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8 Jan, 2015

Website Allows Women To Book The Ultimate Las Vegas Girls’ Getaway Experience

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 7, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — VegasGirlsNightOut.com, Las Vegas’ first-of-its-kind boutique concierge service designed exclusively for women by women, today announced its official launch. The new online service will provide exclusive inside access to the Las Vegas party scene for the ultimate girls’ getaway. Through the support of live Las Vegas experts, VegasGirlsNightOut.com is […]


8 Jan, 2015

European Commission publishes TTIP legal texts as part of transparency commitment

Brussels, 07 January 2015 (EU media release) – The European Commission today published a raft of texts setting outEU proposals for legal text in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) it is negotiating with the US. This is the first time the Commission has made public such proposals in bilateral trade talks and reflects […]


8 Jan, 2015

Commentary: Not a “Chinese Century,” but a less Westernized world

by Xinhua Writer Deng Yushan

BEIJING, Jan. 1 (Xinhua) — As the world marches into 2015, the international landscape augurs just another year of what history wonks refer to as Pax Americana. A “Chinese Century” foreseen by Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz and many others has not begun. Even if — a very big if given the notorious inaccuracy of […]


8 Jan, 2015

Israel bars FIFA delegation from entering Gaza

GAZA, Jan 6 (NNN-WAFA) – Israeli occupation authorities barred Monday a FIFA delegation entry into the Gaza Strip via Beit Hanoun – Erez – border crossing. WAFA correspondent reported that a throng of footballers from the Palestinian Soccer Union were waiting the FIFA delegation at the Palestinian side of the crossing. The delegation was supposed […]


8 Jan, 2015

More Chinese to travel overseas for Spring Festival

Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn), 2015-01-05 – About 60 percent of Chinese people who plan to spend the Spring Festival holiday on a trip chose to travel overseas, according to interviews and research by Beijing Daily. According to the newspaper’s data from major Chinese travel portals, including ctrip.com and ly.com, the number of bookings from Chinese tourists for […]


8 Jan, 2015

How Thai tourism has failed a great King

Bangkok – As the Thai travel and tourism industry nears the end of an era, some heavy-duty soul-searching is overdue about its future in the new era. There is clear evidence that it has failed to comprehensively heed the 44-year-old guidance of His Majesty King Bhumibhol Adulyadej, and will have no choice except to place […]


3 Jan, 2015

2014 one of Iraq’s bloodiest years as casualty rates soar, UN mission reports

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 2 January 2015 – Casualty figures for Iraq in 2014 were at their highest in over five years amid a spate of deadly violence which has been convulsing the country, the United Nations mission in the country reported today. According to the latest figures issued by the UN Assistance Mission […]


3 Jan, 2015

What made Thailand a unique travel & tourism country in 2014

Exclusive analysis by Imtiaz Muqbil

Bangkok – Thailand has become arguably the first in the world to statistically prove how political and geopolitical events at the local, regional and global levels can be both good and bad for the travel & tourism industry. From time to time, all countries are affected by negative man-made crises, and all benefit from positive […]


3 Jan, 2015

Surge in vacationing Chinese senior-citizens

By Xiaolixin and Zhengxin

Beijing, (China Daily) 2015-01-02 — Domestic and overseas travel have seen a sharp boost in the past decade, as groups of freshly retired Chinese senior citizens with abundant time and financial support enter the country’s tourism market. Senior citizens in China love to go on a trip with companions. [Photo by Shi Yucheng / China […]


3 Jan, 2015

Macao casinos see their worst year

Macao, (China Daily) 2015-01-03 – Macao, the gambling capital of the world, saw its annual casino revenues decline for the first time in 2014 data released on Friday, as the Chinese government’s corruption crackdown ended a decade of booming growth for the industry. The release of special administrative region data showed gaming revenues falling by […]


3 Jan, 2015

14,952 Jews Broke into Al-Aqsa Mosque in 2014

JERUSALEM, January 1, 2015 (WAFA) – Al-Aqsa Association for the Waqf and Heritage said that around 14,952 Israelis, including Jewish settlers, police, ministers and members of Knesset stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque during the year 2014. The association reported in a statistical report prepared with the help of witnesses staying daily in Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, the 14,952 […]


3 Jan, 2015

86 Jewish Attacks on Religious Islamic, Christian Sites in 2014

JERUSALEM, January 1, 2015 (WAFA) – Al-Aqsa Association for Waqf and Heritage reported that Israel had carried out around 86 assaults and violations of Islamic and Christian Palestinian sites in the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem in 2014. It said in a report published on Wednesday that about 30 cases of assault on mosques, 21 […]


3 Jan, 2015

Australian Grand Mufti Criticizes Anti-Palestine Vote at UN

SYDNEY, January 1, 2015 (WAFA) – The Grand Mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed Thursday criticized his country’s decision to vote against the Palestinian draft resolution, submitted to the United Nations Security Council to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory by the end of 2017. A statement issued by the Mufti’s office warned […]


31 Dec, 2014

Confucius hometown offers free tours for Analects-chanting foreigners

Qufu City, (Xinhua)  2014-12-28 – Foreigners who can recite five famous quotes of Confucius will be given free tours to his birthplace, according to a new policy by China’s Qufu city aimed at promoting the wisdom of the ancient philosopher. The city in east China’s Shandong province says from Friday foreigners can get free tickets […]


31 Dec, 2014

Chinese Commentary: Is the world becoming more dangerous?

