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30 May, 2012

ADB Sees Asia Needing US$8 Trillion to Fund Infrastructure; Australia Tops PPP Schemes


MANILA, Philippines (ADB Media Release) – Asia and the Pacific has seen a boom in public private partnerships (PPPs) in the past decade but it needs more effective public sector oversight agencies, and in some instances more political will, to advance the process even further, says a new study commissioned by the Asian Development Bank […]


30 May, 2012

Road Union Makes Proposals to Double Bus & Coach Users in EU


Brussels, 30 May 2012 – The International Road Transport Union (IRU), in cooperation with the European Commission, launched the Public-Private Smart Move High Level Group (HLG) yesterday, with the objective to elaborate, concrete policy and business recommendations on how to double the number of users of passenger transport by bus, coach and taxis in the […]


30 May, 2012

Countdown Begins for World Environment Day, 5 June


Nairobi/Rio de Janeiro, 30 May 2012 – From the floor of the National Senate, to the streets of Rio de Janeiro, the countdown to World Environment Day (WED) on 5 June 2012 is well underway in Brazil. This year’s host country is preparing to lead what promises to be the largest WED celebrations in the […]


29 May, 2012

India, Myanmar Agree To Upgrade Road Link With Thailand by 2016

India and Myanmar have pledged to complete the road link from Moreh in India to Mae Sot in Thailand via Myanmar by 2016. The agreement was reached during the visit by Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to Myanmar which ended on May 29. The road will complete one of the most important missing links […]


29 May, 2012

Beijing 2008 Olympic Games a Model of Corruption Prevention

By Li Yao, China Daily

Beijing, 2012-05-28 – China’s top anti-corruption officials have vowed to share their experience of running “corruption-free” Beijing Olympic Games as a model to others in the country’s battle against official greed. Huang Shuxian, deputy chief of the Communist Party of China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, spoke highly of China’s experience of holding clean Olympic […]


29 May, 2012

Much-Needed Cooling Awaits China As West Slows Growth

By Clem Chamber (Global Times)

Beijing, May 25, 2012 – Developing countries are now drastically out-competing the developed world. Capital is flowing away from “rich” countries to emerging ones via the huge trade deficits of developed nations. The US, with its ever-widening gap reaching $51.8 billion this March, serves as the prime example. Trade surpluses of the developing world, meanwhile, […]


29 May, 2012

Weak Euro Strengthens Attraction for Chinese Tourists

By Tan Zongyang in Fuzhou and Xu Jingxi in Guangzhou ( China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-05-29 – Wang Yalan is traveling to Europe again this year as the falling euro is prompting a rise in Chinese tourists. “The expenses for local transportation and accommodation in European countries are high, especially when I prefer to travel by myself rather than join tour groups,” said Wang, who has a budget of […]


28 May, 2012

Yen – Yuan Direct Trading Likely to Start in June

Kyodo News Agency

BEIJING May 27, 2012 — Japan and China are expected to start directly trading their currencies in June as part of efforts to boost bilateral trade and investment, financial sources in Beijing said Saturday. With the new step, exchange rates between the yen and the yuan will be determined solely by transactions of the two […]


28 May, 2012

Preparing for “Asian Century,” Australia Eases Visas to Draw Rich & Talented

Canberra, 25 May 2012 — The Australian Government has announced the launch of a new visa program, the Significant Investor visa, targeting migrants who could make an investment of at least $5 million in the Australian economy. It has also approved its first Enterprise Migration Agreement (EMA), granted to help a new iron ore mining […]


25 May, 2012

UN Declares 2013-2022 as “Asia-Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities”

travel impact newswire exclusive

BANGKOK – In what could prove to be a golden opportunity for the global travel & tourism industry to enhance its contribution to society, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) has officially declared 2013-2022 as the “Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities” and invited all stakeholders to […]


24 May, 2012

Ultra High Definition Television: Threshold Of a New Age

International Telecommunications Union

Geneva, 24 May 2012 (ITU Media Release) – The International Telecommunications Union has announced a new Recommendation that represents a major advance in television broadcasting that will create an entirely new television broadcast environment with the advent of ‘Ultra High Definition Television’ or UHDTV. ITU’s Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) has developed the standard – or Recommendation […]


24 May, 2012

Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal


Published: May 23, 2012 in the International Herald Tribune and distributed by the Jerusalem Fund and the Palestine Centre. I’M a Palestinian who was born in the Israeli town of Lod, and thus I am an Israeli citizen. My wife is not; she is a Palestinian from Nablus in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Despite our […]


22 May, 2012

Travel & Tourism Will Feel The Heat of India’s “White Paper on Black Money”

In a move that is set to have a significant impact on the way India, Indian companies and Indian people do business, the Manmohan Singh administration has published a unique battle plan outlining its “crusade” against tax avoidance and evasion. The “White Paper on Black Money”, published on May 21 goes into copious detail about […]


