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2 Apr, 2013

6 Danes investigated for urinating on Shanghai road

By Ni Yinbin (Shanghai Daily)

March 26, 2013 – Shanghai police said they are investigating reports of six foreign tourists drunkenly urinating on a low barrier on an elevated road in full view of traffic on Saturday afternoon. The driver of the bus carrying them told police the men forced him to stop and nearly caused an accident. Police started […]


1 Apr, 2013

10 Great Branding Campaigns that Shaped Asia-Pacific Tourism

Imtiaz Muqbil & Murray Bailey

Two award-winning travel trade journalists have teamed up to offer a unique perspective on the future of the Asia-Pacific travel industry, based on a detailed analysis of the successes and failures of the past. This includes a look at the great branding campaigns that have shaped the industry, the major mistakes the industry has made, […]


31 Mar, 2013

China’s online sales surge in 2012


BEIJING, 2013-03-28, (Xinhua)  – China’s online retail sales boomed last year, as more consumers have gravitated toward online shopping for its convenience and personalized services. Online retail sales reached 1.32 trillion yuan ($210.39 billion) in 2012, a jump of 64.7 percent from the previous year, according to data issued by the Internet Society of China […]


31 Mar, 2013

Beijing announces new rules to cool property market


BEIJING, 2013-03-30, (Xinhua) – The municipal government of Beijing on Saturday spelled out detailed rules aimed at cooling the property market following the central government’s fresh regulatory plan earlier this month. Single adults with a permanent Beijing residence registration, who have not made purchases in the city before, are allowed to buy only one apartment, […]


31 Mar, 2013

Xinhua Wrapup: Results of Chinese Leader’s First Foreign Trip


BRAZZAVILLE 2013-03-30 – (Xinhua) – Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday left Brazzaville, capital of the Republic of the Congo, for Beijing, concluding his first foreign visit after taking office with fruitful results. The Republic of the Congo is the last leg of Xi’s four-nation tour from March 22 to 30, which also included Russia, […]


31 Mar, 2013

Interest in Traditional Chinese Medicine Growing Globally

By Shan Juan (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-27 – Chinese mainland accounts for 2% of herbal medicine sales worldwide. While some Chinese scholars propose abolishing traditional Chinese medicine, foreign pharmaceutical institutions and industries are pursuing them. More than 100 countries and regions around the world have set up TCM institutions, with the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea investing heavily […]


30 Mar, 2013

BRICS Changing the Ageing Global Order

By Mukul Sanwal (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-30 – The BRICS group is five years old, and the modest agreement among the five member states to establish a development bank and pool of currency reserves moves it beyond a dialogue forum for cooperative mechanisms and challenges the 60-year hegemony of the undemocratic Bretton Woods. BRICS’ next step should be a transition […]


30 Mar, 2013

India Outlines Initiatives to Ensure a “Corruption Free, Transparent Administration”


Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, 24-March, 2013 – Government has taken several initiatives to ensure a transparent and corruption free Administration. Speaking at the National Editor’s conference in New Delhi, Shri V. Narayanasamy, Minister Of State in the Prime Minister’s Office and Personnel, P.G. & Pensions highlighted the series of steps taken to […]


30 Mar, 2013

India Reminds Africa that Gandhi’s Anti-Colonialism Revolution Began There


Prime Minister’s Office, 28-March, 2013 – Following is the text of the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s statement at the BRICS Leaders – Africa Dialogue Forum in Durban on March 27, 2013: “I am pleased to have this opportunity for a dialogue on how BRICS, and in particular India, could contribute to and benefit from […]


30 Mar, 2013

April is U.S. National Alcohol Awareness Month: “Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow”


Malibu, CA (PRWEB) March 29, 2013 – April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, an observance put on by the NCAAD (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) that promotes knowledge and education regarding all aspects of alcohol abuse and addiction. National Alcohol Awareness Month is in its 27th official year, with the slogan for 2013 […]


30 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Insights into Shopping, Eating Behaviors of Cooks Worldwide


SEATTLE, March 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Allrecipes, the digital food brand with more than one billion annual visits, today published highlights of its global survey of more than 7,000 home cooks for the new 2013 Global Food Trends Measuring Cup Report, revealing insights on the shopping, cooking, and eating behaviors of family-focused women around the […]


29 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: NYU Research Shows Corruption Soars When Politicians are Placed Above the Law


NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– March 26, 2013 – There is now hard data to validate the anecdotal evidence that political immunity fosters corruption. In a new study entitled “Immunity,” (click on the link to DOWNLOAD FREE) NYU Stern Assistant Professor of Economics Vasiliki Skreta and her co-authors, Karthik Reddy of Harvard Law School and Moritz Schularick […]