By Zhou Bo

Beijing, (Chinadaily.com.cn)  2014-12-30 – Is the world becoming more dangerous? This question was recently asked by strategists, scholars and foreign policy practitioners from across the world at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, without an affirmative answer. Looking back at 2014, the sky of the West didn’t have much of a silver lining. The key words that marked […]


31 Dec, 2014

Majority of China’s white-collar workers unhappy with life

By Liu Wei

Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-12-30 – More than half of white-collars employees describe their life as unsatisfying, according to zhaopin.com, a Chinese job seeking and hiring website said in a report released on Monday, reported thepaper.cn. The majority of the participants who took part in the study with 9,272 valid samples said they don’t work out, don’t have […]


31 Dec, 2014

New website launched to mark Malaysia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN 2015

PUTRAJAYA, Dec 23 (Bernama) — In conjunction with the assumption of Chairmanship of ASEAN 2015 by Malaysia from 1 January 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a dedicated website http://asean2015.gov.my to provide extensive coverage, information, updates and news on important events that will take place in 2015 during the Chairmanship. This dedicated website […]


31 Dec, 2014

As oil prices fall, Qatar National Bank predicts more global economic upheaval in 2015

Doha, December 21 (QNA) – As 2014 comes to an end, the global economy shows signs of weakness with significant downside risks. Some of these risks are likely to materialise next year, leaving the global economy in worse shape than in 2014, QNB said in its Economic Commentary today. The following is the full text […]


31 Dec, 2014

Islamophobia on the rise in Germany

ANKARA, December 26, 2014 (Anadolu Agency) – Since 17,500 Germans stood in front of the Dresden City Opera House on Monday chanting, “No more lies. We are the people,” it has become clear that the far right is again on the rise in Germany. The Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the Occident group has […]


30 Dec, 2014

Thai-Muslims Learn How “Halalness” can Benefit Them, Thailand, ASEAN and Islam

Imtiaz Muqbil was the only travel trade journalist to cover this milestone event.

Bangkok – Although the term “halal” is widely assumed to denote just observance of Islamic dietary and lifestyle norms, the broader economic, geopolitical and socio-cultural benefits of the multi-billion dollar halal industry were very much in focus at the first Thailand Halal Assembly in Bangkok between 28-30 December 2014. Both Thai Prime Minister Gen Prayut […]


27 Dec, 2014

Council of American-Islamic Relations Christmas commentary: Jesus and Muhammad are Brothers

By Ibrahim Hooper

During the Christmas season, Christian families seek to maintain a focus on Jesus and his legacy. Many of our Christian brothers and sisters may be surprised to know that Muslims love and revere Jesus as one of God’s greatest messengers to mankind, just as we love and revere the Prophet Muhammad, may peace be upon […]


27 Dec, 2014

Israeli Bus Driver Hurls Racist Abuse at Muslim Female Students

NAZARETH, December 25, 2014 (WAFA) – An Israeli bus driver made racist remarks on Wednesday against a group of Palestinian female students studying at the Tel Aviv University when they got on the bus, because they were wearing the Islamic attire and headscarf. In a phone call with the bus company Dan, CEO Shmuel Refaeli, […]


27 Dec, 2014

Phuket, Phang-nga remember 10th anniversary of tsunami

BANGKOK, 26 December 2014 (NNT) – State agencies in Phuket and Phang-nga today held memorial services for December 2004’s tsunami that killed at over 5,000 people in Thailand, on the 10th anniversary of the disaster. The Phuket provincial administrative organization and the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Center Region 18 hosted a lecture attended by community […]


27 Dec, 2014

Marking 10 years since Indian Ocean tsunami, UN says world better prepared for natural disasters

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 26 December 2014 – It has been ten years since a massive tsunami swept across the Indian Ocean killing more than 200,000 people and devastating coastline communities from Indonesia to Somalia. Today, the world is much better prepared to mitigate such disasters, senior United Nations officials have declared. Caring has […]


26 Dec, 2014

China warns officials against extravagance during holiday season

BEIJING, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) — The central authorities have warned officials to rein in spending and luxury gifts during a season known for over consumption. The circular, which was recently issued by the general offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, underscored that officials must remain frugal and […]