18 May, 2012

Zionist Jews Continuing Efforts to Wipe Palestine Off the Map


The following is a briefing report on the 342nd meeting of the Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People which took place at the UN headquarters in New York on May 16 May 2012. This committee has met 342 times and effectively achieved nothing. In fact, the relentless Zionist effort to wipe Palestine […]


18 May, 2012

Job-rich Growth Essential for G20 Recovery, say OECD & ILO


Joint statement by ILO Director-General Juan Somavia and OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría on the occasion of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers Meeting, Guadalajara, Mexico, 17 May 2012 17/05/2012 – We, the Heads of the International Labour Organization and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, call upon the Ministers of Labour and Employment of […]


18 May, 2012

Xinhua Insight: Global Regulators Seek Solution to Regulatory, Financial Challenges


BEIJING, May 16 (Xinhua) — As the world’s equity markets jitter over the fallout of JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s two-billion-U.S.-dollar trading loss and fret about a likely Greek default, global securities regulators are trying to find a solution to minimize the impact. More than 500 representatives from securities regulatory agencies from 203 countries and […]


18 May, 2012

Yuan Full Convertibility “Just Around the Corner”

By Wang Xiaotian (China Daily)

2012-05-17 – China’s currency is just around the corner from being fully convertible and the economy’s capital account is already far more convertible than outside institutions give it credit for, said China’s top securities regulator on Wednesday. “At present, we have a very good chance to carry out the strategy of realizing convertibility of (the) […]


18 May, 2012

China Pressing Ahead With Diversification of Reserves

By Wei Tian in Beijing and Zhang Yuwei in New York (China Daily)

Originally published on 2012-05-17 – China remains the largest foreign holder of US Treasury securities, a “safe haven” amid the eurozone crisis, but an ongoing decline in these holdings reflects the country’s determination to diversify its foreign reserves, experts said. China boosted its stockpile of the securities by $14.7 billion to $1.17 trillion in March, […]


17 May, 2012

World Health Statistics 2012 Report Out, Shows Diabetes, Hypertension On The Rise


16 May 2012, Geneva (World Health Organisation) – The World Health Statistics 2012 report, released today, puts the spotlight on the growing problem of the noncommunicable diseases burden. One in three adults worldwide, according to the report, has raised blood pressure – a condition that causes around half of all deaths from stroke and heart […]


16 May, 2012

Palestinians Mark Nakba, Seek Freedom from Israeli Occupation

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.

On this 64th anniversary of the Nakba we mourn the ethnic cleansing that began in 1948 and that continues today with silent transfer, home demolitions, land confiscation and more. But we also celebrate an amazing resilience and success of the Palestinian endogenous people against incredible odds: – We just celebrated the success of a hunger […]


16 May, 2012

Young People Jobs Crisis Shows How This Generation Has Failed the Next

Imtiaz Muqbil

Two reports and fact-sheets produced respectively by the International Trades Union Congress (ITUC) and the Organisation of Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) on May 15 and 16 have highlighted the catastrophic impact of the economic slowdown on the young people, especially in the OECD area. Released in advance of the G20 Labour Ministers Meeting in Mexico […]


15 May, 2012

UK Becoming Victim of Its Own Visitor Visa Hassles: ETOA


London, 15 May 2012, (ETOA Media Release) – On Tuesday May 15th at 11.00 am the UK’s Immigration Minister, Damian Green, appeared before the British parliament’s Home Affairs Committee to answer questions about queues at passport control in Heathrow Airport. Simultaneously, the European Tour Operators Association (ETOA) released a statement pointing out that the problems […]


15 May, 2012

Anti-Arab/Muslim Image Will Impact Summer Travel to Europe: UNWTO-ETC study

Cultural and religious issues, including a perception of anti-Muslim bias or association with terrorism, is one of numerous factors affecting travel from the Middle East to the Europe. Another key factor, directly related to the same “perception” problem, is the time it takes to get a visa, according to a study on the Middle East […]


15 May, 2012

Thai King’s Reforestation Project Wows UNWTO Delegates

CHIANG MAI – The sufficiency economy concept of Thailand’s King Bhumibhol Adulyadej gained further prominence on the global tourism development agenda last week with a visit to the Huai Hong Khrai Royal Development Centre being included on the technical-tour programme of a regional UN World Tourism Organisation conference. The May 4 visit was an eye-opening […]


15 May, 2012

G-8 / EU: “Global Financial Transaction Tax, A Human Rights Imperative”


Geneva, UNHCR, (14 May 2012) – As European Union Finance Ministers meet on 15 May to coincide with the G-8 Summit in Camp David, a group of United Nations independent experts urged the EU to take the lead in promoting the adoption of a global financial transaction tax to offset the costs of the enduring […]