29 Mar, 2013

Thousands set to attend “11th Palestinians Europe Conference” in Belgium


Brussels, 28 March 2013, Palestine Return Centre Media release — Preparations for the annual Palestinians in Europe conference are running smoothly. The 11th Conference, organized by the General Secretariat of the Palestinians in Europe Conference, The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), will be held in Belgium on Saturday 18th May 2013. Under the theme of this […]


29 Mar, 2013

India Plans Women-Only City Buses


Ministry of Urban Development, 28-March, 2013 – Ministry of Urban Development has recently advised the States to examine provision of separate city buses for women in all million plus cities. The Ministry has also issued an “Advisory” to all the States to implement the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) specifications as per the “Urban Bus Specifications” […]


29 Mar, 2013

Layoffs by multinationals trigger panic among Chinese employees


SHANGHAI, March 28 (Xinhua) — Chinese employees of multinationals are finding their jobs no longer secure and enviable as a massive round of layoffs has hit such companies. HSBC Life Insurance Co. fired 22 staff and 138 insurance agents working for its life insurance joint venture in Shanghai on March 20. The move has sparked […]


29 Mar, 2013

Startling USTA Survey Results Reveal U.S. Entry Process Deters Millions of Visitors


WASHINGTON, DC., March 19, 2013 (U.S. Travel Association Media Release) – Overseas travelers are avoiding the United States due to lengthy and inefficient customs and entry procedures at the nation’s gateway airports according to a new survey released today by Consensus Research Group and the U.S. Travel Association. By experience and word of mouth, at […]


28 Mar, 2013

Full Text: BRICS Declaration Reflects Rise of New World Order


Indian Prime Minister’s Office, 27-March, 2013 – The following is the full text of the eThekwini Declaration and Action Plan issued after the 5th BRICS Summit in Durban, South Africa. 1. We, the leaders of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic […]


27 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Cornell Research Centre Study on the Chinese Outbound Market


The international hotel industry has taken note of a large and rapidly growing market—Chinese travelers, who now number more than 70 million. In a study of Chinese tour operators, a new report from the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) explores the wants and needs of this important market. Available at no charge from the […]


27 Mar, 2013

China’s economic slowdown puts peaceful rise in focus


SHANGHAI, March 24 (Xinhua) — An economic slowdown will be a defining feature for China in the coming decade, testing the wisdom of its new leaders and shaping future diplomacy, according to experts. The country’s economic expansion is expected to slow to a year-on-year average of 7.2 percent between 2011 and 2025, said Li Xuesong, […]


27 Mar, 2013

Women on the move – WITX to spark new thinking on loyalty, corporate travel and authentic leadership

Web In Travel Media Release

Singapore, 27 March 2013 — Hyatt has introduced Hyatt Has It – a service that will offer all guests essentials such as a phone charger, curling iron, steamer, yoga mat, makeup remover wipes, and razor to keep, borrow or buy. While it is aimed at all guests, a particular focus is women business travellers who […]


27 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Report to help guide Australia’s Tourism Distribution Strategy


The findings of a comprehensive review of how Australian tourism product is distributed internationally have been published by Tourism Australia and its state and territory tourism partners. The “Distribution 2020: Situational Analysis” report provides industry with an overview of current distribution approaches and potential models for the future across Australia’s key holiday markets. Tourism Australia […]


27 Mar, 2013

Planned BRICS bank holds promise

By Mei Xinyu (China Daily)

Beijing 2013-03-26 – The feasibility of establishing a development bank and currency reserve is expected to be hot topics of discussion at the BRICS summit in Durban, South Africa, on March 26 and 27. Developmental financial cooperation has become an important issue for BRICS member states, especially for Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, because […]


27 Mar, 2013

Minister Outlines Plans to Make India the Biggest Aviation Market by 2020


Ministry of Civil Aviation, 26-March, 2013 – Speaking at a function in the capital on the occasion of Aviation Day, the Minister for Civil Aviation, Mr Ajit Singh said that, India would be the third largest aviation market by 2020. Addressing senior representatives of the aviation industry, Shri Ajit Singh informed that studies suggest, the […]


26 Mar, 2013

EU Demography Report: Ageing populations, and 40% of children born outside marriage


Brussels, Eurostat News Release, 26 March 2013: The current demographic situation in the EU27 is characterised by continuing population growth as well as by an ageing population. On 1 January 2012, the EU27 population was estimated at 503.7 million, a growth of 6% compared with 1992. Over the same period, the share of those aged […]


26 Mar, 2013

EU Quarterly Review: Deepening Social Crisis as Youth Joblessness Hits New Peak


Brussels, 26 March 2013, European Commission Press release – The employment and social situation in the EU remained critical in the fourth quarter of 2012 with employment receding overall and unemployment rising further, while households’ financial situation remained serious according to the European Commission’s latest Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review. The adverse effects of […]


