result of an explosion, IQNA reported. The walls have been plastered with obscene graffiti. Windows and doors in the center […]


17 Feb, 2016

UN relief official calls on Israel to immediately halt demolitions in occupied West Bank

Jerusalem, 17 February 2016 (UN News Centre) – A senior United Nations humanitarian official today called for an immediate halt to the destruction of Palestinian-owned property in the occupied West Bank and for respect for international law. “The number of demolitions for just the first six weeks of 2016 is greatly alarming,” said Robert Piper, […]


15 Feb, 2016

Macau gambling downturn his Wynn Resorts revenues

LAS VEGAS–(BUSINESS WIRE )–February 11, 2016  – Wynn Resorts, Limited (Nasdaq: WYNN today reported financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2015. Net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2015 were $946.9 million, compared to $1,138.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2014. The decline was the result of a 27.0% net […]


15 Feb, 2016

Chinese Commentary: Blame game won’t help stabilize global markets

NEW YORK, Feb. 13 (Xinhua) — The global financial markets have suffered sharp declines lately, with stocks plunging across Europe, Japan and the United States last week. Some players once again tried to link the global rout with China. However, such claims are unwarranted and playing the blame game in the face of challenges is […]


15 Feb, 2016

Chinese Spring Festival Holiday rush registers 1.38b trips

By Ding Xuezhen Beijing (Global Times) February 14, 2016 – China’s Spring holiday rush has so far accomplished 1.38 billion trips, a 3.3 percent growth from last year, according to the country’s Ministry of Transportation on Saturday.The 40-day Spring holiday rush reached its midpoint on Saturday with railroad traffic increasing 9.1 percent compared to the […]


15 Feb, 2016

Violence in South Thailand down 38%, Internal Security Agency claims

Bangkok, 14 February 2016, Thai Public Relations Department – The situation in the southern border provinces has shown positive trends. A decrease in the number of violent incidents during the past three months has been reported. The report was issued by the Deputy Spokesman of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC), Region 4 Forward, Colonel […]


14 Feb, 2016

One in Four Office Romances Involves a Superior: Valentine’s Day Survey

CHICAGO, Feb. 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — What do Barack Obama, Bill Gates and Brad Pitt have in common? All met their significant others at work. They’re also far from alone. According to CareerBuilder’s annual Valentine’s Day survey, 37 percent of workers have dated a coworker, and 33 percent of those office romances have led to […]


14 Feb, 2016

US Budget Proposes To Hit Air Travelers With More Security, Customs, Immigration Taxes

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–February 10, 2016 – Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today issued the following statement opposing the FY 2017 White House budget proposal, which would drive up the federal tax burden on airlines and their customers by an additional $7.9 billion per year, up from the more […]


10 Feb, 2016

Iranian airlines ready to take on Gulf giants

Iran News Roundup. Click on any of the headlines below to go to the story. Iranian airlines ready to take on Gulf giants Ottawa lifts Iran sanctions, to restore ties Iranian, British embassies to issue visas soon Sanctions lifted, American tourists head to Iran Foreign investors receive 3-year work permit in Iran 41 types of […]


10 Feb, 2016

The grandeur of Iran in pictures – by the first Asia-Pacific travel trade journalist invited to visit

I was the first Asia-Pacific travel industry journalist invited to both speak at and cover two inaugural industry conferences held in Iran: 1) the first International Tour Operators Convention organised by the Iran Tour Operators Association in Tehran between 24-27 November 2008, and 2) the UNWTO Conference on Increasing Tourist Flows between Asia and the […]


4 Feb, 2016

Bethlehem to host 4th “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference March 7-10

By Ranjan Solomon, Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum “Christ at the Checkpoint”, is an international conference which aims to challenge Evangelicals to take responsibility to help resolve the conflicts in Israel/Palestine by engaging with the teaching of Jesus on the Kingdom of God. The conference moves into its fourth edition from March 7-10, 2016 in Bethlehem. […]