15 May, 2012

PATA Pushes Pugnacious New Policy Posture

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is pushing a table-thumping public advocacy posture designed to speak out more forcefully on issues affecting the regional travel & tourism industry. The policy posture was adopted almost immediately after the CEO Martin Craigs assumed office in November 2011 and stepped up at the UN World Tourism Organisation’s regional […]


14 May, 2012

Tourism Could Benefit From Historic Pact To Prevent Land-Grabs

11 May 2012, Rome (Food and Agriculture Organisation) – In a landmark decision designed to help prevent land-grabs, especially in developing countries, the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) endorsed a set of far-reaching global guidelines aimed at helping governments safeguard the rights of people to own or access land, forests and fisheries. The new […]


13 May, 2012

Gallup Poll: Southeast Asian Leaders Earn Highest Job Approval in Asia

by Melanie Standish

WASHINGTON, D.C. May 11, 2012 — Majorities in more than half of the 21 Asian countries and regions Gallup surveyed in 2011 approved of their chief executives, with leaders in Southeast and South Asia earning some of the highest marks in the region. Laotians, Cambodians, and Sri Lankans were the most likely to express support […]


11 May, 2012

Myanmar Set To Rejoin UNWTO


Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 7 May 2012 (UNWTO Press Release) – The President of Myanmar, U Thein Sein, has announced the country will initiate the process of restoring its membership of UNWTO. The decision was confirmed during an official visit of UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai. On the occasion, highlighting the role of tourism in the […]


11 May, 2012

EIU Survey Shows 47% Of Respondents Expect At Least One Country to Exit Eurozone


LONDON, May 10, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — The second annual BNY Mellon-sponsored survey conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has found that almost half (47%) of respondents believe that we will see the exit from the euro zone of one or more peripheral countries in the next 12 months, and only 17% of survey respondents consider […]


11 May, 2012

Gallup Poll: Majority Worldwide Sees Widespread Corruption in Businesses


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 10, 2012, — About two in three adults worldwide believe corruption is widespread in the businesses in their countries. This belief is relatively commonplace everywhere in the world — ranging from 60% in the U.S. and Canada to a high of 76% in sub-Saharan Africa — but it tends to be higher […]


11 May, 2012

Bird-Watching Can Help Eco-Tourism Fly High in a Green Economy – UNEP Report


Bonn/Nairobi, 10 May 2012 – Migratory birds undertake some of the most daring journeys in the animal kingdom, often covering thousands of kilometers to migrate. And the growing fan base of these winged adventurers is now presenting economic opportunities through sustainable tourism. . On 12-13 May 2012, the economic benefits of supporting the world’s migratory […]


10 May, 2012

How Colonialism Crushed The World’s Indigenous Peoples (Part 2)


Part 2 of the transcript outlining discussions in the open United Nations debate at The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the special theme for the year:  “The Doctrine of Discovery:  its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on […]


10 May, 2012

How Colonialism Crushed The World’s Indigenous Peoples (Part 3)


Part 3 of the transcript outlining discussions in the open United Nations debate at The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on the special theme for the year:  “The Doctrine of Discovery:  its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on […]


8 May, 2012

How Colonialism Crushed The World’s Indigenous Peoples (Part 1)


Indigenous Tourism is becoming a widely-discussed issue on the global travel agenda. But the wider historical context of problems facing the world’s indigenous peoples is glossed over. This three-part transcript of the 11th session of a United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues fills that gap. Held between May 7-9, the open debate featured the […]


8 May, 2012

Curtain Falls On Year-long Indo-Bangladesh Tribute to Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore


New Delhi, 07-May, 2012 (Press Information Bureau) – The year-long joint Indo-Bangladesh celebrations to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore concluded here today with the closing ceremony held at Vigyan Bhawan. The ceremony was attended by the Vice-President of India Mr. M. Hamid Ansari, the Foreign Minister of Bangladesh Dr. Dipu Moni, Finance […]


8 May, 2012

U.S. Lawyer Urges Legal Action Against “Medical Tourism” Malpractice


A Jewish American lawyer whose young son died at a major hospital in Bangkok has launched what he describes as a “new consulting service to trial lawyers and patients regarding the legal issues stemming from the rise of medical tourism.” Long known to have been only a matter of time, the move could prove to […]


8 May, 2012

Japan Airlines Joins Global Campaign Against Cervical Cancer


New York, (PRWEB) May 07, 2012 – The Hellosmile Project, a joint campaign initiated and led by TOKYO FM Broadcasting, which includes UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and other partners to prevent cervical cancer, will be officially launched this week. The project is initiated by TOKYO FM, one of Japan’s most prominent FM radio […]


8 May, 2012

European Campaign to Fight Depression in the Workplace


LONDON, May 1, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — This Labour Day, the European Depression Association (EDA) launched an EU-wide campaign to make the fight against depression at work a European priority and urging the public to show their support for this important cause by visiting http://www.europeandepressionday.com. The EDA launched the campaign with an “Open letter” to MEPs and policy makers […]