26 Mar, 2013

10 CATASTROPHES: IRAQ 10 YEARS AFTER by Chandra Muzaffar


Kuala Lumpur – 10 years after the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq a number of analysts have come to the tragic conclusion that the most immoral and unjust war in recent years has generated nothing but a series of catastrophes. The 10 catastrophes that we have outlined below represent only a small portion of a horrendous […]


26 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Study proposes ways to help EU attract more foreign students, researchers


Brussels, 25 March 2013, European Commission Press release – The EU needs to attract talented non-EU students and researchers who can contribute to our growth and competitiveness with their knowledge and skills. Moving to Europe temporarily is an opportunity embraced by over 200.000 students and researchers from outside the EU every year. However, far too […]


26 Mar, 2013

More revelations of Australian-Israeli spy make a mockery of global border controls

Additional investigative reporting by leading Australian and German newspapers have unearthed new details about what led to the suicide-death of Australian-Israeli spy Ben Zygier and further highlighted the security threat posed by potentially hundreds of Israeli dual-passport holders worldwide. Details of the months-long investigation initiated by Fairfax Media, publisher of the Sydney Morning Herald in […]


24 Mar, 2013

Outrage as Israelis Deny Christians Access to Jerusalem in Holy Week


RAMALLAH, March 24, 2013 (WAFA) – Member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee Hanan Ashrawi, on the holy occasion of Palm Sunday and beginning of the Holy Week in Jerusalem, spoke of her outrage at the increasing denial of entry to Jerusalem for Palestinian Christians, saying “there should not even be a question of […]


23 Mar, 2013

China, Russia move toward full-fledged strategic partnership


MOSCOW, March 22 (Xinhua) — Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, held talks here Friday and vowed to enhance their countries’ comprehensive strategic cooperation. During their meeting in the Kremlin, Putin extended his warm welcome to Xi, and said the fact that Xi selected Russia as the first foreign country […]


23 Mar, 2013

Chinese Coastal resort embraces surging Russian tourists


SANYA, March 22 (Xinhua) — Russian tourists are flocking to China’s southernmost costal resort of Sanya in Hainan Province as they seek tropical beaches and get away from their country’s winter chill. The city of Sanya is the only tropical tourist destination in China, with annual average temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius. It has seen […]


23 Mar, 2013

Russian, Chinese Leaders Launch “Tourism Year of China”


MOSCOW, March 23 (Xinhua) — Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, pushed for tourism cooperation when addressing the opening ceremony of the Year of Chinese Tourism in Russia on Friday evening. Putin, the host, said in a speech that cultural cooperation forms an important part of the comprehensive strategic cooperative […]


23 Mar, 2013

India Frees up Aircraft-buying process, Need for Government approval dropped


Ministry of Civil Aviation, 21-March, 2013  — In a major decision taken by Minister of Civil Aviation, Mr Ajit Singh, the Government has done away with the control over acquisition of aircraft by scheduled and non-scheduled operators, private operators and flying training institutes. The permission for actual induction of aircraft will no longer be required […]


23 Mar, 2013

South Africa-China friendship association launched


JOHANNESBURG, March 21 (Xinhua) — The South Africa-China People’s Friendship Association (SACPFA) was officially launched in Johannesburg on Thursday, turning a brand new page in the history of non-governmental diplomacy between the two countries. SACPFA President Manne Dipico said at the founding ceremony that the SACPFA is the only people’s association designed to promote friendship […]


23 Mar, 2013

China: Three Relevations from Iraq War 10th Anniversary


Beijing, March 22, 2013, (People’s Daily Online) – March 20 marks the tenth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, amid a series of more than 20 attacks across Iraq killed 56 people between March 19 and 20. Clearly, it makes a mockery of the claim that war will bring stability and prosperity to Iraq.   Nearly […]


22 Mar, 2013

Methodology Emerges to Help Track How Holidays Can Make People Happy

PARIS – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has published what is claimed to be the first “Guidelines on Measuring Subjective Well-being.” Essentially a technical document designed to help track what is originally known as Gross National Happiness, it can easily be used by tourism researchers and statisticians as a template to chart how […]


21 Mar, 2013

UNCTAD Meet Bids to Balance Benefits of Biofuels Boom, Address Looming Issues


Geneva, Switzerland, (19 March 2013) – Complex developments in the field of biofuel policy – and how developing countries can participate in this growing energy market while sufficiently taking account of related issues such as food security and technological progress – were the subject of debate by experts at a meeting on 19 March. The […]


21 Mar, 2013

Dating Site Research Lists U.S. Cities With Highest Levels of STDs


(PRWEB) March 20, 2013 — According to research conducted by PositiveSingles.com, a dating site for people with STD’s, the ten U.S cities with the highest rates of Sexually Transmitted Diseases are Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, Las Vegas, Washington, D.C., Denver, Austin, San Francisco, San Diego, and Dallas. This research raises some questions regarding why the rate […]


