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3 Jul, 2014

European countries fight for Chinese tourists

Beijing, (People’s Daily Online), July 02, 2014 – Many European countries have relaxed or simplified visa application procedures for China this year. This is mainly due to increasingly close political relations between China and the EU. Eager to put the financial crisis behind them, EU countries also hope that opening the door to more Chinese […]


2 Jul, 2014

Georgetown Institute Research: How Americans Will Celebrate July 4

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–July 01, 2014 – The Georgetown Institute for Consumer Research recently polled consumers about their plans for this July 4 holiday – ranging from activities, to food choices, to the average amount of money people are willing to spend, finding preferences for barbecues, burgers, sparklers, and a bipartisan sentiment for governments hosting fireworks displays. […]


2 Jul, 2014

US$225 million ADB loan to help Bangladesh tackle river erosion

Dhaka, 1 July 2014, (ADB media release) – The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will fund state-of-the-art riverbank protection measures in Bangladesh to prevent land erosion, which is destroying livelihoods and costing the economy an estimated $250 million a year. An ADB multitranche loan financing facility of $255 million will help put in place riverbank protection […]


2 Jul, 2014

12 reasons why Bangladesh will be bigger than Myanmar

Dhaka – Although much of the buzz today is about Myanmar coming in from the cold, a country with even bigger future potential is Bangladesh. This editor visited the country between June 18-22 on invitation of the Bangladesh Tourism Board to deliver two lectures on strategies to balance negative media coverage and involve stakeholders in […]


1 Jul, 2014

U.S. Consumers League Study: Consumers Losing Trust in Businesses

Washington, DC, June 30, 2014, National Consumers League – Today, the National Consumers League #DataInsecurity Project released a new survey of identity fraud victims which finds that Americans are urgently calling out for government action on the growing threat posed by data breach and identity theft. The study, conducted in partnership with Javelin Strategy & […]


30 Jun, 2014

Thai private sector’s wish-list of tourism recovery strategies and actions

Hua Hin — Senior executives of the Tourism Authority of Thailand from head office and worldwide are to start their 2014-15 marketing planning meetings here today with a clear focus on campaigns to recover from the 8-month political unrest. The recovery campaign is likely to draw upon the recommendations of the Tourism Council of Thailand, […]


30 Jun, 2014

World Cup literally killing people in China

By WANG QINGYUN in Beijing, HUANG ZHILING in Chengdu and FENG ZHIWEI in Changsha

(China Daily) 2014-06-28 – World Cup soccer matches screened live on TV in China throughout the night are taking their toll on fans. Doctors have been treating them for a range of conditions, including coronary spasms, high blood pressure and kidney disease. For example, early on Friday morning, a weary middle-aged woman visited Wei Ming, […]


29 Jun, 2014

New Caledonia, Tokelau, French Polynesia seek “self-determination” from France

United Nations, 27 June 2014, Department of Public Information – The Special Committee on Decolonization today concluded its 2014 substantive session with the approval, without a vote, of three draft resolutions, including one calling on France, New Caledonia’s administering Power, to consider developing an education programme to inform the people in the Territory about the […]


29 Jun, 2014

New report reveals detailed demographic profile of Australia

Canberra, 26 June 2014, (Minister for Immigration and Border Protection) – A new report compiling data from the 2011 Census provides a key statistical picture of the Australian population and the make-up of migrant communities, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Mr Scott Morrison said today. The People of Australia report, based on Australian Bureau […]


28 Jun, 2014

ITU pursues global standards to promote adoption of mobile money

Geneva, 25 June 2014 (ITU media release) –  The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has established a new Focus Group on Digital Financial Services to promote financial inclusion using information and communication technologies (ICT) in response to a proposal from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is a member of ITU’s Standardization Sector (ITU-T). Over 2.5 […]


28 Jun, 2014

Business course offers certification in responsible alcohol service

BLACKSBURG, Va., – A Pamplin College of Business course this semester offers students the opportunity to gain a highly sought certification in responsible alcohol service. “Alcohol is an integral part of the hospitality industry, and having our students trained and certified in safe and ethical alcohol policies is critical,” said Rick Perdue, head of Pamplin’s […]


28 Jun, 2014

Report: U.S. drone attacks may lead to perpetual war

[JURIST], University of Pittsburgh Law School, June 27, 2014 – The use of lethal Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones poses a risk of putting the US on a “slippery slope” to perpetual war, according to a report published Thursday by the Stimson Center. From a one-year extensive study, the report offers eight recommendations for […]


28 Jun, 2014

4th Silk Road tourism festival held in Zhangye

Zhangye (chinadaily.com.cn), 2014-06-23 – The fourth Dunhuang Tour Silk Road International Tourism Festival opened in Zhangye city, Northwest China’s Gansu province, on June 15. The event attracted two international tourism organizations, envoys to China from 25 different countries and regions, about 100 overseas travel agencies, and over 40 members of the media from home and […]