8 May, 2012

“Canada is Israel’s Best Friend,” Foreign Minister Tells Jewish Global Forum


WASHINGTON, May 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — “Israel has no greater friend in the world today than Canada,” declared Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird at the AJC Global Forum. “Our strong support for Israel is not about politics at home, and certainly not about winning popularity contests at the United Nations. Canada certainly has the scars […]


4 May, 2012

All Indian Airlines Hit by Losses, Except One


New Delhi, Ministry of Civil Aviation 03-May, 2012 – Mr. Ajit Singh, the Minister of Civil Aviation informed Rajya Sabha (Upper House) today in a written reply that based on returns filed by airlines with Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), all scheduled airlines operating in the country except IndiGo are incurring losses. The total […]


4 May, 2012

Foreign Airlines Optimistic About Chinese Market

By Zhao Shan and Li Yining (People's Daily Overseas Edition)

Beijing, May 03, 2012 – A number of foreign airlines including South African Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa German Airlines and Scandinavian Airlines have recently focused on the Chinese market and opened up many direct flights and charter lines to facilitate Chinese tourists。 It is expected that over one-fourth of passengers around the world will come […]


4 May, 2012

China’s Cruise Tourism Market Growing 30% Annually

By Li Ling (People's Daily Overseas Edition)

Beijing, May 03, 2012 — Various commemorative activities and the 3-D re-release of the epic romantic movie “Titanic” has made the cruise ship that sank 100 years ago again a hot topic. Surprisingly, domestic travel agencies did not use the 100th anniversary of Titanic’s sinking as a gimmick to promote their products. “After years of […]


4 May, 2012

Chinese Passports To Get “Chipped”


BEIJING, May 3 (Xinhua) — China will start to issue a new type of passport, which contains an electronic chip recording the holder’s personal information, according to a Ministry of Public Security announcement on Thursday. The new passports will look similar to traditional ones but an electronic chip will be inserted inside containing elements including […]


4 May, 2012

Chinese Tourists Rank As Top Spenders In Japan


TOKYO, May 3 (Xinhua) — Chinese tourists have spent an estimated 196.4 billion yen (about 2.43 billion U.S. dollars) in Japan in 2011, accounting for almost a quarter of the total spending by foreign travelers, and rank as the largest spenders by country, according to data from the Japan Tourism Agency. Chinese travelers bought relatively […]


4 May, 2012

China Tourism Authority Warns Of Low-Cost Package Tours

By Wen Limin (People's Daily)

Beijing, Edited and translated by People’s Daily Online, May 04, 2012 – Not long ago, Ms. Wang, who lives in Beijing and has retired, wanted to travel to Hong Kong and Macao with her husband. After comparing several tourism advertisements, they found that the prices of six-day travel to Hong Kong and Macao are very […]


4 May, 2012

European Tourism Trends & Prospects Q1/2012 Report Released


The European Travel Commission (ETC) has just published its first quarterly report on European Tourism in 2012 – Trends & Prospects. Executive Summary (+) European travel has exhibited resiliency in the early part of 2012. Most reporting destinations have experienced growth in foreign visits and nights through the first two months of the year. (+) […]


4 May, 2012

United Methodists Call for Boycott of “Products Made by Israeli Companies in Occupied Palestinian Territories”


Posted on May 3, 2012 by Palestinian BDS National Committee Adopting the “Kairos Palestine” document, Methodists Elevate Palestinian Rights and Israel Divestment to Mainstream Prominence “Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory.” –Gandhi Occupied Palestine, 3 May 2012 – The General Conference […]


2 May, 2012

Australia Suspends Agency Handling Chinese Groups for Ethics Breach


Canberra, 01 May 2012 (Ministry of Tourism) – The Australian Government has suspended Auga Travel Service Pty Ltd (Auga) from participating in the China: Approved Destination Status (ADS) scheme for a three month period. The ADS scheme provides streamlined travel opportunities for Chinese tour groups to Australia whilst ensuring that the integrity of Australia’s visitor […]


2 May, 2012

Domestic Tourism a “Shock Absorber” To Cushion Against “External Shocks” – UNWTO Report

CHIANG MAI, Thailand (2 May 2012) – If foreign tourism has been hit by repeated “external shocks” over the last decade, domestic tourism has become a “shock absorber” to help cushion the impact, according to a landmark study to be released this week. The Study on Domestic Tourism Across the Asia-Pacific is to be one […]


2 May, 2012

Chinese Entrepreneurs May Soon Launch Their Own High-end Brands

By Wang Wen (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-05-01 – As foreign luxury brands compete to carve out portions of China’s fast-growing market, experts are predicting that Chinese companies will soon develop luxury brands of their own. It is time for domestic enterprises to establish luxury brands, since China has already become the dominant driver of growth in the luxury sector, said […]