26 Dec, 2014

It’s official: Fast-food Dulls the Brain, Retards Academic Growth in Students

By: Jeff Grabmeier

COLUMBUS, Ohio, December 22, 2014, (Ohio State University media release) – The amount of fast food children eat may be linked to how well they do in school, a new nationwide study suggests. Researchers found that the more frequently children reported eating fast food in fifth grade, the lower their growth in reading, math, and […]


25 Dec, 2014

Wikileaks: How CIA Operatives With Fake IDs Evade Border Checks

Wikileaks media release

(English | Spanish | French) Today, 21 December 2014, WikiLeaks releases two classified documents by a previously undisclosed CIA office detailing how to maintain cover while travelling through airports using false ID – including during operations to infiltrate the European Union and the Schengen passport control system. This is the second release within WikiLeaks’ CIA […]


25 Dec, 2014

Israel allows only 500 Gaza Christians to visit Bethlehem

Dec 24, 2014, PressTV – Israeli forces have announced that they will maintain severe restrictions on Christians arriving from the Gaza Strip for this year’s festivities while there is no restriction for Christians from around the world to visit the city. This year, only a few hundred Christians living in the coastal enclave, either younger […]


25 Dec, 2014

Christmas message from Jerusalem: Join the Babe of Bethlehem in Creative Resistance

Muna Mushahwar and Robert Smith, Co-Moderators, PIEF Core Group

Christmas greetings from Jerusalem. Even in the midst of lights and decorations in the Christian Quarter, Scout groups marching in Bethlehem, and amazing parties in Beit Sahour and Beit Jala, the reality of the situation in Israel and Palestine continues to challenge our Christmas joy. Just today, we received news that demolition orders have been […]


25 Dec, 2014

China Focus: 40 mln employees face pension reform

BEIJING, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) — About 40 million members of government, Party, and public institution staff will be affected by the reform of China’s pension system. China’s Vice Premier Ma Kai on Tuesday reported on the social security system at the ongoing bi-monthly session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, saying the basic […]


25 Dec, 2014

Construction starts on new Beijing airport on Friday

BEIJING, Dec. 24 (Xinhua) — Work will begin on Beijing’s new airport on Friday, according to a senior Chinese official. The international aviation hub will be constructed on the principles of frugality, efficiency, convenience and comfort, Zhou Laizhen, deputy director of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), said on Wednesday. The airport is designed […]


24 Dec, 2014

China’s rich-poor income gap rises to “alarming level”

Beijing, (ecns) 2014-12-24 — China’s income gap has widened to an alarming level, much higher than that of Russia and the US, according to the 4th Income Distribution and Enterprises Salary Reform Summit. The average salary among the top 20 percent high-income earners is about 10.7 times higher than that of the bottom 20 percent […]


24 Dec, 2014

Chinese customs seize more than 3,000 crocodile skins

XIAMEN, (Xinhua) 2014-12-24 – Customs authorities in East China’s Fujian province seized a staggering 3,022 crocodile skins illegally shipped from Taiwan. In mid-June, a Fujian-based trade company lodged a declaration for a batch of frozen fish balls from Taiwan, but later customs officers found 1,328 crocodile skins disguised by the fish balls in the port […]


24 Dec, 2014

Billion-dollar Investment Opportunities Seen in Cuba

WASHINGTON, Dec 24 (NNN-CARIBBEANNEWS) — A leading investment group has identified billions of dollars worth of opportunities in Cuba following US President Barack Obama’s announcement of plans to re-establish relations with the Caribbean island nation. The Cuba Business Outlook, produced by the business intelligence group Global News Matters, reported many opportunities — with investments required […]


24 Dec, 2014

Princess Cruises “Relaxation Report”: Holiday season sees women get more stressed than men

SANTA CLARITA, Calif., Dec. 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — With the holidays in full swing, a new survey released by Princess Cruises found that this is a more stressful time for women than men, with women feeling more pressure cooking meals and hosting parties, while men feel more stress by shopping and receiving unwanted gifts. The survey […]


24 Dec, 2014

Chinese commentary: In New World Order, U.S “Should Stop Trying to Play God”

BEIJING, Dec. 23 (Xinhua) — China on Tuesday conducted an interim review of the implementation of a government action plan on human rights protection, highlighting the considerable progress it has made since 2012 and pledging to strive for greater improvement. The meeting, which gave floor to state organs and agencies at various levels to report […]


24 Dec, 2014

Hundreds of Singaporeans Visit al-Aqsa Mosque in Solidarity with Palestinians

JERUSALEM, December 23, 2014 (WAFA) – Hundreds of Muslim Singaporeans Tuesday visited al-Aqsa Mosque in the city of Jerusalem as an act of support, in light of the recent heightened Israeli measures against worshipers and protection of Israeli settlers, which have spiked tensions in the old city. This visit comes at a time of mounting […]