28 Jun, 2014

Xinjiang Uygur writers pen open letter to combat terrorism

URUMQI, (Xinhua)  June 26 — More than 200 Uygur writers, poets and translators in northwest China’s Xinjiang region have published an open letter to denounce terrorism. The publication, entitled “Our responsibility and mission is to never keep silent — a letter to fellow Uygurs,” says, “We cannot keep silent anymore at a moment when the […]


28 Jun, 2014

Xinhua News Analysis: Globalized RMB will help stabilise world economy

BEIJING, June 27, (Xinhua) — The globalization of the yuan, or renminbi (RMB), will not only benefit the Chinese economy, but generate global economic stability, a senior banker has said. The yuan did not depreciate during the 1997 Asian financial crisis or the 2008 global financial crisis, helping stabilize the global economy, Tian Guoli, chairman […]


28 Jun, 2014

After cleaning up rivers, Chinese officials must take a dip to prove it

By Yan Yiqi

Hangzhou, (Xinhua) 2014-06-27 – Local officials in East China’s Zhejiang province will be required to swim in rivers in their administrative areas to prove to the citizens that the quality of the rivers has been improved. The province’s CPC standing committee has stated that, by July 12, local governments in the province must nominate rivers […]


28 Jun, 2014

World Cup Popularity Upsetting U.S. Workplace Productivity and Wireless Network Management

LEXINGTON, Mass. June 26, 2014 –(BUSINESS WIRE)–A survey commissioned by Ipswitch revealed that U.S. workers streaming media to watch the World Cup is a serious wireless network bandwidth drain and network management challenge that can have negative implications for critical business applications and overall productivity. Ipswitch polled more than 200 IT professionals in the U.S. […]


28 Jun, 2014

For young winners of UN essay contest, multilingualism makes the world go ‘round

United Nations, UN News Centre, 27 June 2014 – An Arabic-speaking Chinese woman? A Mandarin-speaking Malagasy lady? A Spanish-speaking Portuguese gentleman from France? At first glance – or “listen”– all this might seem a bit strange, since the subjects come from cultures that are quite different from the languages they have chosen to speak and […]


26 Jun, 2014

Crackdown on China drunk driving during World Cup


Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-06-24 – In a span of 11 days since the FIFA World Cup began, traffic police have dealt with more than 11,000 cases involving people driving under the influence of alcohol in the country, the traffic authority said on June 24. There have been around 210 cases of drunken driving and more than […]


26 Jun, 2014

Muslims welcomes ruling that U.S. No-Fly List appeals process is unconstitutional

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 6/24/14) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today welcomed a ruling by a federal judge in Oregon that those placed on the government’s so-called “no-fly list” are being denied their constitutional right to due process. U.S. District Judge Anna Brown, ruling in a […]


26 Jun, 2014

Alcohol “greatest cause of brain damage in Australian newborns”

Canberra, 25 June 2014 – The Australian Government will provide $9.2 million to the National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Action Plan to address the harmful impact of FASD on children and families, the Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash announced today. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and FASD describes a range of cognitive, learning, behavioural […]


26 Jun, 2014

Privacy breach: 254,000 Australian online dating profiles hacked

Canberra, 25 June 2014 (Office of the Australian Information Commissioner) – The Australian Privacy Commissioner, Timothy Pilgrim, has found that Cupid Media Pty Ltd (Cupid) breached the Privacy Act 1988 by failing to take reasonable steps to secure the personal information held on its dating websites. Cupid operates over 35 niche dating websites based on […]


26 Jun, 2014

New generation of Australian passports released

Canberra, 25 June 2014 (Minister of Foreign Affairs media release) – A new series of Australian passport has been released with innovative security features that make it even more difficult to forge. The P series of passport incorporates technology that assists in combating fraud, terrorism and organised crime, and will assist Australia’s efforts to bolster […]


26 Jun, 2014

FREE Download: The State of Australia’s Health

Canberra, 25 June 2014 (AIHW media release) – Australia has much to be proud of in many areas of health, but lifestyle-related chronic diseases are taking an increasing toll-and so is the bill, according to the latest 2-yearly national health report card from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). The Institute’s report, Australia’s […]


26 Jun, 2014

Arab-Americans denounce FX’s “Tyrant” for “bigoted, stereotypical caricature”

Washington, DC | www.adc.org | June 25, 2014- The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) denounces FX’s new television series “Tyrant” for its deeply entrenched racism against Arabs and the Middle East. The series premiered on Tuesday evening and portrayed Arabs in a bigoted and stereotypical caricature that is not only offensive to millions of Arabs, but also […]