2 May, 2012

Renting Catches On As Most Chinese Want, But Cannot Afford, Branded Goods

By Zhao Ying (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-05-01 – Ren Jiansong puts paying his rent ahead of buying the pricey luxury goods he so adores – prompting the 26-year-old fashionmonger to frequently rent luxury goods from a Beijing-based boutique. His most recent rental was a Louis Vuitton Damier Naviglio. The brown and tan messenger bag retails for about $1,600, but Ren […]


2 May, 2012

China Explains Why Renminbi Has To Be Globalised

By Zhang Monan (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-04-28 – China’s currency has recently shown signs of accelerated steps toward internationalization, as indicated by HSBC’s recent launch of the first RMB-denominated bond in London, the first offshore RMB business beyond Hong Kong, and an agreement the World Bank signed with China’s central bank for entrusted investment in the country’s inter-bank bonds market. […]


2 May, 2012

Chinese Tourism Index Helps Spotlight Congestion During Holiday Peak

By Zheng Jinran (China Daily)

Beijing, 2012-05-01 – Beijing launched an hourly updated online index of crowds at major tourist sites on Sunday, the day that China’s railway broke its record for the amount of passengers carried on any single day of a May Day holiday. The index, launched at bjta.gov.cn on Sunday, the first day of the holiday, covers […]


1 May, 2012

Economies May Be Recovering, But Jobs Are Not, Warns ILO’s Labour Day Report


GENEVA (ILO News) 29 April 2012 –Despite signs that economic growth has resumed in some regions, the global employment situation is alarming and shows no sign of recovery in the near future, says the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO’s “World of Work Report 2012: Better Jobs for a Better Economy” says that around 50 […]


1 May, 2012

World’s First Mobile App Launched To Combat Racial Profiling By U.S. TSA


WASHINGTON DC (April 30, 2012) Source: Sikh Coalition Media Release – The Sikh Coalition and other prominent U.S. civil rights leaders have  released a game-changing mobile application that enables users to report instances of airport profiling in real time. The app was released today at the offices of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human […]


28 Apr, 2012

UN Celebrates Legacy Of Jazz As A Force Of Social Transformation


UN Headquarters (UN News) 27 April 2012 – The United Nations today kicked off celebrations for the first annual International Jazz Day with a concert in Paris, which will be followed by another in New Orleans on Saturday, and another at UN Headquarters in New York on Monday. The International Jazz Day, which falls on […]


28 Apr, 2012

EU Opens “New Chapter” in Relations with Myanmar


Burma/Myanmar, 27 April 2012 (EU Press Release) – Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice President of the Commission, will travel to Burma/Myanmar from 28 to 30 April. She will inaugurate the Office of the European Union to Burma/Myanmar in Yangon on 28 April and hold meetings with President U Thein Sein as well […]


28 Apr, 2012

Chinese Lawmakers Call For Dual Nationality Check

By Zhao Yinan

Beijing, 2012-04-28 (China Daily) — Lawmakers have urged the government to address the trend of holding dual nationality, which is illegal in China. Jin Shuoren, a member of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, said on Thursday that although being a citizen of two or even more countries at the same time is not allowed […]


28 Apr, 2012

China Sets US$10 Billion Credit Line For Projects in Central, Eastern Europe


WARSAW, April 26 (Xinhua) — China will set up a 10 billion U.S. dollar line of credit to support cooperative projects with central and eastern Europe. Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao announced the plan at a China-Central and Eastern Europe business forum here, saying it would accelerate the two sides’ practical cooperation. Wen said the […]


28 Apr, 2012

Japan’s Golden Week Holiday Rush Sees Many Flocking to Support Crisis-Hit Areas


Tokyo, April 28, 2012, Kyodo – Major airports, highways and railway stations across the nation were crowded with vacationers Saturday as the annual Golden Week spring holiday season began, with departures for overseas destinations peaking at Narita airport. Areas in the northeast devastated by the March 2011 quake and tsunami also saw many tourists taking […]


27 Apr, 2012

World Leaders Draw Roadmap Attracting Young Women to Careers in Technology


New York, 26 April 2012 (International Telecommunications Union) – Global leaders from the US, Europe, Africa and Asia joined together today to debate and define a roadmap that will help break down barriers and overturn outmoded attitudes in a bid get more girls into technology-related studies and careers. A high-level dialogue held at New York’s […]


27 Apr, 2012

World Buddhist Forum Opens in HK, Panchen Lama Speaks on Dharma


HONG KONG, April 26 (Xinhua) — The Third World Buddhist Forum opened Thursday in Hong Kong with more than 1,000 monks and scholars from over 50 countries and regions discussing the role of Buddhism in the construction of a harmonious society and peaceful world. The 11th Panchen Lama Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu, one of the two […]