4 Feb, 2016

UN Secretary General pens New York Times Op-ed: Don’t shoot the messenger, Israel

by Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General, United Nations United Nations, 1 February 2016 (UN News Centre) – In Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, 2016 has begun much as 2015 ended — with unacceptable levels of violence and a polarized public discourse. That polarization showed itself in the halls of the United Nations last week when […]


4 Feb, 2016

UN Secretary General’s speech at Cambridge University: “Worldwide, there is a strong sense that we are in a deep mess”

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s address upon receiving Honorary Degree from the University of Cambridge [as prepared for delivery] Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3 February 2016 – Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, Distinguished Faculty Members, Dear Students, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for the recognition you have just bestowed on me. I […]


4 Feb, 2016

UN Secretary General’s speech at National Defense College of Oman: “Conflict Prevention in a Changing World”

Full text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s address to the National Defense College of Oman, “The United Nations and Conflict Prevention in a Changing World”, Muscat (Oman), 01 February 2016 (as prepared for delivery) I am honoured to be in Oman for the second time as Secretary-General, and to address the National Defense College. I […]


4 Feb, 2016

Flashback 1988: Former UNWTO chief Willibald Pahr’s India speech on Tourism, Passport to Peace & Development

Bangkok – The first time that I heard the connection being made between Tourism, Peace & Development was in this speech by the late UN World Tourism Organisation Secretary-General Dr Willibald Pahr at a conference organised by the Indian Institute of Tourism and Management in New Delhi on February 22, 1988. Along with thousands of […]


4 Feb, 2016

ASEAN tourism has reaped the fruits of peace, but South Asia lags: PATA report

BANGKOK, February 3, 2016 (PATA Media release) – The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has published a research report that examines the link between peace and tourism. Through international visitor arrival (IVA) data and short historical perspectives the study examines how peace, democracy and ending geopolitical and ethno-cultural conflicts between and within countries can facilitate […]


3 Feb, 2016

An 11-point critique of the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan 2016-25

Bangkok – This year has marked the dawn of a new era for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The integration process, now set in stone, is intended to create a stronger, safer, secure and sustainable ASEAN by uniting the formidable natural, capital and human resources of one of the world’s most strategically-located regions. […]


3 Feb, 2016

Israel Approves Jewish Prayer Site at Al-Aqsa Mosque’s Western Wall

RAMALLAH, February 1, 2016 (WAFA) – Minister of Waqf and Religious Affairs, Yousef Ide’es Monday afternoon slammed the Israeli cabinet’s approval of a mixed Jewish male-female prayer area at East Jerusalem’s Western Wall as an attempt to change the status quo. The Israeli cabinet has approved a plan to allocate an area for mixed-gender Jewish […]


3 Feb, 2016

Documentary exposes how Hollywood makes the world hate Muslims and Arabs

Washington DC — The documentary “Valentino’s Ghost: Why We Hate Arabs” (2015) is to be shown at the headquarters of the Jerusalem Fund in Washington DC on February 5. Directed by Michael Singh, produced by Catherine Jordan and narrated by Mike Farrell, Valentino’s Ghost exposes the way America’s foreign policy agenda in the Middle East […]


3 Feb, 2016

Thai Government Outlines Efforts to Fight Drought

Bangkok, 31 January 2016, (PR Department, Office of the Prime Minister) – The Government has indicated that drought conditions in 2016 would not reach a critical stage. Various measures have been prepared on a continual basis to deal with the situation. At a press conference, “Government and the People Joining Hands to Cope with Drought,” […]


1 Feb, 2016

Istanbul, Dubai, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur & Singapore Seen as Top Destinations for Outbound Iranians

Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, 01 Feb 2016, GTA media release – GTA hosted a trade dinner for about 90 Iranian Travel Agencies on the 19th of January at the Espinas Hotel in Tehran. GTA has been trading in Iran market since the late 90’s, and as a result of active engagement with getting new […]


31 Jan, 2016

Thai Prime Minister warns of water shortage: “Please help restore balance in Nature”