21 Mar, 2013

Shopping Trends Study Shows Uptick in U.S. Consumers Trying New Retailers


Boulder, CO (PRWEB) March 20, 2013 — Despite cautionary spending last year, retailers may have good reason to be optimistic in 2013 – consumers are trying more fashion retailers for the first time, and most are making purchases during those visits. According to a study by Market Force Information, which offers customer intelligence solutions, four […]


20 Mar, 2013

U.N., Trade Unions Issue Report on Protecting Growing Number of Domestic Workers


10 March 2013: Today, the International Trades Union Congress and UN Women joined forces to launch a new publication “Domestic Workers Count Too: Implementing Protections for Domestic Workers”. The launch event, co-sponsored by UN Women, ITUC and the government of the Philippines, takes place at a side event of the 57th UN Commission on the […]


20 Mar, 2013

China Sees “Golden Age” for Ties with Africa

By Li Jiabao and Qin Zhongwei (China Daily)

Beijing 2013-03-19 – China-Africa relations are in a golden age of rapid development, but more must be done to improve the quality of economic ties as Chinese investment in the continent continues to boom, a senior official said on Monday. “Though the volume of China-Africa economic cooperation and trade is rapidly increasing, the quality is […]


20 Mar, 2013

Historic Pictures: Israeli PM Who Hailed Peace at Hotels Confab, & Shot 2 Days Later

I want the global travel and tourism industry to take a good look at these historic pictures. A reminder of an event that changed the course of human history for the worse, they are intended to stoke some soul-searching about what must be done to reset the course, hopefully for the better. These pictures are […]


20 Mar, 2013

Happiness Celebrations Aim to Reach 100 Million People for UN’s First #HappyDay


LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–A global happiness celebration starts today as part of a week of activities observing the first-ever International Day of Happiness on March 20. The #HappyDay celebration, which recognizes acts of generosity, kindness, enthusiasm and connection, is focusing on spreading the message of happiness to 100 million people worldwide. Last year, all 193 member […]


19 Mar, 2013

Indian Culture Minister urges Corporate Sector to invest in Preserving Heritage


Ministry of Culture, 15-March, 2013 – The Union Minister of Culture Mrs Chandresh Kumari Katoch has urged the corporate sector to come forward and invest in preserving rich heritage of India. Speaking at an interactive session here today with the corporate heads on the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Indian heritage, the Minister […]


19 Mar, 2013

Former UNWTO Chief’s Letter to Member States The Day Iraq was Attacked

Editor’s Note: Mr. Francesco Frangialli, was Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, between 1998–2009. On March 20, 2003, he wrote this letter to UNWTO member states. It was made available exclusively to Travel Impact Newswire. I am releasing it today as a matter of record and a contribution to the history of travel & tourism. […]


19 Mar, 2013

Israeli Settler Violence Must Be Prosecuted, Says UN Human Rights Chief


New York, Mar 18 2013, (UN News Centre) – The United Nations human rights chief today urged Israel to prosecute settlers who carry out violent acts against Palestinians, while also calling on Government forces to refrain from using excessive force and to guarantee adequate handling of child detainees, following reports of ill-treatment. “On the Israeli […]


19 Mar, 2013

India Hosts Meeting to Facilitate Rail-links between South, Southeast Asia


Ministry of Railways, 18-March, 2013 — The Minister of Railways, Government of India Mr Pawan Kumar Bansal inaugurated the 7th Meeting of Railways of South and South East Asian Countries here today. The two day meeting is being organized by Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD). Delivering inaugural address, the Railway Minster said that the […]


19 Mar, 2013

Xinhua Deputy Editor: US Has Not Learned Lesson from Iraq

By Chen Weihua (China Daily)

Washington DC, 2013-03-15 – Tuesday will mark the 10th anniversary of the start of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. A decade ago, along with many other people, I was against this. However, the strong worldwide opposition did not prevent a US-led war being waged in Iraq on the pretext of stopping Saddam Hussein […]


18 Mar, 2013

Xinhua Commentary: “Chinese dream” carries global significance

by Xinhua writers Ding Yi, Sun Mei

BEIJING, March 17 (Xinhua) — The annual session of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) concluded Sunday with a promise of “Chinese dream” for the country’s 1.3 billion people. The catchword has drawn global attention because it is of great significance to the whole world. The “Chinese dream,” put forth by Chinese President Xi Jinping, is […]


17 Mar, 2013

China Passes the Torch to a New Generation of Leaders


Beijing, March 15, 2013 – A handshake signaled the passing of the baton and start of a new era for the world’s most populous country. The people of China saw their new head of state elected on Thursday, carrying the dreams and aspirations of about 20 percent of the world’s population on his shoulders. President […]