26 Apr, 2012

UNCTAD Warning to Global Aviation: Biofuels Will Worsen Food Price Pressures

In a clear early-warning to the global aviation and transportation industry, the UN Conference on Trade & Development (UNCTAD) has asserted that growing usage of biofuels is already contributing to higher food prices, and indicated that the problem could get worse in future. The Commodities and Development Report 2012 (UCDR), a new UNCTAD publication launched […]


25 Apr, 2012

PATA’s Whistleblowing Ex-Chairman Wins Recognition Award

Veteran Indian tour operator Ram Kohli, who chaired PATA between 2004-05 and later blew the whistle on what he now refers to as a “culture of corruption”, won the PATA Chairman’s Award at a ceremony during the annual conference in Kuala Lumpur, April 21. The award was conferred by PATA’s Immediate Past Chairman (2010-2012) Hiran […]


24 Apr, 2012

TAT Slags “Insulting” Remarks by AirAsia Commercial Marketing Exec

Bangkok, 24 April 2012 – The Tourism Authority of Thailand has taken a senior marketing official of AirAsia to task for “insulting” its personnel and making a number of inaccurate and “ignorant” remarks about TAT policies and activities. In a strongly-worded letter to the editor published in the Bangkok Post today, TAT Governor Suraphon Svetsreni […]


24 Apr, 2012

Israeli Ambassador Tries to Censor U.S. Media Report on Plight of Palestinian Christians

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

Washington DC, (23 April 2012) -The following statement was issued today by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the largest grassroots Arab-American civil rights and civil liberties organization in the United States: Last night, 60 Minutes aired a segment entitled “Christians of the Holy Land” that offered American viewers an unprecedented look into the lives and circumstances […]


23 Apr, 2012

Indian Finance Minister: “Hard Decisions” Needed to Steer Economy in Asian Century


Press Information Bureau, 21 April 2012 – Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee provided a comprehensive analysis of the challenges facing the Indian economy in the context of the emergence of the new world order and an Asian Century. The following is the full text of his speech entitled, ‘India and the World – Short and […]


23 Apr, 2012

2.9 Billion Litres of Sewage Dumped Into Ganges Annually – Indian PM


New Delhi, (Press Information Bureau) 17 April 2012 – India’s increasing urbanisation, industrialisation and population are leading to 2.9 billion litres of sewage being discharged into the mainstream of the River Ganges every year, Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh told the Third Meeting of the National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) in New Delhi. “We […]


23 Apr, 2012

UN Human Rights Official to Report on Status of Native Americans


GENEVA / NEW YORK (22 April 2012) – United Nations Special Rapporteur James Anaya will visit the United States of America from 23 April to 4 May 2012, to examine the situation of indigenous peoples in that country. This will be the first mission to the USA by an independent expert designated by the UN […]


23 Apr, 2012

New OECD Report: Lack of Finance Most Critical Problem Facing Global SMEs

Paris, (19 April 2012) – The importance of small and medium sized enterprises to the Thai tourism industry is cited in a report issued by the Paris-based Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development. Thailand and Korea are the only Asian countries covered by the report, and the reference is the only one to “tourism” in […]


23 Apr, 2012

Pacific Islands Face Severe Water Threat – UNEP Report


Bangkok, 23 April 2012 (UNEP Press Release) – The unique freshwater challenge facing many small islands in the Pacific is spotlighted in a new report released by the UN Environment Programme today. The report, “Freshwater under Threat – Pacific Islands”, found that the almost total reliance on rain-fed agriculture across all islands puts economies and […]


23 Apr, 2012

Law Firm Suggests Anti-Terrorism Style Measures to Curb U.S. School Shooting Rampages


Miami, FL (PRWEB) April 18, 2012 – Although the United States has been able to curb terrorist attacks on its soil by following draconian security measures in the aftermath of 9/11, it is ironic that it is still unable to curb shooting attacks in its schools, colleges, offices and other public places. Now a law […]


22 Apr, 2012

How China Plans to Internationalise the Renminbi

By Xiao Gang (China Daily)

Beijing, April 21, 2012 – Just a few years ago, it would have been difficult to imagine that the global use of the renminbi would spread so fast. However, today we can see the situation has changed greatly. In 2011, China and its trade partners conducted cross-border renminbi trade settlements valued at 2.58 trillion yuan […]


22 Apr, 2012

Chinese Commentary: Arabs Should Reduce Dependence on the U.S.