26 Jun, 2014

U.S. Congressmen launch Twitter hashtag to combat racial profiling

6/25/14, WASHINGTON— Co-Chairs of the Progressive Caucus (CPC) Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN.), Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH), Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Rubén Hinojosa (D-TX) and Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC) Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA.) joined Senator […]


25 Jun, 2014

Indonesian bushfires flare again, haze threatens to envelop ASEAN neighbours

JAKARTA, Indonesia June 25 (NNN-Xinhua) — Bush fires in Riau province of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, has widened, with haze likely to spread to Singapore and Malaysia, an official revealed here on Wednesday. The number of hot spots reached 386 in the island on Wednesday morning, compared with 236 on Monday, according to satellite Tera observation, […]


25 Jun, 2014

Asian credit rating firm planned to break U.S. monopoly

Beijing, (People’s Daily Online)  June 25, 2014 –  A Summit Forum on the Construction of an Asian Credit System was held in Beijing on June 23 2014. To push forward reform of the international credit rating system, an advisory council of Universal Credit Rating Group, or UCRG, was established during the Summit Forum. On September […]


25 Jun, 2014

NGO report blasts Indonesian land grabs in the name of “development”

Paris-Jakarta, 19 June 2014 – Land conflicts between farmers and plantation owners, mining companies, and developers are raging across Indonesia. In the absence of a clear and strong legal framework to regulate land rights, these conflicts have become a major source of lethal violence and criminalisation targeting in particular community leaders and those who defend […]


25 Jun, 2014

Chinese commentary: Is the U.S. really “building a better future for Asia”?

People’s Daily Online – June 24, 2014 – The Asia-Pacific strategy, a heated topic in Washington, is a key focus of U.S. diplomacy. As doubts grow about the “U.S. Asia-Pacific Re-balance Strategy”, we ponder the problem of the strategy and the way in which Washington will choose to expand its influence in Asia. We believe that […]


25 Jun, 2014

US$200 billion in illegal wildlife, timber trade funding criminals, armed groups – UN report

United Nations, 24 June 2014 (UN News Centre) – Global environmental crime, possibly worth more than $200 billion annually, is helping finance criminal, militia and terrorist groups and threatening the security and sustainable development of many nations, notably in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a new joint United Nations-INTERPOL report. The report was compiled by the […]


25 Jun, 2014

Survey: Most Americans Underestimate Cost of Nursing-Home Care

Foster City, Calif. (PRWEB) June 24, 2014 – Although the real cost averages more than $81,000, 57 percent of Americans believe that nursing home care costs less than $75,000 annually, according to a new survey conducted for MoneyRates.com. The survey also finds that 67 percent of respondents have less than $75,000 saved for elder-care expenses […]


25 Jun, 2014

Four Universities to highlight North African spa culture at Global Wellness Summit

New York, NY (PRWEB) June 24, 2014 – The Global Spa & Wellness Summit (GSWS) today announced the unique focus, and participating universities, for its 2014 Student Challenge. While the parameters for each Student Challenge vary each year, the competition always involves students from major academic institutions from the region where the GSWS is being […]


25 Jun, 2014

Report Analyses New HRD Question: Does your job make the world a better place?

Seattle, Washington (PRWEB) June 24, 2014 – PayScale, Inc. today announced its report “Most & Least Meaningful Jobs” (based on how workers answer the question “Does your job make the world a better place?). The report includes data on how Job Meaning and Median Pay compare for 453 jobs from the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) […]


25 Jun, 2014

China’s wealth management products total $2.1 trillion

QINGDAO – (Xinhua) 2014-06-23- Wealth management products (WMPs) have been booming in China in the past few years, totalling 12.8 trillion yuan ($2.1 trillion) by the end of May, a senior official of China’s central bank said Saturday. The growth of China’s WMPs market had been at a rate of between 60 and 80 percent […]


25 Jun, 2014

Lost national treasure returns from Christie’s auction house to China

(CRIENGLISH.com) 2014-06-23 – Chinese art collectors from the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and overseas have worked together to bring an ancient ritualistic bronze ware item, lost overseas for nearly a century, back to China on Saturday June 21, 2014, from New York-based fine arts auction house Christie’s, according to CCTV news. A combination photo shows China’s […]


25 Jun, 2014

Greater role for Chinese lawyers emerging in transnational affairs

By Zhang Yan

(China Daily) 2014-06-23 – More Chinese lawyers will be promoted as legal advisers in State-owned companies for transnational business, amid concerns over national and economic security, a senior officer of the All-China Lawyers Association said. Most State-owned companies have been hiring foreign lawyers and accountants for cross-border lawsuits or transnational transactions, which can potentially compromise […]


25 Jun, 2014

Xinhua commentary: Gaza enters eighth year of crippling Israeli blockade

GAZA, June 24 (Xinhua) — Tuesday marks the eighth year of a rigid Israeli blockade against the Gaza Strip that led to a sharp economic decline, as well as high levels of poverty and unemployment, and many observers have been calling for an end of the “collective punishment.” The blockade is the longest ever imposed […]