17 Mar, 2013

Sock Culture Museum unveiled in Fangshan


2013-03-14 – A unique Sock Culture Museum was unveiled on March 13 in Yancun county, Fangshan district, Beijing. The museum is 3,200 square meters and boasts a collection of over 1,000 items, including exhibits on domestic sock culture, history, literature, machinery and of course real socks. A unique Sock Culture Museum was unveiled on March […]


17 Mar, 2013

US claims about China cyberthreat a ‘ruse’ to boost budgets

By Zhang Yunbi (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-15 – The Pentagon is seeking support from mass media and public opinion to avoid a budget cut in US cyberforces, and resorting to cyberthreats as a “cover” to actually boost investment in the sector, experts said in Beijng. US President Barack Obama said on Wednesday that Washington will engage in more “tough talk” […]


17 Mar, 2013

China facing energy security threat: experts

By Liang Fei (Global Times)

Beijing, March 14, 2013 – Increasing dependence on oil imports is causing a threat to China’s energy security, and China may top the US to become the world’s largest importer of oil in the next five years, experts said Wednesday. “Considering the current growth in oil consumption, that day (China overtaking the US in oil […]


17 Mar, 2013

Remaking economy tops agenda for China’s new leadership

By Wang Xiuqiong, Wu Zhi and Guo Xinfeng

BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhua) — As China’s new leaders take the helm this week, they will inherit a job as challenging as it is enviable. They will steer an economy that is the world’s second largest and that has grown at a rate craved by most developed nations. It has neither the deep-running debt woes […]


17 Mar, 2013

UK Military Personnel at Increased Risk of Violent Offending – King’s College Research


London, (King’s College London Media release) Posted on 15/03/2013 – Men who have served in the UK Armed Forces are more likely to commit a violent offence during their lifetime than their civilian counterparts, according to new research by King’s Centre for Military Health Research at King’s College London. The study was published today in a […]


16 Mar, 2013

China launches new state-owned railway corporation


BEIJING, March 14 (Xinhua) — The Chinese government has approved the establishment of the China Railway Corporation to perform the business functions of the defunct Ministry of Railways (MOR) as part of the country’s cabinet restructuring plan. The planned corporation, with a registered capital of 1.04 trillion yuan (165.73 billion U.S. dollars), will be a […]


15 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: “Rise of South” Shifting Global Power Balance – 2013 Human Development Report


Mexico City, 14 March 2013 (UNDP Media release) — The rise of the South is radically reshaping the world of the 21st century, with developing nations driving economic growth, lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty, and propelling billions more into a new global middle class, says the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) 2013 Human […]


15 Mar, 2013

Emerging Economies Moving from ‘Takers’ to ‘Shapers and Makers’ in New Geopolitical Landscape: WTO Chief

WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy

14 March 2013 – Global value chains now span South-South lines and emerging developing countries are active in writing international trade rules rather than simply taking what they are given, WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy said in an address at Bigli University, Istanbul, on 14 March 2013. Here is the full text of his speech: It […]


15 Mar, 2013

U.S. Federal employees plan anti-sequestration nationwide rallies March 20


WASHINGTON, March 14, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Federal employees are planning to hold about 100 rallies across the country on March 20 protesting sequestration, as part of a mass demonstration organized by the American Federation of Government Employees. The events will take place outside federal agencies and lawmakers’ offices to highlight the valuable work performed by […]


14 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: U.S. Report Reveals “Countless Details” of Rebuilding Iraq at US$15 mln a day

A final report on the rebuilding of Iraq following the March 2003 U.S./U.K.-led attack issued by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) has unveiled “countless details” about the mess that resulted, costing U.S. taxpayers an average of US$15 million a day. Released just before the 10th anniversary of the attack on 20 […]


14 Mar, 2013

China: Quantitative Easing Policies Like “Quenching Thirst with Poison”

By Wang Xiaotian (China Daily)

Beijing, March 13, 2013 – China won’t engage in any “currency wars” by depreciating the value of the yuan through monetary easing policies to shore up the economy, as some major economies have done, said a former deputy central bank governor on Tuesday. “The yuan will continue to fluctuate in both directions as the central […]


14 Mar, 2013

Global Times, China: Long live The Kingdom of Bicycles!