Qin Tian (People's Daily) Edited and Translated by People's Daily Online

Beijing, April 21, 2012 – It is a general impression of the world that the Arab people do not like the United States. At the country level, it could be said that Arab countries both “hate” and “like” the United States. Their interests are not completely in common. People usually believe that the United States […]


22 Apr, 2012

U.S. Strategy Shift Boosts Visa Issuance For Chinese

Chen Jia (China Daily)

Washington (China Daily) 20 April  2012 – The United States, hoping to rev up its economy through greater travel from China, is on the way to meeting President Barack Obama’s 2012 goal of a 40 percent boost in the processing of visas from the country. US consular officials in China issued more than 453,000 visas […]


21 Apr, 2012

Stark Reminder of the REAL Global Challenges on Int’l Mother Earth Day


Apr 20 2012, UN News Centre – Ahead of International Mother Earth Day on Sunday, senior United Nations officials today drew attention to global issues affecting the planet. In a message to mark the occasion, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the annual observance honours “our one and only planet and the place of human beings in […]


21 Apr, 2012

UN Urges Countries to Spend Less On Swords, More on Ploughshares


Apr 17 2012 (UN News Centre) – The top United Nations official on disarmament affairs today encouraged world leaders to reassess their countries’ defence needs, explore confidence-building measures for global security, and consider shifting priorities and resources to international social, economic and human development. In her message to mark the Global Day of Action on […]


20 Apr, 2012

Decade of Action To Cut 1.3 Million Annual Road Deaths, Millions Of Injuries


UN Headquarters, 19 April 2012, Department of Public Information – Recognizing the global public health and development burden resulting from road traffic crashes, the General Assembly today adopted a consensus resolution welcoming the national and local launches of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 in over 100 countries, the regional launches, and other global […]


20 Apr, 2012

First Database Released On National Responses To Global Economic Crisis


Geneva, 20 April 2012, (ILO News) – The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Bank (WB) have created a comprehensive new database that for the first time lists and examines the policy responses taken by 77 countries since the start of the financial and economic crisis. The information contained in the database was collected […]


20 Apr, 2012

UNCTAD Roundtable Addresses Impact of Israeli Occupation on Palestinians


Doha, Qatar, 19 April 2012 (UNCTAD Press Release) – Participants in a round table debate here recommended greater links between the Palestinian economy and Arab countries and steps to reduce the impact of the measures imposed by the occupation and the forced Palestinian dependence on the Israeli economy. They also said greater “policy space” for […]


20 Apr, 2012

Developing Countries Seek New Economic Deal, Spurn “Free Market” Neoliberalism


Doha, Qatar, 19 April 2012 (UNCTAD Press Release) – Ministers of the world’s 48 least developed countries (LDCs), meeting here in advance of the UNCTAD XIII quadrennial conference, adopted a declaration reaffirming the LDCs’ support for the concept – long advocated by UNCTAD – of the “developmental State.” The document also called for strengthening of […]


17 Apr, 2012

Welcome to Palestine Campaign: Airlines Help Israel Block Visits by Peace Activists

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D,

Bethlehem, April 15 (Welcome to Palestine Campaign Press release) – We did not have to show our 1,500 visitors Israeli racism, arrogance, and human rights violations; the Israeli government showed them and also showed the whole world.  Calling itself a democracy, this outlaw state denied the right of people from around the world to come […]


17 Apr, 2012

UNESCO: Timbuktu’s Cultural Heritage Set to be Looted, Trafficked


PARIS, (UN News Centre) April 16, 2012 – Reports that rebels have over-run and looted centres containing thousands of ancient books and documents in Mali’s historic city of Timbuktu has led the head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to appeal to all relevant authorities to be on the alert against […]


17 Apr, 2012

India: “Left-wing Extremism” Now the “Most Formidable” Internal Security Threat”


New Delhi, April 16, 2012 (Press Information Bureau) – Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram provided a comprehensive round-up of India’s internal security situation at a Conference of the State Chief Ministers on Internal Security in New Delhi on April 16. Mr Chidambaram said that “left-wing extremism” has now […]


15 Apr, 2012

“Welcome to Palestine” Campaign: Letter to Global Church Leaders & News Update

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.

Bethlehem, 15 April 2012 – The following is the full text of a letter from Welcome to Palestine Campaign to Global Church Leaders in the spirit of the Kairos document (http://kairospalestine.ps/). As Palestinian Christians celebrate Easter, we Palestinians also welcome international visitors to Palestine as has always happened this season for hundreds of years. This […]


15 Apr, 2012

“Women in Travel” Forum in Bangkok to Highlight History, Leadership Roles

Bangkok – Web In Travel, a leading regional conference on travel distribution, marketing and technology, is hold its first WITX-Women In Travel on April 27 at the Dusit Thani hotel in Bangkok. The one-day conference aims to put the spotlight on women leadership and vision in travel and tourism and share insights into the women’s […]


14 Apr, 2012

Europe Probes Privacy, Competitive Threats As Mobile Technology Spreads


Brussels, 12 April 2012 (Europa Press Release) – The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is a future in which everyday objects such as phones, cars, household appliances, clothes and even food are wirelessly connected to the Internet through smart chips, and can collect and share data. The European Commission wants to know what framework is needed […]