The weekly National Broadcast by Thai Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha on January 22, 2016 was devoted almost entirely to the looming national water shortage. He confined himself to highlighting the impact on agriculture but warned that everyone will have to get involved in water conservation. That includes the nearly 32 million visitors projected to […]


31 Jan, 2016

Israel Demolishes Palestinian Home, Foundations of Another in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, January 27, 2016 (WAFA) – Israeli authorities Wednesday demolished a home and the foundations of another in Jerusalem, according to local sources. WAFA correspondent said an Israeli police contingent, accompanied by bulldozers, broke into Shuafaat, a neighborhood of Jerusalem, and demolished the house of Kefaya Resheq, a local Palestinian, under the pretext of construction […]


31 Jan, 2016

UN experts urge US to address its own ‘crisis of racial injustice’

United Nations, (UN News Centre), 29 January 2016 – The legacy of slavery, post-Reconstruction ‘Jim Crow’ laws and racial subordination in the United States remains a “serious challenge” as there has been no real commitment to recognition and reparations for people of African descent, a United Nations expert panel said today in Washington D.C., at […]


31 Jan, 2016

How Investments, Technology are Accelerating China’s Travel Boom

BEIJING, Jan 25 (NNN-XINHUA) — High-speed trains with comfort, Starbucks coffee on board, free WIFI in stations, and phone apps for ticket purchase. As the annual Spring Festival (Chinese Lunar New Year) travel rush kicked off throughout the country on Sunday, hundreds of millions of Chinese found that their journeys for holiday homecomings have become […]


30 Jan, 2016

Growing Number of Working Americans Turn to Unions to Brave the New Economy

WASHINGTON, Jan. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — From writers at online news site Gawker in Manhattan, to Uber drivers in Seattle, to Volkswagen workers in Tennessee, workers across the country stood up for their right to have a voice at work, explains the American Federation of Government Employees. According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, Fighting […]


30 Jan, 2016

U.S. Paralyzed Veterans Launch Website Documenting Air Travel Experiences of People with Disabilities

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–January 28, 2016 — In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Air Carrier Access Act, Paralyzed Veterans of America (Paralyzed Veterans) has launched a new website where individuals with disabilities can share their air travel experiences, both positive and negative. The new website can be found at www.airaccess30.org and is endorsed by Paralyzed […]


28 Jan, 2016

China warns Jewish speculator: Think twice before declaring war on the yuan

Beijing,  (People’s Daily Online), January 27, 2016 – The billionaire investor George Soros has grasped the headlight of the Davos World Economic Forum for the last two years. Last year, he announced that he had “finally” retired from managing money to devote himself to political philanthropy. This year, at the same stage, he declared “war” […]


28 Jan, 2016

Thailand hotels best Asia-Pacific performers in 2015: STR report

LONDON, 28 January 2016, STR Global media release —Hotels in the Asia Pacific region reported mostly flat year-end 2015 results in the three key performance metrics when reported in U.S. dollar constant currency, according to data from STR Global. Compared with 2014, the Asia Pacific region reported a 0.1% increase in occupancy to 68.2%. Average […]


28 Jan, 2016

U.S. News & World Report Releases the Best High-Pay, Low-Stress Jobs for 2016

WASHINGTON, Jan. 26, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As the U.S. job market improves, U.S. News & World Report today released the 2016 Best Jobs rankings to help job seekers at every level take advantage of new opportunities and make smarter career decisions. Health care related jobs dominate the list of the 100 Best Jobs due to […]


28 Jan, 2016

UN chief blasts 50 years of Israeli occupation of Palestine

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 27 January 2016 – Amid ongoing violence in the Middle East, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon reiterated today that he can understand why Palestinians are losing hope in the face of nearly 50 years of Israeli occupation, a statement that has provoked criticism that he was “giving terror a tailwind.” […]


28 Jan, 2016

ASEAN branding disarray on full display at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016