Geoffrey Murray

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT Beijing, Global Times, 2013-3-12 – Spring is always an ideal season for cycling. But for me, there is no fun in cycling in Beijing anymore. It’s a dangerous pastime – as I learned to my cost. As a keen cyclist who has lived in Beijing on and off since 1990, I […]


14 Mar, 2013

“Creative Australia” Launched, National Cultural Policy with A$235 Funding Support


Canberra, 13 March 2013 (Minister for the Arts) – Creative Australia, the new national cultural policy, will create jobs and encourage a new generation of artists and creative industry business with sweeping reforms to Australian Government support for the arts, cultural heritage and creative industries. Arts Minister Simon Crean today launched Creative Australia, a $235 […]


13 Mar, 2013

Cast Your Vote: UN Survey Gives Global Public a Voice On Future Development Paths


United Nations, (UN News Centre) Mar 12 2013 — Citizens from all over the world can help shape the future global development agenda through their participation in the United Nations survey ‘My World’, which allows them to vote on issues they believe are priorities and should be addressed by world leaders. Launched this week, the […]


13 Mar, 2013

Australia to Cut Red Tape for Visitor Visas


Canberra, Minister of Immigration & Citizenship, 12 March 2013 – Visitor visas will be simplified and a new short stay activity visa will be rolled out this month as part of the Gillard Government’s commitment to cut red tape. The new visitor visa framework, subject to final approval of the legislation by the Governor-General, builds […]


13 Mar, 2013

China “will not copy Western political systems”


BEIJING (Xinhua) 2013-03-12, – The newly-elected leader of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) pledged Tuesday that China will not copy Western political systems under any circumstances. “We need to steadfastly uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), adhere to and improve the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under […]


12 Mar, 2013

Business travel by air falls amid China’s frugality campaign


BEIJING, March 11 (Xinhua) — Sales of first and business class flights have dropped as China’s frugality campaign gathers pace beyond high-end dining, according to the country’s civil aviation authorities. Since December, the number of business travelers on first and business class trips fell by about 10 percent compared with the same period a year […]


10 Mar, 2013

India Moves to boost Transparency in Clearing Hotel Projects


New Delhi, Ministry of Tourism, 10-March, 2013 – Union Tourism Minister Mr K Chiranjeevi today announced a major initiative to bring in transparency in granting approvals for hotel projects and classification status to functioning hotels. Presently, the hotel promoters and owners seek approval from the Ministry of Tourism for their projects and classification from one […]


10 Mar, 2013

Japan Outbound Up 8.8%, Inbound Up 34.6% in 2012


TOKYO (JATA Press release) – According to the estimate of outbound Japanese travel released on January 25 by the Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO), the number of outbound Japanese travelers in December was 1.43 million, a decline of 2.2% year on year. This was the fourth month of continuous decline since September 2012 on a […]


10 Mar, 2013

“Tourism is Key to Resolving Japan’s challenges”, JATA Management Forum told


TOKYO, 7 March 2013 (JATA Press Release) — The Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA) held the 21st “JATA Management Forum 2013” at Royal Park Hotel in Nihonbashi- Kakigara-cho, Tokyo, on February 26, 2013. The overall theme of the forum was “Growing Stronger with a Global Vision! Creating New Value”. Society has been changing rapidly […]


10 Mar, 2013

China Bids to Control Burgeoning Size of Megacities


BEIJING, (Xinhua) 2013-03-09 — Grey smog returned to Beijing again over the past two days and forced residents to wear masks outdoors. Polluting weather has hit the Chinese capital frequently since the beginning of the year. A key factor leading to the smog is exhaust from vehicles. About 5.2 million vehicles are running on the […]


10 Mar, 2013

Malaysia’s AirAsia gets Indian Govt Approval for Name of New JV: AirAsia India


New Delhi,  Mar 10 2013 (Press Trust of India) – Gearing up to launch services in India in partnership with Tatas, Malaysia-based low-cost airline AirAsia has got the Ministry of Corporate Affairs approval for the the name of its Indian venture that is to be called AirAsia (India) Private Ltd. The name of the new […]


10 Mar, 2013

China Successful Women in ‘Double Bind’

By Yao Minji (Shanghai Daily)

March 08, 2013 – Chinese women have taken great strides, but many young women still find themselves caught in a dilemma. Growing up in an era of rapid economic and social development, they are more aware of gender issues than their mothers, so they feel more pressured in the traditional patriarchal society. As an only […]


9 Mar, 2013

Sequestration: U.S. Security Personnel Fret About Their Job Security


WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– March 07, 2013 – The FBI Intelligence Analysts Association (FBI IAA) calls on the nation’s leaders to work together to end sequestration. If it continues and furloughs go into effect, the FBI and other national security and law enforcement agencies will be hindered from protecting the American people. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller […]


9 Mar, 2013

India Lists Funding Efforts to Attract Its Overseas Scientists Back


Ministry of Science & Technology, 07-March, 2013 – The Ministry of Science and Technology is implementing several initiatives, including fellowships, to attract Indian scientists who have settled in various parts of the world for pursuing scientific research in India in their respective field of expertise as well as in home country research programs. Details are […]


9 Mar, 2013

India Launches Its Own National Internet Registry


Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, 07-March, 2013 – Mr Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology launched the portal of National Internet Registry (NIR) here today. Speaking on the occasion Mr Sibal pointed out that unless this platform is inclusive, we will not be able to empower the people. He underlined that […]


9 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: TripAdvisor Report Projects Rise in Traveller Spending, Accommodation Profitability


NEWTON, Mass., March 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — TripAdvisor®, which claims to be the world’s largest travel site*, today announces the results of the world’s largest accommodation and traveler survey¹ – the TripBarometer by TripAdvisor. This study, conducted on behalf of TripAdvisor by independent research firm StrategyOne, a division of Edelman Berland , will be biannual and […]


9 Mar, 2013

WHO Fact Sheet: Violence Against Women – Worse Than Terrorism?