24 Jun, 2014

Chinese commentator: How the U.S. could have better spent its Iraq War money

By Chen Weihua

Washington DC, (China Daily) 2014-06-20 – The Iraq War, which has come back to haunt Americans, Iraqis and the world these days, cost people in the United States some $2 trillion. It has been the worst reflection of US might. Yet a journalism fellowship that has won enormous hearts and minds for the US has […]


24 Jun, 2014

Phuket to get its first hospitality HRD Academy

Phuket – The concept of hotel HRD academies is gaining steam in Thailand with plans to set up what is claimed to be the first hospitality training and education Academy in Phuket, the kingdom’s second most important tourism destination after Bangkok. Former Citibank executive Mr. Narong Pattamasaevi, owner of Thailand’s Montara Hospitality Group, has teamed […]


24 Jun, 2014

Bali to host global forum of UN Alliance of Civilizations in August

Jakarta (ANTARA News) June 22 2014 – Bali will host the Sixth Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) which will take place at the Nusa Dua Convention Center, from August 29 to 30, 2014. The Global Forum is aimed fostering cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, according to a statement posted on the […]


24 Jun, 2014

Australia to help students put training records online

20 June 2014, Canberra, Minister for Industry’s office – The Australian Government is delivering more improvements to the skills and training system to ensure students can move more easily from training into paid jobs that boost national productivity. From next year, millions of Australians will be able to build an online record of their vocational […]


24 Jun, 2014

FREE Download: 7th Annual Report on Islamophobia Charts Global Pandemic of anti-Muslim Prejudice

Jeddah, 18/06/2014 (OIC media release) – The OIC Observatory on Islamophobia has released its Seventh Annual Report covering the period from October 2013 to April 2014 today at the commencement of the 41st Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Report illustrates that Islamophobia continues to manifest itself […]


24 Jun, 2014

Applications open for first summer school course on ‘Green Growth and Travelism’

Brussels – ‘Green Growth and Travelism (GG&T)’ is to be the subject of the first Summer School with specific focus on sustainable mobility and biodiversity to be organized by the Transportation Research Institute, Hasselt University, Belgium, between August 25th to 29th 2014. Today’s world is changing hyper-dynamically – economic, social & environmental challenges compounded by […]


24 Jun, 2014

Plastic Waste Inflicts US$13 Billion in Damage to Marine Ecosystems Each Year: UNEP Report

Nairobi, 23 June 2014 (UNEP media release) – Concern is growing over the threat that widespread plastic waste poses to marine life, with conservative estimates of the overall financial damage of plastics to marine ecosystems standing at US$13 billion each year, according to two reports released on the opening day of the first United Nations […]


23 Jun, 2014

Australia seeks to boost offshore market development of China’s currency

Canberra, 20 June 2014, (Ministry for Trade and Investment) – The Treasurer Joe Hockey and Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb will travel to China over the weekend for the inaugural Australia-China Strategic Economic Dialogue. The Dialogue provides an opportunity for Australia and China to explore opportunities for closer economic ties and to discuss […]


23 Jun, 2014

China’s Grand Canal, Silk Road Inscribed As World Heritage Sites

DOHA, June 23 (NNN-XINHUA) — The famous ancient Silk Road and China’s Grand Canal, the world’s longest artificial waterway, have been inscribed on the list of World Heritage Sites at a session of the Unesco World Heritage Committee here. Jointly submitted by China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the application for adding part of the Silk Road […]


23 Jun, 2014

Report: Asia-Pacific hotel pipeline up by nearly 600,000 rooms in one year alone

23 June 2014, Lodging Econometrics – The Asia Pacific pipeline hit a new high in Q1 2014 with 2,610 projects/593,963 rooms, up 4% by projects and 2% by rooms Year-Over-Year (YOY). The total pipeline is up more than 40% compared to five years ago. Consequently, new hotel openings should also set record highs in 2014 […]


22 Jun, 2014

Almost A$90 million reported lost to Australian scams in 2013

Canberra, 16 June 2014 – The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Targeting Scams Report 2013 reveals that over 90,000 Australians reported scams to the ACCC last year, with $89,136,975 million reported lost. National Consumer Fraud Week starts today and the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce, led by the ACCC, will be urging consumers to ‘Know who […]


22 Jun, 2014

FREE Download: Leadership study reveals optimum time to spend with the boss

Washington, DC (PRWEB) June 18, 2014 – According to a new study “Optimal Hours with the Boss” from Leadership IQ, most people spend only half the time they should be spending with their boss. People who do spend an optimal number of hours interacting with their direct leader (six hours per week) are 29% more […]


22 Jun, 2014

Record paddlers for world’s longest non-stop canoe/kayak race along the Missouri in July