Manila — The first ASEAN Tourism Forum in the era of ASEAN integration, held in Manila between 17-22 January 2016, was a clear opportunity to send a powerful, unified message positioning ASEAN as a single destination. Although that has been the policy objective since Visit ASEAN Year was declared in 1992 to mark the 25th […]


26 Jan, 2016

Xinhua Commentary: Time for West to abandon double standards, hypocrisy & prejudice in fighting terrorism

by Xinhua writer Chen Shilei

BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Xinhua) — In an era when terrorism is posing a serious challenge to world peace and development, it is time for the West to abandon its pride and prejudice to further consolidate global efforts to uproot the menace. From the Charlie Hebdo attack to the Paris terror attacks, the past year witnessed […]


26 Jan, 2016

Women must be put at the core of global peace-building efforts: UN study

Bangkok, Thailand (25 January 2016) – Women’s participation and leadership must be at the core of peace and security efforts, a new study from UN Women finds. Revealing groundbreaking new findings, UN Women and the Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development (DWAFD), Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, of the Government of Thailand […]


26 Jan, 2016

ASEANTA’s female President tells tourism ministers: Replace “war on terrorism” with “Peace Through Tourism”

Manila — ASEAN’s tourism industry needs to become a conduit for conflict prevention and replace antagonistic terminology such as “war on terrorism” with a more pacifist slogan, “Peace Through Tourism,” according to the President of the 10-country grouping’s umbrella travel federation. In a statement at the ASEAN Tourism Forum, held in Manila between Jan 18-22, […]


21 Jan, 2016

Nielsen to Launch “Social Content Ratings” with Measurement Across Twitter and Facebook

NEW YORK, Jan. 20, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Nielsen today announced that it is expanding Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings to include Facebook conversation for the first time. With measurement of program-related conversation across these two social networking services at launch, and plans to integrate Instagram at a later date, Nielsen Twitter TV Ratings will become Nielsen’s “Social […]


21 Jan, 2016

2015 City Brands Index released: Paris, London, NYC take top spots

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–January 20, 2016 – New York City and Los Angeles have claimed third and fifth place, in the 2015 Anholt-GfK Roper City Brands IndexSM report, with NYC and LA improving on their 2013 rankings and DC slipping four places despite improving its score. Paris edged past London, 2013’s best city, for the top […]


21 Jan, 2016

Shangri-La hotel’s HRD director flags downsides of tourism labour mobility under ASEAN integration

MANILA – The ASEAN Mutual Recognition Agreement, designed to liberalise movements of tourism professionals within the 10-member regional bloc, could cause potentially serious side-effects in the travel & tourism sector, the Human Resources Director of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts in the Philippines has warned. Speaking at the ASEAN Tourism Conference (ATC), one of the core […]


20 Jan, 2016

Jewish Voice for Peace: Airbnb is profiting from Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine

Full text of message from  Visit StolenHomes.org, and tell Airbnb to stop listing stolen homes. Dear Friend, Imagine a gorgeous home for your next getaway: a well-stocked kitchen, pool out the patio doors, nice linens, flowers on the bedside table. Sounds great, right?  Here’s the problem: That house: stolen.  That land: stolen.  The roads on […]


20 Jan, 2016

Hosted media at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016 hit by attendance requirement at NTO briefings

Manila – Hosted travel journalists attending the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2016 are being required to provide proof of attendance at least seven out of 13 media briefings in order to be eligible for reimbursement of their air-fare. Instituted for the first time at an ATF, the requirement has caught several regular media participants by surprise […]


20 Jan, 2016

Rising Geopolitical Threats Affecting CEOs’ Global Growth Confidence – PWC Survey released at World Economic Forum

DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 20 (Bernama-GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Two-thirds of CEOs (66%) see more threats facing their businesses today than three years ago.  Just over a quarter (27%) believe global growth will improve over the next 12 months, a decline of 10 points on last year. Infographics accompanying this announcement are available at http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/29e79b45-a0d1-4646-844f-4e6e549f96cb http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0e5e1e9a-0e0d-4bdc-85c8-abe0e96d5596 http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0217f4b5-733a-4297-8b28-476c398afabc http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/48f24355-97fa-4d6d-93cb-70efb94dd0c2 http://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/aaa42e76-cb4f-415d-bfb3-40d1968cfef0 […]


19 Jan, 2016

ASEAN branding confusion at ASEAN’s premier travel trade show

Manila — The marketing of ASEAN as a single tourism destination has been under way for 24 years, with the original designation of 1992 as Visit ASEAN Year, to mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of the regional grouping. In spite of that long-standing effort, the ASEAN tourism sector still cannot find common ground […]


18 Jan, 2016

Australia Calls for Applications to Support Artists with Disability 2016

Canberra, 15 January 2016- The Australia Council for the Arts is again providing dedicated funding for artists with disability and is calling for applications before the 2 February closing date. Australia Council Chief Executive Officer Tony Grybowski said this was the second year dedicated funding had been offered as part of a three-year initiative announced […]


16 Jan, 2016

Report: Top 1% holds one-third of China’s wealth

By Liang Jun

Beijing, (People’s Daily Online), 14 Jan 2016 – A recent report showed that income and wealth inequality is worsening in China. The top 1 percent of households own around one-third of China’s wealth, while the bottom 25 percent of them have only 1 percent. The report, released by a research institute at Peking University, shows […]


14 Jan, 2016

Princess Cruises Sleep Study Reveals Americans Prefer Getting More Sleep than Getting Fit

Santa Clarita, Calif., Jan. 13, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Americans are tired of feeling tired and willing to sacrifice almost anything for more sleep in the new year, according to a new sleep-inspired survey commissioned by Princess Cruises. The Princess Cruises Sleep Survey results suggest that 2016 may be the year Americans wake up and acknowledge […]


14 Jan, 2016

South Korea, Thailand overtake Hong Kong as most popular 2015 destinations for Chinese

Nuremberg, Germany, January 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — GfK’s latest analyses of the Chinese market show that China produced 109 million outbound tourists in 2015 – with retail spend of US$229 billion. This is a key milestone in China’s outbound tourism history. These statistics consolidate China’s position as one of the top global sources of tourists, […]


14 Jan, 2016

Buddhist, Muslim leaders pinpoint root causes & solutions of inter-faith conflict

Bangkok – A central question that dominated the symposium on “Interfaith Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence in Multicultural Societies” was how and why an increasingly globalised, inter-connected world is failing to live up to one of its primary projected objectives: More peaceful, harmonious, sustainable, inclusive societies and communities. All world religions, global institutions, governments, societies and […]


14 Jan, 2016

Prominent Thai Journalist says ASEAN media must “take control of the narrative” from Western wire-services

Bangkok — Journalists in Thailand and ASEAN must take control of the narrative from Western media wire-services in order to build a better understanding of global events, especially those involving religious and ethnic conflicts, according to one of Thailand’s most prominent writers on foreign affairs. Speaking at a symposium on “Interfaith Dialogue and Peaceful Coexistence […]


13 Jan, 2016

JobStreet.com unveils “Company Reviews”, allowing employees to comment on their workplace

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 8 (Bernama) — JobStreet.com, one of Asia’s leading online employment marketplaces launched its newest product, ‘Company Reviews’, at the 18th JobStreet.com Malaysia Career and Training Fair 2016 (MCTF’16). The renowned career fair is jointly organized with long-standing partner, AIC Exhibitions Sdn Bhd and includes over 120 of Malaysia’s top employers. Company Reviews […]


13 Jan, 2016

Recognition More Important Than Pay – Chartered Accountants Association Survey

KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 12 (Bernama) — A new report, Culture and channelling corporate behaviour: ACCA member survey, published by ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) has found that recognition at work is the highest motivator, regardless of age, industry or location – even outstripping monetary reward. The survey harnessed the views of almost 2,000 […]