World Health Organisation

International Women’s Day commemoration March 8. World Health Organisation Fact sheet N°239 November 2012 Key facts: Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women – are major public health problems and violations of women’s human rights. A WHO multi-country study found that between 15–71% of women aged 15- 49 years […]


9 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: The Art Market 2012 – a Dialogue between East and West


SAINT-ROMAIN AU MONT, FRANCE, Mar 7, 2013 – (ACN Newswire) – For this study of the global art market in 2012, Artprice has formed an alliance with Artron, a leading information service on the art market in China within the Greater Asia region, in order to provide the best possible overview of the art auction […]


9 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: UNCTAD Report on Impact of Israeli occupation on Palestinian Economy


Rome, 08 March 2013 (UNCTAD media release) – The United Nations Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian Peopletook place at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome on 27 and 28 February 2013. It was organized by the United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights. Mahmoud Elkhafif, Coordinator of UNCTAD’s Assistance to […]


9 Mar, 2013

Xinhua Insight: Doubling income is easy, narrowing regional gap is anything but

by Xinhua writers Cheng Yunjie and Zhang Yao

BEIJING, March 8 (Xinhua) — Legislators attending an ongoing annual legislative session are discussing one of China’s greatest challenges: narrowing the country’s wealth gap. In the eyes of legislators from underdeveloped regions, doubling the average income is easy, but narrowing the yawning wealth disparity is anything but. Xia Qingfeng, mayor of the city of Tongren […]


9 Mar, 2013

Late Sitar Maestro Ravi Shankar Conferred India’s Inaugural Tagore Award for Cultural Harmony


Ministry of Culture, 07-March, 2013  – Indian President Mr Pranab Mukherjee here today conferred the first ever Tagore Award for Cultural Harmony, 2012 on Sitar Maestro Pandit Ravi Shankar at Rashtrapati Bhawan in recognition of his outstanding contribution to Cultural Harmony and Universal Values. Since Pandit Ravi Shankar passed away on 11th December, 2012, the […]


8 Mar, 2013

Landgrabs Sending Many Myanmar Villagers From the Frying Pan Into the Fire, Reports Show

Bangkok – As investors rush into Myanmar, human rights and ethnic groups are stepping up warnings that rampant landgrabs, social injustice and a rule-of-law vacuum are pushing the country from the frying pan into the fire. Whereas in the past, only military dictators were the problem, they have been joined by business conglomerates and local […]


7 Mar, 2013

Int’l Women’s Day Poll: How do Travel & Tourism Ads Portray Women?

Bangkok — The world marks International Women’s Day on March 8. In the Asia-Pacific, commemoration of International Women’s Day will be dedicated to ending violence against women and girls. A statement by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific says, “Globally, up to seven in ten women will be beaten, raped, […]


7 Mar, 2013

Chinese Project 15% Growth in Investments Abroad in 2013

By DING QINGFEN (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-03-06 – China’s outbound investment is expected to grow by 15 percent this year, according to a report issued on Tuesday by the National Development and Reform Commission. The nation’s top economic planning agency said China will “adopt a more proactive opening-up policy this year”. China’s outbound direct investment in the non-financial sector, which […]


7 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: Report warns of rampant elephant poaching, illegal ivory trade


Bangkok, 6 March 2013— Populations of elephants in Africa continue to be under severe threat as the illegal trade in ivory grows – with double the numbers of elephants killed and triple the amounts of ivory seized, over the last decade. According to a new report entitled “Elephants in the Dust – The African Elephant […]


6 Mar, 2013

Eurobarometer Survey: People Still Travelling But 88% Stayed Within the EU


Brussels, 6 March 2013, European Commission Press release – The tourism sector is one of the few sectors that have continued to grow and create jobs, despite the crisis. Seven out of ten Europeans travelled in 2012 (the same proportion as in 2011). And of EU holiday makers, as many as 88% spent their vacations […]


6 Mar, 2013

Australian Green Light for Environmentally-strict Island Tourism Project


Canberra, 05 March 2013 (Ministry of Tourism) – In a significant boost for investment in Australian tourism, the Federal Government has given the green light to Queensland’s Great Keppel Island’s redevelopment project that will see it feature the first ‘Green Globe certified’ tourist resort in the Great Barrier Reef. The island will feature a beachfront […]