June 19, 2014, ST. LOUIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–On July 8, about 620 paddlers will launch their boats in the Missouri American Water Missouri River 340 (MR340) river race. From Kansas City, Ks. to St. Charles, Mo., the racers will travel 340 miles across the state – celebrating the importance of the longest river in the U.S. to […]


22 Jun, 2014

Visa Report: Int’l Visitors Spent $27M on Visa Card During World Cup Opening Weekend

SAO PAULO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–June 18, 2014 – Visa Inc. (NYSE:V), the leader in global payments, today released the Visa Everywhere Travel Report for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, which analyzes travel data and cross border spend on all Visa products, including credit, debit and prepaid payment cards. During the four-day opening period of the tournament […]


22 Jun, 2014

War’s Human Cost: 51 million displaced by conflict and violence, UN refugee agency reports

United Nations, 20 June 2014, UN News Centre – World Refugee Day is being marked by yet another sombre milestone in a year that has seen crisis after crisis force desperate people to flee their homes ahead of bullets and bombs: a new UN report reveals that the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced […]


20 Jun, 2014

Global violence in 2013 cost US$9.8 trillion in lost GDP or $1,350 per person – Global Peace Index

LONDON, June 18, 2014 Vision of Humanity media release – Terrorist activity, the number of conflicts fought, and the number of refugees and displaced persons were the key contributors to the continuing deterioration in global peacefulness last year. This confirms a seven year gradual, but significant downward slide, which overturns a 60-year trend of increasing […]


20 Jun, 2014

Myanmar in focus at OECD 2014 Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct

OECD – Paris, 19 June 2014 – Responsible business conduct is crucial for open and stable international investment climates. OECD Secretary-General Ángel Gurría will open the 2014 OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct on 26-27 June 2014, together with Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Co-operation Lilianne Ploumen and French Minister for Finance […]


20 Jun, 2014

ADB’s US$225,000 funding to revamp Mekong Tourism Office

Mandalay – Alongside the appointment of a new executive director, the Mekong Tourism Coordianting Office (MTCO) is to undergo an operational and administrative revamp with the help of a US$225,000 Technical Assistance (TA) grant from the Asian Develoment Bank. Effective July 1, Social media Jens Thraenhart, a German-Canadian national who specialises in digital media, will […]


17 Jun, 2014

Commentary: Is a declining US good for China?

By Chen Weihua

(China Daily)  2014-06-13 – When the Asia Society’s ChinaFile online magazine invited me to discuss whether a declining United States is good for China, my feeling was the question was loaded and confusing. Loaded because it seems to assume that Chinese will celebrate a declining US, given the sensational headlines of strategic rivalry between the […]


17 Jun, 2014

UNWTO to hold milestone conference on accessible tourism in November

Madrid, 16 June 2014 – The 1st UNWTO Conference on Accessible Tourism in Europe is scheduled to take place in San Marino on 19-20 November 2014.  Even though this Conference has its primary focus placed on concrete achievements in terms of universal accessibility in travel & tourism in European countries, the UNWTO is encouraging tourism […]


17 Jun, 2014

FREE Download: Global Theme Park and Museum Attendance Numbers for 2013

Burbank, Calif. USA (PRWEB) June 17, 2014 – The annual TEA/AECOM Theme Index and Museum Index, the definitive annual attendance study for the themed entertainment and museum industries, has been published. Theme park numbers for calendar year 2013 show substantial growth internationally, with the top North American parks surpassing pre-recession days, water parks emerging in […]


17 Jun, 2014

Australian watchdog permanently bans veteran investment adviser for “dishonesty”

Canberra, Monday 16 June 2014, Australian Securities Investment Commission – ASIC has permanently banned Mr Nigel Keith Flowers, 49, of Coolangatta, Queensland, from providing financial services and engaging in credit activities. Mr Flowers was banned from providing financial services after ASIC found he had engaged in dishonest conduct and was not of good fame and […]


17 Jun, 2014

Chinese corruption crackdown reveals how the women operate

Beijing, (chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-06-16 – To date, a total of 12 female officials in key posts were announced as being under investigation for duty-related crimes by the central and provincial anti-graft watchdogs in 2014. Some of them are involved in trading sex for power, the Beijing News reported on Monday. A recent case is the investigation […]


17 Jun, 2014

Xinhua Insight: Businessmen claim heritage sites for protection

TAIYUAN, June 14 (Xinhua) 2014-06-14 — The Dragon King Taoist Temple in north China’s Shanxi Province is being restored. The temple dates back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) and is not entitled to government protection. Local businessman Huang Wensheng claimed the right to manage the temple two years ago, invested more than 3 million yuan (483,000 […]