13 Jan, 2016

Wanda acquires U.S. entertainment giant Legendary for $3.5b in biggest Chinese overseas deal

By Hu Yuanyuan and Yan Dongjie

Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn)  2016-01-12 – Dalian Wanda Group Co Ltd (Wanda Group) today announced that it has acquired US Legendary Entertainment for no more than $3.5 billion in cash, marking China’s largest cross-border cultural acquisition to date.Thomas Tull will remain as Chairman and CEO of Legendary and will continue to be responsible for its day-to-day operations. […]


13 Jan, 2016

Over 1 mln Chinese tourists arrive in Australia in 2015, setting new record

CANBERRA, Jan. 12, (Xinhua) — Australia’s tourism boom continued in 2015 on the back of a surge in Chinese visitors, according to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on Tuesday. The ABS said more than one million Chinese tourists arrived in Australia during the year, setting a new record. China continues to […]


13 Jan, 2016

Hilton Launches News Parental Leave Policies to Enhance Work-Life Balance

MCLEAN, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–January 12, 2016 – Hilton Worldwide’s (NYSE: HLT) industry-leading parental leave policies took effect on January 1, 2016, and now cover both hourly and salaried Team Members at Hilton’s owned and managed properties, as well as the company’s corporate offices. The new policies represent the best parental leave benefits offered by any major […]


13 Jan, 2016

50 Most Beautiful Christian Colleges and Universities in the U.S.

DURHAM, N.C., Jan. 12, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Leading Christian higher education resource, Christian Universities Online (http://www.christianuniversitiesonline.org/), has published a ranking of the 50 Most Beautiful Christian Colleges and Universities in the United States for 2016:  http://www.christianuniversitiesonline.org/most-beautiful-christian-colleges-2016/ Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA claimed the top spot on the list. Grove City College in Grove City, […]


11 Jan, 2016

Israel Committed 1,336 Violations against Muslim-Christian Holy Sites in 2015

RAMALLAH, January 10, 2016 (WAFA) – Israeli authorities and settlers committed over 1336 violations against Muslim and Christian holy sites in the occupied Palestinian Territory during the year 2015, Minister of Religious Affairs and Awqaf, Yousef Ide’es, said on Sunday. He said these violations included attacks on shrines, holy sites, worship places and Islamic cemeteries. […]


11 Jan, 2016

MasterCard and Coin Sign Agreement to Power Wearable Payments

LAS VEGAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– January 06, 2016 – MasterCard today announced a partnership with Coin to bring MasterCard payments to a wide array of fitness bands, smart watches and other wearable devices. This collaboration builds upon the MasterCard announcement in October introducing the Commerce for Every Device program to enable any consumer gadget, accessory or wearable […]


11 Jan, 2016

Clean Toilets top list of 2015 tourism developments in China

Beijing, (China Daily): 2016-01-06 — The China National Tourism Administration recently released the country’s Top 10 Tourism News of last year. The industry played a positive role in driving investment, consumption and export, as well as economic development in 2015. And the top 10 covers major events and reflects the ongoing reform and upgrading of […]


10 Jan, 2016

Indian visitor arrivals +4.4% in 2015, but US$ tourism earnings -2.8%

New Delhi, 08-January-2016, Ministry of Tourism media release – Ministry of Tourism compiles monthly estimates of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) on the basis of Nationality-wise, Port-wise data received from Bureau of Immigration (BOI) and Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from tourism on the basis of data available from Reserve Bank of India. Following are the important […]


10 Jan, 2016

UK to launch 2-year visitor visas for Chinese nationals on Jan. 11

LONDON, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) — Britain’s new two-year visitor visas for Chinese nationals is to be launched on Monday, Jan. 11, the British Home Office announced Wednesday. The new visa will cost 85 pounds (125 U.S. dollars), the same as the existing six-month visitor visa, and will enable successful applicants to make multiple trips to […]