6 Mar, 2013

FREE Download: ADB Anti-corruption Report Lists Private Sector’s Heinous Creativity

MANILA, 4 March 2013 – Private companies, which regularly rail against public sector corruption and fraud, are themselves resorting to the same dirty tricks in attempts to access the millions of dollars worth of loans and grants disseminated annually by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), an official bank report shows. The Annual Report released on […]


5 Mar, 2013

China’s Home-Grown C919 Jumbo Jet Plans Global Takeoff in 2014

by Xie Weiqun and Zhao Zhanhui, People's Daily

Beijing, March 04, 2013 – China’s C919 jumbo jet is expected to begin its maiden flight in 2014, said Wu Guanghui, vice president of Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) and chief designer of the C919. Wu, also the member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), said this on Monday. “This is China’s first […]


5 Mar, 2013

Chinese Upset by Behaviour of Some Of Their Fellow Travellers Abroad

By Yu Jincui (Global Times)

March 04, 2013 – A February 22 post on Weibo shed some unkind light on the image of the “ugly Chinese” recently. Wen Fei, a Chinese woman working in Paris, posted a description of her encounter with some behaviors that give a bad name to Chinese overseas travelers. The incident took place on an Air […]


5 Mar, 2013

Booz Allen Awarded US$11 billion U.S. Homeland Security Contracts


MCLEAN, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– February 28, 2013 — Booz Allen Hamilton today announced it was awarded two, five-year contracts under the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Technical, Acquisition and Business Support Services (TABSS) $11 billion multiple-award, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract vehicle. The wins, awarded on November 30, 2012 and February 15, 2013, are to support […]


5 Mar, 2013

Silk Road Journeys: Uzbeks Target Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia

BANGKOK – A 12-member tourism delegation from Uzbekistan visited Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore last week in a bid to raise the profile of the Silk Road country and boost travel between Southeast Asia and Central Asia. It was the second roadshow in as many years. Last year, the delegation visited Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. This […]


5 Mar, 2013

Indian VP Releases “Excreta Does Matter” Report, Calls Waste Water “A Ticking Health Bomb”


Vice President’s Secretariat 04-March, 2013 – The Vice President of India, Prof Dr M. Hamid Ansari has said that India must work towards conserving water to minimize the generation of waste water. Addressing at the “Second Anil Agrawal Dialogue on ‘Excreta does Matter” organised by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) here today, he […]


5 Mar, 2013

China’s WTO Rep Warns of Increased Trade Friction with Europe, US


BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) — China should be mindful of increased trade frictions with European countries and the United States, the Chinese representative to World Trade Organization (WTO) warned on Monday. “China must remain alert to the intensity, measures and involved industrial sectors concerning trade restrictions on China,” said Yi Xiaozhun, permanent representative of China […]


4 Mar, 2013

European Commission launches Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs


Brussels, 4 March 2013, European Commission, Press release – Commission President José Manuel Barroso today called on Europe’s digital businesses, governments, training and education sectors to join a Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs to address up to 900,000 job vacancies expected to exist in Europe in Information and Communication technologies (ICT) by 2015. Despite the […]


3 Mar, 2013

Oxfam Survey Slags Big Brand Food Multinationals for Exploiting Land, Labour


London, 26 Feb 2013 (Oxfam Press releases) – The “Big 10” food and beverage companies – that together make $1 billion-a-day – are failing millions of people in developing countries who supply land, labor, water and commodities needed to make their products. Behind the Brands – part of Oxfam’s GROW campaign to fix the broken […]


2 Mar, 2013

Lead Lawyers Appointed to Sue US Online Travel Sites, Hotel Chains for Price-Fixing


SEATTLE, March 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, a consumer-protection law firm, today announced that it has been named interim lead counsel in a price-fixing class-action lawsuit brought against several online travel sites including Expedia, Inc. (NASDAQ: EXPE); Travelocity; Booking.com, a subsidiary of Priceline.com (NASDAQ: PCLN), as well as many of the […]


2 Mar, 2013

Finding Peace & Calm in the US: California Retreat Offers Yoga Vacations


San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) March 02, 2013 – The Yoga retreat in California offers year-round Yoga vacations in a calm environment, allowing visitors to enjoy the benefits of Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and healthy vegetarian food. As the Yoga retreat environment, Swami Sitaramananda said, “The retreat environment is conducive to rapid progress in regaining health, […]


2 Mar, 2013

Jet-set life takes off for China’s super-rich

By Shi Yingying in Shanghai (China Daily)

Beijing, 2013-02-25, (China Daily) – Four of Europe‘s top museums, namely the Louvre, Pompidou Center, Van Gogh Museum and Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, plan to close their doors to exclusively welcome a group of 10 travelers from the Chinese mainland on March 10. A Shanghai resident who called himself Charles Wang is one of the travelers who […]