16 Jun, 2014

Young Myanmar female hotelier wows MTF with passionate, powerful presentation

MANDALAY – Young Myanmar business leader Yin Myo Su, owner and initiator of Thahara Inle Heritage hotel on the shores of Inle Lake, was one of the “next generation” leaders to speak at the Mekong Tourism Forum. It was a powerful, passionate speech, an expression of both fear at the pace of change but also […]


16 Jun, 2014

Yangon at risk of becoming “just another big Asian business city”

MANDALAY: Just three years after the reform process was initiated, the Myanmar commercial hub city of Yangon is hearing urgent appeals from conservationists to safeguard its historic heritage and prevent it from becoming “just another big Asian business city.” The call was heard a number of times in a talk by a representative of the […]


16 Jun, 2014

19 cities to develop Silk Road tourism

ZHANGYE, (Xinhua), 2014-06-15 – Nineteen Chinese and foreign cities along the Silk Road on Sunday issued a declaration that they will jointly develop tourism along the ancient trade route. The cities will promote tourist itineraries and explore tourism resources to rejuvenate the area and seek mutual benefit, according to the declaration, issued at the opening […]


15 Jun, 2014

UN agency concerned about reported abuse as thousands continue to flee Myanmar

United Nations, 10 June 2014, UN News Centre – The United Nations refugee agency said today it was receiving increasing reports of abuse and exploitation as people continue to seek safety overseas two years after inter-communal violence erupted in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. Several waves of clashes between ethnic Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslims, the first […]


15 Jun, 2014

CITES report finds ‘alarmingly high’ levels of elephant poaching across Africa

13 June 2014, UN News Centre – The level of elephant poaching across Africa remains alarmingly high, according to a new United Nations-backed report release today, which also found an increase in the number of large seizures of ivory. “Africa’s elephants continue to face an immediate threat to their survival from high-levels of poaching for […]


15 Jun, 2014

Thai-American hotel magnate blasts foreign envoys, media for “distorted and unrealistic” picture of Thailand

Bangkok – An American businessman with Thai nationality has published an open letter blasting “certain Western nations and elements of the international media” for “gross misinterpretations of the current situation in Thailand” and urging them to show more integrity and responsibility by “present(ing) the situation accurately and in proper context.” The letter by William E. […]


14 Jun, 2014

Global Internet Privacy Study Reveals Consumers’ Concerns Over Eroding Privacy, Lack of Ethics

HOPKINTON, MA, June 12, 2014 – EMC Corporation (NYSE: EMC) today released the findings of the EMC Privacy Index, a global study assessing consumer attitudes of online privacy. Spanning 15 countries and 15,000 consumers, the study reveals consumers hold viewpoints on privacy that vary widely by geography and the type of activity engaged in while […]


12 Jun, 2014

ASEAN Urged To Reap Benefit Of Demographic Dividend

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 (NNN-Bernama) — Asean has great potential to reap the benefit of demographic dividend as half of its population comprised young people, said economist Dr Munir Majid. Munir said fifty per cent of the world’s population of over seven billion was young people under the age of 30, and of that, 90 […]


12 Jun, 2014

South Africa Supports Inclusion Of Rights Of Disabled In Post-2015 Development Agenda

PRETORIA, June 12 (NNN-SA NEWS) — South African Social Development Deputy Minister Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu has expressed the country’s support for the inclusion of rights of persons with disabilities in the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda. Speaking at the 7th Session of the Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with […]


12 Jun, 2014

Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam hit as Chinese tourists head for East Asia

By Zheng Xin

Beijing, (China Daily) 2014-06-11 – More tourists from China have been heading to East Asia in recent months, deterred from traveling to traditionally popular destinations such as Malaysia and Vietnam. Travel agencies nationwide have reported a 50 percent year-on-year increase in visits to South Korea in the past few months. “While some tourists canceled trips […]


12 Jun, 2014

UN celestial committee stresses use of ‘space tools’ for sustainable development

United Nations, UN News Centre, 11 June 2014 – Space-based information technologies must be fully integrated into the international efforts to overcome such challenges to sustainable development as climate change and food insecurity, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was told as it opened its annual session today in Vienna. […]


12 Jun, 2014

Mainland individual tourists to Taiwan exceed 1 million

Beijing, (Xinhua) 2014-06-11 – The number of independent tourists from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan has exceeded one million since the island opened to mainland individual tourists in June 2011, said a mainland spokeswoman on Wednesday. More than 1.08 million mainland individual tourists (without contracts with travel agencies) traveled to Taiwan as of April this […]


12 Jun, 2014

PATA’s Myanmar drone stunt followed by crash

Mandalay: The Pacific Asia Travel Association laid claim to becoming the first industry grouping to demonstrate the aerial photography prowess of a remote controlled drone, only to see the flying machine come crashing down during another attempt the following day. Initiated with great fanfare by PATA CEO Martin Craigs, the drone powered by four helicopter-style […]