6 Jan, 2016

FREE DOWNLOAD: OAG report on world’s most punctual airlines and airports, 2015

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–OAG, the global leader in air travel intelligence, has released the results of the OAG Punctuality League 2015, the industry’s most comprehensive annual ranking of on-time performance (OTP) for the world’s airlines and airports. For the first time, this year’s league table incorporates enhanced depth and coverage from the newly consolidated flight status and […]


6 Jan, 2016

Hilton Mobilises Hotels to Find Solutions to Global Issues

January 06, 2016, MCLEAN, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Four years after launching its corporate responsibility strategy, Travel with Purpose, Hilton Worldwide (NYSE: HLT) says its investments in global partnerships and programs to activate hotel and office teams is not only driving positive social impact, but also supporting long-term business success. “Travel with Purpose has played an important role […]


5 Jan, 2016

Thailand’s Buri Ram Province to use King’s Sufficiency Economy as Future Development Model

Bangkok, 4 January 2016, Thai government Public Relations Department – Buri Ram province, in lower northeastern Thailand, aims to develop itself as one of the most livable cities in the world, based on the concept of “Sufficiency Economy.” Buri Ram Governor Seri Srihatrai said that the issue was discussed at a workshop of local administrators […]


5 Jan, 2016

Call for Entries: 2016 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation

Bangkok – Submissions are now being accepted for the 2016 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The Awards recognize the efforts of private individuals and organizations that have successfully restored or conserved structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region. The Awards emphasize the importance of the conservation process, including the technical […]


4 Jan, 2016

Indonesian human rights expert resigns U.N. role after Israel blocks him from occupied Palestine

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 4 January 2016 – The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian territories is resigning due to Israel’s failure to grant him access to the areas he is tasked with monitoring. “Unfortunately, my efforts to help improve the lives of Palestinian victims of […]


4 Jan, 2016

Australia mandates full recovery of student loans from overseas residents

Canberra, 1 January 2016, Australian government Media Release – From today, people who have benefited from Australian student loans and now live overseas will pay for them the same way as they would if they lived in Australia. Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham said it was estimated that up to $30 million […]


4 Jan, 2016

Australia sets stronger protections for vocational education and training students

Canberra,  1 January 2016, Australian government Media Release – Tough new rules to protect vocational education and training students from unscrupulous training providers commence today. Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Luke Hartsuyker, said the new rules will help stamp out the predatory behaviours that have seen some training providers deliberately target vulnerable people in […]


4 Jan, 2016

Jewish Extremist Group Calls for Torching Jerusalem Churches

JERUSALEM, January 3, 2016 (WAFA) – The leader of the extremist anti-assimilation group Lehava recently renewed his calls to torch churches in occupied Jerusalem, Israeli media sources revealed. Lehava’s leader, Bentzi Gopstein, told the Israeli TV Channel II that Israeli Jews practically prevent Christians from entering Jerusalem, saying that Christian presence in Jerusalem was not […]


2 Jan, 2016

US Sued over Billions of Tax-Exempt Donations for Illegal Israeli Settlements

RAMALLAH, December 31, 2015 (WAFA) – A lawsuit has been filed in a US court seeking to stop US-based non-profit entities from sending billions of dollars of tax-exempt donations for illegal Israeli settlements and Israeli military. The lawsuit was filed by Martin McMahon and Associates on behalf of Arab—American plaintiffs, including Palestinian American writer Susan […]


2 Jan, 2016

Business Travel Survey: 15% Admit Having an Affair on the Road & Padding Expense Reports

NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–December 30, 2015 – As airlines continue to struggle with effective ways to remain profitable, their biggest challenge remains how to maintain customer satisfaction from millions of passengers, including the business traveler who is the backbone of the airline industry. In a recent survey conducted among 1,500 business travelers, ExpertFlyer.com and View from […]