24 Dec, 2014

Palestinian President: All I Want from Christmas is Justice

RAMALLAH, December 22, 2014 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas Sunday called upon the international community to recognize the State of Palestine on the 1967 border and support the United Nations initiative to set a deadline to end the Israeli occupation. “This Christmas, we deliver a very special message to the world: All I want from […]


24 Dec, 2014

Palestine Advocates Protest Israeli Diamond Store in NYC for Human Rights Violation Complicity

NEW YORK, December 22, 2014 (WAFA) – A total of 40 New York human rights advocates protested on Saturday at the Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev’s flagship Madison Avenue diamond store, which is known for being complicit in the Israeli occupation and settlement activities in the West Bank. The advocates had been gathering for eight years […]


21 Dec, 2014

More European Groups Call for Formal Recognition of Palestine

STRASBOURG, December 18, 2014 (WAFA) – In yet another supportive gesture in favor of the Palestinian statehood bid, the European United Left/Nordic Green Left European Parliamentary Group (GUE/NGL MEPS) called on member states to formally recognize a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. The group welcomed the European Parliament […]


20 Dec, 2014

International Cruise Victims Applauds Legislation to Increase Public Access to Cruise Safety Info

PHOENIX–(BUSINESS WIRE)–December 15, 2014 – International Cruise Victims (ICV) is pleased to announce the passage of new legislation which will require a numerical accounting of missing persons as well as requiring that all applicable alleged crimes committed on cruise ships be reported publicly regardless of the investigative status of the incident. In a bipartisan fashion, […]


20 Dec, 2014

New initiative launched to support Americans to study in China

WASHINGTON – (Xinhua) – 2014-12-18 – China and the United States launched a new fellowship initiative on Wednesday to support mid-career American professionals to study in China. The initiative, known as Zhi-Xing China-Perfect World U.S.-China Young Leaders Fellowships, aims to sponsor 15 to 20 American professionals who are interested in Chinese culture and China-related work […]


20 Dec, 2014

European Union Helps Consumers by Capping Credit Card Fees While U.S. Lags

WASHINGTON, December 18, 2014, (BUSINESS WIRE)–The following press release was issued by Merchants Payments Coalition: American merchants applaud the European Union for taking steps to cap card fees at a seventh of what U.S. retailers pay their banks. The 28 countries of the European Union agreed with a committee of the EU’s Parliament to cap […]


20 Dec, 2014

China, US vow to boost tourism

CHICAGO, (Xinhua), 2014-12-18 – China and the United States vowed on Wednesday to further enhance bilateral cooperation in boosting tourism and people-to-people exchanges. At a forum on China-US tourism cooperation held here as part of the ongoing 25th session of the US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT), visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang […]


19 Dec, 2014

Palestinian President: Independent State by 2017

RAMALLAH, December 18, 2014 (WAFA) – President Mahmoud Abbas Thursday said the bid aims for the conduct of serious negotiations with Israel to put an end to the military occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state by the year 2017. During a televised speech at the Palestinian leadership meeting, Abbas said the Palestinian bid for […]


19 Dec, 2014

Geneva Conference Addresses Israeli Violations of International Law

GENEVA, December 17, 2014 (WAFA) – The High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions met in Geneva on Wednesday to discuss Israel’s failure to comply with international law with regards to the Palestinian inalienable rights, according to Palestine’s Permanent Mission in Switzerland. The meeting discussed Israel’s impunity by a High Contracting Party and disregard of […]


19 Dec, 2014

Jewish Fanatics Break into Al-Aqsa Mosque amid Growing Tensions

JERUSALEM, December 16, 2014 (WAFA) – A group of Jewish extremists on Wednesday broke into the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem in a provocative tour, shortly following clashes that erupted throughout the city last night after Israeli army killed a Palestinian in nearby Qalandia refugee camp. Local media sources said one of the Jewish […]


19 Dec, 2014

Air France Flight Forced To Land Because Of … Chili Peppers

SANTO DOMINGO, Dec 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — An Air France flight from Santo Domingo to Paris made an emergency landing in Ireland on Sunday after an alarm indicated the possibility of fire or smoke in the cargo hold, according to the Irish Independent. The culprit turned out to be chili peppers – yes, chili peppers – […]


19 Dec, 2014

Chinese commentator to U.S.: Criticizing is easier than self-criticism

By Chen Weihua

Washington DC, (China Daily) 2014-12-12 – Now we all know why it’s never the United States, but the rest of the world that engages in torture. It’s simply because the US doesn’t call it torture, it calls it enhanced interrogation techniques, or EIT. But no matter how much nicer it sounds, EIT is heinous and […]