11 Jun, 2014

UN to Convene First Meeting to Give Voice to Victims of Terrorism

8 June 2014 United Nations, (UN News Centre) – Imagine being caught up in a hotel bombing while vacationing abroad and you find yourself alone in a foreign hospital. You are treated for the severe physical injuries sustained in the horrific incident and are eventually released from the hospital. But you and your loved ones […]


11 Jun, 2014

UN envoy: Open border crossings will help Palestinians reap fruits of unity government

8 June 2014 United Nations, (UN News Centre) – The senior United Nations envoy in the Middle East visited the Gaza Strip today for the first time since the signing of the Beach Camp Agreement and the formation of a Palestinian government of national consensus, and pledged the Organization’s ongoing support as the nascent process […]


11 Jun, 2014

Theft and Labour Disruption Main Risks to World Cup Host Cities – IHS Report

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE) – June 08, 2014 – Today, IHS Inc. (NYSE: IHS), a global source of critical information and insight, released findings from its study on security risks for each of Brazil’s 12 World Cup host cities. The Latin America Country Risk team at IHS identified theft and disruption due to labour unrest as the […]


9 Jun, 2014

How an Indonesian Fashionista, 23, Builds Tourism, Busts Stereotypes

The following is the full text of a powerful, inspiring, motivating speech by 23-year-old Indonesian fashionista Dian Wahyu Utami on the subject of “Growing Fashion Business in Halal and Sharia Compliance” delivered at the 1st OIC International Forum on Islamic Tourism, 2-3 June 2014, Jakarta, Indonesia. See the fabulous PowerPoint presentation that accompanied her speech […]


7 Jun, 2014

Gallup Polls: Few Consumers Trust Companies to Keep Online Info Safe

by John Fleming and Elizabeth Kampf

June 6, 2014, WASHINGTON, D.C. (Gallup Polls) — Recent incidents such as Target’s security breach, the Heartbleed bug, and eBay’s systems hack have called attention to how much consumers trust the businesses they patronize to keep their personal information safe. That trust currently appears to be hard to come by. Just 21% of Americans have […]


7 Jun, 2014

Abacus report shows real scourge of travel is more man-made

SINGAPORE, June 4, 2014 (Abacus media release) – While travel disruption is typically associated with natural disasters, it appears that the real scourge of travel is, more often than not, man-made. This is according to Abacus, Asia Pacific’s leading travel technology company, which today published metrics on the root causes of disruption across the region […]


7 Jun, 2014

Manila Bulletin: Sex offenders to be barred from entering Philippines

by Jun Ramirez

June 5, 2014, Manila Bulletin –  The Bureau of Immigration (BI) banned the entry of foreigners who are registered sex offenders in other countries. BI Commissioner Siegfred Mison on Thursday said any alien whose name is found in the registry of sex offenders kept by foreign embassies and other watch groups will be issued an […]


6 Jun, 2014

Internet’s largest sites join activists to Reset the Net, stop government snooping

June 5, 2014 – Today as part of Reset the Net, tens of thousands of Internet users and the Internet’s largest companies rallied to protect billions. These companies and users interfered directly interfering in the NSA’s runaway surveillance programs by securing websites, apps, and services while supporting the largest ever movement in history to spread […]


6 Jun, 2014

5 Signs that America Has Gone Bonkers—and a Glimmer of Hope | Alternet

By Jim Hightower May 29, 2014 – It might appear that the U-S-of-A has gone bonkers. So let me clear up any confusion that you might have: Yes, it has! Yet, it hasn’t. More on that in a moment. First, though — whether looking at the “tea party” congress critters who’ve swerved our nation’s political […]


4 Jun, 2014

New ITUC Global Rights Index – The world’s worst countries for workers

19 May 2014 (International Trades Union Confederation) – A global leaderboard in the race to protect workers’ rights was released today at the ITUC World Congress in Berlin. The ITUC Global Rights Index ranks 139 countries against 97 internationally recognised indicators to assess where workers’ rights are best protected, in law and in practice. “Countries […]


4 Jun, 2014

New Legal Report: Workers’ Right to Strike Backed by International Law

3 June 2014 (International Trades Union Confederation) – A new 122-page ITUC legal report, confirming that the right to strike is protected under international law, has been released today as employers try to overturn decades of jurisprudence at the International Labour Organisation. Employer representatives at the ILO are continuing their efforts to strip back ILO […]


4 Jun, 2014

11 Ways to Reboot and Reform Thai Tourism

Bangkok – The Thailand Travel Mart+ which opens today comes in the midst of a wider national transition which has seen the Thai tourism industry, the largest service industry, hit by its worst crises in decades. The upheaval is no act-of-God, but an entirely self-inflicted political catastrophe which disproves the current tourism slogan: “Amazing Thailand: […]


1 Jun, 2014

Survey: Iranian-Americans want more travel, understanding with U.S.