14 Apr, 2012

“Welcome to Palestine” Campaign Gains Traction; Australia Blasts Settlement Expansion


JERUSALEM, April 12, 2012 (WAFA) – An Israeli peace group Thursday called on the Israeli government not to stop international activists who plan to fly into Tel Aviv airport next week to demonstrate their support for the Palestinians. Under the slogan, “Welcome to Palestine,” some 1000 activists are planning to fly into Israel starting Sunday […]


12 Apr, 2012

UN Debate on Food Price Spikes Exposes Commodity Market Manipulation, Control


UN Headquarters, 11 April 2012, UN Department of Public Information — With more than a billion hungry people around the world now facing increasingly unstable food prices, collective will was needed to end excessive market speculation in food and other commodities, experts emphasized today as the General Assembly took stock of the “human tragedy” disproportionately […]


12 Apr, 2012

“Welcome to Palestine” Campaigners Battle Israeli Lies, Pressure

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.

Bethlehem, 11 April 2012 – The Welcome to Palestine 2012 campaign had a successful inaugural press conference in Bethlehem (with support from the Mayor and Governor) while the Israeli establishment continues to show hysterical reaction. Below is a youtube video taken at the conference and links to stories, some showing Israeli paranoia about allowing peaceful […]


11 Apr, 2012

Asian Development Bank Highlights Tourism’s Critical Role in Recovering, Diversifying Economies

BANGKOK / MANILA — Travel & tourism is playing an increasingly critical role in helping Asia-Pacific countries recover from a wide range of problems, ranging from economic downturns to geopolitical crises and natural disasters, according to an Asian Development Bank report issued today. The Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2012, the ADB’s flagship annual economic publication, […]


10 Apr, 2012

Poll Shows Majority in U.S. Has No Appetite for Iran Conflict


NEW YORK, April 10, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — As the United States has removed itself from one extended military conflict in the Middle East — in Iraq — another one possibly looms on the horizon, brought on by Iran’s suspected nuclear program and, among other things, Israel’s desire to abolish it. The U.S. has a tricky […]


10 Apr, 2012

Global Mayan Conference Gathers to Dispel Notion of 2012 “Apocalypse”


Yreka, California (PRWEB) April 09, 2012 — While Hollywood movie makers, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and various unauthorized ‘experts’ have shared opinions about what the end of the Mayan Calendar means, the Maya have remained very quiet about the astronomical event. That is, until now. On April 12-15, Mayan spiritual leaders, scientists and anthropologists will […]


9 Apr, 2012

Challenging the Israeli Siege: Easter and the “Welcome to Palestine” Campaign

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Ph.D.

Easter is here with its past memories, present joys, and future hopes. Church bells in Bethlehem remind us of ancient traditions. The roar of Israeli jets overhead (on another bombing mission to Gaza?) remind us of the present. Stories of freedom and resurrection, past and future, mix as I see a Palestinian Christian child offering […]


8 Apr, 2012

Will PATA Regain Its Past Glory?

BANGKOK: Twenty years ago, the Pacific Asia Travel Association, PATA, was the pre-eminent travel industry organisation of the Asia Pacific, recognised as its primary authority and “voice”. Its membership totalled a formidable 2,060 in 1994. Its annual conference was the place to be for marketing, networking, research and lobbying. Cities queued up to bid for […]


6 Apr, 2012

Arab Christians Denied Chance to Celebrate Good Friday


JERUSALEM, April 6, 2012 (WAFA) – While Christians from all over the world were able to attend the Good Friday celebrations in the Old City of Jerusalem, Palestinian Christians were denied this opportunity. Israel has imposed a total closure on the occupied territories preventing Christians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip the chance to […]


5 Apr, 2012

Watching the Watchers: Arab-Americans Resent Being Under the NY Police Microscope


Washington, DC, www.adc.org, March 30, 2012 — As part of the ongoing Arabesque Lecture Series, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) hosted an event titled NYPD: The Community under a Microscope. This was the sixth lecture in the 2011-2012 series. (The event was streamed live online via ADC-TV. Click here to watch a full recording of […]


5 Apr, 2012

Hotel Survey Results “Surprise”: Brands Less Important Than Claimed


Costa Mesa, California (Burba Hotel Network) April 5 2012 – The results are in for BHN’s first hotel opinion survey, covering the likes, dislikes and preferences of hotel insiders. More than 1,000 hotel insiders from around the world responded to the survey, and here are their opinions. Location, Location, Location What is the first consideration […]


5 Apr, 2012

Indian Hospitality Sector Needs 200,000 Trained People Yearly – Minister


New Delhi, Press Information Bureau, April 4, 2012 – With the Ministry of tourism  targeting over 12 % growth rate in in-bound as well as domestic tourists, it has been projected that tourism sector will generate additional jobs of about 2.5 crore, both direct and indirect, during the 12th Five year Plan. This was stated […]