1 Jan, 2016

Countering myths and misconceptions about the Halal industry in Australia

By Syed Atiq ul Hassan

[The text of the speech delivered by Syed Atiq ul Hassan as a Guest Speaker in the Thailand Halal Assembly 2015, held in Bangkok from 25 to 27 December 2015. The Title of the speech was the Role and Responsibility of Journalist/Media for Halal Industry] In this politicised world where within or outside the Muslim […]


1 Jan, 2016

International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017: Full text of UN General Assembly resolution

The following is the full text of the Resolution declaring 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, as adopted by the UN General Assembly on 22 December 2015: The General Assembly,Reaffirming its resolutions 53/199 of 15 December 1998 and 61/185 of 20 December 2006 on the proclamation of international years, Economic and […]


1 Jan, 2016

Formal Establishment of ASEAN Community Sees Both Opportunities, Challenges

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Dec 31 (NNN-Bernama) — As another significant milestone in its history and the regional integration process, Dec 31 finally witnesses the formal establishment of the ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Community. Despite the euphoria and excitement, Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman said in a statement on this special day that […]


31 Dec, 2015

Big cities in China luring talent despite drawbacks

By Su Zhou

Beijing, (China Daily) 2015-12-16 -Despite heavy smog, skyrocketing house prices and living pressures, China’s first-tier cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, are still the top the choices for the best brains. At the same time, smaller cities trying to attract high-end talent are facing challenges both in recruiting and retention. Zhaopin.com, a Chinese human resources […]


31 Dec, 2015

European tourists staying away from Israel in droves | The Electronic Intifada

A deeper look at the official statistics reveals that Israel is actually experiencing a dramatic and sustained decline in tourism from European countries, its most important markets, that cannot be attributed just to recent events. In the 11 months from January to November 2013, 2.1 million European tourists visited Israel – accounting for about three […]


31 Dec, 2015

Travel Advisory for Muslims in America: Exercise caution and report discrimination

Washington, DC | www.adc.org | December 30, 2015 – The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) advises community members to exercise caution and vigilance while traveling over the holidays. Those flying on commercial airlines should excerise special caution. Please take your safety seriously when you receive threats of violence to yourself or your relatives and report any discrimination or […]


31 Dec, 2015

Sustainable Development Goals to kick in with start of New Year

United Nations, (UN News Centre) Dec 30, 2015 – As 2015 comes to an end, and with it the 15-year cycle of the anti-poverty Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations officially will usher in – on 1 January 2016 – an even more ambitious set of goals to banish a whole host of social […]


30 Dec, 2015

The Truth About Alcohol – Special Report to promote responsible drinking over the festive season

WebMD, a U.S. medical and health information website, has issued a special report about the good and bad side of alcohol consumption. As there is going to be a LOT of alcohol consumed in the next few days, this Travel Impact Newswire compilation of the weblinks is intended to help save a few livers and […]


30 Dec, 2015

Ford Trends Report 2016: Despite Challenges, Consumers Increasingly Driven To Make The World A Better Place

DEARBORN, Mich.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–December 28, 2015  – In a world of constant and dramatic change, new insights from Ford’s Looking Further with Ford 2016 trend report reveal a renewed sense of inspiration and ingenuity among consumers striving for a better quality of life in the New Year – motivated more than ever to make the world […]


29 Dec, 2015

9 reasons why the Thailand Halal Assembly is NOT just another ordinary trade event

Bangkok – Thailand lies at the heart of ASEAN. Like an umbilical lifeline, the isthmus of Thailand-Malaysia links the Buddhist-majority northern half of ASEAN to the Muslim-majority southern half. This makes Thailand, a Buddhist majority country with the largest Muslim minority in ASEAN, a geographical bridgehead between two regions as well as a symbolic bond […]


28 Dec, 2015

Ex-ASEAN chief Surin Pitsuwan calls for “New Beginning” in Islamic world

Bangkok – Thailand’s best-known Muslim personality Dr Surin Pitsuwan has called on the global Islamic community to use the growing number of halal events to think well beyond food, products and services and chart a “new beginning” with a focus on solving many of the world’s looming problems. Addressing the closing ceremony of the annual […]