May 27, 2014, Washington, D.C. – The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) today released the findings of its sixth national public opinion survey of Iranian Americans. The 2014 survey was conducted by George Mason University in April and follows similar annual surveys commissioned by PAAIA. The surveys are an integral component of better […]


1 Jun, 2014

FREE Download: Report Says More Executives Seek Jobs Abroad During Global Recession

LONDON, June 1, 2014, /PRNewswire/ — The fifth Global Professionals on the Move Report from Hydrogen Group, a leading global recruitment company, found the number of people willing to work abroad has doubled over five years. 35% of those surveyed are willing to work abroad compared to 16%  five years ago, and 40% believe that […]


1 Jun, 2014

Americans Say U.S. multinationals do poor job helping grow U.S. economy

by Frank Newport

PRINCETON, N.J. — (Gallup Polls) May 27, 2014 – Americans see large U.S. companies as having a more positive effect overseas than they do domestically. While 66% of Americans believe that large U.S. companies do a good job creating good jobs for citizens in other countries where they do business, far fewer, 43%, say the […]


1 Jun, 2014

U.S. pilots claim airlines in “survival mode against unfair foreign competition”

WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–May 29, 2014 – U.S. airlines and their workers are in “survival mode” in their fight to compete against foreign airlines that do business with unfair economic advantages, warns the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) in a new white paper issued today. “U.S. airline workers, whom I believe are the best in the […]


1 Jun, 2014

City mayors urged to be at frontline of battle against climate change

United Nations, (UN News Centre) 29 May 2014 – The head of the United Nations agency on human settlements today said he hoped thousands of cities around the world will join forces to sign a compact to strengthen cooperation in tackling climate challenges when the UN convenes a summit on the issue four months from […]


30 May, 2014

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Wins ITUC’s World’s Worst Boss Poll

22 May 2014 – (ITUC media release) Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon was announced as winner of the world’s worst boss at the 3rd International Trade Union Confederation World Congress in Berlin. The ITUC representing 180 million workers, is meeting in Berlin with over 1500 delegates from 161 countries. Sharan Burrow, General Secretary ITUC said […]


29 May, 2014

Tit for Tat: China Outlines U.S. Surveillance of Companies, Countries, People

(Internet Media Research Center) 2014-05-26 – Source: Chinadaily.com Contents I. America conducts widespread secret surveillance across the globe II. America sets China as the main target of its secret surveillance III. America’s unscrupulous secret surveillance programs IV. America’s global surveillance program hit by worldwide criticism Foreword In June, 2013, the media in the UK, the […]


29 May, 2014

Good news for health & wellness sector: Obesity rising in OECD countries

Paris, 27/05/14 (OECD news release) – Most people in OECD countries are overweight or obese. The social and economic consequences of this epidemic are dramatic, exposing an increasing number of people to chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. New OECD data and analysis reveal that obesity levels have continued to rise in most […]


29 May, 2014

China to relax curbs on foreign investment in hospitals

Beijing, (Agencies/chinadaily.com.cn) 2014-05-28  – China will ease curbs on foreign investment in joint-venture hospitals, the government said on Wednesday, as it deepens a sweeping overhaul of its healthcare system aimed at cutting costs and sprucing up overloaded public services. China is an appealing market for pharmaceutical firms and medical-equipment makers, with spending in the industry […]


29 May, 2014

China trims officials improperly working in enterprises

BEIJING, May 27 (Xinhua) — More than 40,700 Party and government officials, including 229 at provincial or ministerial level, have been halted from improperly working at enterprises due to concerns of corruption and unfair market competition. The clean-up effort started in October when the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s Organization Department issued rules to […]


27 May, 2014

CO2 concentrations top 400 parts per million across northern hemisphere

Geneva, 26 May 2014 (World Meteorological Organisation) – For the first time, monthly concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere topped 400 parts per million (ppm) in April throughout the northern hemisphere. This threshold is of symbolic and scientific significance and reinforces evidence that the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities are […]


27 May, 2014

Tourism’s Growth-Driven Quality Jobs Can Help Reduce Poverty in Post-2015 Era

United Nations, 23 May 2014, Department of Public Information – Sustained, inclusive growth aimed at creating decent, quality jobs for the millions of unemployed, underemployed and informally employed people around the world was the key to reducing poverty in the post-2015 era, speakers in the UN General Assembly said today. “We must focus on completing […]


27 May, 2014

ADB Paper: How Lanzhou’s Bus Rapid Transit System Brought Relief to Busy City

This document released by the Asian Development Bank shows how the bus rapid transit system in Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China, brings quick relief to urban commuters, fosters a livelier local economy, and promotes sustainable development. No doubt, it also benefits visitors to the city. Highlights The City of Lanzhou in the People’s Republic of […]