19 Dec, 2014

Gulf Arab economies respond tactically to offset oil price plunge

DUBAI, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — The question of how much the fall in oil prices will affect the Gulf Arab economies in 2015 is the” talk of the town” in the region with officials and business executives differing in their assessments. The drop in oil would not change the bullish prospects for the United Arab […]


19 Dec, 2014

China announces major holiday dates for 2015

BEIJING, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) — The State Council, China’s cabinet, announced major holiday dates for 2015: New Year’s Day: Jan. 1 – Jan. 3, with Jan. 4 (Sunday) as a working day. Spring Festival (Chinese Lunar New Year): Feb. 18 – Feb. 24. Feb.15 (Sunday) and Feb. 28 (Saturday) are working days. Qingming (Tomb-Sweeping Day): […]


19 Dec, 2014

ADB, Cambodia Sign Loans to Boost Tourism, Water Supply and Financial Sectors

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA, ADB Media release, 18 December 2014 – Cambodia’s Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth and Asian Development Bank (ADB) today signed loan agreements totaling $67 million for three support operations which will further improve the country’s water supply, tourism, and financial sectors. The loan agreements cover the Third Financial Sector Program–Subprogram […]


19 Dec, 2014

Drone shot down in Beijing suburb, operators charged

Beijing, (Chinadaily.com.cn), 2014-12-16 — Three people have been charged with involuntarily endangering public security by flying drones for surveying and mapping, according to a recent report in People’s Liberation Army Daily. The drone forced several commercial airliners to alter their paths or delay their flights before it was shot down by air force, the report […]


19 Dec, 2014

Chinese travel agencies told to regulate tourist behavior

By Su Zhou

Beijing, (China Daily) 2014-12-15 – Tourism authorities will urge travel agencies to monitor tour groups and will explore the use of personal credit reports to identify possible offenders in advance. The move comes after four Chinese travelers poured hot water on a Thai flight attendant and triggered public outrage online. The China National Tourism Administration […]


19 Dec, 2014

GMS summit in Thailand: China eyes bigger role in boosting connectivity

BANGKOK, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s expected attendance at a Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) summit in Thailand signals China’s more active role in efforts to bolster regional economy and connectivity and to expand the scope of cooperation. Also on Li’s agenda is the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on China-Thailand […]


19 Dec, 2014

World wood production up but paper stagnant as electronic publishing grows – UN report

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 18 December 2014 – Continuing steady growth in 2013 for the fourth consecutive year, global wood production has fully recovered from the economic downturn of 2008-2009, though production of pulp and paper stagnated largely due to a decline in consumption in China, data released by the United Nations’ Food and […]


19 Dec, 2014

China corruption crackdown hits Macau’s gambling revenue


Beijing, (China Daily) Updated: 2014-12-19 – It is time for Macao to diversify its economy from an over-reliance on gambling, as this year may mark the city’s first yearly decline in gaming revenue, industry insiders and analysts urge. Macao is looking to develop as a leisurely tourist destination to offer visitors, mostly from the Chinese […]


19 Dec, 2014

Chinese commentary: Water more important for Asian security than tanks and warships

(People’s Daily Online), December 18, 2014 – When talking about Asian security, many analysts tend to start with the number of naval vessels and warplanes each country possesses. The recent water crisis in the Maldives has reminded us that the Asian security issue should be viewed comprehensively. On Dec. 15, a desalination plant in Male […]


17 Dec, 2014

Tourist Influx Helps Rural Lao PDR Thrive

Vientiane, Lao PDR, ADB Feature | 8 December 2014 – When Noy Sae Lee was a young woman in northwest Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) in the 1970s, her small ethnic Lanten community subsisted on slash-and-burn cultivation, virtually isolated from the outside world, save for limited trade in opium and wildlife in this fabled […]


17 Dec, 2014

Ancient Trade Route Boosts Tourism, Commerce Within Greater Mekong Subregion

Vientiane, Lao PDR, ADB News Feature, 12 December 2014 – A modern highway and bridge connecting three countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion are reviving an ancient trade route and bringing new life to local communities. More than 1,200 years ago, during the Tang Dynasty, merchants in Yunnan, People’s Republic of China (PRC) began forging trade routes to […]


17 Dec, 2014

$50 Billion Greater Mekong Plan to Focus on Building Economic Corridors

VIENTIANE, LAO PDR (ADB media release) 12 December 2013 – Member countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) have agreed to draw up a $50 billion pipeline of potential projects under a new Regional Investment Framework (RIF), including investments in non-traditional areas like railways and multisector projects to be made over the next decade. “The […]


17 Dec, 2014

Global Coalition Launched to Help the World’s Poorest Access Affordable Health Coverage

12 DECEMBER 2014 (Rockefeller Foundation media release) – A new global coalition of more than 500 leading health and development organizations worldwide is urging governments to accelerate reforms that ensure everyone, everywhere, can access quality health services without being forced into poverty. The coalition was launched today, on the first-ever Universal Health Coverage Day, 12 […]


17 Dec, 2014

EU Agrees Money Laundering Transparency Reforms, but Full Access Denied

17 December 2014 (Released by Transparency International Liaison Office to the European Union)  – Transparency International has welcomed new landmark legislation to tackle money laundering and anonymous shell companies in the European Union. The revisions to the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive agreed by the European Parliament and EU Council are an important step forward in […]


14 Dec, 2014

All-around service is key to meeting Chinese needs abroad

By Wang Chao

(China Daily) 2014-12-13 – HNA Tourism Group made an interesting observation on its cruise ship Henna: While Western cruise-ship customers love lying on the deck taking in the sun, many Chinese travelers follow a decidedly Chinese pursuit and gather to play mahjong below deck. So the company has prepared mahjong sets on the ship in […]


14 Dec, 2014

Chinese resort island offers reward to whistleblowers for reporting tourist fraud

Sanya, Hainan island, (chinadaily.com.cn ) 2014-12-12 – Sanya is going to reward citizens who report tourist fraud on the popular tropical island, up to 50,000 yuan ($8,080), starting next year, according to the local authorities. Two complaint hotlines have been set for the public to disclose problems in the island’s tourist industry, typically legal taxis, […]


14 Dec, 2014

German Travel market holds its ground in a difficult 2014 environment

Berlin, (DRV media release) 10 Dec 2014 – The Germans bank on classical seadise travel destinations and fulfil themselves dreams in respect of long-haul trips: Greece, Tunisia, the Canary Islands as well as the Caribbean destinations Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico are the vacation countries of the Germans which record the highest growth rates this […]


12 Dec, 2014

Thai-Muslims to hold First Thailand Halal Assembly to boost travel, trade with Islamic World

Bangkok – An estimated 5,000 delegates are expected to meet in Bangkok between December 28 – 30 for the first “Thailand Halal Assembly 2014” to be held at the Bangkok Convention Center, Centara Grand Hotel at Central World. Organised jointly by the Halal Science Center of Chulalongkorn University, the Central Islamic Council of Thailand and […]


11 Dec, 2014

Top 10 Holiday Survival Tips for Staying Sober Through the Party Season

Statesboro, GA (PRWEB) December 10, 2014 — Willingway, a renowned treatment center for alcoholism and drug addiction, has helped patients find the best chance at recovery for more than 45 years. And they know how bittersweet and difficult the holidays can be for people in recovery from addiction. Robbin Mooney, Willingway’s Director of Communications, said, […]


11 Dec, 2014

New ITU Global Initiatives reports offer solutions for development, disaster management

Doha, 9 December 2014 (International Telecommunications Union) – The Advisory Boards of the ITU m-Powering Development and Smart Sustainable Development Model Initiatives released their first reports in Doha, Qatar, at an extraordinary meeting of each of the Boards, which met on the eve of ITU Telecom World 2014 in session 7-10 December. “These reports are the […]


11 Dec, 2014

Spotlighting racism, stigma, UN launches Int’l Decade of People of African Descent

United Nations, (UN News Centre), 10 December 2014 – People of African descent still face racism in every country, region and continent of the world, said United Nations General Assembly President Sam Kutesa as the word body today kicked off its International Decade of People of African Descent. “Over the next ten years, people everywhere […]


11 Dec, 2014

Climate Change: Oh, when will they ever learn?

By O P Rana

Beijing, (China Daily) 2014-12-06 – Oh, when will they ever learn?The annual ritual of UN climate change conference is on in the Peruvian capital of Lima in a year which is almost certainly going to be the hottest on record. Twenty-two years have passed since the first international climate conference in Rio de Janeiro in […]


10 Dec, 2014

China Voice: U.S. should clean up its own human rights issues

BEIJING, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — As Human Rights Day approaches, high-profile cases of violations within American borders and by its agencies abroad are being scrutinized, especially as it pertains to be a defender of civil liberties globally. United Nations human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein on Nov. 25 urged the U.S. to examine race-related […]


10 Dec, 2014

Crisis-hit Italians cut Christmas shopping: study

ROME, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — As Christmas, the most popular feast day in Italy on Dec. 25, gets close, household spending continues the record drops in the crisis-plagued country. According to a recent report by consumer group Codacons, Christmas spending since before the outbreak of the global economic crisis has fallen by as much as […]


10 Dec, 2014

“Remarkable Indonesia” showcase in Bangkok highlights culture, builds ASEAN integration

Bangkok – A “Remarkable Indonesia Showcase 2014” was held from 8 to 11 December 2014 at Central Court, Central World in downtown Bangkok. At the official opening ceremony on 9 December. Indonesian Ambassador to Thailand, Mr Lutfi Rauf called it an “iconic event that showcases a variety of fashion products, cultural performances and food and […]


10 Dec, 2014

Australia holds national summit to curb “endemic” domestic violence

Canberra, 8 December 2014 – The Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women, Senator Michaelia Cash today delivered the opening address for the inaugural National Domestic Violence Summit, emphasising that all Australians have a role to play in changing the attitudes that create and sustain the endemic culture of violence in Australia. “Ensuring the whole […]


10 Dec, 2014

Pope sends message of peace, hope

Manila, December 7, 2014, Manila Bulletin – Today, the Catholic Church marks the Second Sunday of Advent, with Church rites centering on preparations for the celebration of Christmas, which the Holy Father considers as “the hope for humanity.” Pope Francis’ list of prayer intentions for the year 2014 includes a message of peace and hope […]


10 Dec, 2014

Nationwide rail project amongst new pacts signed by China, South Africa

Beijing, (China Daily), 2014-12-05 – China and South Africa signed 11 agreements, including one on transportation, on Thursday in Beijing as top leaders of the world’s second-largest economy and the African economic powerhouse laid the groundwork for cooperation for the next decade. The memorandum on cooperation between CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive and Transnet, South Africa’s […]


10 Dec, 2014

US should respond to public demands for greater police accountability – Ban

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 4 December 2014 – In the wake of a grand jury decision in New York yesterday not to indict a police officer in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, an unarmed man, in July, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has urged the United States to do “anything possible to […]


10 Dec, 2014

Interview with Amina J. Mohammed, U.N. Chief’s Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning

United Nations, (UN News Centre), 4 December 2014 – Amina J. Mohammed has served since June 2012 as the Special Adviser to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Post-2015 Development Planning. The Nigerian national brings to the position more than 30 years of experience as a development practitioner in the public and private sectors, as well as […]


10 Dec, 2014

Road to Dignity by 2030: UN chief launches blueprint towards sustainable development

United Nations, (UN News Centre), 4 December 2014 – Calling for inclusive, agile and coordinated action to usher in an era of sustainable development for all, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today presented the United Nations General Assembly with an advance version of his so-called “synthesis report,” which will guide negotiations for a new global agenda centred […]


10 Dec, 2014

Iconic image spotlighting plight of Palestine refugees, illuminates UN headquarters

United Nations, UN News Centre, 3 December 2014 – To mark the climax of the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, an iconic image from the newly digitized photo archives of the UN agency tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East was projected yesterday onto buildings in eight cities around the […]


8 Dec, 2014

Aviation: EU allocates €3 bn to deliver the Single European Sky

European Commission – Press release, Brussels, 05 December 2014 – Today the European Commission will sign a new partnership agreement, involving major Air Traffic Management (ATM) stakeholders. Airlines, airport operators and Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) will receive up to €3 bn in EU funding, in order to implement common projects and modernise Europe’s Air Traffic Management […]


8 Dec, 2014

Australia releases FREE guide to help consumers dealing with debt collectors

Canberra, ACCC and ASIC media release, 5 December 2014 – The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) have launched ‘Dealing with debt collectors: Your rights and responsibilities’ a free guide that helps consumers in trouble with debt understand their options so they know how to deal with […]


8 Dec, 2014

Corruption just as rampant in Private Sector, SEA-PAC meeting told

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 1 (Bernama) — Stringent reforms should be urgently drawn up by all regional anti-corruption agencies to curb corruption in the private sector, said Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed. “The government must install a strong deterrent tool to curb corruption in the private sector. They (the private […]


8 Dec, 2014

ASEAN Business Club Launches Lifting-The-Barriers Reports 2014

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 1 (Bernama) — In conjunction with the ASEAN Business Club (ABC) Delegation’s visit to Malaysia, the ABC in partnership with the CIMB ASEAN Research Institute (CARI) launched the second set of Lifting-The-Barriers (LTB) Reports today – another set of seven white papers outlining bottlenecks and barriers, coupled with workable solutions for an […]


6 Dec, 2014

Trade unions go on the offensive in India, call nationwide strike to protest anti-labour policies

by David Browne

This week’s 30th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster is stark reminder that India’s relationship with capitalism has not always been a happy one.  5 December 2014, Geneva, ITUC media release – As the world’s largest democracy again remembers those who died from the toxic gas leak at the US-owned Union Carbide factory on the night […]


3 Dec, 2014

GetVoIP Study: 21% of Tech Employees Admit to Stealing from Work, Especially During Holiday Hustle

New York, NY (PRWEB) December 02, 2014 – GetVoIP, a one-stop hub for tech industry news, today released the results of their most recent survey, which asked American tech employees: “Have you ever stolen an object from your work/employer?” An amazing 21% of tech employees confess to stealing from their employer. Out of the 21% […]


3 Dec, 2014

Asian Parliamentarians Condemn Israel’s Offensive on Palestinian Holy Sites

LAHORE, December 2, 2014 (WAFA) – The plenary session of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), convened in the city of Lahore in Pakistan, condemned on Tuesday the Israeli violations on holy sites in the Palestinian Territory, particularly al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, including provocative visits by Jewish fanatics into the Muslim holy site. The APA, […]


3 Dec, 2014

Beijing tightens rules for airports

By Wang Wen

Bejing, (China Daily) Updated: 2014-12-03 – The Beijing government has issued new airport rules with an eye on the growing number of conflicts between passengers and carriers in recent years. The rules forbid entering an airport-controlled area without an airport pass, entering a taxiway, forcibly boarding and occupying an aircraft, climbing over and destroying airports’ […]


3 Dec, 2014

Multinationals in China set for tougher scrutiny over tax evasion, transfer-pricing


Beijing, (China Daily), 2014-12-03 – China will establish a comprehensive system to monitor foreign companies’ profitability to curb cross-border tax evasion, the State Administration of Taxation said. The move is one of several steps against tax avoidance taken by the agency to protect the country’s interests as the world’s top destination for foreign direct investment. […]


3 Dec, 2014

European media see U.S. racial discrimination, wealth gap as root causes of Ferguson case

BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) — The Ferguson incident has come as a result of a deep-rooted mindset of racial discrimination and the increasingly widening wealth gap in the United States, major newspapers of some European countries say. Greek media have been following the incident, which has sparked widespread protests after a white police officer shot […]


3 Dec, 2014

Tripwire Survey: Online Shoppers Easily Duped by Fake “Brand” Promotions

Portland, Oregon (PRWEB) December 02, 2014 – Tripwire, Inc., a leading global provider of advanced threat, security and compliance solutions, today announced the results of a consumer survey conducted by One Poll and Dimensional Research on holiday shopping security practices. The survey evaluated online cybersecurity awareness of 2,011 consumers from the U.S. and U.K., and […]


2 Dec, 2014

Malaysia, Philippines, Iran among 13 countries which have eradicated hunger ahead of 2015-deadline – UN report

United Nations, UN News centre, 1 December 2014 – Honouring their outstanding progress in fighting hunger, 13 countries were commended today by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today for achieving food security milestones ahead of the UN global 2015 target deadline and urged continued momentum to end the suffering of 805 million […]


1 Dec, 2014

Dutch extremist MP calls for removal of all mosques in Netherlands

THE HAGUE – Anadolu Agency- November/27/2014 – A Dutch right-wing political party has demanded Netherlands be cleared of mosques, amid an ongoing row over the integration of Muslim and Turkish minorities in the country. Machiel de Graaf, a member of Dutch anti-immigration and anti-Islam Party for Freedom (PVV), asked all mosques in the country to […]


1 Dec, 2014

China to boost students’ soccer skills

BEIJING, (Xinhua), 2014-11-27  — Many people blame academic pressure and lack of school soccer for China’s terrible soccer team, but that may be about to change thanks to a new evaluation system that will take into soccer skills. China’s education minister Yuan Guiren said on Wednesday that soccer will be factored in when forming a comprehensive […]


1 Dec, 2014

Israel’s Gaza attack led to US$47m drop in El Al Q3 profits over last year

LOD, Israel–(BUSINESS WIRE)–November 26, 2014 – El Al’s CEO, David Maimon: “The results of the third quarter reflect the effect of the ‘Operation Protective Edge,’ which caused significant harm to revenues and as a result El Al requested government assistance. This is the first time since the Second Lebanon War in 2006 in which El […]


29 Nov, 2014

Opening the windows: European Commission commits to enhanced transparency

European Commission – Press release, Strasbourg, 25 November 2014 – The European Commission today gave a boost to transparency by committing to publishing information about who meets its political leaders and senior officials and to providing greater access to documents relating to the negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the United […]


29 Nov, 2014

Beijing municipal parks launch APEC travel routes

Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-11-28 – Six municipal parks in the Chinese capital have launched different tourism routes to promote sites in the parks, which were visited by global leaders and their spouses during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting earlier this month, according to Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Parks. The parks have made special arrangements […]


29 Nov, 2014

Gaza Patients Need Israeli Approval to Cross Border to Egypt for Treatment

JERUSALEM, November 27, 2014 – (WAFA) – The patient applications that were granted approval for Gazans by Israeli occupation authorities to cross Erez crossing for medical treatment dropped by 5.78%, reported the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). “In October, the total number of permit applications to cross Erez (which included casualty […]


29 Nov, 2014

3 Dec: International Day for Persons with Disabilities

United Nations, 28 November 2014, UN News Centre – Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, to be observed on 3 December: This year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities focuses on the theme, “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. Technology has changed the world, bringing knowledge […]
